Marconi Instruments P4428 Technical Manual

This report, which is released on the understanding that the Company’s proprietary rights therein are recognised and that it is solely for the information of the recipient, must not be copied either as a whole or in part, or disclosed to any third party or used as the basis for the manufacture or sale of apparatus, without prior written permission from the Company.
FRONT FOLD Section 1 General Descriptions Page
Picture of Complete P4428 1 Brief Specification 2 - 4 Operating and Technical Descriptions 5 - 13 Internal Assembly Details 14 - 18 Batteries 19 - 23 Camera Disassembly and Tube replacement 24 - 25 Modification Record 26 - 27
Section 2 Fault Finding and Setup Primary Fault Check Procedures 28 - 32
Camera Electrical Set -Up 33 - 35
REAR FOLD Section 3 Diagrams
Block Diagram 1 Circuit Diagrams and Layouts :
1) Scan and Monitor Board (Old & New) 2 - 6
2) Video Processing Board (Old & New) 7 - 10
3) Voltage Regulator Board (Old & New) 11 - 14 Parts Lists
Scan and Monitor Board (Old & New) 15 - 21 Video Processing Board (Old & New) 22 - 28 Voltage Stabiliser Board (Old & New) 29 - 31 Voltage Stabiliser Unit (Old & New) 32 Chassis 33 Yoke Assembly 34 Front Plate Assembly 35 Case 36 Battery Cartridges 37 Battery Substitution Unit 38 Accessories 39
Section 4
Detailed Fault Checklists 40 - 60 Waveforms 61 - 71
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P4428 Pyroelectric Vidicon Camera
Complete with Voltage Stabiliser Unit
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1. Camera
The camera has been designed to operate in the hostile conditions encountered in a fire-fighting environment.
Weight 3.0Kg (camera including muff and harness) Material Case - Polycarbonate Harness - Nylon Muff PVC/Nylon flame retardant - felt liner Visor Neoprene Immersion The camera will withstand driving spray and total
immersion in water.
Case Sealing A test valve is provided so that sealing tests may
be executed using a vacuum pump.
A vent is also included which releases at an
internal excess pressure of 7 p.s.i.
Electrical Power 3.7W Nominal
Voltage range 8.7V D.C. input Battery life 10 size AA alkaline disposable cells - typically 2
10 size AA Nickel Cadmium rechargeable cells -
typically 1 hour.
(Note: rechargeable cells may need to be fully
cycled a few times to achieve maximum charge capacity.)
Video The external video signal is nominally 1 Volt 625
lines 50Hz (CCIR compatible) or 525 lines 60 Hz 75 termination set at manufacture.
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Temperature Resolution 200 lines per picture height for a temperature difference of 2EC (Chopped) -
1EC (Panned). Lens The lens has a hard anti -reflection coating and may be cleaned as necessary
with an appropriate soft cloth. Focal length 18mm, f/0.8
Angle of View 57E Spectral Response 8 to 14µm
P8092 pyroelectric vidicon PEVICON manufactured by Marconi Applied Technologies Limited.
Electromagnetic Compatibility CE The camera and VSU of cameras serial number above 6000 comply with the
requirements of EU directive 89/336 EEC.
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2. Voltage Stabiliser
Weight 0.5Kg (less batteries) Material Polycarbonate
Electrical Input 9.5 to 15 volts
Output 8.7V @ 400mA D.C.
P4428K Voltage Stabiliser
Operating and Technical Descriptions
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P4428 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The P4428 hand -held thermal imaging camera uses the P8092 pyroelectric
vidicon, and provides a thermal television picture in the 8 to 14 micron radiation band. It is enclosed in a sealed injection moulded polycarbonate case and is intended for use in fire-fighting applications. The camera is a self contained unit with a wide-angle germanium lens, giving a viewing angle of 57 degrees, with an integral viewfinder/monitor. The camera is fully automatic with operation selection of 'Panned' or 'Chopped' mode of operation. Power is provided by a reloadable battery cartridge which fits into the voltage stabiliser unit attached to the camera harness. A video output socket is provided for remote surveillance.
Where difference exist between the versions of camera those for the surface
mount board set (SMT) are given in square brackets [................].
1.1. Power Requirements
The equipment requires a 9.3 to 15 volt supply at approximately 0.4 amps. A battery cartridge is provided which uses 10 standard 'AA' size
1.5 volt disposable alkaline cells.∗ The output from this pack is 15 volts nominal and is regulated to 8.7V and current limited to 700mA by the
voltage stabiliser unit. At least 1.5 hours operation is possible on each set of batteries. For use with external power supplies an adaptor is available. Alternatively 10 rechargeable AA cells (type NCC-50) may be used with a reduced operating time of approximately 1 hour, depending on cell capacity.
See also Appendix 1.
1.2. Video Output Composite video is supplied to an internal viewfinder/monitor. A BNC video output socket is provided for an external monito r. This requires a 75 termination. Circular blanking is added to obscure edge effects of the over-scanned target.
1.3. Performance In the panned mode the temperature resolution at the centre of the field
of view is less than 0.5EC differential scene temperature at a spatial resolution of 100 TV lines and better than 0.2EC at 20 TV lines, assuming unity emissivity. (See also P8092 data sheet).
Operating and Technical Descriptions
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2.1. Dimensions
Camera: 27cm x 17cm dia. (excluding pistol grip and visor) Voltage Stabiliser Unit: 18cm x 6.5cm x ll.5cm
2.2. Weight Camera: (including harness, muff, visor and pistol grip) 3.0kg
Voltage Stabiliser Unit: (less batteries) 0.5kg
2.3. The camera case comprises a two part polycarbonate moulding retained by a breech type locking ring.
The voltage stabiliser unit is a polycarbonate moulding.
3. OPERATING MODES The signal is proportional to the rate of change of the temperature of
the pyroelectric target and decays within 10 seconds of exposure. To obtain a continuous signal from a stationary object a shutter is used to obscure the target at field rate. Alternatively the image - or camera ­may be moved or panned.
3.1. Shutter A rotating shutter is incorporated into the front of the camera. It is synchronous in rate and phase with the camera scanning beam. The images obtained are alternately inverted in polarity. They are synchronously re-inverted and balanced in the video channel to give continuous positive images. Shading correction circuits aid balance between the signals and minimise flicker.
4. LINE FLYBACK GAS PEDESTAL The ion pedestal within the tube is enhanced by increasing the beam
current during line flyback, i.e. by pulsing Gl positively. By this means a larger signal is obtained from the tube. An automatic circuit detects and regulates the ion pedestal.
5. OPERATING PROCEDURE Plug the battery cartridge into the voltage stabiliser ensure the
connection between the stabiliser and camera is made, then switch on. A satisfactory operating voltage is confirmed by observing that the LEDs in the viewing window illuminate. A circular image will now be obtained after a target discharge period and the camera chopped or panned operating mode may be selected as required.
Operating and Technical Descriptions
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6.l. Replacing Tube
See Appendix 2.
6.2. Gl and Pedestal Control Adjustments These controls are adjusted using the values of I G4 (BEAM) and I G4 (BEAM + PEDESTAL) pre-determined for each tube during factory test to obtain a specific value of pedestal current. Using the jack lead and a micro-ammeter, plug the jack into the Ig4 socket (Scan board). Turn the pedestal amplitude control (Scan board RV110), fully clockwise [anticlockwise SMT boards] for minimum Ig4; adjust the G1 control (Scan board RV111), for recommended I G4 (BEAM) value and then increase the reading to the recommended I G4 (BEAM + PEDESTAL) value using the pedestal amplitude control.
Typical Values: I G4 (BEAM) = 4µA
I Gg4 (BEAM + PEDESTAL) = 11µA
Alternatively if relevant figures are not available for the tube, firstly adjust IG4 current for 4µA as instructed in the previous paragraph. Monitor the head amplifier output voltage on an oscilloscope and adjust the pedestal control for a forward line scan pedestal of 175mV.
NB The I G4 (BEAM + PEDESTAL) value can be noted for future reference.
6 3. Picture Acquisition
An image will normally be obtained with the camera controls undisturbed from the previous tube. Set the camera to 'pan' mode. Turn the circular blanking control slightly anticlockwise to display the entire target image. Adjust the line and field shading pre-sets for minimum shading either by inspecting the picture or preferably by displaying the relevant field/line video waveforms on an oscilloscope. Adjust for minimum shading using the parabola and tilt correction waveforms. Switch to 'chop' and cover the lens. The black level control may now be adjusted for a signal level of 1.5V on the oscilloscope. This provides optimum range for the output level clamp. Shading may sometimes be further improved by re-orientating the tube for minimum symmetrical shading. If this is necessary the picture acquisition section will have to be repeated.
Operating and Technical Descriptions
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7.1. Electrode Supplies
Pre-set controls are located on the scan board.
i) G2 Fixed voltage 175 volts ii) G3 Pre-set for 80 volts (RV109)
iii) G4 Fixed voltage 135 volts
iv) G1 Variable from 0 to -60 volts (RV111) v) Target (CPS) Pre-set to 0 volts
7.2. 8.7 Volt Supply This basic supply is pre-set in the voltage stabiliser unit (VR400 [VR1]).
7.3. Magnetic Focus The control is located on the scan board (RV116).
NB The magnetic focus control should be used to adjust the tube electrical focus in preference to varying G3.
7.4. Line Linearity A saturable reactor is used to control the line linearity and width. It is located on the scan board (L100). [SMT version requires turns to be adjusted]
7.5. Scan Adjustments
The following controls are provided: horizontal shift RV101; vertical amplitude RV112; vertical shift RV113.
7.6. Video Adjustments Set the alignment controls (RV102, RV103 scan board) for even target
illumination and adjust the shading and black level controls (video board) as covered in the picture acquisition section 6.3.
7.7. Circular Blanking To increase the signal out of the tube it is usual to overscan the target.
This also prevents charging of the unscanned portion of the TGS crystal. The edges of the resultant circular picture have bright highlights. A circular blanking generator is provided whose output is used to gate the video waveform. By adjusting the 'size' control the unwanted video can be masked, (RV206, video board). The shape of the circle is adjusted by a pre-set control on video board (RV207). The shift controls may be used to centre the target image.
NB Correct circular blanking is essential for automatic video balance and iris function.
Operating and Technical Descriptions
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7.8. Flicker Suppressor The flicker suppressor is a digital field store, used to eliminate flicker
between alternate fields in 'chop' mode. Adjustments are provided for clock frequency (RV209), RAM input-output data phase (RV210) [not required on SMT version], alternate-line interlace (RV212) and store vertical position (RV211). No adjustment of these should be necessary during setting-up. The balance control RV208 may be used to minimise flicker in the 'chop' mode.
7.9. Output Video Level Clamp Because the video signal is proportional to rate of change of temperature and decays within a few seconds, unwanted changes in black level can occur if the camera is moved after the signal from objects in the field of view has decayed. In order to maintain a suitable black level, an automatic circuit detects the coldest signal in the scene and maintains its level 300mV above blanking level, in order that details in cold objects can be seen.
8.1. The Synchronising Generator (Video Board)
The sync generator uses a RCA integrated circuit type CD22402, which is locked to its own 500kHz crystal oscillator. Conversion from 625 lines 50Hz to 525 lines 60Hz is possible by opening the solder link between pin 18 and 19 of the integrated circuit.
8.2. Video Head Amplifier The head amplifier is located on the video board and is a high gain, low
noise amplifier with a nominal bandwidth of 5MHz (6dB). The cascade input stage utilises a J309 FET which has a low input capacitance and a high Yfs. The LM733 [NE592] amplifier compensates for the falling input frequency response by incorporating a capacitor which bypasses its feedback loop. The output is then passed to the main video amplifier.
8.3. Video (ion Pedestal Stabilisation) The video signal is clamped by Q210 [TR3] and then taken via P200/18 to the scan board where the unwanted positive pedestal portion of the waveform is removed. The remaining negative pedestal is compared with the reference voltage on RV110 (the pedestal drive control) and the resultant output defines the voltage to which the G1 grid is switched during the line flyback period. Hence the ion pedestal is maintained against changes in the tube characteristics.
Operating and Technical Descriptions
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8.4. Video Processing Two stages of amplification are used with a combined gain of
approximately 25. The first stage utilises an LM733 [NE592] video amplifier which has a gain of 5 and also acts as a phase splitter giving outputs of both positive and negative phase. The video phases are further amplified (x 5) and then recombined in a balanced video selection, each phase being switched synchronously with a signal derived from the shutter blade. Circular blanking is then added to the video waveform before being passed to the flicker suppressor. Balance between the two phases is achieved by comparing the signals in the video averaging comparator, V204 [IC3], whose output acts on the negative phase. A clamp pulse is produced from the line blanking waveform using V106, delayed and timed by V202 [IC4], and used to sample the video black level. The resulting signal is compared with the required black level, set by RV204 (and RV200 in 'pan' [automatically in SMT version]), in the comparator V204 and the feedback loop completed by causing the comparator output to control the dc level in the main amplifier V201. Shading correction signals are taken from the circle generator and added to the black level circuit. The video signal level varies between the pan and chopped modes of operation. To correct this the shutter switch also modifies the channel gain and black level by switching transistor Q204 [TR6] and resistors R227, R228 and RV200 [R34, R35].
8.5. Circular Blanking Generator (Video Board)
The circle is produced using the principle of intersecting parabolas. Line and field blanking waveforms are separately double integrated, the first stage producing ramp waveforms and the second parabolas. A crossing detector (V209) [IC12] then produces the circle which operates on both positive (Q205)[TR8] and negative (Q206) [TR9] video signals. The shape of the circle is controlled by the field parabola amplitude, RV207, and the size by applying a dc shift to the line parabola, RV206. The ramp and parabolic waveforms are used for shading correction and are added to the video signal via the black level circuit.
8.6. Flicker Suppressor (Video Board)
Flicker is removed by delaying one field of video information and adding it to the next; thus the flicker, which inverts every field, is cancelled and the signal, which is of the same polarity on all fields, is doubled. In order to achieve the delay, the signal is digitised, written into RAM, and read out on the following field. The data is then converted to analogue form and added to the then present signal which comes directly from the video input. Meanwhile the present signal is digitised and written into the memory location which has just been read to provide the delayed data. The address then moves to the next location. A short delay (V211) is needed in the direct path to balance propagation delays encountered in reading the store.
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