Marathon Special Products 4XX Series Data Sheet

Product Data Sheet
4XX Series
Replace “XX” with 01 through 12 for number of poles
Terminal Block – Closed Back 30 Amps, 600 Volts (AC/DC) with
unprepared wire or 65 Amps, 600 Volts AC/DC when wired with Listed crimp type ring, spade or fork terminal
Copper Wire Only
Wire Range with Wire Binding Screw: #10 - #12 AWG (unprepared wire) Application torque: 20 in. lbs
(6 Pole shown)
11/16” Centers
Electrical Ratings:
0A with unprepared wire, (Based on NEC Table 310-16, 75°C columns)
65A with listed lug
600 Volts AC/DC (UL 1059 Class C, User Group - General Industrial)
Short Circuit Current Rating: 10,000A (Default)
Approved for Factory and Field Wiring.
NOTE: Use outside these ratings must be judged in end-use application
Mechanical Ratings:
Insulator base temperature rating: -40°C/F to 150°C (302°F) UL RTI
Flammability rating of insulator base: UL 94V-0 Materials:
Connector (Contact): Brass, tin plated.
Insulator base: Phenolic
Drive screw (Rivet): Stainless steel
Screw, #10-32 Binder head, Phil-Slot: Steel, nickel plated Agency Approvals:
L Recognized, UL 1059 Terminal Block Standard, File No. XCFR2.E62806
CSA Certified, CSA C22.2 No. 158, File No. LR19766
CE compliant, IEC 60947-7-1
RoHS Compliant
Wire Size
Class B
Class C
20 in. lbs
20 in. lbs
1111620 in. lbs
20 in. lbs
1112220 in. lbs
Wire Range:
Copper Wire Stranding Classes - Number of Conductors
12 20 in. lbs 1 1 1
18 20 in. lbs 1 1 1
Suggested product mounting hardware: #8 fastener, torque to 15-20 in. lbs.
Phil-Slot Brass Screw (PSB)
Line to Line Jumper (LL400) or (J603)
Phil-Slot Brass Screw (PSB)
No. Poles Dimensions
401 1 1.81 1.38 402 2 2.50 2.06 403 3 3.19 2.75 404 4 3.88 3.44 405 5 4.56 4.13 406 6 5.25 4.81 407 7 5.94 5.50 408 8 6.62 6.19 409 9 7.31 6.87 410 10 8.00 7.56 411 11 8.68 8.25 412 12 9.37 8.94
PDS 0250 REV D 02/14/17