1900055 REV.8 Page 3 of 17
1000743 (2.8kW), 1000744 (5.6kW), 1000744US (5.6kW), 1000745 (8.4kW), 1000743A (2.8kW),
1000744A (5.6kW), 1000745A (8.4kW)
Operating boiler for the first time:
Setting time dispense for two left hand side pumps.
Open the service door on the front panel
Once the machine is full and heated up (the status LED glowing green) press the tactile switch
on the TOP control PCB (timer board).
Both pumps will turn on and off for 0.1s - that will be heard as a click meaning that the timer is
in the calibration mode. For 3 pump version see note 8 below.
Place an empty cup (measuring jug) underneath the font that is to be calibrated.
Press and hold a font button until you get the right amount of water. The water do not have to
be dispensed in a single push - if the button is pressed few times the overall time will be used.
Do the same action with the other font if needed. If only one font is calibrated, settings for the
other will not be altered.
The minimum time possible for the time dispense operation is 1s. Setting the dispense time for
less (quick font button click) will set the font back into "push & hold" mode.
After the volumes are set properly press the tactile button on the timer board once again.
Both pumps will turn on and off for 0.1s twice - that will be heard as a double click meaning
that the timer is out of calibration.
Please note that there is no given order which font is to be calibrated first - in fact they may be
calibrated at once or only one may be calibrated (leaving the settings of the other unaltered).
If there is no response from the user in the calibration mode (none of the font buttons pressed)
for more than 25 seconds the timer will end the calibration (double pump "click" will be heard).
The maximum allowable time of dispense is 25 seconds. Any longer times will be cut down to
25 seconds.
The resolution of the time measurement is 0.1s.
The timer board has its own clock on board therefore power line frequency is not used to
measure the time.
Setting time dispense for right hand side pump (3 font version only)
Open the service panel.
Make sure that the machine is powered, filled and heated (ready lamp green).
Press calibration tactile button on the BOTTOM control PCB for a second until status lamp
starts blinking red-green.
Set new dispense time by pressing dispense button to obtain the required output volume of
water. Button may be pressed several times – all times / volumes will be added together.
To confirm and save new value press calibration button on the PCB for a second until the
status lamp stops blinking.
Setting dispense time / volume to zero (omit step 4) will make the machine work as “push &
hold” (water dispensed as long as the button is pressed).