Marani Pro Audio PDA500PF Quick User Manual

PDA500PF is a complete solution dedicated to 1-way or 2-way self-powered loudspeakers. Designed to meet different applications, it provides 2 channels with output power of 2x500W@4 Ohm or 2x250W@8 Ohm. In addition it offers a full set of added value features such as on board DSP and RS485 connection for monitoring and control via dedicated PC software. To guarantee maximum reliability, the PDA500PF includes a highly efficient universal switch mode power supply with PFC (Power Factor Correction) which provides a total 1kW power to the 2 output channels. The 2 output stages use the well-known Pascal Class D SPRO2 module. The PDA500PF includes a set of sophisticated processes for loudspeaker, implemented by the powerful M704 DSP running 48kHz/24bit [96 bits precision for the internal intermediate processes] and high performance 24bit AD/DA Converters. Processes as Noise Gate, up to 512 taps FIR filters OR up to 48dB/Oct IIR Hp/Lp filters for X-over, parametric EQs per input and output sections, RMS compressor, alignment delay and All-Pass filters are available, all in all everything needed to optimize a self-powered loudspeaker. Moreover the Clip/Limiter function per channel provides output monitoring to prevent speaker damage with gentle gain reduction at clip threshold, in addition to the efficient heat dissipation system and Over-Heat protection which themselves ensure a reliability without compromises. Furthermore the PDA500PF is also equipped with a Dynamic Loudness function and an useful Pink/White noise generator. All setup parameters for input mixing, DSP features and the limiter setting are accessible by using the remote PC software.
A Powerful 512taps FIR is available for the System Phase Correction, based on System Response measurement.
Outstanding Performance
High power output: 2 x 500W @ 4Ω or 2 x 250W @ 8Ω Switched-Mode Power Supply with PFC and auto voltage sensing Pascal Class D Amp Module - full bandwidth PWM modulator with ultra low distortion Full protection circuitry including Over-Current, Over/Under-Voltage, Output DC and Over­Temperature Excellent sonic performance with 24bit high end converters coupled with 48kHz sample rate
Top-grade DSP Engine
10 band parametric equalization per input channel 8 band parametric equalization per output channels FIR OR IIR Filters for X-OVER: The X-Over can be implemented both by FIR filters OR IIR Hp/Lp, as desired by the user which can select the FIR or IIR use by Sw. FIR: Crossover filters can be created by the user selecting from 256 up to 512 taps, the FIR type and the Out Band attenuation or importing from external application the FIR coefficients as '.txt' file. IIR: Crossover filters with slopes from 6dB/Octave up to 48dB/ Octave including Butterworth, Bessel and Linkwitz-Riley Each output features a precision RMS Limiter with selectable Attack/Release time and Threshold. On the Low Output, a Bell type Dynamic Filter for Driver protection is available. Adjustable Delay time up to 161 ms for input and 81ms for output channels Input channel includes a Noise Gate function, Pink/White noise generator, sophisticated Dynamic Loudness function and a High-Pass filter with slopes from 6dB/Octave up to -48dB/Octave including Butterworth, Bessel, Linkwitz-Riley and a RMS Compressor.
Direct PC/Network Connection
Rs485 connection for system setup, monitoring and control via fully manageable remote PC software
Simultaneous control up to 32 units via PC software 8 Preset Selection by using rotary encoder switch Security Lockout
Power & Amp lifier Sections
Number of Channels 2
Max Output Power @ 8 ohms 2 x 250W
Max Output Power @ 4 ohms 2 x 500W
Output Circuitry Class D - full bandwidth PWM modulator with
ultra low distortion
Output Voltage +/-70 V (SE Mode unloaded) / Bridged +/-140V
(BTL Mode unloaded)
THD @ Rated power 4Ω (1kHz) <0.005% (20 Hz - 20 kHz, 8Ω load, 3dB below
rated power)
Signal To Noise Ratio >120 dB (A-weighted, 20 Hz - 20 kHz, 8Ω load)
Frequency Response 20Hz - 20kHz ±0.5 dB
Power Supply Switch mode power supply with PFC (Power
Factor Correction) and integral standby converter
Operating Range Universal Mains, 85-265V
Consumption / Current draw and Thermal dissipation @ 230 V
11.2W / -A / 38.3 BTU/h (Idle) 173W / -A / 143.4 BTU/h (I/8 max. power@4Ω)
Protections Over-Current, Over/Under Voltage, Output DC
and Over-Temperature
Analog Input 1 x XLR electronically balanced, +12dB
Analog Output 1 x XLR electronically balanced (Link)
AD&DA Converters CS42528 24bit
Frequency Response (DSP) 20-20KHz; -0.5dBu at 20Hz and 20kHz
DSP & Processing
DSP Engine MARANI M704
DSP Resolution 24bit (data) x 24 bit (coeff.), 54 bit accumulation
registers, 96 bit precision on intermediate processing data
Parametric Equalization 10 filters input, 8 filters output channels
Filter Type Bell, Low/High Shelving variable Q, Low/High Pass
Qvar and Notch
Filter Gain From -15dBu up to +15dBu by 0.5dBu resolution
Center Frequency Adjustable with a 1Hz resolution step from 20Hz
up to 20kHz
Bell Filter Q/BW Q from 0.5 up to 10 by 0.1 resolution steps
System Phase Correction 512 taps FIR
Crossover section FIR from 256 up to 512 taps coefficients, FIR type
selection and out of band attenuation, operating from 250Hz, up as X-over point; accepted coefficients generated by external applications
Crossover section IIR HPF/LPF Butterworth 6/12/18/24/48dB Octave
Linkwitz-Riley 12/24/36/48dB Octave. Bessel 12/24dB Octave. Filter resolution 1Hz
Input Special Filters FIR up to 512 Taps for System Phase Correction
working with Internal Wizard Tool or importing Coefficients from External Application High-Pass filter up to 48dB/Oct Sophisticated Dynamic Loudness
Input RMS Compressor Drive from -12 to 6dBu; Threshold from -18dBu
up to -12dBu; Attack time from 5ms up to 100ms; Knee 0~100%; Ratio from 2:1 to 100:1; Release time from 40ms up to 1000ms (10ms resolution).
Output Peak Limiter Threshold from -18dBu up to +12dBu Release
time from 40ms up to 1000ms (10ms resolution up to 200ms,100ms res. up to 1000ms) Attack time from 1ms up to 100ms (1ms resolution up to 20ms, 10ms resolution up to 100ms)
Delay 161 ms, 20.8us increment / decrement steps on
Input Channel and 81ms, 20.8us increment / decrement steps on each output Channel
Front GAIN pot. -30dBu ~ 0dBu
PRESET EQ 8 positions Rotary encoder switch Red LED (Power); Yellow LED (Link); Green LED (Signal presence) 1 x XLR female connector (Input) 1 x XLR male connector (Link Output) 2 x RJ45 connector (M-LAN Rs485) IEC C13 16A connector; Power on/off switch
Dimensions 355x70x155mm
Weight, Net / Shipping 6.61 lbs (3 Kg) / 8.82 lbs (4 Kg)
Processes Block Scheme
PDA500PF PC Sw Quick User's Guide
Before to install the 'setup.exe', please make sure that the Net Framework 4.0 is already installed on the PC used.
After install the 'setup.exe' and run the app “PDA500PF” then the system show the following window
and after few seconds the main window
The user must click on the menu “Connect” in order to connect one or several devices.
The User has the possibility to connect the device via RS485
If the Sw is used for the first time with a new Hw Plate, will be necessary assign to the plate the specific ID number, so to be able to put more plates in the same Network. The ID assignment can be done asking the Sw to “Search” for the connected device (for the ID assignment only ONE device has to be connected to the Pc Sw) and once found, the ID can be assigned and 'stored” within the connected unit. Once done this for more units, assigning them different Ids, then the all units can be connected in Network and to be controlled by the same Pc sw.
If only one unit with a defined Id is connected to the remote control, in order to control it will be enough to select as connection “with one device” and set as “ID Select” the one of the connected unit. If more units with their different ID are connected in network , then just need to select as Connection the “with several devices”.
The User must also set the number of the COM used to connect the device(s). When the RS485 is used and the User want connect several devices then is important that all device have an unique ID in order to avoid devices “overlap”. If user not know the available COMs, then can use the button “Check” to see all COM connected on the PC.
Once set the Connection parameters, press the button “OK” and the system will start to check for the connected device(s). When found the connected device(s) the Sw will show a list of the devices found (if no device are found then is possible to continue in demo mode “Off-line”) on the window “List ID”.
If no devices found, the Sw will ask if the user want to continue in demo mode for evaluating the available process of the PDA500PF.
To edit the device, double click on the name of the device present on the “List ID”
on the Edit window is possible edit all parameters of the Input and output Output channel, save and load configuration on the sw PC and see the current version of the firmware and software.
On the ALL Editing Windows, the Top Bar is fixed and shows ever the several available “tools'' useful for the User to manage the Editing Job so as to save it on Pc or within the unit.
NOTE ON PRESET STRUCTURE ON PDA500PF: Before to proceed with the description of the functions
related to the several icons and buttons on the tool bar, need to describe which is the presets' structure adopted for the PDA500PF. We did start from the idea that the presets have to involve ONLY the Input path parameters, and not to involve the Output Sections. This basically because we considered that the Plate, once set the proper configuration for the specific cabinet, has to have the output parameters, as Xover and delay, or Phase set, fixed, being those parameters strictly related t the cabinet itself and its set up, and not instead used for creating different “sounding styles”, which are left to the user in terms of Input parameters set up. On the base of this principle, we did manage the preset structure so to give the possibility to Save on / load from Pc or store into / recall from the PDA500PF up to 8 Input configurations, and set the single Output configuration in a dedicated area of the PDA500PF internal memory.
To be more clear, let define the following as the INPUT PARAMETERS, which are the ONLY ONES saved on / Loaded from Pc and Stored into / recalled from the internal memory of the PDA500PF when a preset is created:
Input Gain Input Mute Input Phase Input NoiseGate (Bypass,Thr,Rel,Atk) Input Delay Input RMS Compressor (Bypass, Thr, Ratio, Knee, Rel, Atk, Makeup) Input Dynamic Filter Input HP Filter Input 10 PEQ (Type, Freq,Q,Gain,Bypass) Enable/Disable FIR Phase correction Name Preset
Particularly, the one above are the ONLY parameters saved on Pc and loaded from Pc.
All other parameters, included the ones related to the Outputs configurations, are stored ONLY within the PDA500PF memory.
The internal memory of the PDA500PF is organized as follow:
---------------------------------­Input preset 1
---------------------------------­Input preset 2
---------------------------------­Input preset 3
---------------------------------­Input preset 4
---------------------------------­Input preset 5
---------------------------------­Input preset 6
---------------------------------­Input preset 7
---------------------------------­Input preset 8
---------------------------------­Current input buffer
---------------------------------­Fixed output parameters
---------------------­System variables
When the PDA500PF is turned on, the MCU is taking some action
1. Read the Encoder position on the Plate, so to load as current preset, the one selected by the encoder itself, which will be actually the combination of the Input Preset selected and set it on the Current input buffer (temporary), then load the Output configuration resident within the Fixed output parameters location.
2. Set the all System variables.
After that, the PDA500PF is working without Pc connected, performing the selected preset. If the Pc will be connected for an Editing Session, the Pc, connection time, will read the Current input buffer, the Fixed output parameters area and the System variables are, and show the current Input/Output configuration on the Editing windows. If a parameter not belonging to the previously defined INPUT PARAMETERS list, is modified, which most likely then is related to the Inputs configuration or to System variables, then the new value of the parameter is saved into the “Fixed” memory area. If a parameter belonging to the INPUT PARAMETERS list, is modified, then the new value of the parameter is saved into the “Buffer” memory area. When finally the user is deciding to save on Pc or to Store into a location of the {DA500PF the new preset, the content of the “Buffer” area is saved on Pc or Stored into the selected location of the 8 available on the PDA500PF. The “Fixed” area is untouched by the Saving and storing actions.
On the base of the note above, Load/Save. Store and Recall icons allow the following...
Load: Load a previously saved Input Configuration from a defined Pc directory. The configuration loaded will be the one edited with its parameters set on the input editing windows. The configuration loaded is containing only the Input parameters Save: Save the current Input Configuration (the all parameters set within the Input Window) into a defined Pc directory. The saved configuration is containing the Input parameters.
Store: Save the current Input Configuration (the all parameters set within the Input Editing Window) into one of 8 available locations within the PDA500PF. The saved configuration is containing the ALL parameters set in the Input Editing Window and can be recalled also from the unit's front panel.
Recall: Load a previously saved Input Configuration from one of 8 available locations within the PDA500PF. The configuration loaded will be the one edited with its parameters set on the Input
editing window.
The stored Preset within the unit are re-callable on the PDA500PF, by the external available 8 positions absolute encoder.
Encoder Position: this frame is indicating the current position of the Absolute Encoder located on the PDA500PF Plate.
Overflow Process: this Led turn ON if an Overflow is occurring within the DSP processes and the Overflow Clip Limiter become therefore Active. [see IMPRTANT NOTE later]
Temperature: in this frame is displayed the current Temperature of the Power Stages. If the temperature is exceeding the 80Deg Celsius, the the DSP set Outputs (feeding the power Stages) are MUTED.
V: button allowing to access the GAINS and SYNOPTIC image Main Editing Page I: buttons allowing to access the INPUT CHANNEL Editing Pages L/H: buttons allowing to access the OUTPUT CHANNELS Editing Pages
i: info button, giving information about the Firmware and Pc Sw version.
This Window is guesting a synoptic image of the several processes available on the Input and Output paths of the PDA500PF, so as a series of “frames” for the selection/setting of particular processes.
The Main Input of the PDA500PF, is a Balanced Analog one, coming from the the Front Panel XLR connector.
Noise Generator frame: In alternative to the Analog Input, a Noise Generator can be sent to the DSP processes and to the PDA500PF outputs.
- Noise Generator: when enabled, the Analog Input is replaced by the output of the internal nose Generator. The internal Noise Generator can generate White or Pink Noise and its Level can be controlled by the related Slider ranging from -40dBu up to 0dBu.
Clip limiter frame: Here is possible to set a Clip limiter on outputs able to limit the output itself up to
-6dBu from its maximum level. This Clip limiter can be useful, after the Peak Limiter on the output paths, to dramatically cut with infinite attack time, the output signal, there where APEC is used for processing signals going to external Class D amplifiers, in example, without internal Limiting circuitry.
FIR phase correction frame: here are available the controls for the use of a 512 Taps FIR located on the Input path, which has been added mainly for being used for PHASE CORRECTION purposes, there where used together with the “Wizard” process embedded in the PDA500PF Sw (see NOTE A), able to control a measurement process bringing to the calculation of the necessary coefficients for the phase linearization of a 2 way system. Nevertheless, the FIR on the input paths can also work with coefficients loaded by external files and generated by Third Party Sw able to generate FIR coefficients. In this case, the FIR turn to be a up to 512 Taps standard FIR, which can be loaded with any sort of coefficients for getting any sort of result (PEQ, Min Phase, Lin Phase, etc.). For the use of the external coefficients, need to generate them as text files and import them. See the details on the NOTE B.
- Wizard: this control is launching the “Wizard” Sw for the related FIR (see NOTE A for the Wizard Sw)
- FIR Import: here external coefficients can be imported into the FIR. Pressing the “FIR Import” button, the following window open and from the clicking on the LOAD icon, a .txt file (see NOTE B) with the Third Party calculated coefficients can be imported.
The Amplitude and Phase responses can be seen on the graphic which will show the characteristics of the imported filter.
- View FIR: once imported, or even internally generated, the FIR coefficients, the response of the FIR can be seen recalling it on graphic just pressing the 'View FIR” button.
- Byp: this check box is useful for making the loaded Fir Active or not. When not active, checked box, the FIR is simply transparent on the related input path. The Byp can therefore be used as powerful tool for A/B comparison between the system responses using or not the FIR.
Dynamic Filter frame: the Dynamic filter is in facts a Dynamic Loudness which is a Dynamic Filtering boosting automatically the Input level on Low and high Frequencies on the base of the Input Level RMS value. Particularly the boost is applied with a couple of Bell filters with different small Qs [pretty wide BW] centered at 50Hz and 12kHz. At these 2 frequencies the boosts have different amount: the boost on Lows at his maximum reaches +7dBV when the input signal is -28dBV from its max and the boost on Highs reaches its maximum boost with +3dBV. The amount of boost on the Lows and highs can anyway be tuned with sliders controlling in percentage the boosts amounts independently. The following table gives the details about the Boost amounts per Low and High frequencies in relation with the Input Signal level.
The table has to be read as follow... The 2dBu, 0dBV, represent the Input Level at the one the boost on both Lows and Highs stops, maintaining a constant value up to the Max input level of 12dBV. The level of -16dBu, which is -18dBV, is the Input Level at the one the Boost for both lows and highs reaches its maximum and remain constant for the all lower input signals.
ADC Headroom [12dB] frame: checking the ADC Headroom box, an internal process is made active, which is allowing to have onto the PDA500PF A/D converters a +12dB headroom. This means that the MAX output level of the Amplifier is reached yet when the input signal is at -12dBu from the Max accepted level accepted by the A/D converters. Each increase of the Input level in front of the A/D from the -12dBu, is contained by an internal Clip Limiting process. This feature is allowing to get then the Max power delivered by the Amp when still 12dB of Headroom are available on the Inputs, so allowing to have already the Max Power performances and avoid Clips there where the input signal is Exceeding the -12dBu from the max acceptance.
IMPORTANT NOTE: the PDA500PF has in internal Algorithm controlling the level coming from the Processes including gain variations as, Filtering Gains or Simply Level Gains, there where the Gain coming from the processes themselves can be a positive one. In this case, it is possible, given an input level close the the max available, to have internal processes overflow. The PDA500PF inner Clip limiting Algorithm is detecting the potential or already occurring overflows and is containing them up to a 12dB Headroom, with a process “distortion free” based on level reduction tabled coefficients. [Note that this algorithm is different from the one used for the 12dB Headroom on the A/D converters,
being the one here described “containing” digital potential overflows coming from the internal DSP processes]. When overflow over 12dB occurring on the internal processes, the Algorithm is containing
them with a no distortion free process, which progressively is increasing the distortion level as more as the overflow containment is exceeding the +12dBu. The result of this “transparent to the user process”, is a NOT CLIPPED output signal even with large excess of gaining internal processes and Input levels close to the max accepted by the unit. The process is active ONLY in case of Overflow occurring; when the signal is not exceeding with the sum of the Input level and the processes gain, the unit's dynamic, then the process is not active.
Input Meters: the input meters show the Input levels from -36dBu up to +12dBu. The Limit Led is indicating if Active the RMS Compressors. The Clip Led is indicating if the Clip limiter Algorithm described here above is active on the Input path.
Output Meters: the output meters show the output levels from -36dBu up to +12dBu. The Limit Led is indicating if the Peak Limiter. The Clip Led is indicating if the Clip limiter Algorithm described here above is active on the Output path.
Sliders: the sliders control the Input/Output levels ranging from -12dBu up to +12dBu.
Phase (Polarity): control for inverting the signal polarity (180Deg.)
Overflow Process: this led is turning ON when an internal overflow is occurring at digital processes
Synoptic Image: The Synoptic Image is showing in clear way the available processes on Input and Output paths, so as gives the possibility to directly MUTE/UNMUTE input and any output, just clicking on the related loudspeaker icons. Clicking on any block of the Input path or Output path, the user is immediately brought to the editing window of the related Input or Output channel.
All the processes available on the Input Paths can be edited within the Input Windows.
Eq Flat and Bypass Controls: the EQ Flat control is allowing to flat in one shot the 10 bands Parametric Eq. The Bypass control, instead, is allowing to temporarily Bypass the Eq, without resetting the current setting.
EQ Filters: within this frame, the all 10 filters of the PEQ can be defined in terms of type, gain, Freq, Q
- Filters type: on top of the Slider and the box showing the gain level, there is a button that once pressed is opening a wide list of filters type which can be selected, for each filter of the parametric Eq. The available filters are Bell (constant Q), Hi/Low Shelving Q (Symmetrical with variable Q), Lp/Hp Q (12dB/Oct second order, variable Q) and Notch.
- Gain: the filter types which can gain, have the gain controlled by a slider ranging from -15dBu up to +15dBu.
- Freq: here can be inserted the Center, Cutting Frequency of the selected filter, ranging from 20Hz up to 20kHz.
- Q: there where usable, the Q can be set with a range depending from the selected filter.
- Byp: any filter of the 12 of the Parametric Eq, can be singularly bypassed, so to have the possibility to a quick A/B comparison between the signal when active or not the filter currently in editing phase.
Cursor: clicking on this control, cursors will appear on the graphic showing the amplitude response of the parametric Eq, for the setting of the filters' gain by mouse action. View All: this control is opening a window showing the full Eq setting on each Input or Output or combination of them.
Mag and Phase: it is possible to decide if showing on the Window's graphic the Magnitude response of the Parametric Eq setting (Mag selected) or the Phase response (Phase selected). Delay: the Input delay can be set here. The delay (in ms or meter) can be set using the button up/down “Adj” with step 1ms or “Fine” with step 10.4us (max input delay = 480ms =163.5meter) High Pass Filter: a Hp filter up to 48dB/Oct of Classic types is available there where the APEC sw is used for a cabinet working with a separate SUB.
RMS Compressor: the PDA500PF is implementing a powerful RMS compressor on Inputs and Outputs, which compression coefficient is calculated on the base of tabled values giving a compression step of
- Bypass: Compressor Active or not (Note that the all parameters here below are not accessible when the Compressor is set in Bypass)
- Threshold: from -10dBu to +20dBu step 0.2dBu
- Ratio: [input:Output] from 2:1 to 32:1 step 1
- Knee: from 0% to 100% (0% hard knee, 100% soft knee
- Release-time: from 0.1sec to 3sec step 0.1 sec
- Attack-time: from 5ms to 200ms step variable
- Make-Up: from -12dB to +12dB step 0.1dB
Noise Gate: a noise gate is available
- Bypass: Noise Gate Active or not
- Threshold: from --80dBu to -50dBu step 5dBu
- Release-time: from 10ms to 1sec step variable
- Attack-time: from 1ms to 1sec step variable
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