Maple Systems MAPware-100 User Manual

Table Of Contents
GETTING STARTED .....................1
What You Will Need ..................1
Step 1: Install the MAPware 100
Configuration Software ................1
Step 2: Create Your First MAPware 100
Step 3: Connect the Operator Interface
Terminal to the PC ....................6
Step 4: Send Your Project to the Operator
Interface Terminal ....................7
Step 5: Connect the Operator Interface
Terminal to the PLC ...................7
Menu Bar ..........................10
Tool Bar............................10
New Project ......................11
Open Existing Project ...............11
Print Project ......................12
Save Project......................12
Cut ............................13
Copy ...........................13
Paste ...........................13
Align Left, Center, Right .............13
Clear Current Message ............14
Blink ...........................14
Insert Special Character .............14
Register Monitor Editor..............16
Example Group Box .............17
Data Group Box................17
Field Attributes Group Box ........18
Limits Box ....................19
ASCII Table Button..............20
Go To Message ...................21
Configuration Editor ...............21
OIT - PLC Interface Settings
Group Box ....................22
OIT Options Group Box ..........22
Function Key Editor ................24
Communication Options ............25
Read from OIT ....................26
Send to OIT ......................27
Help ...........................28
OIT/PLC Identification .................28
Basic Screen Characteristics .............28
Message Editor ...................29
Message Scroll Bar.................29
General Options Group Box..........29
OIT Memory Used Group Box............30
Message Utilization ...................30
TROUBLE SHOOTING ...................32
MAPware 100 Does Not Transfer a
Project to the OIT..................32
OIT Screen is Blank and the OIT is
Beeping .......................32
The OIT Does Not Attach to the PLC..32
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Maple Systems, Inc.
© 1997 Maple Systems, Inc.
Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks, and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
MAPware 100 User's Guide 1
The MAPware 100 User’s Guide explains how to install and use the MAPware 100 configuration software and how to get your MAP Family Operator Interface Terminal up and running. It also includes a trouble shooting chapter that covers some of the most common problems encountered when configuring a MAP Family Operator Interface Terminal. In addition, we recommend you read the following:
Installation Manual–Covers the installation requirements of your specific MAP Family Operator
Interface Terminal. Each member of the MAP Family has a manual written specifically to its unique specifications (shipped with each OIT).
MAP Family Operation Manual (PLC Protocols)–Covers the general operation and features of the
MAP Family whenthe PLC protocolsare used (shippedwith the MAPware100 configuration software). Protocol Guides–Covers information relating to the use of your MAP Family Operator Interface
Terminal specific to each protocol (shipped with the MAPware 100 configuration software).
This chapter shows you how to install the MAPware 100 configuration software, how to create your first MAPware 100 project, how to download your project to a MAP Family Operator Interface Terminal, and how to connect your MAP Family Operator Interface Terminal to your PLC. If you follow each step correctly, you will have a functioning MAP Family Operator Interface Terminal. If you encounter any problems, please contact your local distributor or Maple Systems Technical Support at 425-486-4477.
What You Will Need
The table, below, lists the items necessary to program a Maple Systems MAP Family Operator Interface Terminal and then connect it to your PLC.
MAP460D MAP320D, MAP340D Configuration Software MAPware 100 MAPware 100 Configuration Cable (OIT to PC) 7431-0048 7431-0049 Personal Computer* User Provided User Provided Power Cable Not Required 7431-0050A 1/2 Amp, 24 VDC Power Supply** User Provided User Provided Programmable Logic Controller User Provided User Provided
Communication Cable (OIT to PLC)
See the Selection Table for Cable Accessories in
the appropriate Installation Manual
* Computer requirements include at least a 486SX/33MHz PC, 4MB RAM, 4MB available hard disk space,VGA graphics card,Microsoft Windows 3.1,and one availableserial port.
** The MAP340D require a fast start power supply.
Step 1: Install the MAPware 100 Configuration Software
1. Start Windows.
Note: If any application programs are running, shut them down and restart Windows before
installing the MAPware 100 configuration software.
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2. Place the MAPware 100 Setup Disk into your 3.5-inch floppy drive.
3. From the File menu in the Windows Program Manager, choose Run (For Windows 95: From the task bar, choose Start then Run).
4. Enter a:\setup (Substitute B for A if your 3.5-inch floppy drive is configured as a B drive).
5. Choose the OK button.
6. The Setup program starts. Depending on your computer, this can take a few seconds.
7. Setup then prompts you for the location of the setup data files. Select the disk drive which contains the setup disk (usually A:\).
8. Setup then prompts you for the destination directory for the MAPware 100 files. The default is C:\MAPWARE.
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9. If any other application programs are currently running under Windows, the following message box will appear. It is strongly recommended that you shut down any active programs (except video). If you do not, a setup error can occur.
MAPware 100 User's Guide 3
10. Setup will then show you total space required and space available for installation of MAPware 100. Choose the Continue button. If adjustment is needed select Exit Setup.
11. The MAPware 100 Setup will now start to transfer files to selected areas on the hard disk. It will create the subdirectory specified in step 8. It will also place files into the WINDOWS and WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectories. A dialog box will indicate the files being transferred and the percentage of the file transfer complete. A MAPware 100 program group and program items will be created. You can run MAPware 100 from this program group or move the icon to another group later. Finally, MAPware 100 makes use of Display Specific Fonts (DSF). In order for MAPware 100 to use these fonts, they are transferred into the WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory and your Windows WIN.INI file is updated.
12. Once the installation is complete, you are asked if you want to restart the computer or continue with the current Windows session. MAPware 100 will not operate correctly until the computer is restarted. Choose the Reboot Computer button.
Note: In rare cases, your computer may not restart properly. If this happens, simply reboot
your computer.
13. A new Windows Program Group entitled Maple Systems MAPware 100 has been created which contains MAPware 100 and MAPware Setup. Remove the floppy disk and store it in a safe place.
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Step 2: Create Your First MAPware 100 Project
1. Double click on the MAPware 100 icon in the Windows Program Manager.
2. MAPware 100 starts and, after a few seconds, the MAPware 100 dialog box appears (see Figure 1). In the center of the MAPware 100 dialog box is a representation of the OIT display. From the File menu, choose New.
Figure 1 MAPware 100 Dialog Box
3. The New Project dialog box appears. Select the desired OIT and PLC from the OIT Type and PLC Type list boxes (see Figure 2). It is very important to select the proper OIT and PLC.
Figure 2 New Project Dialog Box
4. Once the OIT and PLC have been selected, choose the Start New Project button.
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MAPware 100 User's Guide 5
5. The Configuration Editor dialog box appears (see Figure 3). This dialog box allows you to tailor your MAP Family Operator Interface Terminal to your PLC. To accept the default values, choose the Done button.
Figure 3 Configuration Editor Dialog Box
6. You are now back in the MAPware 100 dialog box. Type an appropriate message into the Message text box (see Figure 4).
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Figure 4 Message Text Box in MAPware 100 Dialog Box
7. In the General Options group box, select the Start Up Message check box.
8. From the File menu, choose Save As.
9. The Save As dialog box appears. Type firstoit.mwr into the File Name text box.
Figure 5 Save As Dialog Box
10. Choose the OK button. You have now created your first MAPware 100 project.
Step 3: Connect the Operator Interface Terminal to the PC
Port 1 Power
Port 1 Power
OIT Power
OIT Power
Pr int er
Pr int er
Maple Systems OIT to PC cable
(If mouse is using Com 1, use Com2)
(If mouse is using Com 1, use Com2)
(Rear of
(Rear of
Maple Systems OIT to PC cable
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Figure 6 OIT to PC Wiring Configurations
MAPware 100 User's Guide 7
Step 4: Send Your Project to the Operator Interface Terminal
1. Apply 24 VDC to the OIT. At this point the OIT will display the following messages: ***System is not configured!*** and Press ANY key to enter download mode. Press a key on the OIT keypad. The message indicates that the OIT is ready to receive a project from MAPware 100.
2. In MAPware 100, from the Transfer menu, choose Send to OIT.
3. The Send To OIT dialog box appears (see Figure 7). If you are using a serial port other than COM 1, choose the Options button.
4. The Communication Options dialog box appears (see Figure 7). In the PC Serial Port group box, select the option button for the COM port you are connected to and then choose the Done button.
Figure 7 Send to OIT & Communication Options Dialog Box
5. You are now back in the Send to OIT dialog box. Choose the OK button.
6. MAPware 100 will now send the entire OIT project file to the OIT. The project transfer will take a couple of minutes. When the transfer is complete MAPware 100 will restart the OIT. The OIT will then attempt to attach to the PLC.
Step 5: Connect the Operator Interface Terminal to the PLC
1. Connect the OIT to your PLC as per the installation manual supplied with your OIT.
2. Make sure you use the correct cable to connect the OIT to your PLC. Contact your local distributor or Maple Systems Technical Support if you need assistance in choosing the appropriate cable.
3. When the OIT attaches to the PLC, the startup screen you created in your first project appears on the screen.
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Port 1
OIT Power
Com Port
(Rear of
Maple Systems OIT to PLC cable
You have now created your first MAP Family Operator Interface Terminal project. Please take the time to review all the documentation provided, as we are sure you will want to explore all the capabilities of your new MAP Family Operator Interface Terminal. If you encountered any difficulties or questions downloading your MAP Family Operator Interface Terminal project, please contact your local distributor or Maple Systems Technical Support at 425-486-4477.
Com Port
OIT Power
Figure 8 OIT to PLC Wiring Configurations
Maple Systems OIT to PLC cable
(Rear of
Port 1 Power
1010-0089, REV00
MAPware 100 User's Guide 9
Since MAPware 100 has been designed to run under the MicrosoftWindows environment, it conforms to the Windows user interface standard. Many of the tools on the tool bar are identical to other software packages such as Microsoft Word and Excel. The pull down menus all operate according to the Windows standard, they may be selected using the mouse or through the appropriate Alt sequence (i.e. Alt+F for the File menu).
As with many Windows programs, depending on the options selected at any one time, some functions are no longer valid. These functions are deselected or grayed out so that they are not accessible when their use is not appropriate. For example, on the main MAPware 100 dialog box, if the Chain check box is selected in the Extensions group box the Message box is activated. If the Chain check box is disabled, the Message box is grayed out.
The illustration below outlines the major features of the main MAPware 100 dialog box:
Title Bar
Menu Bar
Tool Bar
OIT Identification
PLC Identification
Message Editor
Message Scroll Bar
General Options
Group Box
Title Bar: Identifies the file name for the current project.
Menu Bar: Provides pull-down menus for accessing functions (pg. 10).
Tool Bar: Provides buttons that can be used as shortcuts to choosing functions from the
OIT Memory Used Group Box
menus (pg. 10).
OIT Identification: Identifies the OIT model selected for the current project (pg. 28).
PLC Identification: Identifies the PLC model the OIT is being configured to work with for the current project (pg. 28).
Message Editor: Area used to enter OIT text and register monitors for each stored message (pg. 29).
Message Scroll Bar: Scrolls through the stored messages (pg. 29).
General Option Group Box: Grouping of options that can beapplied to stored messages (pg. 29).
OIT Memory Used Group Box: Indicates the amount of OIT configuration memory remaining and the correct date and time. (pg. 30)
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Menu Bar
The menu bar contains all of the menus that can be used to navigate through the program. Accessing the menusis simple: either pointto one with themouse and click onit, or pressand hold the Alt key while pressing the first character in the menu name (example: F for File). Many of the items in the menus may be accessed directly using the associated control keys as indicated to the right of the menu item. Once the menu drops down, use the mouse or cursor keys to point to the desired menu item, then click on the item with the mouse, or press Enter on the keyboard to select the menu item.
Tool Bar
The tool bar contains tools, or buttons, that provide a much quicker way of performing functions than using the pull-down menus. Some examples include cutting and pasting screen information, saving the current project, and placing register monitors onto the screen. Hints explaining a button’s purpose appear if the cursor is placed over a button.
Clear Current
Align Right
Insert Special
Register Monitor
New Project: Creates a new project (pg. 11).
Open Existing Project: Opens existing project (pg. 11).
Print Project: Sends project to printer for hard copy output (pg. 12).
Save Project: Saves changes made to active project (pg. 12).
Cut: Cuts selected text or objects from the active message (pg. 13).
Copy: Copies selected text or objects from the active message (pg. 13).
Paste: Pastes previously cut or copied text or objects into the active message (pg. 13).
Align: Aligns text to the left margin, right margin, or centered in the display (pg. 13).
Clear Current Screen: Clears all information from the active message (pg. 14).
Blink: Controls blinking feature (pg. 14).
Insert Special Character: Allows special OIT-dependent characters to be inserted onto
Go To
Function Key
from OIT
Send to
message (pg. 14).
Register Monitor Editor: Enables PLC register monitors to be attached to the active message (pg. 16).
Go To Message: Finds desired message (pg. 21).
Configuration Editor: Sets up system-wide parameters (pg. 21).
Function Key Editor: Enables configuration of the function keys (pg. 24).
Communication Options: Configures parameters of communication between MAPware and the OIT (pg. 25).
Read from OIT: Reads a project from the OIT (pg. 26).
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