Introduction to UL/SPF
Introduction to UL/SPF
UL/SPF is a family of products implemented as User Language application subsystems
and designed to function together in a Model 204 online. Each product in the family can
be installed and run independently, or each can be installed and run as a component of
the integrated UL/SPF (User Language / System Productivity Facilities) framework.
All UL/SPF products share a common "look and feel" that is modelled upon IBM's ISPF
facilities. UL/SPF supplants the sometimes arcane command language of Model 204,providing a highly productive full screen interface to a variety of common Model 204
functions. UL/SPF enhances the capabilities of Model 204 and bypasses many of itsrestrictions, enabling the performance of routine tasks that were previously impossible or
prohibitively time-consuming.
UL/SPF comprises the following products:
SirDBAA system that analyzes Model 204 databases to determine their logical
structure, populating an internal catalog. SirDBA is distributed as a
component of the Sir2000 Database Analysis Tools.
SirFileA comprehensive facility both for monitoring the physical storage utilization
of Model 204 database files and for warning users of the need for file
reorganizations. SirFile maintains historical information that allows it topredict when file sizing problems will occur, allowing a DBA to take
preventative action before an application outage results.
SirLibA powerful and flexible system that provides change management and
configuration control for Model 204 User Language applications. SirLib is
fully integrated within the Model 204 programming environment, supporting
unique Model 204 constructs such as file groups, while remaining nearlytransparent to programmers.
SirMonA comprehensive facility for monitoring the performance and availability of
Model 204 online systems. SirMon combines the real time monitoring of
Model 204 performance with intelligent full screen displays that facilitate
System Manager duties.
SirProA collection of powerful and easy to use tools for programmers, database
administrators, and application managers. SirPro provides programmers
with powerful facilities for managing large libraries of User Language
procedures, and it provides system managers with intuitive ISPF-like front
ends to many arcane Model 204 system management commands.
Introduction to UL/SPF
SirScanA high performance utility that allows users in a Model 204 online to
browse the contents of its journal in real time. SirScan permits ordinary
users to view journal entries generated by their own online session, and it
allows users in ADMIN SCLASSes to browse journal entries for any set of
users. The data is displayed in a full-screen browser with powerful
searching commands and filtering options.
In addition, a number of subsystems that are not linked into the UL/SPF menuing
structure may be accessed via APSY-transfer from the UL/SPF applications. One such
subsystem is FACT, a utility for browsing SirFact dumps.
There are also many sample web and client-server applications developed for the Janus
product family that are distributed and installed along with the UL/SPF products. These
include JANCAT, an application that builds normalized views of Model 204 data for use
by Janus Specialty Data Store applications, and JANSSL, a system for creating andmanaging SSL certificate requests.
1.1UL/SPF Packaging and Installation Requirements
All of the UL/SPF products are Model 204 application subsystems written in User
Language. UL/SPF is distributed as a set of Model 204 files in a backup formatproduced by the Model 204 DUMP command. As of UL/SPF Version 6.8, all User
Language based products are distributed in a single Model 204 procedure file called
UL/SPF makes extensive use of specialized User Language $functions provided by
Sirius Software. These $functions enable the creation of powerful User Language
application systems that can support complex environments with minimal server size
requirements. The $functions are part of the Sirius Mods, which must be installed
according to the instructions contained in Sirius Mods Installation Guide before any
UL/SPF product will work.
Although all of the Sirius Functions are documented in the Sirius Functions Reference Manual, their use is controlled by a product authorization mechanism. Many functions
require that a specific UL/SPF product be authorized. Some functions may only be
invoked from an authorized procedure that has been “signed” by Sirius. The SIRIUS
command may be used to examine the status of all Sirius products installed in a
Model 204 online.
Integrating UL/SPF with Other Subsystems
1.2Integrating UL/SPF with Other Subsystems
UL/SPF and any of its constituent products can be easily integrated with other User
Language subsystems. Whenever a UL/SPF component product is exiting, it first
checks to see if the global variable SIRIUS.COMM exists and has a non-null value. If so,
the UL/SPF product performs a subsystem transfer using the value in SIRIUS.COMM asthe name of the target subsystem.
For example, the following code fragment lets you transfer into SIRMON, and then,
when SIRMON exits, control is transferred to the application subsystem MENUSYS,
provided that NEXTPROC is the current subsystem's communication global variable:
In addition to the individual User Language subsystems that implement the UL/SPF
products (SirDBA, SirFile, SirLib, SirMon, SirPro, and SirScan), Sirius distributes an
umbrella UL/SPF subsystem: The ULSPF subsystem provides a menu that containsentries for all UL/SPF components installed at a site.
The UL/SPF subsystems support fast path navigation. For example, a SirMon user can
transfer into SirPro Option 1 by typing:
1.3Related Manuals
The following manuals are available for public download at
http://sirius-software.com/maint/manlist, and they may also be obtained by
contacting Sirius Software:
● SirDBA User's Guide
● SirFile User's Guide
● SirLib User's Guide
● SirMon User's Guide
● SirPro User's Guide
● SirScan User's Guide
● UL/SPF Installation and Maintenance Guide
● Sirius Mods Installation Guide
● Sirius Functions Reference Manual
● Sirius Messages Manual
The following manuals are part of the Model 204 documentation set available from the
Computer Corporation of America:
Overview and Setup for SirFile
Overview and Setup for SirFile
SirFile is a comprehensive facility for monitoring the physical storage utilization of
Model 204 database files and warning users of the need for file reorganizations.
SirFile requires only a single screen of setup information to determine “thresholds,” after
which it automatically performs a pass through the online database files, checking to see
if any file has exceeded a threshold. The process that evaluates files is called the
refresh process. The refresh process performs two types of checks:
file statistic is above the critical value for that statistic.
growth and to predict when thresholds will be exceeded.
During the initial database load, all files added to the SirFile database are compared to
the system default thresholds. After the initial load, the user may override the system
default thresholds with file-specific thresholds for files that require higher or lower levels
of monitoring.
If any file table is above a threshold, SirFile flags the file with a warning, causing it to be
highlighted in SirFile. Once SirFile has stored at least one sample snapshot of a file, itbegins calculating the date at which each table will fill — assuming any table is showing
growth. If the predicted fill date falls within a user-settable number of days, SirFile posts
a prediction to the file, and the file is highlighted in the SirFile screens. When a
prediction or warning is posted using a periodic refresh, a message can also be sent to
the audit trail, as well as to a list of user IDs.
The file parameters that are evaluated for table-full status are ARETRIES, BFULLP,
● It compares the current state of each file against the threshold settings to see if any
● It maintains a database of table usage information which it uses to determine rate of
The database refresh portion of SirFile is quite efficient, however it is the most expensive
operation in SirFile. Therefore, several options are provided for determining when toperform a refresh, and for determining when to calculate CFULLP, generally the most
expensive of the refresh calculations.
For more information, see:
invoke a periodic refresh
● “The Refresh Process” on page 11, for a complete description of the refresh process
● “Invocation Techniques for Background Monitoring” on page 33, for methods that
Overview and Setup for SirFile
●“Running SirFile under BATCH204” on page 35, for a method that can be useful for
calculating CFULLP
The SirFile refresh process is always in “learn” mode. Any file that is open when aSirFile refresh is run is automatically added to the SirFile database, using the default
thresholds for comparison.
2.1Files available for SirFile Monitoring
For SirFile to collect information on a file, it must be open in the region by some user orsubsystem. To guarantee that certain files are included in the initial load, those files can
be opened manually before initiating the refresh process. Because storing user-entered
passwords would violate most sites' security, SirFile uses a variety of methods to make
files available to itself without needing to store passwords.
1. If a file is open in the region, or SirFile manages to open the file with default
privileges, the file is added to the database and no user intervention is required.
2. The first time SirFile collects data for a file it adds the file to its Application
Subsystem definition (with low privileges in the “USER” SCLASS and high privileges
in the “ADMIN” SCLASS). Thereafter, no password is required for SirFile to open
the file. Files that are prefixed “CCA” are exempted from this operation, as these
files cause problems in SUBSYSMGMT.
3. If SirFile has a file in its database that requires a password, and a non-periodicrefresh is running (other than SIRFILE BATCH), you are prompted for the password.
4. If SIRFILE BATCH or a periodic refresh is running, SirFile skips any file it cannot
2.2File enqueuing
Besides its APSY procedure file and the UL/SPF file SIRLOCAL, SirFile requires update
access to CCASYS. All other files, even if they are defined to SirFile as optional APSY
files, are closed and freed from the subsystem at the end of each user's SirFile session.
This is done to reduce enqueuing problems.
Getting Started
2.3Getting Started
Installation of SirFile is covered in the UL/SPF Installation and Maintenance Guide.SirFile should be installed as a private application subsystem. To access the system,
the privileged user types “SIRFILE” on the Model 204 command line of the region
containing the software. An initial System Default thresholds screen is presented.
-------------- * * * Set threshold values for file warnings * * * ------------==> _
File ==> *DEFAULT
ThresholdsNumber of historical
records to keep per file.
ARETRIES ==> 1 ==> 99999
BFULLP ==> 90
CFULLP ==> 80 Minimum number of days
CRETRIES ==> 100 between stored samples.
DFULLP ==> 90 ==> 7
EXTNADD ==> 5000
OVFLADD ==> 5000
EOVFLADD ==> 5000 # of days advance warning
SPILLADD ==> 1000 on threshold exceeded. ==> 7
Collect CFULLP only on specified files (Y/N)? ==> N
the File Tables screen, if the cursor is not on a file name or file statistics line,
respectively. The System Default thresholds screen is initially populated with a set of
defaults that are adequate for most file monitoring needs. The thresholds are:
Table A Retries indicate a failure of the Table A hashing algorithm to find a
slot on a Table A page to store field information. Table A is usually the
smallest table in a Model 204 database file, but it is accessed every time a
field name is referred to in User Language or IFAM code, so it is important
that Table A operate as efficiently as possible. In most cases, anyARETRIES are too many, and for this reason, the ARETRIES default is very
BFULLPPercentage of Table B full. This is the percentage of record slots currently
used, calculated as BHIGHPG/BSIZE. Table B holds the actual data in a
Model 204 file and is usually the largest table.
Table C hashing algorithm retries. This statistic indicates that Table C, a
hashed data structure, is becoming full, so the algorithm which determines
Overview and Setup for SirFile
placement of new pointers in the table must run repeatedly in order to find an
empty slot. There is no fixed measure of how many retries indicate a critical
condition for Table C.
CFULLPPercentage of Table C full. Like Table A, Table C begins to exhibit hash
retries when the data in it reaches a certain density. There is no strict
formula for the maximum fullness of Table C for a given file, but a rule of
thumb is that retries will begin to appear when Table C is 70 to 80% full.
CFULLP is a more accurate measure of Table C full status than CRETRIES,
but it is very expensive to calculate. For this reason, unless you determine
CFULLP calculation file-by-file, it is only calculated by the SIRFILE BATCH
DFULLPTable D percentage full. Table D can fill either as a result of index
information or User Language procedures. Percentage full in Table D is
calculated as the number of D pages used (DPGUSED) divided by DSIZE.
Number of Extension Records. Extension records occur when the
information added to an existing record exceeds the usable space left on a
Table B page. Extension records are not a sign of a file full condition
pending, and in some record structures they may be unavoidable. For this
reason the EXTNADD threshold may be set very high. However, extension
records cause inefficiencies in storage and retrieval, and for some file
designs should be taken as a sign that Table B parameters are out of
Addition of records to overflow areas. Overflow records may occur in either
sorted or hash files.
Addition of records to extra overflow areas. Records may be added to Extra
Overflow areas in sorted files when the Overflow area is full.
Number of records that have “spilled” from the preferred overflow area into
secondary overflow areas or the overflow area prior to the appropriate sort
group. Spilled records are stored and retrieved less efficiently than other
Number of historical records to keep
Number of sample records to keep for each file. SirFile requires at least 1
sample to be stored for any given file in order to make predictions about file full conditions. The default value of 99999 records means that SirFile will
never throw away old data, as long as the file CREATE date does not
Getting Started
Minimum number of days between stored samples
Minimum number of days that must pass between samples being stored for
any particular file. This setting allows users to run the refresh as often as
they like without SirFile storing excessive amounts of data. The default of 7
ensures that no more than one record a week is maintained for any file
unless that file breaks a threshold.
# Days Warning
Number of days prior to a predicted “threshold exceeded” condition SirFileshould post a warning. During a Refresh, SirFile uses the current file table
values and the historical file information to calculate when the file will exceed
each threshold (if positive growth is detected in a threshold value). If the
number of days predicted falls within this value, a prediction and message
are posted to the file, and the file appears highlighted on the Main File menu.
Collect CFULLP only on specified files?
Specifying “Y” to this prompt allows SirFile to collect the CFULLP statistic
only on files specified by the user. Collecting CFULLP requires a TABLEC
command, which can be very I/O intensive.
● When “Y” is specified at this prompt, the user must specifically request
each file the TABLEC command is to be run against, entering Y at the
following prompt in the File thresholds screen:
Collect CFULLP for this file
● When “N” is specified at this prompt, CFULLP calculations are
performed only by the SIRFIELD BATCH command.
The user may accept the defaults or change any of the supplied settings. Pressing
PF12 saves the settings and initiates the SirFile database Refresh process.
SirFile records are fairly small and you shouldn't be too concerned about minimizing the
amount of stored data: A year's worth of data for a single file will occupy only about 1
Model 204 page if a record is kept per week.
The following commands are allowed:
OPEN xxxxxxxxOpens a file. As data can only be collected for files that SirFile
already knows about, or files that are currently open by any user, a
SirFile user may wish to manually open a file before running a
refresh to guarantee the file is included in the sample.
CLOSE xxxxxxxx Closes a file. Any file that the SirFile user has open can be closed,
except SIRFILE, SIRLOCAL and CCASYS (the required application
subsystem files for SirFile).
The Refresh Process
The Refresh Process
The Refresh process checks file tables and updates the SirFile database. You can
request a refresh operation to run once or periodically.
1. Running a refresh once always runs in the Model 204 thread of the user requesting
the refresh, and can be specified either for a single file or for all files that SirFile can
access. This can be invoked via:
invoked only in a BATCH204 jobstream, to be run when files are not open for
update by any online. See “Running SirFile under BATCH204” on page 35.
2. A periodic refresh, which repeats at a specified time interval, is also called the
Background Monitor. This can be invoked via:
on an sdaemon thread, that is, a different thread from the requesting user.
sdaemon thread, that is, a different thread from the requesting user, and it may
be useful in the online's User 0 stream.
thread of the requesting user, and it is most often invoked by a BATCH2 or
IODEV=3 thread.
● the Main File menu, using either the ADD or REFRESH command or using
● any of the File Tables, System Default thresholds, or File thresholds screens,
● the SIRFILE BATCH command. The SIRFILE BATCH command is usually
● the Background Monitor specification screen, using PF5 . This runs the refresh
● the SIRFILE BACKGROUND interval command. This runs the refresh on an
● the SIRFILE SDAEMON interval command. This runs the refresh on the
“Invocation Techniques for Background Monitoring” on page 33 and “Running
SirFile under BATCH204” on page 35 further discuss considerations of periodic
Whenever the refresh operation is performed, it can consume considerable resources if
it calculates the CFULLP (Table C percentage full) value. One of the values specified on
the System Default thresholds screen is whether to allow file-by-file determination of
CFULLP calculation. If file-by-file CFULLP determination is allowed, then CFULLP is
calculated during any type of refresh, for exactly those files which are specified as
having CFULLP calculation performed. If CFULLP calculation is not determined on a
file-by-file basis, then CFULLP calculation is performed for all files by the SIRFILE
BATCH command, and is not performed by any other type of refresh.