CHAPTER 3: Using the OIT’s Display .............24
Extended Character Set ........................24
Displaying Text from the OIT’s Keypad...........24
Displaying Text from the Host Controller..........25
Using a Display Variable ...................26
Displaying Text from Predefined Messages ........27
Optional Settings for Predefined Messages .....27
APPENDIX A: Control Commands ................28
Configuration Control Commands ...............29
Set LCD Viewing Angle Command...........29
Save Configuration Parameters Command .....29
Request Configuration Data Command ........29
Display and Cursor Format Control Command . . 30
Display Format Control Command ...........30
Keyboard Control Command ................30
Set Turn-Around Delay Command ...........30
Set Tab Character Width Command ..........30
Set Communications Parameters Command ....31
Enable Handshaking Command ..............31
Set Operating Mode Command ..............31
Set Line Terminator Command ..............31
General Purpose Control Commands .............31
Echo Back Text Command..................31
Sound Bell Command .....................32
Display Message Command.................32
Clear Output Buffer Command ..............32
Poll OIT Buffer Command..................32
Retransmit Last Keyboard Buffer Command....32
Request Keyboard Buffer Status Command ....33
Enable Block Mode Command ..............33
Disable Block Mode Command ..............33
Display Control Commands ....................33
Read Display Variable Command ............33
Write Display Variable Command ............34
Create Display Variable Command ...........34
Set Cursor Position Command ...............34
Read Cursor Position Command .............34
APPENDIX B: Control Codes .....................36
APPENDIX C: Extended Character Set ............38
APPENDIX D: ASCII Table ......................40
APPENDIX E: Troubleshooting ...................42
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Maple Systems, Inc.
Thank you for purchasing a Maple Systems MAP450D. You have selected a rugged,
reliable and powerful operator interface terminal (OIT) for your application. This manual
describes the general operation and features of the MAP450D.
About Your Documentation
The documentation for the MAP450D consists of:
MAP450D Installation Manual (shipped with each OIT) — Covers the installation
requirements of the OIT.
MAP450D Operation Manual (shipped with each OIT) — Covers the general operation
and features of the OIT.
STEP1 Protocol Operation Manual (shipped with STEPware-100) — Covers the
operation of STEPware-100.
You will find the following typographic conventions throughout this manual.
boldCharacters that you must type exactly as they appear. For example, if
italicPlace holders for information you must provide. For example, if you
ALL CAPITALS Directory names, file names, key names, and acronyms.
SMALL CAPSNon-printable ASCII control characters.
KEY1+KEY2A plus sign (+) between key names means to press and hold down the
KEY1, KEY2A comma (,) between key names means to press and release the keys
you are directed to type a:setup, you should type all the bold
characters exactly as they are printed.
are directed to type filename, you should type the actual name for a
file instead of the word shown in italic type.
first key while you press the second key.
one after the other.
1010-0101, Rev. 00
3MAP450D Operation Manual
Operational Overview
The MAP450D Operator Interface Terminal (OIT) provides the human-machine interface
between an operator and an ASCII compatible computer or host controller. Any
controller that is capable of sending and receiving ASCII characters through a serial port
can potentially communicate to the MAP450D.
The MAP450D receives and sends simple ASCII character strings. It accepts:
printable ASCII characters — which immediately display on the OIT
non-printable ASCII control characters (Control Codes) — which directly affect the
OIT’s display
and special ASCII character combinations (Control Commands).
Control Commands cause the OIT to:
modify the OIT’s configuration parameters
echo back text
poll or clear the OIT’s buffers
display one of up to 500 predefined messages
or sound the OIT’s internal buzzer
1010-0101, Rev. 00
Chapter 1: OIT Configuration4
OIT Configuration
The OIT has many operating parameters that control how it communicates to the host
controller. These operating parameters can be changed in three ways: from the OIT’s
keyboard when the OIT is in Configuration mode, when the host controller sends a
Configuration Control Command, or by downloading a STEPware-100 project. This
chapter explains Configuration mode and describes all of the OIT’s operating parameters.
Refer to the STEP1 Protocol Operation Manual - Chapter 1: Getting Started for
instructions on creating and downloading a STEPware-100 project.
Configuration Mode
Configuration mode allows the OIT to communicate with a computer using the
STEPware-100 configuration software. It also provides the ability to make quick changes
to the operation of the OIT without using STEPware-100. Configuration mode can only
be accessed when power is being applied to the OIT.
To place the OIT into Configuration mode:
1. While applying power to the OIT, press and hold the OIT’s CLEAR key while the
following messages appear: Initializing, Configuration mode!, and Parameters?MODIFY.
Notes: 1. To exit configuration mode, press the OIT’s CLEAR key.
2. If the Initializing Configuration mode! message is followed by Terminal NowReady!, the OIT did not enter Configuration mode and you need to repeat step 1.
3. If the Disp View Angle: message displays instead of Parameters?, Local Setup Access
has been disabled. You will need to enable Local Setup Access by connecting the OIT to a
host controller and having the host controller send the Keyboard Control command to the
OIT. Refer to Appendix A: Control Commands for more information. Please refer to
Appendix E: Troubleshooting for more tips on entering configuration mode.
4. If the OIT’s display remains blank and you hear a steady beeping, the OIT does not
contain a complete project and is waiting in download mode for STEPware-100 to
download a project. Refer to the STEP1 Protocol Operation Manual - Chapter 1:
Getting Started for instructions on creating and downloading a STEPware-100 project.
2. At Parameters?, press the OIT’s Period (.) key to alternate between MODIFY and VIEW,
then press the OIT’s ENTER key to accept and continue.
1010-0101, Rev. 00
MODIFYAllows you to enter
Download/Upload mode or
modify the OIT’s current
operating parameters.
VIEWDisplays the OIT’s current
operating parameters.
Displays Password? (refer to step 3)
NOTE: You must start entering your password
or press the OIT’s ENTER key within 5
seconds, or the OIT exits Configuration mode.
Displays the first operating parameter (refer to
step 5).
5MAP450D Operation Manual
3. At Password?, type the setup password and then press the OIT’s ENTER key. If there is
no setup password, just press the OIT’s ENTER key. Down/Upload mode? Y displays.
4. At Down/Upload mode?, press the OIT’s Period (.) key to alternate between Y and N,
then press the OIT’s ENTER key to accept and continue.
YAllows you to enter
Download/Upload mode
for communication with
NDisplays the OIT’s current
operating parameters.
Displays: Ready for Transfer
to/from STEPware!
Refer to the STEP1 Protocol Operation Manual -
Chapter 1: Getting Started for instructions on
creating and downloading a STEPware-100 project.
Displays the first operating parameter (refer to
step 5).
5. The following Level 1 menus appear in order. If you select YES at a Level 1 menu, the
corresponding Level 2 menus appear. If you select NO at a Level 1 menu, the next
Level 1 menu appears. At any menu, press the OIT’s Period (.) key to alternate
between the options.
Level 1 MenusLevel 2 MenusOptions
Disp View Angle:75d, 90d
Modify communication
Modify operating
Modify display/keybd
Setup correct?YES — saves changes and exits
Baud Rate:
Data Length:
Stop Bits:
Op Mode:
Line Term:
Append LF:
Local Echo:
Block Echo:
Turn Delay:
Delayed LF:
RS485 3 Wire:
Network Address:
NONE, 50 MSEC, 100 MSEC, 250 MSEC
5 numbers in any combination
Configuration mode.
NO — returns to Down/Upload mode?
(refer to step 4).
1010-0101, Rev. 00
Chapter 1: OIT Configuration6
Operating Parameters
The OIT has many operating parameters which determine how it communicates to the
host controller. These operating parameters can be changed in three ways: from the OIT’s
keyboard when the OIT is in Configuration mode, when the host controller sends a
Configuration Control Command, or by downloading a STEPware-100 project. Each
operating parameter is described in detail below.
Display Viewing Angle Setting
The OIT has an adjustable viewing angle of 75° and 90°. A viewing angle of 75º means
that the LCD provides the sharpest contrast when viewed from a point slightly below the
display. An angle of 90º means that the sharpest contrast occurs when the LCD is viewed
from a point perpendicular to the face of the display.
Factory Default: 90°
To modify this parameter using
1. Open the Configuration Editor.
2. In the OIT Display (LCD) group box, select the desired Viewing Angle from the
option buttons.
To modify this parameter in
1. At Disp View Angle:, select the desired Viewing Angle. Refer to the Configuration
Mode section in this chapter for more information.
To modify this parameter from the
1. Use the Set LCD Viewing Angle control command. Refer to Appendix A: Control
Commands for more information.
Baud Rate Setting
This parameter determines the baud rate that the OIT uses to communicate to the host
controller. Options are 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, and 19200 baud. When the OIT
is in Configuration mode, 9600 baud is used to communicate to STEPware-100
regardless of how this setting has been configured.
Factory Default: 9600
To modify this parameter using
1. Open the Configuration Editor.
2. In the OIT - Host Serial Communications Settings group box, select the desired baud
rate from the Baud Rate option buttons.
Configuration mode:
host controller:
1010-0101, Rev. 00
To modify this parameter in
1. At Baud Rate:, use the OIT’s Period (.) key to select the desired baud rate. Refer to
the Configuration Mode section in this chapter for more information.
To modify this parameter from the
1. Use the Set Communications Parameters control command. Refer to Appendix A:
Control Commands for more information.
Configuration mode:
host controller:
7MAP450D Operation Manual
Parity Setting
This parameter determines the parity that the OIT uses to communicate to the host
controller. Options are Even, Odd, None, Mark, Space. When the OIT is in Configuration
mode, no parity is used to communicate to STEPware-100 regardless of how this setting
has been configured.
Factory Default: No Parity
To modify this parameter using
1. Open the Configuration Editor.
2. In the OIT - Host Serial Communications Settings group box, select the desired parity
from the Parity option buttons.
To modify this parameter in
1. At Parity:, use the OIT’s Period (.) key to select the desired parity. Refer to the
Configuration Mode section in this chapter for more information.
To modify this parameter from the
1. Use the Set Communications Parameters control command. Refer to Appendix A:
Control Commands for more information.
Data Bits Setting
This parameter determines the number of data bits that the OIT uses to communicate to
the host controller. Options are 7 Bits or 8 Bits. When the OIT is in Configuration mode,
8 data bits are used to communicate to STEPware-100 regardless of how this setting has
been configured.
Factory Default: 8 Bits
To modify this parameter using
1. Open the Configuration Editor.
2. In the OIT - Host Serial Communications Settings group box, select the desired
number of data bits from the Data Bits option buttons.
Configuration mode:
host controller:
1010-0101, Rev. 00
To modify this parameter in
Configuration mode:
1. At Data Length:, use the OIT’s Period (.) key to select the desired number of data
bits. Refer to the Configuration Mode section in this chapter for more information.
To modify this parameter from the
host controller:
1. Use the Set Communications Parameters control command. Refer to Appendix A:
Control Commands for more information.
Chapter 1: OIT Configuration8
Stop Bits Setting
This parameter determines the number of stop bits that the OIT uses to communicate to
the host controller. Options are 1 Bit or 2 Bits. When the OIT is in Configuration mode,
one stop bit is used to communicate to STEPware-100 regardless of how this setting has
been configured.
Factory Default: 1 Bit
To modify this parameter using
1. Open the Configuration Editor.
2. In the OIT - Host Serial Communications Settings group box, select the desired number
of stop bits from the Stop Bits option buttons.
To modify this parameter in
1. At Stop Bits:, use the OIT’s Period (.) key to select the desired number of stop bits.
Refer to the Configuration Mode section in this chapter for more information.
To modify this parameter from the
1. Use the Set Communications Parameters control command. Refer to Appendix A:
Control Commands for more information.
Handshaking Setting
This parameter determines the type of handshaking that is used between the OIT and the
host controller. Handshaking allows the host controller to regulate when the OIT sends
information; preventing the OIT from overwriting the host controller’s serial buffer or vice
versa. Options are software handshaking (XON/XOff), hardware handshaking (RTS/CTS),
both, or none. When the OIT is in Configuration mode, no handshaking is used to
communicate to STEPware-100 regardless of how this setting has been configured.
Factory Default: No Handshaking
Configuration mode:
host controller:
To modify this parameter using
1. Open the Configuration Editor.
2. In the OIT - Host Serial Communications Settings group box, select the desired
handshaking in the Handshaking list box.
To modify this parameter in
Configuration mode:
1. At Handshake:, use the OIT’s Period (.) key to select the desired handshaking. Refer
to the Configuration Mode section in this chapter for more information.
To modify this parameter from the
host controller:
1. Use the Enable Handshaking control command. Refer to Appendix A: Control
Commands for more information.
1010-0101, Rev. 00
9MAP450D Operation Manual
Software Handshaking
Software handshaking, which uses the XON/XOff format, is available only in Interactive
mode. The following rules apply:
1. When the host controller sends an XOFF control code (hexadecimal 13), the OIT
halts transmission of any data to the host controller until the host controller sends an
XON control code (hexadecimal 11). While transmission is halted, each OIT keypress
continues to be displayed on the OIT but no data is transmitted to the host controller.
Instead, each character is temporarily stored in an 8 byte ‘Handshake’ buffer. When
the handshake buffer is full, each OIT keypress causes the OIT to sound a warning
beep. The data continues to be displayed on the OIT but is not stored in the
Handshake buffer. Therefore, the host controller does not receive any data that is
entered when the handshake buffer is full.
2. When the host controller sends the XON control code, the OIT sends the contents of
the Handshake buffer to the host controller before proceeding normally.
3. The OIT has the option of sending the XOFF control code to the host controller if the
host controller is sending data to the OIT faster than the OIT can process it. When the
OIT sends the XOFF control code to the host controller, the OIT ignores any further
transmissions from the host controller until the OIT sends the XON control code. The
OIT has an internal buffer size of 200 characters. When the OIT’s buffer contains 170
characters, the OIT sends the XOFF control code. The OIT sends the XON control
code when the buffer is empty (the time required to empty the buffer varies according
to the baud rate but is approximately 150 msec.).
Hardware Handshaking
Hardware handshaking, which uses the CTS/RTS format, is available only in Interactive
and Block modes. The following rules apply:
1. When the host controller deasserts the CTS line, the OIT halts transmission of any
data to the host controller until the CTS line is reasserted. While transmission is
halted, each OIT keypress continues to be displayed on the OIT but no data is
transmitted to the host controller. Instead, each character is temporarily stored in an 8
byte ‘Handshake’ buffer. When the handshake buffer is full, each OIT keypress
causes the OIT to sound a warning beep. The data continues to be displayed on the
OIT but is not stored in the Handshake buffer. Therefore, the host controller does not
receive any data that is entered when the handshake buffer is full.
2. When the host controller reasserts the CTS line, the OIT sends the contents of the
Handshake buffer to the host controller before proceeding normally.
3. The OIT has the option of deasserting the RTS line if the host controller is sending
data to the OIT faster than the OIT can process it. When the OIT deasserts the RTS
line, the OIT ignores any further transmissions from the host controller until the OIT
reasserts the RTS line. The OIT has an internal buffer size of 200 characters. When
the OIT’s buffer contains 170 characters, the OIT deasserts the RTS line. The OIT
reasserts the RTS line when the buffer is empty (the time required to empty the buffer
varies according to the baud rate but is approximately 150 msec.).
No Handshaking
1010-0101, Rev. 00
This setting disables any software or hardware handshaking. Although this is the easiest to
use, it is possible for the OIT to overwrite the host controller’s serial buffer, or vice versa.
Chapter 1: OIT Configuration10
Operating Mode Setting
This parameter determines whether the OIT operates in Interactive, Block, or Network
mode. Refer to Chapter 2: Operating Modes for more information.
Factory Default: Interactive
To modify this parameter using
1. Open the Configuration Editor.
2. In the OIT Operational Settings group box, select the desired operating mode from
the Operating Mode option buttons.
To modify this parameter in
1. At Op Mode:, use the OIT’s Period (.) key to select the desired operating mode. Refer
to the Configuration Mode section in this chapter for more information.
To modify this parameter from the
1. Use the Set Operating Mode control command. Refer to Appendix A: Control
Commands for more information.
Line Terminator Setting
This parameter determines which ASCII control character is used for the line terminator.
Options are CR, LF, CR/LF, or ETX. The line terminator performs different functions in
Interactive, Block, and Network modes. In all three modes, the line terminator is sent to
the host controller when the OIT responds to a control command and when the OIT’s
ENTER key is pressed.
In Interactive mode, if local echo is enabled when the OIT’s ENTER key is pressed, the
line terminator is also sent to the OIT’s display. In Block or Network mode, if block echo
is enabled when the OIT’s ENTER key is pressed, the line terminator is also sent to the
OIT’s display. In Network mode, the line terminator is used to indicate that the host
controller has finished communicating to a particular OIT. The line terminator, therefore,
notifies the other terminals that the next two bytes received from the host controller
indicate which OIT the host controller wants to talk to.
Configuration mode:
host controller:
1010-0101, Rev. 00
Refer to Chapter 2: Operating Modes for more information on the use of the line
terminator in Interactive, Block, and Network modes.
Factory Default: CR
To modify this parameter using
1. Open the Configuration Editor.
2. In the OIT Operational Settings group box, select the desired line terminator from the
Line Terminator option buttons.
To modify this parameter in
Configuration mode:
1. At Line Term:, use the OIT’s Period (.) key to select the desired line terminator. Refer
to the Configuration Mode section in this chapter for more information.
To modify this parameter from the
host controller:
1. Use the Set Line Terminator control command. Refer to Appendix A: Control
Commands for more information.
11MAP450D Operation Manual
Append Linefeed Setting
This parameter determines whether a linefeed LF control character (0x0A) will be
appended to any carriage return
the host controller. If enabled, this will cause the cursor of the OIT display to move
down to the next line of the display when a
useful when using controllers which can send ASCII strings followed by a
character but are unable to append the
Without sending a
LF control character, the host is forced to display characters on the
OIT screen on one line of the display only. This feature allows any host that is unable to
send the
LF control character to use all of the lines of the OIT display.
Factory Default: Disabled
CR control character (0x0D) that is sent to the OIT from
CR is received from the host. This feature is
CR control
LF control character to any ASCII string sent.
To modify this parameter using
1. Open the Configuration Editor.
2. In the OIT Operational Settings group box, select the Append Line Feed check box.
To modify this parameter in
1. At Append LF:, use the OIT’s Period (.) key to enable or disable the Append Line
Feed feature. Refer to the Configuration Mode section in this chapter for more
To modify this parameter from the
1. This feature cannot be changed from the host controller.
Local Echo Setting
This parameter determines whether local echo is used when the OIT is operating in
Interactive mode. If enabled, each character sent to the host controller from an OIT
keypress is also sent to the OIT’s display.
Factory Default: Enabled
To modify this parameter using
1. Open the Configuration Editor.
2. In the OIT Operational Settings group box, select the Local Echo Enabled check box.
Configuration mode:
host controller:
1010-0101, Rev. 00
To modify this parameter in
Configuration mode:
1. At Local Echo:, use the OIT’s Period (.) key to enable or disable local echo. Refer to
the Configuration Mode section in this chapter for more information.
To modify this parameter from the
host controller:
1. Use the Display Format control command. Refer to Appendix A: Control Commands
for more information.
Chapter 1: OIT Configuration12
Block Echo Setting
This parameter determines whether block echo is used when the OIT is operating in
Block or Network mode. If enabled, each character sent to the host controller from an
OIT keypress is also sent to the OIT’s display. If disabled, asterisks are sent to the OIT’s
display in place of the characters.
Factory Default: Enabled
To modify this parameter using
1. Open the Configuration Editor.
2. In the OIT Operational Settings group box, select the Block Echo Enabled check box.
To modify this parameter in
Configuration mode:
1. At Block Echo:, use the OIT’s Period (.) key to enable or disable block echo. Refer to
the Configuration Mode section in this chapter for more information.
To modify this parameter from the
1. Use the Display Format control command. Refer to Appendix A: Control Commands
for more information.
Turn-Around Delay Setting
This parameter determines the amount of time the OIT waits to respond after receiving a
command from the host controller. Options are No Delay, 50 msec, 100 msec, or 250
msec. Be sure to pick a turn-around delay that allows the host controller enough time to
prepare for the OIT’s response.
Factory Default: No Turn-Around Delay
To modify this parameter using
1. Open the Configuration Editor.
2. In the OIT Operational Settings group box, select the desired turn-around delay in the
Turn-Around Delay list box.
host controller:
1010-0101, Rev. 00
To modify this parameter in
Configuration mode:
1. At Turn Delay:, use the OIT’s Period (.) key to select the desired turnaround delay.
Refer to the Configuration Mode section in this chapter for more information.
To modify this parameter from the
host controller:
1. Use the Set Turn-Around Delay control command. Refer to Appendix A: Control
Commands for more information.
13MAP450D Operation Manual
Delayed Linefeed Setting
This parameter determines whether the OIT executes an LF control code (hexadecimal
0A) immediately or when the next character is received. If enabled, the OIT does not
execute an LF control code received from the host controller until the next character is
received. If disabled, the OIT immediately executes the LF control code. This parameter
is used most often with host controllers that automatically append an LF control code to
each data transmission.
Factory Default: Disabled
To modify this parameter using
1. Open the Configuration Editor.
2. In the OIT Operational Settings group box, select the Delayed LineFeed Enabled check
To modify this parameter in
Configuration mode:
1. At Delayed LF:, use the OIT’s Period (.) key to enable or disable delayed linefeed.
Refer to the Configuration Mode section in this chapter for more information.
To modify this parameter from the
1. Use the Display and Cursor Format control command. Refer to Appendix A: Control
Commands for more information.
Use 3-Wire RS-485 Setting
This parameter determines whether the OIT disables the RS-485 receiver when the OIT
transmits data to the host controller. If the OIT is wired to the host controller using 3-wire
RS-485 half duplex communications, then this option must be enabled for the OIT to
operate properly. Conversely, if the OIT is wired to the host controller using 5-wire RS-485
full duplex communications, this setting must be disabled to allow the host controller to
send a command to the OIT while waiting for a response from a prior command.
Factory Default: Disabled
host controller:
1010-0101, Rev. 00
To modify this parameter using
1. Open the Configuration Editor.
2. In the OIT Operational Settings group box, select the Use 3-Wire RS-485 check box.
To modify this parameter in
Configuration mode:
1. At RS485 3 Wire:, use the OIT’s Period (.) key to enable or disable 3-Wire RS-485.
Refer to the Configuration Mode section in this chapter for more information.
To modify this parameter from the
host controller:
1. This feature cannot be changed from the host controller.
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