2 OIT3160B/4160B
1010-0105, REV 03
This manualis a publication of MapleSystems, Inc., and isprovided for use by itscustomers only. The
contents ofthe manual arecopyrighted by Maple Systems,Inc.; reproduction inwhole or inpart, for use
other thanin support ofMaple Systems equipment,is prohibited withoutthe specific writtenpermission
of Maple Systems.
Maple Systemswarrants each product tobe free fromelectrical and mechanical defectsin materials and
workmanship for a period of two years from the date of shipment. This warranty does not apply to
defects in the Products caused by abuse, misuse, accident, casualty, alteration, negligence, repair not
authorized by Maple Systems, use on current or voltages other than specified by Maple Systems, or
application orinstallation not inaccordance with publishedinstruction manuals. This warrantyis in lieu
of any other warranty either expressed or implied.
Maple Systems’ liability is limited to the repair or replacement of the Product only, and not costs of
installation, removal, or damage to user’s property or other liabilities. If Maple Systems is unable to
repair or replace anonconforming Product, it may offer a refund of the amountpaid to Maple Systems
for such Product infull satisfaction of its warranty obligation. Maximum liability of Maple Systemsis
the cost of the Product.
Information furnished by Maple Systems, Inc., is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no
responsibility isassumed by Maple Systemsfor the use ofthis information nor forany infringements of
patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by
implication, or otherwise, under any patent or patent rights of Maple Systems, Inc. Maple Systems
retains the right to revise or change its products and documentation at any time without notice.
Package the unit inits original packaging container or, if unavailable,any suitable rigid container. If a
substitute containeris used, surround theunit with shock absorbingmaterial; damage in shipmentis not
covered bythe warranty. Include aletter with theunit describing thedifficulty and designatinga contact
person. Send to the following address: Maple Systems, Inc., 808 134th Street SW,Suite120, Everett,
WA 98204.
Only Products that have been issued a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number from Maple
Systems may be returned. All RMAs must be accompanied with a written purchase order fortracking
purposes or, in the case of out-of-warranty repairs, for repair charges on a time and material basis.
All returns will be tested to verify customer claims of noncompliance with the product warranty.
Improper return packaging which makes verification impossible will void the warranty. Products
passing the tests will be returned “AS IS” to the customer.
If noncompliance is verified and is not due to customer abuse or the other exceptions described with
product warranty, Maple Systemswill, at its option, repair or replace theProduct returned to it, freight
prepaid, which failto comply with the foregoing warranty,provided Maple Systems is notified ofsuch
noncompliance within the one-year warranty period.
This manualis designed toprovide the necessary informationfor trouble-free installation andoperation
of your new Operator Interface Terminal (OIT). However, if you need assistance, please call Maple
Systems at 425-745-3229 or visit our web site at www.maple-systems.com.
Appendix D
OIT Panel Cutout Dimensions – Front View
1010-0105, REV 03
0.172" +/-0.01 Dia.,
4.4mm +/-0.3
5.10" +/-0.03
129.5mm +/-0.8
5.60" +/-0.01
142.2mm +/-0.3
3.70" +/-0.03
94mm +/-0.8
R0.08" max.
4 Places
Connect mounting
stud(s) to control
panel earth ground
Check Dimension 4.00" [101.6 mm]