Marathon Special Products 200 Amp Class T, 100 Amp Class T Product End of Life Notice

uly 16, 2019
PRODUCT OBSOLESCENCE ANNOUNCEMENT Marat hon S pecial Produc ts (MSP) is announc ing a product obsoles cenc e for the 100 and 200 Amp Clas s T
Fus e Holder rat ed for 600 volt s. Thes e product s wil l affect ively be dis cont inued January 31, 2020. New orders will not be ac c epted for thes e product s aft er t his date.
MS P does have a direct repl acement for t hese obs ol eted produc ts. The newer models displacing t hese i nclude the added benefits of:
Barri ers for addit ional prot ect ion from inci dental c ontac t
Snap-on covers available for dead-front protection
Overall 15% weight reduct i on ( 3-pole version)
Maintains the s am e m ounti ng hol es for each res pect i ve version (100/200A)
Old T-Cla ss Fuse Holder New T-Class Fuse Holde r
Obsol ete (Old) T Clas s 6T100A1B 6T100A3B 6T200A1B 6T200A3B
Replacement (New) T-Class M6T100A1B M6T100A3B M6T200A3B M6T200A3B
Thank you,
achary Yeck ley
Z Technical Marketing Spec i al i st , M arat hon Spec i al Products