808 134th Street SW, Suite 120 • Everett, WA 98204 • USA • 425/745-3229
This manual is a publication of Maple Systems, Inc., and is provided for use by its customers only. The
contents ofthe manual arecopyrighted by MapleSystems, Inc.; reproductionin whole orin part, for use
other thanin support of MapleSystems equipment, isprohibited without the specificwritten permission
of Maple Systems.
Maple Systemswarrants each product to be free from electricaland mechanical defects in materials and
workmanship for aperiod of one year fromthe date of shipment. This warranty doesnot apply to defects
in theProducts caused by abuse,misuse, accident, casualty, alteration,negligence, repair notauthorized
by Maple Systems, use on current or voltages other than specified by Maple Systems, or application or
installation not in accordance with published instruction manuals. This warranty is in lieu of any other
warranty either expressed or implied.
Maple Systems’ liability is limited to the repair or replacement of the Product only, and not costs of
installation, removal, or damage to user’s property or other liabilities. If Maple Systems is unable to
repair or replace a nonconforming Product, it may offer a refund of the amount paid to Maple Systems
for such Product in full satisfaction of its warranty obligation. Maximum liability of Maple Systems is
the cost of the Product.
Information furnished by Maple Systems, Inc., is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no
responsibility is assumed by Maple Systems for the use of this information nor for anyinfringements of
patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by
implication, or otherwise, under any patent or patent rights of Maple Systems, Inc. Maple Systems
retains the right to revise or change its products and documentation at any time without notice.
Package the unit in its original packaging container or, if unavailable, any suitable rigid container. If a
substitute container is used, surround the unit with shockabsorbing material; damage in shipment is not
covered by thewarranty. Include aletter with the unitdescribing the difficulty anddesignating a contact
person. Send to the following address: Maple Systems, Inc., 808 134th Street SW, Suite 120, Everett,
WA 98204.
Only Products that have been issued a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number from Maple
Systems may be returned. All RMAs must be accompanied with a written purchase order for tracking
purposes or, in the case of out-of-warranty repairs, for repair charges on a time and material basis.
All returns will be tested to verify customer claims of noncompliance with the product warranty.
Improper return packaging which makes verification impossible will void the warranty. Products
passing the tests will be returned “AS IS” to the customer.
If noncompliance is verified and is not due to customer abuse or the other exceptions described with
product warranty, Maple Systems will, at its option, repair or replace the Product returned to it, freight
prepaid, which fail to comply with the foregoing warranty, provided Maple Systems is notified of such
noncompliance within the one-year warranty period.
1010-0093, REV 03
This manualis designed to provide thenecessary information for trouble-free installation and operation
of your new Operator Interface Terminal (OIT). However, if you need assistance, please call Maple
Systems at 425-745-3229 or visit our web site at www.maple-systems.com.
Read Me First!
Your new Maple Systems OIT comes from the factory without any
communications protocol or operational software installed; therefore
The OIT will NOT operate until it has been configured using
MAPware-100 or STEPware-100.
When power is first applied, the OIT’s display will indicate that it
needs to be configured.
Use the MAPware-100 or STEPware-100 software to create a file
(or “project”) that can be downloaded to the OIT.
When the project is transferred, both communications protocol
and operational software are automatically loaded and the unit is
ready for operation.
To ensure that the OIT meets CE compliance, it is necessary to
follow all installation procedures described in this manual.
1010-0093, REV 03
Thank you for purchasing a Maple Systems MAP460D. You have selected a
rugged, reliable, and powerful operator interface for yourapplication. This booklet
describes the steps necessary to ensure trouble-free OIT system operation. Please
read this booklet carefully!!
Static Awareness
It is best NOT to remove the rear cover on the OIT except when accessing the
terminal block pins, panel mounting the OIT or replacing the real-time clock
battery. When the rear cover is removed, the circuitry inside is exposed to possible
damage by electrostatic discharge during handling. Minimize the possibility of
electrostatic discharge by:
Discharging personal static by grounding yourself prior to handling the OIT.
Handling the OIT at static-free, grounded work stations.
Connecting the chassis of the OIT to a clean ground.
• Placing the OIT into an anti-static bag during transport.
Unpacking the Unit
Carefully unpack the OIT. Please read any instructions or cautions that appear on
the shipping container. Check all material in the container against the enclosed
packing list. Maple Systems, Inc., will not accept responsibility for shortages
against the packing list unless notified within 30 days. The equipment and its
accessories were inspected and testedby Maple Systems before shipment; all of the
equipment should be in good working order. Examine the equipment carefully; if
any shipping damage is evident, notify the carrier immediately.You are
responsible for claim negotiations with the carrier. Save the shipping container and
packing material in case the equipment needs to be stored, returned to Maple
Systems, or transported for any reason.
1010-0093, REV 03
1. Control Panel Design Guidelines ...................................6
Appendix B: Differences Between MAP460D and MAP460C..............18
1010-0093, REV 03
1. Control Panel Design Guidelines
Pay careful attention to the placement of system components and associated cable
routing. These items can significantly enhance the performance and integrity of
your control application.
Figure 1 Control Panel Example
1.1.Control Panel Grounding
• The control panel should be connected to a good, high-integrity earth ground
both for safety considerations and shielding purposes. This must be a reliable
earth ground with a low-resistance path. The ideal earth ground would be a
copper grounding rod located close to the OIT and the control panel.
Hinged doors on control panels do not provide a long term electrical connection
to the rest of the enclosure. Corrosion develops over time and prevents good
electrical contact. For this reason, a separate wire braid should be installedfrom
the hinged control panel to the rest of the enclosure.
1.2.Power Supply Selection
The power supply used to power the OIT should have an output between +12
and +30 VDC. The voltage should measure between +12 and +30V at the OIT
between Pins 2 and 3 of the OIT terminal block. A 24 VDC, 0.5 amp linear
power supply dedicated to the OIT is recommended.
The power leads on the operating cable for the OIT should be 18AWG
2-conductor wire with a shield wire and protective shield foil. The shield of the
OIT operating cable must be connected to earth ground at both ends of the cable.
Please refer to Section 2.2.
1010-0093, REV 03
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