Marantec COMFORT 250, COMFORT 252, comfort 220 Instructions Manual

Comfort 250, 252
Operator System for Garages
Anriebssystem für Garagen Anriebssystem für Garagen Anriebssystem für Garagen Anriebssystem für Garagen
Installation and Operating Instructions
Einbau- und Bedienungsanleitung
Einbau- und Bedienungsanleitung
Einbau- und Bedienungsanleitung
Einbau- und Bedienungsanleitung
A. Contents
A. Contents.....................................................................................................3
B. Meaning of symbols ..............................................................................4 - 5
C. Important safety advice .........................................................................6 - 7
D. Installation...........................................................................................8 - 16
01. Preparation.........................................................................................................8
02. Required tools ....................................................................................................8
03. Site requirements ...............................................................................................8
04. Connect boom with operator unit......................................................................9
05. Mount suspension clamp to boom .....................................................................9
06. Mount lintel joining plate .................................................................................10
07. Unlock carriage ................................................................................................10
08. Garage door operator with up-and-over door ...........................................10 - 11
09. Garage door operator with sectional door ................................................11 - 12
10. Garage door operator with retractable up-and-over door..........................12 - 14
11. Suspension of the operator system...................................................................14
12. Installation of bulb....................................................................................14 - 15
13. Quick release ............................................................................................15 - 16
E. Hand transmitter ...............................................................................17 - 19
14. Hand transmitter - operation and accessories ...................................................17
15. Hand transmitter - programming ..............................................................18 - 19
F. Control unit connections ...................................................................20 - 21
16. Electronic aerial ................................................................................................20
17. Connection of external control elements ..........................................................21
G. Display functions and programming possibilities ................................22 - 73
18. Meaning of symbols.........................................................................................22
19. Summary on electronic control unit...........................................................22 - 23
20. Preparation of programming ......................................................................23 -24
21. Summary on display functions..........................................................................25
22. Basic functions of the operator .................................................................26 - 27
23. Programming of basic level .......................................................................28 - 32
24. Extended operator functions / 2nd programming level ..............................33 - 43
25. Extended operator functions / 3rd programming level...............................44 - 51
26. Extended operator functions / 4th programming level...............................52 - 59
27. Extended operator functions / 5th programming level...............................60 - 69
28. Short programming instructions................................................................70 - 74
29. Insert cover.......................................................................................................75
30. Cabling plan.....................................................................................................75
31. Wiring diagram Comfort 250, 252 ...................................................................76
H. Test instructions.................................................................................78 - 79
I. Error numbers...........................................................................................80
J. Initial operation and maintenance.............................................................81
K. Technical details........................................................................................82
L. Index of illustrations..................................................................................83
M. Manufacturer's declaration................................................................84 - 85
N. Declaration of conformity ..................................................................86 - 87
O. Supply package........................................................................................
B. Meaning of symbols
Caution! Danger of personal injuries!
Here follow important safety advices, which have to be observed by all means to avoid danger of personal injuries!
Text book
The instructions comprise two documents, one picture book and one text book. This sign marks the text part.
Picture book
The instructions comprise two documents, one picture book and one text book. This sign marks the picture part.
Attention! Danger of material damage!
Here follow important safety advices, which have to be observed by all means to avoid material damages!
Functional check:
After mounting and programming of most of the operating elements the function of the control unit can be tested. This is very useful to find out any error immediately and to save time when looking for errors.
Advice / Tip
B. Meaning of symbols
Operation, voltage
End position OPEN
End position CLOSED
Power limit
External control elements
Electronic aerial
Transmitter (Optosensor, photocell)
Receiver (Optosensor, photocell)
Closing edge safety device
rpm sensor
To control unit
Cable slack device
Connection lead
Wicket door switch
Automatic timer
Symbols of control unit, operator etc.:
C. Important safety advice
Installation and initial operation of this operator may only be carried out by qualified and trained specialist personnel. Qualified and trained specialist personnel in the sense of this description are persons who have been trained and are supervised sufficiently by electricians and therefore are able to recognize the special hazards arising from electricity. Moreover they need to have the following qualifications corresponding to the respective work to be done, especially:
• Knowledge of the relevant electro-technical regulations,
• Training in use and maintenance of necessary safety equipment.
Before starting cabling works please disconnect the operator by all means from power supply and keep a safety time of 10 sec.
Only after this time period has expired, the operator is without voltage!
• Observe local safety regulations!
• Always lay mains and control cables separately! Control voltage 24 V DC.
Before initial operations of the control unit please make sure that there are neither persons nor objects in the operation range of the door, as for some settings the door has to be moved!
Before installation of the operator:
• Remove all cables or chains that are not necessary.
• Put all devices, which are not necessary after the installation of the operator, out of operation.
• Test the mechanic situation of the door and check whether it is balanced and can be opened and closed correctly.
C. Important safety advice
In case these warnings are ignored, personal injuries and material damages may occur
To avoid installation errors and damages to the door and operator, please follow by all means the mounting steps of these installation instructions! Please keep these installation instructions for further reference, they contain important information regarding operational checks and maintenance works.
• All impulse and control devices (e.g. radio code keypad) that are fixed to the wall have to be mounted in view of the door, but in a safe distance to the movable parts of the door. The min. mounting height of 1,5 m has to be kept.
• All existing emergency command devices have to be tested before initial operation.
• The operator may only be mounted when the door is closed!
• Before initial operation the operators of the door system or their representatives have to be made familiar with the use of the system.
• The warning signs against trapping that are enclosed in the operator package have to be stuck permanently to a well visible place.
• After the installation please make sure that no parts of the door project neit­her to public sidewalks nor streets.
D. Installation
• Unpack the boom and the motor unit and keep it ready for mounting.
Required tools
Combination wrench SW 10 Combination wrench SW 13 Socket wrench SW 8 Socket wrench SW 10 Socket wrench SW 13 Screw driver, size 5 Screw driver, size 8 Phillips Screw driver, size 2
Masonry drill ø 6 mm Masonry drill ø 10 mm Metal drill ø 5 mm Pliers Hack saw Electric drill Electric drill
Before drilling, cover the motor unit with foil or cardboard. Drilling dust and chippings can lead to malfunctions.
Site requirements
• Please suspend the motor unit together with the boom in such a way, that the upper door edge lies approx. 10 mm below the downward horizontal boom edge- measured at the highest point of the opening course (see points 8, 9 and 10).
• Mount the unit to the ceiling according to the site requirements. Please observe as well the indicated measurements for wall plug drilling.
D. Installation
Connect boom with the operator unit
• Push the adapter sleeve (A) to the stop onto the fine toothed gear shaft (fig. D.3).
If you turn the operator unit by 90°, the installation depth is lessened by 150 mm. For this the reference point switch (B) has to be turned as well to the foreseen position (fig. D.4).
• Put the boom in its right position to the adapter sleeve.
• Align the boom laterally.
• Push the boom onto the operator unit using slight pressure (fig. D.5).
Do not use force! If the boom is aligned parallel to the surface of the operator unit, a short pull on the carriage is sufficient to lower the boom onto the operator unit without force.
• Screw the boom to the operator unit using two clamp brackets (C) and four hex screws SW 8 (D) (fig. D.6).
Mount suspension clamp to boom
• Mount the suspension clamp to the boom (for function and position of the suspension clamp please look up point 3).
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D. Installation
Mount the lintel joining plate
• To protect the pull element, which is integrated in the boom (chain or toothed drive belt), against unauthorized and forced dismantling from the outside (break-in), push the red securing sleeve (D) over screw (E) (fig. D.8).
• Then connect the lintel joining plate (A) and the boom end piece (B) with bolt (C) (fig. D.9).
Unlock the carriage
• Push the red release pin (B) to the stop into the red opening of the carriage (fig. D.10).
• Pull the cable (A) (fig. D.12).
• The carriage is now unlocked and can be slid freely in the boom and connected to the door.
• For further information regarding the carriage please look up point 13.
Garage door operator with up-and-over door
• Screw the lintel joining plate (A) together with the boom to the top frame, lintel or ceiling, so that the upper edge of the door leaf lies approx. 10 mm below the downward edge of the horizontal boom - measured at the highest point of the opening course (see as well point 3).
• Put the operator unit onto a trestle or another suitable object until it is fixed later to the ceiling.
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D. Installation
• Connect two door link brackets (B) to the door connector (C).
• Screw this to the centre of the upper edge of the door leaf using 4 screws (drill ø 5 mm).
• Insert the door link (D) together with the bolt (F) into the carriage (E).
• Fix it with 2 screws.
• Connect the door link and the door link bracket.
Remove the door locks or put them out of function!
Garage door operator with sectional door
• Screw the lintel joining plate (A) with boom to the lintel or ceiling, so that the upper lamella of the door lies approx. 10 mm below the horizontal downward boom edge - measured from the highest point of the opening course (see as well point 3).
• Put the motor unit on a trestle or another suitable object until it is fixed later to the ceiling.
• Join two door link brackets (B) to the door connector (C).
• Screw this to the centre of the upper edge of the door leaf using 4 screws (drill ø 5 mm).
If necessary, the motor unit can be installed 200 mm off-centre.
• For wooden sectional doors please use wood-screws Ø 5 x 35 mm (drill ø 3 mm).
• Turn two self-tapping screws (D) so far into the door connector, until the points of the screws are in front of the lamella.
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D. Installation
Garage door operator for retractable up-and-over door
Required accessories:
Adapter arm Special 102, Art.-No. 563 828
Photocell Special 613, Art.-No. 153 550
Photocell Special 614, Art.-No. 152 675
2-wire photocell, Art.-No. 47 816 These are not part of the supply package Comfort 250, 252.
Remove the door locks or put them out of operation!
In case the upper door lamella does not contain any stiffening plates or reinforcement straps (e.g. with one-wall doors): Use additionally door connector attachment Special 111, Art.-No. 47 574 (not part of the supply package, compare Fig. D 15). In the other case please only use the door connector elements, because there is enough stability due to the stiffening.
Remove the door locks or put them out of operation!
• Insert the door link (E) with bolt (G) into the carriage (F).
• Fix it with 2 screws.
• Connect door link and door link bracket.
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D. Installation
• Screw the lintel joining plate (A) with boom to the top door frame, lintel or ceiling, so that the upper edge of the door leaf lies approx. 10 mm below the horizontal downward edge of boom - measured from the highest point of the opening course (see as well point 3) (fig. D.16).
• Put the motor unit on a trestle or another suitable object until it is fixed later to the ceiling.
Fitting the adapter arm:
• Screw the support bracket (B) to the upper door edge using 6 self-tapping screws (Drill ø 5 mm) (fig. D.17).
• Centre of support bracket equals to the centre of boom.
• Put adapter arm (C) into support bracket (B) (fig. D.18).
• Screw it to the door cross strut (E) using two angle plates (D) (fig. D.18).
Drill ø 5 mm in the door cross strut (4x) Drill ø 7 mm in the adapter arm (2x)
• Screw the angle plates to the adapter arm using two screws M6 x 10 and hexagon nuts.
• Insert linking bar (G) with bolt (J) into the carriage (F) (fig. D.19).
• Fix it with 2 screws.
• Open door fully
• Connect linking bar (G) with the adapter arm (C) (fig. D.19).
• Observe the indicated measurements.
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D. Installation
Installation of the bulb
• Turn in a bulb E14 (max. 40 W).
• Clip in the lamp cover.
• Turn in the securing screw.
After given impulse the bulb is on for approx. 3 min.
Please disconnect by all means the unit from power supply before you change the bulb.
While lowering the boom and by extending the linking bar the door opening is enlarged. The linking bar may only be extended so far that the inner pressure rolls (H) do not touch the fixing screws (I).
Suspension of the operator system
Suspension of motor unit
• Fix 1 support plate (A) above the motor unit (see as well point 3).
• Bend the plate according to site requirements.
Suspension of boom
• Push 1 support plate (A) through suspension clamp (B) and bend projecting parts.
• Positioning of the suspension of boom (see as well point 3).
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D. Installation
Bulbs are not covered by warranty.
Quick release
Actuating the quick release may lead to uncontrolled movements of the door:
- in case the door springs are weak or broken.
- in case the door is not balanced.
When disengaged, the door may only be moved in a moderate speed!
When the door is opened by hand, the carriage may collide with the clamp strap of the suspension and with the motor unit.
• Limit the door travel in open direction by means of construction works.
• Install the pull cord of the quick release in min. 1,8 m height.
• Attach the sign 'Instructions to use the pull cord of the quick release' to the pull cord.
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D. Installation
Separate door from operator
• Pull the cable (A) downward to the stop in order to separate the door from the operator (Fig. D.22).
Connect door and operator again
Push the red release pin (B) back in the direction of the arrow (D.24).
• Start the door operator.
The symbols on the downward side of the carriage show the actual situation:
The door is separated from the operator.
->The front edge of the movable slide element (C) is above the arrow
of the symbol 'lock open' (fig. D.23).
The door is connected to the operator or will be connected automatically after the next door travel.
->The front edge of the movable slide element (C) is above the arrow
of the symbol 'lock closed' (fig. D.24).
Operational check:
After the operator has been mounted, the following tests have to be carried out:
- In 'close' direction the door runs against an obstacle of 50 mm that lies on the floor:
-> The door has to reverse.
For operators for doors with openings in the door wing (diameter of the opening > 50 mm):
- A load of 20 kg is put to the middle of the bottom door edge:
-> The door stops as soon as the open command is given.
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E. Hand transmitter
Hand transmitter - Operation and accessories
A Battery - transmission control light B Operating buttons C Battery cover D Battery 3V CR 2032 E Coding plug
• Please open the cover to change or insert the battery. Observe right poling when changing the battery (fig. E.2).
- Only operate the hand transmitter after you have made sure that there are neither persons nor objects in the operating range of the door.
- Children are not allowed to play with hand transmitters!
Batteries are excluded from warranty.
Fixing accessories for hand transmitter:
Attachment clip, suitable to fix the hand transmitter to a visor in the car (fig. E.3).
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E. Hand transmitter
Hand transmitter - Programming:
Learn coding (if necessary)
This function is meant to transmit a code from an existing hand transmitter to an additional hand transmitter (fig. E.4).
Both sides of the plug connections can be used in an identical way.
When actuating the hand transmitter, the door may be started!
Step 1:
• Connect both transmitters via the enclosed coding plug.
Step 2:
• Actuate the existing transmitter and hold the button. The LED in the transmitter is glowing.
Step 3:
• Actuate the desired button on the new hand transmitter and still hold the button of the existing transmitter.
After 1 - 2 sec. the LED on the new transmitter is on permanently. The programming is terminated. The new hand transmitter has now taken over the coding of the existing hand transmitter.
• Take out the coding plug.
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E. Hand transmitter
Change coding
It is possible to change the coding of the remote control, in case a hand transmitter has gone lost. For this insert the coding plug into the hand transmitter that has to be re-programmed (fig. E.5).
Step 4:
• Insert the coding plug into the hand transmitter
• Short-circuit one of the outer pins of the coding plug with the centre lead (e.g. by means of a screwdriver).
• Actuate the desired button on the hand transmitter. The integrated random program generates a new code. The LED is flashing quickly.
As soon as the LED on the hand transmitter is on permanently, release the button of the hand transmitter and remove the coding plug.
After a new coding of the hand transmitter the garage door operator has to be re-programmed to the new code, because the old code is lost irrevocably.
For multi-channel transmitters this procedure has to be carried out separately for every single button.
For multi-channel transmitters this procedure has to be carried out separately for every single button.
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F. Control unit connections
Module aerial
Protection category: only for dry buildings
A Module aerial B Holder for aerial
• Insert the module aerial into the holder on the operator unit.
Due to the digital safety encryption the operating range may vary. If necessary, the module aerial can be installed outside the building in order to achieve a larger operating range. For this an extension kit, protection category IP 65, is required (not part of the supply package).
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F. Control unit connections
Connection of external control elements
A Connection lead X 10 for control elements (Marantec system cabling), B Connection terminals for control elements on building
1 = GND 2 = Impulse 3 = + 24 V DC max. 50 mA 70 = GND
71 = 2-wire system photocell (Art.-No. 47 816) C Control unit D Short-circuit plug E Socket X 20 (connection for longer module aerial IP 65)
Do not connect the short-circuit plug (D) to the socket (E)!
• Before a connection with system cabling please remove the short-circuit plug
(D) (fig. F.2). (e.g.: interior button or key switch outside;
not part of the Marantec supply package).
Please connect control elements on site only to the specially designated connection terminals (B). (fig. F.3).
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G. Display functions and programming possibilities
Meaning of symbols:
LED off
LED on
LED flashing slowly
LED flashing quickly
Summary on electronic control unit
A Sign for external photocell B Sign for end position open / door opened
- is on, as soon as the end position 'door open' is reached
C Sign for end position close / door closed
- is on, as soon as the end position 'door closed' is reached.
D Sign for malfunction
- is flashing in case of malfunction Sign for power limit:
- LED 2 and 6 are flashing: power limit OPEN
-LED 2 and 4 are flashing: power limit CLOSE
E Sign for programming remote control
- is on when button is actuated
- is flashing on receipt of valid signal from hand transmitter F Programming button / Test button 'OPEN' G Programming button / Test button 'CLOSE' H Programming button
(Programming mode, menu selection / save programming)
I Display for voltage
- is on at voltage
- goes out for one second if motor stops
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G. Display functions and programming possibilities
In case of a malfunction the control light MALFUNCTION (D) is flashing.
• Shortly press button .
The current error number is displayed by irregularly flashing LED's (e.g. error 7).
To determine the error number add the figures of the irregularly flashing LED’s.
See as well point I 'error numbers'.
Error messages
Preparation for programming
- The operator has to be mounted ready for operation.
- The door is not yet closed completely.
- If there is a driveway photocell, it should be connected!
If the photocell / photocells are correctly mounted and aligned, the function 'photocell' is recognized automatically during programming!
N Connection terminals for external impulse button, 2-wire system
photocell (Art.-No. 47 816) O Socket for 'external control elements' P Socket for 'electronic aerial', 'system photocell'
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G. Display functions and programming possibilities
The operator has five programming levels. For normal operation of the operator you only program the end positions and the remote control in the 1st programming level.
Button must not be pressed longer than 10 sec. because otherwise some important parameters set by factory will be changed.
Changes in the extended programming level may only be carried out by specialists.
• Remove the motor cover.
• Stick the enclosed sticker 'short programming instructions' inside the cover.
• Before programming the operator, insert a battery into your hand transmitter.
Programming is carried out with the three buttons (, or ).
The programming is cancelled if none of the three buttons (쒊, 팬, 팫) is actuated during a time period of more than 120 sec.
All functions saved before with button remain unchanged. When programming is cancelled, LED 6 is flashing. After shortly pressing button the error message 7 is displayed.
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G. Display functions and programming possibilities
Display of door situations:
Door in end position OPEN
Door in end position CLOSED
Door passes the reference point
Malfunction, current error message
Remote control is actuated
Button is actuated
Operating voltage
Display functions
After having switched on the power supply the control unit carries out a self-test (for approx. 2 sec. all LED’s are on).
Summary on display functions
During normal operation the display shows following door situations:
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G. Display functions and programming possibilities
Basic functions of the operator
Programming sequence:
• Press button for approx. 2 sec. and release it.
The control unit changes from operating state to the programming state of the basic functions. LED 2 flashes and all others are on.
Changes in programming menu are carried out by pressing the buttons or . The current values are saved with button . The control unit changes to the next programming menu.
If the button is pressed and no changes via buttons or have been carried out, the respective programming menu is skipped and the settings remain unchanged.
After the last programming menu the programming of the operator basic functions is terminated, recognizable by all LED’s going off in the sequence 8 - 1.
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G. Display functions and programming possibilities
General advice regarding the programming of control unit
Display of the reference point
The operator passes the reference point sensor:
• LED 5 shortly glows up.
The end positions can only be programmed if there is a valid reference point. For this travel the door electrically once to open or close position.
Advice regarding programming:
If the control unit is in programming mode and none of the three programming buttons (, ,) is pressed during a time period of 120 sec., the programming procedure is cancelled and the control unit changes to operating mode).
• Press button or to travel the door to the desired door position.
Set the positions
The control unit works without press-and-hold!
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