Maple Systems HMI520T, HMI504T, HMI530T, HMI550H, HMI530TE, HMI550HE Operation Manual
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual
1010-1001A Rev 02
This manual is a publication of Maple Systems, Inc., and is provided for use by its customers only. The contents of the
manual are copyrighted by Maple Systems, Inc.; reproduction in whole or in part, for use other than in support of Maple
Systems equipment, is prohibited without the specific written permission of Maple Systems.
Maple Systems warrants each product to be free from electrical and mechanical defects in materials and workmanship for a
period of two years from the date of shipment. This warranty does not apply to defects in the Products caused by abuse,
misuse, accident, casualty, alteration, negligence, repair not authorized by Maple Systems, use on current or voltages other
than specified by Maple Systems, or application or installation not in accordance with published instruction manuals. This
warranty is in lieu of any other warranty either expressed or implied.
Maple Systems’ liability is limited to the repair or replacement of the Product only, and not costs of installation, removal, or
damage to user’s property or other liabilities. If Maple Systems is unable to repair or replace a nonconforming Product, it
may offer a refund of the amount paid to Maple Systems for such Product in full satisfaction of its warranty obligation.
Maximum liability of Maple Systems is the cost of the Product.
Information furnished by Maple Systems, Inc., is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed
by Maple Systems for the use of this information nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which
may result from its use. No license is granted by implication, or otherwise, under any patent or patent rights of Maple
Systems, Inc. Maple Systems retains the right to revise or change its products and documentation at any time without notice.
Package the unit in its original packaging container or, if unavailable, any suitable rigid container. If a substitute container is
used, surround the unit with shock absorbing material; damage in shipment is not covered by the warranty. Include a letter
with the unit describing the difficulty and designating a contact person. Send to the following address: Maple Systems, Inc.,
808 134th Street SW, Suite 120, Everett, WA 98204-7333.
Only Products that have been issued a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number from Maple Systems may be returned.
All RMAs must be accompanied with a written purchase order for tracking purposes or, in the case of out-of-warranty
repairs, for repair charges on a time and material basis.
All returns will be tested to verify customer claims of noncompliance with the product warranty. Improper return packaging,
which makes verification impossible, will void the warranty. Products passing the tests will be returned “AS IS” to the
If noncompliance is verified and is not due to customer abuse or the other exceptions described with product warranty, Maple
Systems will, at its option, repair or replace the Product returned to it, freight prepaid, which fail to comply with the
foregoing warranty, provided Maple Systems is notified of such noncompliance within the two-year warranty period.
This man ual is de signed to pro vide the nec es sary in for ma tion for trou ble-free in stal la tion and op er a tion of your new Op er a tor
In ter face Ter mi nal (OIT). How ever, if you need as sis tance, please call Ma ple Sys tems at 425-745-3229 or visit our web site
Ta ble of Con tents
EZware Sup port ...................1
OIT Mod els Sup ported ...........1
PLCs Sup ported ................1
About Your Doc u men ta tion .......1
Con ven tions...................1
What You Need ................2
OIT Ba sics .......................2
What is a Sil ver Se ries OIT? .......4
List of Fea tures.................5
Chap ter 1 - In stal la tion of OITs ............7
Be fore You Be gin ..................7
Un pack ing the Unit .............7
Man ag ing Elec tro static Dis charge ...7
CE Com pli ance ................7
NEMA Rat ing ..................7
En vi ron men tal Con sid er ations .....7
Safety Pre cau tions ..............8
Con trol Panel De sign Guide lines ......8
Con trol Panel Ground ing .........9
Con nect OIT Chas sis Ground to
Con trol Panel ..................9
Power Sup ply Se lec tion ..........10
Ca ble Rout ing and Noise Im mu nity . 10
In stal la tion.......................11
Con nect the OIT to Power ........11
Con nect the OIT to the PLC .......12
Panel Prep a ra tion ..............13
Mount the OIT to the Panel .......14
Con fig u ra tion Wir ing ...............14
Con nect the OIT to the PC for
Con fig u ra tion..................15
Fac tory Con fig u ra tion...............15
Chap ter 2 - Cre at ing Your First Pro ject ......17
Be fore You Be gin ..................17
Con nect ing OIT to Com puter .........17
Start ing EZware-500 ...............18
Cre at ing a Sam ple Pro ject ...........19
Set ting the Sys tem Pa ram e ters .....19
Cre at ing a Startup Win dow .......20
Cre at ing a Popup Win dow ........22
Fin ish ing Up......................26
Chap ter 3 - Sim u la tor Mode ..............29
The Sim u la tion Screen ..............29
Trou ble shoot ing Tools Dur ing
Sim u la tion ....................31
Cap tur ing Sim u la tion Screens to Use as
Doc u men ta tion ................31
Wir ing for Nor mal Sim u la tion Mode ....32
Chap ter 4 - Us ing EZware-500 ............35
Over view ........................35
The EasyManager..................35
Com mu ni ca tions Set tings .........36
Op er at ing Modes...............36
The EasyASCIIFontMaker ............37
EasyBuilder’s De fault Text Fonts ....37
Us ing the EasyASCIIFontMaker.....37
The EasyBuilder Ap pli ca tion ..........38
Man ag ing Pro jects ..............39
Print ing Pro jects ................41
Ed it ing and Cre at ing Screen Ob jects 42
Gen eral Set tings ...............58
Se cu rity Set tings Con fig u ra tion.....64
Re start the OIT Au to mat i cally af ter a Pro ject
is Down loaded ....................69
Au to mat i cally Save and Com pile the
Pro ject ..........................69
Com pact Flash ....................69
Con nect ing Mul ti ple OITs to one PLC ...70
Hard ware Con nec tion ..............70
Soft ware Con nec tion ...............71
Shar ing Data Be tween the Mas ter OIT
and Slave OIT .................71
Con nect ing Mul ti ple OITs Us ing the
Ethernet Port ..................72
Shar ing Data Be tween the Mas ter OIT,
Slave OIT and PLC ..............75
Us ing the Aux Port ..............76
Chap ter 5 - Cre at ing Win dows ............79
Win dows Fun da men tals .............79
Open ing a Win dow .............79
Cre at ing a New Win dow .........80
Set ting the Win dow Se cu rity Level .....89
As sign ing Un der lay Win dows ......90
How to Dis play Un der lay Win dows..90
Rules That Ap ply to Un der lay
Win dows .....................90
De let ing a Win dow .............92
Us ing Base Win dows ...............92
How to Dis play Base Win dows .....92
Us ing the Com mon Win dow..........101
Op tional set tings ...............103
Chang ing the Ac tive Com mon
Win dow ......................106
Us ing the Fast Se lec tion Win dow ......108
Us ing the Fast Se lec tion Key.......111
Chang ing screens us ing the Fast
Se lec tion win dow ...............111
Chang ing the Fast Se lec tion Win dow 114
Us ing the Task Bar .................117
Us ing the Win dow Bar ...........118
Gen eral Set tings ...............119
Cre at ing a Mes sage Board ...........120
Op tional Pa ram e ters ............121
Chap ter 6 - Cre at ing Graphic Ob jects .......125
Draw ing Ob jects ..................125
Us ing the Draw ing Tools .........125
Us ing Text ....................128
Pre de fined Shapes and Bitmaps .......129
Us ing a Pre de fined Shape ........130
iiSil ver Se ries In stal la tion & Operation Man ual
Us ing a Pre de fined Bitmap .....131
Graphics Li brar ies .................133
What are ‘states’? ...........134
Us ing Shape Li brar ies ........134
Us ing Bitmap Li brar ies ........142
Us ing Group Li brar ies ........147
Chap ter 7 - Cre at ing and Us ing Da ta bases and
Lan guages ............................153
Cre at ing and Us ing the Tag Li brary ....153
Im port ing and Ex port ing the Tag
Li brary ....................154
Us ing the Tag Li brary .........155
Cre at ing the La bel Li brary ...........155
Im port ing and Ex port ing the La bel
Li brary ....................158
Us ing the La bel Li brary..............158
Us ing Lan guages with the La bel
Li brary ....................160
Chap ter 8 - Rep re sent ing Data with Graphics
Ob jects...............................163
Us ing In ter nal Data Mem ory of OIT ....163
Non-vol a tile Stor age of Sys tem
Pa ram e ters ......................169
PLC Set tings ................169
Gen eral Set tings ............169
Se cu rity Set tings .............170
Rep re sent ing PLC Coil Reg is ters .......170
The Bit Lamp Ob ject ..........170
The Set Bit Ob ject ...........173
The Tog gle Switch Ob ject ......175
Rep re sent ing PLC Data Reg is ters ......177
The Word Lamp Ob ject .......177
The Set Word Ob ject .........179
The MultiState Switch Ob ject ...182
The Nu meric Data Ob ject......184
The Nu meric In put Ex tend Ob ject 187
The ASCII Data Ob ject ........191
The ASCII In put Ex tend Ob ject ..192
The Mov ing Shape Ob ject .....194
The An i ma tion Ob ject ........197
Chap ter 9 - Us ing and Cre at ing Keypads ....201
How to Cre ate a Key pad ............201
Dis play ing and Us ing a Key pad .......204
Us ing the Built-In Nu meric Key pad in
EasyBuilder ................207
Chap ter 10 - Bar Graphs, Me ters, and Trends . 213
Cre at ing Bar Graphs ...............213
Cre at ing Dis play Me ters .............216
Cre at ing Trend Dis plays .............218
Cre at ing XY Plots ..................220
Chap ter 11 - Cap tur ing Alarms and Events ...223
Us ing Alarms .....................223
Mon i tor ing Alarms with the Alarm Scan
Ob ject ..........................223
Dis play ing Alarms us ing the Alarm Dis play
Ob ject ..........................224
Dis play ing Alarms us ing the Alarm Bar
Ob ject ....................228
Us ing Events .....................230
Mon i tor ing Events With the Event Log
Ob ject ....................230
Dis play ing Events Us ing the Event
Dis play Ob ject ..............232
Us ing Events for an Alarm His tory .....234
Us ing the Alarm His tory .......237
Chap ter 12 - Data and Rec ipe Trans fer Ob jects 239
Us ing the Data Trans fer Ob ject .......239
Us ing the Rec ipe Trans fer Ob ject ......240
Cre at ing a Rec ipe............243
Chap ter 13 - Mac ros ....................245
Us ing Mac ros ....................245
Macro Sam ple and
Im ple men ta tion ............245
Vari ables, Dec la ra tions and Mem ory
Us age ..........................248
Mem ory Us age: ............248
Vari able Dec la ra tions.........248
Vari able Ini tial iza tion .........249
Ar ray Ini tial iza tion ...........249
Re served Words .............249
Op er a tor ..................250
Or der of Pre ce dence .........250
Main Func tions and
Sub-func tions...............250
Lo cal and Global Vari ables ....251
Cre at ing Vari able Ar rays ......251
Us ing Mac ros Within Rec i pes ...251
Us ing 32-bit Reg is ters Within
Mac ros....................252
Us ing Float ing Point Reg is ters Within
Mac ros....................253
State ments, Con di tions &
Ex pres sions ................253
Func tion calls and pass ing pa ram e ters
Read ing & Writ ing Ex ter nal Reg is ters
in a Macro .................256
Pre cau tions, tips & tricks when us ing
Mac ros ...................257
Com piler Er rors & Er ror Codes ........257
Chap ter 14 - Us ing a Printer With the
Con fig ur ing the HMI530T/550T for a
Printer ....................261
Print ing a Win dow .................262
Us ing a Func tion Key .........262
Us ing PLC Con trol Ob ject......262
Us ing Sim u la tion Mode .......263
Print ing a Re port ............263
1010-1001a Rev 02
Introduction - Welcome
Welcome to the Maple Systems’ Silver Series of Operator Interface Terminals (OITs). Using graphic OITs has never been
easier. This powerful family of graphics operator interface terminals connects to programmable logic controllers (PLCs) to
provide the human-machine interface in industrial applications. The Silver Series has several features not found in other
graphic OITs. This manual explains the operation of the Silver Series OITs and how to implement the many available
features using the EZware-500 Configuration Software.
EZware Sup port
OIT Models Sup ported
For the latest list of Silver Series Models supported by EZware, please visit our website at
PLCs Supported
For the latest list of PLCs and controllers supported by the Silver Series OITs, please visit our website.
About Your Doc u men ta tion
Maple Systems provides many resources to allow you to get the most out of your Silver Series OIT.
· Silver Series Operation Manual (shipped with EZware-500 as a PDF file) - describes installation, general operation
and features of the Silver Series using EZware-500 configuration software.
· Controller Information Sheets - important information specific to each supported protocol.
· EZware-500 On-line Help - covers the operation of EZware. Always available by clicking Help Topics from the
Help menu in EasyBuilder.
For more information about these and other training sources, visit the Maple Systems web site at:
Con ven tions
When using EZware-500, there are usually several ways to perform a task. For example, if you want to copy a graphics
object, you can:
· Click the Copy command on the Edit menu.
· Click the Copy button on the Standard toolbar.
· Press the CTRL + C keys on your com puter.
1010-1001a, Rev 02
2Sil ver Se ries In stal la tion & Operation Man ual
In most cases, we will describe each method when the task is first discussed. The menu method is then used whenever the
task is used in later procedures. Other conventions used in this book are listed in the following table.
ALL CAPITALSDirectory names, file names, key names, and acronyms
clickRefers to clicking the primary mouse button (usually the left mouse button) once.
Double-clickRefers to quickly clicking the primary mouse button (usually the left mouse button) twice.
Characters that you must type exactly as they appear. For example, if you are directed to type
a:\setup, you should type all the bold characters exactly as they are printed.
Placeholders for information you must provide. For example, if you are directed to type filename, you
should type the actual name for a file instead of the word shown in italic type. Italics are also used to
indicate a glossary term.
A plus sign (+) between key names means to press and hold down the first key while you press the
second key.
Refers to clicking the secondary mouse button (usually the right mouse button) once. Right-clicking
usually opens shortcut menus.
The following table identifies symbols and margin icons.
4Identifies a procedure.
4Indicates a reference to additional information.
Indicates an important note.
What You Need
The following items are needed to configure and operate your OIT.
Configuration SoftwareEZware-500
Configuration Cable
(OIT to PC) Y-adapter cable
Personal Computer
Power Cable6030-0009
24VDC Power Supply
PLCUser Provided
Controller Information Sheet
Communication Cable
(OIT to PLC)
Al lows you to con nect OIT to PC us ing RS232 and a PLC that uses RS485 at the same time
Computer requirements include at least a Pentium 90Mhz PC, 16MB RAM, 10MB available hard disk space, VGA video
User Provided
User Provided (for details refer to Appendix A: Specifications)
Maple Systems provides Controller Information Sheets which contain important information specific
to each PLC. Please locate the sheet that corresponds to your PLC on our website.
Refer to Maple Systems’ Tech Note 1061 for a list of available cables or build your own using the
cable diagrams available on our web site (www.
controller, Microsoft Windows 95, 98, 2000, or NT, and one available RS-232 serial port.
12-24 VDC power supply needed for the HMI504T.
OIT Ba sics
Operator Interface Terminals (OITs) provide much more versatility than traditional mechanical control panels. An OIT
allows a plant floor operator to monitor current conditions of a control system and, if necessary, to initiate a change in the
operation of the system. OITs connect to programmable logic controllers (PLCs) typically through the PLC’s serial
communications port. The OIT can be programmed to monitor and/or change current values stored in the data memory of the
OITs can have either text-based or graphics-based displays. A text-based OIT can display printable text characters but no
graphics. Some text-based OITs can display text characters in various sizes. A graphics-based OIT can display printable text
1010-1001a, Rev 02
characters of varying fonts and sizes and graphics shapes such as icons, bitmaps, or pictures. Using pictures instead of words
or characters often greatly simplifies the operation of the OIT, making the OIT much more intuitive to use.
Some OITs use touch screen displays while others use a membrane-style keypad. Membrane-style keyboards are best used in
applications in which the keypad is likely to become dirty. Touch screen displays are placed over the OIT screen thus
providing much more flexibility than typical membrane-style keypads. Because of this, switches can be created on a touch
screen that appear only when needed.
The Maple Systems Silver Series OITs are graphics-based touch screen OITs. Before we get any further into the operation of
these OITs, it is necessary to define some terms that will be used throughout this manual.
The OIT has two basic segments of internal memory. The code memory contains the information required by the OIT that
controls how it operates such as the features supported and how it communicates to a PLC. The OIT programmer does not
have the ability to change code memory. The project memory pertains to all of the window screens created and any other
features that the OIT programmer can create using the EZware-500 configuration software. Therefore, the term project is
used to designate the file that is sent to the OIT from the EZware-500 software.
An object is any action that the OIT performs while it is communicating to the PLC. In order to get the operator interface
terminal to ‘do anything’, you must program the OIT with objects. Objects perform actions such as display text or graphics,
write a value to a PLC register, or display an alarm. Objects most often are graphics shapes that are to be displayed on the
OIT screen. For example, a Text Object is used to display text on the OIT. But objects are also used to configure the OIT to
perform some action. For example, a PLC Control Object tells the OIT to continuously monitor a PLC register that is used
by the PLC to request a new window. Some objects can display a graphics shape on the OIT screen and perform some
action. For example, a Toggle Switch Object creates a graphic object on the OIT that when pressed, activates a bit in the
Graphics Object
A graphics object is any text, icon, or picture that can be displayed on the OIT. Graphics objects are further defined by how
they are composed or created. A Text Object is a graphics object that displays text on the OIT screen. A Bitmap Object is a
graphics object that displays a bitmap on the OIT screen. Bitmaps are files stored in the OIT to display pictures. A ShapeObject is a graphics object that displays a shape on the OIT screen. Shapes are also files stored in the OIT to display
pictures. Shapes differ from bitmaps in that shapes are stored using a vector-based file format whereas bitmaps use a
pixel-based file format. Each format has its advantages and disadvantages. We will not go into any more detail about bitmap
objects and shape objects until later in this manual. For now, think of them as objects used to display pictures on the OIT
screen. Finally, a Group Object is the most complex type of graphics object. It is a combination of other objects. Briefly, a
group object consists of one or more objects that are ‘grouped’ together and stored as one object. A good example is a
keypad, which is really a combination of several keys each designed to perform a specific task. When grouped together, a
keypad can be stored as a group object for use in other projects or windows.
A window is a screen that can be displayed on the OIT. Windows can be full-sized to completely cover the OIT display or
partially sized. Any partially sized window is usually referred to as a popup window. Windows can appear on the OIT
display by a request from the PLC or by a press from the touch screen. Windows can be configured to any size. Once a
window is displayed, it can be moved around the OIT display, removed from the display, or minimized to an icon. Windows
can even overlap each other. Each window can display graphics objects and there is no limit to the number of graphics
objects that can be placed on each window. The Silver Series is capable of storing up to 1999 windows , but the actual limit
is determined by the total amount of memory used for the application. A more in-depth discussion of windows is covered in
later chapters. For now, think of windows as screens that can be displayed on the OIT.
1010-1001a, Rev 02
4Sil ver Se ries In stal la tion & Operation Man ual
What is a Sil ver Se ries OIT?
The Silver Series of OITs by Maple Systems are graphics operator interfaces designed to connect to PLCs in an industrial
environment. The displays are covered with a 4-wire analog resistive touch screen designed for harsh industrial
environments. The touch screen uses the latest in touch screen technology enabling the OIT programmer to create switches
that are very fine in resolution. Unlike many other touch screen OITs on the market, the Silver Series is not limited to a fixed
number of cells in which switches can be created. The OIT programmer can create as many switches of varying sizes and
shapes as he wishes, limited only by the total amount of memory available for the project.
Three LED indicators are provided on the face of the Silver Series OIT to provide instant feedback to the OIT operator of the
current operating condition of the OIT.
LED IndicatorPurpose
PWR LED (yellow)indicates if power is applied to the OIT
CPU LED (green)indicates if the OIT is operating correctly
COM LED (red)indicates communications activity on PLC port
The Silver Series OIT has two serial ports, which provide a connection to a PLC using RS-232 or
RS-485 communications and an RS-232 connection to a computer for programming. The serial ports also provide the ability
to connect multiple OITs in series to a single PLC port! The two serial ports also provide the ability to use the EZware-500
configuration software in Simulation Mode enabling the OIT programmer to test his project on the PC instead of
downloading the project to the OIT.
The Silver Series is powered using +24VDC. The viewing level of the OIT display can be adjusted using a contrast switch
located on the back of the unit, or using Local Bits LB9091 and LB9092 for Contrast Up/Down. Finally, a reset switch is
provided on the back of the OIT to reinitialize the OIT if an operational failure occurs. The Silver Series is designed for
industrial environments and carries a NEMA 4 rating as well as CE compliance for noise immunity and emissions.
The HMI504T will operate at 12 VDC.
There are currently SEVEN models in the Silver Series.
ModelDisplay size
HMI504T4.3"480 x 272
HMI520T5.6"320 x 234
HMI530T7.7"640 x 480
HMI550H10.4”640 x 480
5.6"320 x 234
7.7"640 x 480
10.4”640 x 480
LCD Type
Ethernet &
Finally, the Silver Series are powered by a 200 MHz Intel XScale processor, making it one of the fastest OITs available on
the market. Even the most complicated graphics can be displayed quickly on the OIT screen. In addition, the OIT uses a
proprietary algorithm to find the most efficient means of extracting data from the PLC. This lowers the amount of
‘bottleneck’ time due to the relatively slow communications baud rate of most PLCs. Therefore, the update rate to gather
information from the PLC is very fast.
1010-1001a, Rev 02
List of Fea tures
The next chapter will guide you through the creation of your first project. Before you proceed, you may wish to read this
brief list of some of the features offered in the Silver Series OIT.
Bit LampCreates a graphics object to reflect the current status of a PLC bit.
Word LampCreates a graphics object to reflect the current state of a multi-state PLC data register.
Creates a touch screen graphics object that represents a two-state switch. When pressed it
Set Bit
sets/resets a PLC bit.
Set Word
Toggle Switch
Function KeyCreates a touch screen graphics object, which displays a window or edits a PLC register.
Numeric Input
Numeric DataDisplays a number stored in a PLC register
ASCII DataDisplays ASCII characters stored in a PLC register
Moving Shapes
Creates a touch screen graphics object that represents a multi-state switch. When pressed it
can place a constant value in a PLC register or jog the value.
Creates a touch screen graphics object that represents a two-state switch changing state
(picture) based upon a PLC bit. When pressed, it can control another PLC bit.
Creates a multi-state touch screen graphics object that changes state (picture) according to the
value in a PLC data register. When pressed, it sends a value(s) to another PLC register.
Displays a number stored in a PLC register. The number can be changed using a numeric
Displays ASCII characters stored in a PLC register. Characters can be changed using an
alphanumeric keypad.
Creates a multi-state graphics object, which changes state (picture) and position on the screen
according to a value in a PLC register.
Indirect Window
Direct WindowDisplays a Window based on a bit in a PLC Register
Alarm DisplaysCreates alarms to display alarms sent from the Alarm Scan Object
Trend Displays
Bar Graph
Creates a multi-state graphics object, which changes state (picture) on the screen according to a
value in a PLC register. The positions on the screen are predefined.
Configures the OIT to monitor PLC data registers or coils to display for a specific window popup
by a PLC word address
Creates a trend graph. Samples data in a single or multiple 16-bit PLC register and plots the
data on a time graph
Creates a bar graph with alarm monitoring
1010-1001a, Rev 02
6Sil ver Se ries In stal la tion & Operation Man ual
Meter DisplaysCreates a scale meter
Alarm BarDisplays alarms detected by the Alarm Scan Object on a single horizontal scrolling line.
Recipe Transfer
Event DisplaysDisplays messages according to ‘events’ that occur in the PLC
Alarm ScanContains the data for detecting alarm conditions.
PLC ControlConfigures the OIT to monitor PLC data registers to display full window screens.
Event LogMonitors and records assigned events
Data Transfer
Transfers data to the specified PLC registers (Note: Recipes are not supported by the
Customizes the content of system-generated messages.
Configures the OIT to periodically transfer data stored in one set of registers to another set of
registers in the OIT or PLC.
1010-1001a, Rev 02
In stal la tion of OITs7
Chapter 1 - Installation of OITs
Be fore You Be gin
Please read the following for proper handling of your new OIT.
Un packing the Unit
Carefully unpack the OIT. Please read any instructions or cautions that appear on the shipping container. Check all
material in the container against the enclosed packing list. Maple Systems, Inc. will not accept responsibility for
shortages against the packing list unless notified within 30 days. The equipment and its accessories were inspected
and tested by Maple Systems before shipment; all of the equipment should be in good working order. Examine the
equipment carefully; if any shipping damage is evident, notify the carrier immediately. You are responsible for
claim negotiations with the carrier. Save the shipping container and packing material in case the equipment needs to
be stored, returned to Maple Systems, or transported for any reason.
Man aging Elec tro static Dis charge
It is best NOT to remove the rear enclosure of the OIT. When the rear part of the enclosure is removed, the circuitry
inside is exposed to possible damage by electrostatic discharge during handling. Minimize the possibility of
electrostatic discharge by:
· Discharging personal static by grounding yourself prior to handling the OIT
· Handling the OIT at a static-free grounded workstation
· Connecting the frame ground ( ) connector of the OIT to a clean earth ground
· Placing the OIT in an anti-static bag during transport
CE Com pli ance
The Silver Series OITs have been tested to conform to European CE requirements per Council Directive
89/336/EEC. The European Union created these requirements to ensure conformity among products traded in those
countries. Specifically, the Silver Series OITs meet or exceed the noise emissions and immunity requirements as set
forth in the EN50081 (Emissions) and EN50082 (Immunity) standards. These products are designed to withstand
electrical noise in harsh industrial environments. They also conform to requirements that limit electrical emissions.
However, this does not guarantee that the products will be totally immune from possible malfunction in cases where
severe electrical noise occurs. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you follow the guidelines outlined in this
chapter for proper wire routing and grounding to insure the proper operation of the Silver Series OIT.
NEMA Rat ing
The Silver Series OITs are rated for NEMA 4/12 (indoor) or IP65 installations. This means that when the OIT is
properly mounted to a panel or other enclosure, the front enclosure of the OIT will provide protection to the inside
of the panel from splashing water, wind blown dust, rain, or hose-directed water. The OIT must be installed
according to the instructions in this chapter to be properly sealed.
En vi ron men tal Con sid er ations
The Silver Series is designed to operate in temperatures from 0-45° C. It is intended for indoor installations and not
designed for outdoor applications. Avoid installing the Silver Series in environments with severe mechanical
vibration or shocks. Do not install the OIT in enclosures with rapid temperature variations or high humidity. Either
will cause condensation of water inside the device and eventual damage to the OIT.
1010-1001a, Rev 02
8Silver Series Installation & Operation Manual
Safety Precautions
Please observe the following precautions when installing the Silver Series OIT. Failure to comply with these
restrictions could result in loss of life, serious personal injury, or equipment damage.
Warning: Do not operate the OIT in areas subject to explosion due to flammable gases,
vapors, or dusts.
Warning: Do not connect the OIT to an AC power source. You will cause permanent damage
to the OIT.
Warning: Do not attempt to use a DC power supply that does not meet OIT power
requirements. You may cause malfunction or permanent damage to the OIT.
Warning: Do not power the OIT with a DC power supply used for inductive loads or for input
circuitry to the programmable logic controller. Severe voltage spikes caused by these devices may
damage the OIT.
Control Panel Design Guidelines
Pay careful attention to the placement of system components and associated cable routing. These items can
significantly enhance the performance and integrity of your control application.
Control panel is
Shielded power cable
(rear side)
OIT is
grounded to
control panel
Control Panel Example
tied to a reliable
earth ground
I / O control lines
Ground wires
Quiet ground
1010-1001a, Rev 02
In stal la tion of OITs9
(rear side)
PLC [RS-485]
PC [RS-232]
PLC [RS-232]
Stud or screw
Control panel
(connected to
earth ground)
Area on panel
free of paint
Con trol Panel Grounding
The control panel should be connected to a good, high-integrity earth ground both for safety considerations and
shielding purposes. Maple Systems cannot overemphasize the importance of good grounding. If you fail to use
good grounding procedures during installation, sporadic malfunction of the OIT may occur:
· Connect the OIT’s chassis ground terminal to a reliable earth ground with a low-resistance path.
· Route all earth ground wires that lead from the OIT, the PLC, the power supply, and the line filter to a
central earth ground point such as a barrier strip. This will ensure that no ground current from one device
influences the operation of the other devices.
· Connect the OIT chassis ground terminal to the control panel door using a heavy-gauge short braided cable
or ground wire to minimize resistance.
· Connect the power cable’s shield wire to the OIT’s chassis ground terminal.
· Connect the control panel to earth ground using a copper grounding rod close to the OIT and control panel.
Hinged doors on control panels do not provide a long-term electrical connection to the rest of the enclosure.
Corrosion develops over time and prevents good electrical contract. For this reason, a separate wire braid should be
installed from the hinged control panel to the rest of the enclosure.
For a more in-depth overview of ground wiring techniques, refer to technical note #1027, “OIT Ground Wiring and
Electrical Noise Reduction,” which you can find on our website .
Con nect OIT Chas sis Ground to Con trol Panel
To reduce the possibility of electrical interference, connect the chassis ground terminal of the OIT to a clean earth
ground. If the control panel is metal, make sure it is properly grounded. Then connect a short heavy-gauge wire
(#18 AWG) from the chassis ground terminal of the OIT to a mounting bolt on the control panel door. The
mounting bolt must have good electrical contact to the control panel; scrape away any paint that may be covering
the panel to provide a good connection.
If the control panel is made of a non-conductive material, it is essential that you connect the chassis ground terminal
of the OIT to a clean earth ground point located close to the panel.
OIT Chas sis Ground Con nec tion
1010-1001a, Rev 02
10Sil ver Se ries In stal la tion & Op er a tion Man ual
Line Filter
White to
110Vac neutral
Black to
110Vac load (hot)
To earth
Bus bar
Keep short
Power Sup ply Se lec tion
The power supply used to power the OIT should provide an output of +24 VDC 5% measured at the OIT power
terminal block. A 24VDC regulated power supply dedicated to the OIT is required. Refer to the installation guide
that accopanies each OIT for input current requirements.
The power cable for the OIT should be 18AWG, 2-conductor wire with a shield drain wire and protective shield
(foil or braid). The shield drain wire must be connected to earth ground at both ends of the cable. Please refer to the
“Connect the OIT to Power” section for more information.
A power line filter installed at the AC input to the OIT power supply is highly recommended as a safeguard against
conducted RF noise, which is often present on factory power lines. The wires connecting the output of the power
line filter to the power supply should be kept as short as possible to minimize any additional noise pickup. The case
of the power line filter should be connected to a quiet earth ground. The power line filter should have a current
rating of at least 3 Amps with common mode and differential mode attenuation.
Do not use the power supply used to provide power to the OIT to power switching relays, solenoids, or other active
Ca ble Routing and Noise Im mu nity
Follow these guidelines when routing cable to the OIT:
· Always route the OIT communication cable and the power cable away from any AC voltage or rapidly
switching DC control lines.
· Never bundle the OIT cables together with 120VAC power wires or with relay wiring.
· Try to keep at least 8 inches (20 cm) of separation between the OIT cables and other power wiring. If
voltages greater than 120VAC are used in the system, greater separation is required.
· If the OIT cables must come near AC wiring, make sure they cross at 90 degrees.
· Run AC power wires in a separate grounded conduit to reduce electrical noise interference.
· Keep the cable lengths for the OIT as short as possible. Do not coil excess cable and place it next to AC
powered equipment.
· Cover any equipment used in the enclosure that operates at high frequency or high current levels with a
grounded metal shield.
1010-1001a, Rev 02
Power Line Fil ter Connection
In stal la tion of OITs11
(rear side)
power supply
Shield wire (bare)
Black wire (-)
Red wire (+)
Ferrite coil
Shield drain
DC Output -V (Gnd)
DC Output +V (+24V)
In stal la tion
It is necessary to follow all installation procedures described in this chapter for electrical noise immunity and CE
Your Maple Systems OIT is designed to connect easily to your PLC. External rear connectors provide quick
connections for power, communications and programming wiring.
There are two serial ports on the rear of the OIT (except the HMI504T, which has one serial port). Both of these are
D-subminiature 9-pin connectors. Use the female connector for RS-232 communications to a PLC. Use the male
connector for RS-485 communication to a PLC and RS-232 communications to a PC.
Use the supplied separate 3-position terminal block to provide power to the OIT.
Con nect the OIT to Power
The power cable for the OIT should be 18AWG, 2-conductor wire with a shield drain wire and protective shield
foil. You may buy cable P/N 6030-0009 by the foot from Maple Systems to make these.
Always run the DC ground wire directly back to the signal return of the power supply. Do not use the chassisground wire as your signal return! Maple Systems recommends using an axial ferrite coil (Maple p/n 2531-0001)
with each HMI550 OIT to further reduce the electrical interference that may be conducted on the power lines.
Thread the positive and negative wires of the power cable through the ferrite coil so that the coil is no more than two
inches from the OIT’s power input.
4To connect the OIT to power:
1. Connect the power cable to the OIT
a. Strip the power cable shield to expose 2” of the black and red wires.
b. Strip about ¼” of insulation from the black and red wires.
c. Thread the black and red wires through the ferrite core. The shield wire must be outside.
d. Connect the red wire to the DC positive (+) input of the OIT power terminal.
e. Connect the black wire to the DC negative (-) input of the OIT power terminal.
f. Connect the power cable shield wire to the OIT power terminal’s chassis ground input.
2. Route the power cable to the OIT power supply. The power cable should not be any longer
than necessary.
3. Install the power supply wires as follows (with colors shown for Maple Systems cable P/N
OIT Power Inputs
1010-1001a, Rev 02
12Silver Series Installation & Operation Manual
ColorPower SupplyHMI504THMI520THMI530THMI550T
Red+Output/+24 Vdc++ 24V24V+DC24V
Black-Output/+24 Vdc return-GNDGND-DC 24V
ShieldCase groundFG
The power connector on the Silver Series is a terminal block with wire clamps. Lugs
are not required.
Connect the OIT to the PLC
Each PLC supported by Maple Systems has its own wiring requirements. Maple Systems offers OIT-to-PLC
communication cables for most PLCs that are built to any length and tested for high reliability. Most cables are
available for next-day shipment from Maple Systems. Components and instructions necessary to construct your
own OIT-to-PLC communications cables are also available. Refer to Maple Systems’ Technical Note 1061 or visit
our Web site.
Port 1
PLC (RS-232)
Pin #FunctionFunctionFunction
4(no connection)TXD+TXD+
6Aux-RXD(no connection)TXD (PLC)
7(no connection)TXDTXD (PC)
8(no connection)RXDRXD (PC)
9(no connection)(no connection)RXD (PLC)
PLC (RS485) / PC (RS232)
Port 2
Pinout for the OIT Ports
1010-1001a, Rev 02
In stal la tion of OITs13
Shielded Power Cable,
Maple P/N 6030-0009
PLC [RS-485]
PC [RS-232]
PLC [RS-232]
Power Supply
DC Output -V (Gnd)
DC Output +V (+24V)
models only
models only
Attach earth ground wire
(if included on cable)
Printer port
Power connector
Port 1, PLC[RS-232],
has a shielded female
DE9S connector
Port 2, PLC[RS-485]/
has a shielded male
DE9P connector
Communication cable specific for
the PLC/Host; twisted pair, foil
shielded, 28AWG minimum
Tighten all screws
printer cable
Port 1
Port 2
Panel Prep a ra tion
A metal panel or mounting surface with a minimum thickness of 15 gauge (0.059 inch/3.3mm) if cold-rolled steel or
hardened steel, or 10 gauge (0.101 inch/2.6mm) if aluminum alloy (6061-T6 preferred) is required. Thinner panels
or surfaces may bow between the mounting clamps and not form a seal with the gasket.
The area of the panel or mounting surface where the gasket comes into contact must be flat and free of scratches,
pits, and other features that prevent the gasket from sealing properly. If the panel or mounting surface is not
uniform, thick, flat, stiff, or smooth enough, then a sealant such as silicone may be required.
Ex am ple of Wir ing a Sil ver Series OIT to a PLC
1. Connect the “OIT” end of the communication cable into either the RS-232 port or the RS-485 port as
required for your application (OIT housing is marked).
2. Tighten the two cable screws at each end to ensure shield ground path.
3. Route the communication cable to the PLC. Refer to the “OIT Cable Routing” section for more
4. Connect the “PLC” end of the cable to the PLC and tighten the cable screws.
5. Connect the green shield wire from the cable to earth ground ( ) on the PLC. If this wire is not
present, make the ground connection inside the PLC connector.
6. The HMI530T/550T has a printer port and can be connected to an Epson compatible printer.
WARNING: The OIT requires a stiff, flat, smooth mounting surface free of blemishes
to seal properly to NEMA 4.
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14Sil ver Se ries In stal la tion & Op er a tion Man ual
Screw clamp locking
tabs go through the
Tighten all screw clamps until
they are uniformly snug
Ends of screws must not
protrude from the clamp
Screw Clamp PlacementClamps Tightened
Hold the OIT against
the panel until all screw
clamps are in position
Position 4 screw clamps
(2 each side)
Clean and deburr the panel cutout before the OIT is installed.
Mount the OIT to the Panel
In stall ing Screws on the OIT
CAUTION: Do not over-tighten the screws beyond snugness, or you may damage the housing.
REINSTALLATION: Because the gasket will take a “set” to the panel, be sure to reinstall the OIT to the same
panel cutout when a NEMA 4 seal is required. For best results, also replace the gasket itself.
Con fig u ra tion Wir ing
The OIT must be configured for a particular protocol before use. The EZware-500 software (used on a PC with
Windows 95 or higher) is used for configuring the OIT. For detailed instructions on installing and using the
software, please refer to the software documentation section of this manual.
1010-1001a, Rev 02
1. Prepare the screw clamps by positioning the metal brackets at the midpoints of the screws. Position the
screws so that the ends don’t protrude from the plastic portions.
2. Set the OIT in the panel cutout and hold it in place until all clamps are in position.
3. Tighten the screw clamps until all are uniformly snug.
In stal la tion of OITs15
Con nect the OIT to the PC for Con fig u ra tion
To configure the OIT using Maple System’s configuration software, you will need the OIT Configuration Y-adapter
Cable, Maple P/N 7431-0098. Connect the end marked “OIT” into Port 2 on the OIT, marked “PLC[RS-485]/
PC[RS-232], and connect the end marked PC into the proper COM port on your PC. The end marked “PLC” is not
used here. See the figure below for serial port pin assignments and the next two figures for connecting the Silver
series to a PC.
Many PCs no longer support RS232 serial ports. If our PC has a USB port, then you
can download projects using a USB to serial adapter, available at your local
electronics store.
Fac tory Con fig u ra tion
Each OIT arrives from the factory with a demo project file that illustrates some of the most popular features of the
OIT. Please follow the directions enclosed in Chapter 2, Creating Your First Project, to configure your OIT for the
PLC that you are using.
Each OIT has a potentiometer located on the back for adjusting the level of contrast on the display. It is set for
optimum clarity at the factory but you can change the setting if necessary.
The OIT also has a black reset pushbutton and a four position DIP switch located through an access hole on the back
of the enclosure. The reset switch can be used to reinitialize the OIT if the OIT malfunctions. Only Dip switch 1
and 2 have functionality. Dip switch 1 puts the OIT into Touch Calibration mode. Dip switch 2 forces the OIT into
download mode, and needs to be set for downloading from a Compact Flash card. For normal operation, all of the
DIP switches should be set to the OFF position.
The touch screen of the OIT is fully calibrated before it leaves the factory so you shouldn’t need to adjust it.
However, with time the touch screen may need to be recalibrated.
4To calibrate the touch screen
1. Connect the OIT to your computer for programming.
2. From the Start menu, click Programs, then Maple Systems, then EZware-500, then the
EasyManager program.
3. Click Jump To Touch Adjust. The OIT screen should change to calibration mode.
4. After the OIT displays a crosshair cursor, you are prompted to touch the cursor for:
a. Top left position
b. Top right position
c. Bottom left position
d. Bottom right position
5. The OIT screen displays two rectangular objects. To determine whether the touch screen is
properly calibrated, place and hold your finger somewhere on the touch screen other than on
the rectangular spots. The crosshair cursor should appear directly under your finger. If
needed, press the left rectangle to repeat the calibration. Press the right rectangle to end
6. Once you have completed calibration, press the touch screen again to return to normal
application mode.
1010-1001a, Rev 02
16Sil ver Se ries In stal la tion & Op er a tion Man ual
OIT to PC Se rial Port Pin As sign ments
1010-1001a, Rev 02
Cre ating Your First Project17
Chapter 2 - Creating Your First Project
Often the best way to learn about new software is to just jump right in. This chapter will step you through the
process of installing the EZware-500 configuration software and then using the software to create a sample project
that can be downloaded to your OIT. We won’t go into much detail as to how each feature works. The purpose of
this chapter is only to provide you with an overview of the process of creating a functional OIT that can
communicate to a PLC. For our sample project, we will configure the OIT using the MemoryMap_Master protocol
but you may feel free to select whichever protocol driver you intend to use.
By the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
· Install EZware-500 configuration software.
· Create a sample project with two windows and several graphics objects.
· Save a project, compile a project and download the project to the OIT.
· Verify that the OIT is functioning properly.
Be fore You Be gin
Before you install EZware-500, make sure your computer meets the following minimum system requirements:
· Pentium-based 90MHz or higher processor
· 16 MB of RAM (more memory improves performance)
· 10 MB available hard disk space
· VGA or higher-resolution monitor set for 256 color 800x600 pixel mode
· Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
· One available RS-232 port
· Microsoft Windows 95, 98, NT, XP or higher
Con necting OIT to Com puter
Before you start your first project, the OIT should be connected to the computer so that the project can be
downloaded after creating it. You should also connect the PLC that you are using to the OIT so that you can test the
operation of the OIT after you have finished creating this sample project.
4To connect your OIT to the computer
1.Connect a +24VDC power supply to the OIT.
2.Connect the Y-adapter programming cable (Maple P/N 7431-0098) to the computer and OIT.
• Con nect the end marked OIT to the OIT port la beled PC[RS-232].
• Con nect the end marked PC to the COM port of the com puter.
3. Apply power to the OIT.
4Changing the PC COM Port used by EZware-500
1.EZware-500 is initially configured to use Com Port 2:
2.In Windows, click the Start button.
3.Select Programs.
4.Select EZware500.
5.Select EasyManager.
6.In the top left drop-down list box, select COM 1.
7.Choose EXIT.
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18Sil ver Se ries In stal la tion & Op er a tion Man ual
4To connect your PLC to the OIT
1.Maple Systems produces PLC communications cables, which will connect the OIT to most of
the PLCs available. The cables can be manufactured to any length you may require. A listing
of all the PLC cables Maple Systems offers can be found on our website.
2.If you have decided to make your own cable, make sure that it is wired correctly for your
particular PLC. Maple Systems provides cable wiring diagrams to guide you through the
construction of your cable. These can also be found on our website.
3.Connect the PLC communications cable from the serial port on your PLC to the appropriate
serial port on your OIT.
• If you are us ing RS-232 com mu ni ca tions, then con nect the OIT end of the ca ble to the OIT
port la beled PLC[RS-232].
• If you are using RS-485 communications, then connect the OIT end of the cable to the OIT
port labeled PLC[RS-485]. If you wish to use the Y-adapter programming cable, then
connect to the cable end that is marked PLC.
4.Apply power to the PLC. The Silver Series OIT is programmed at the factory with a sample
demo that shows some features of the OIT. The OIT should display a sample startup screen.
The OIT will now accept a new project from EZware-500.
Starting EZware-500
Before you can create a sample project, you must start the configuration software. The EZware-500 software has
three main applications:
· EasyBuilder – used to create the project downloaded to the OIT.
· EasyManager - used to place the OIT into different operating modes.
· EasyASCIIFontMaker - used to edit the text fonts that display characters on the OIT.
4To start the EZware-500 software
1.From the Windows Task Bar, click the Start button, point to Programs, and then click the
EZware-500 folder.
2.Click EasyManager to start the EasyManager application.
3.Select the appropriate COM port on your computer.
4.Select a baud rate of 38400.
After you have successfully downloaded a project to the OIT using this baud rate, try
using 115200 to decrease the required download time.
5.Click Project Download/Upload.
6.Click Complete Download/Upload.
After you have downloaded your first project to the OIT, you can switch to Partial
Download/Upload to decrease the required download time.
7.On the EasyManager dialog box, click EasyBuilder.
8.The Welcome to EasyBuilder dialog box appears. Select the correct OIT model.
9.Click OK to display the main screen of EasyBuilder.
If the main screen of EasyBuilder is displayed after you click EasyBuilder from the
EasyManager dialog box, select the correct model of OIT by clicking New from the File
1010-1001a, Rev 02
Creating Your First Project19
Menu selections
Draw toolbar
The following illustration shows the various sections of EasyBuilder.
State toolbar
Work area
Standard toolbar
Part1 toolbar
Part2 toolbar
Creating a Sample Project
This section walks you through the creation of an EasyBuilder project named EBPrj1. Once downloaded to the OIT,
this basic configuration allows the OIT to connect to the PLC, display a startup screen, and display a screen
containing one PLC register monitor when a switch on the startup screen is pressed.
Although we strongly recommend that you perform the following steps to create this sample project, the project is
already included in your EasyBuilder software with the following filenames:
-sample project for the HMI504T
-sample project for the HMI520T
-sample project for the HMI530
-sample project for the HMI550H
Setting the System Parameters
Whenever you begin a new project, you should always set the system parameters before you create any windows.
System parameters determine the basic operating conditions of the OIT such as what type of PLC it is connecting to.
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20Sil ver Se ries In stal la tion & Op er a tion Man ual
4To edit the System Parameters
1.Click the Edit menu on the main screen of EasyBuilder.
2.At the bottom of the menu, click System Parameters. The Set System Parameters dialog box
3.The dialog box has six tabs: PLC, General, Indicator, Security, Editor and Hardware. Select
the PLC tab.
4.Select the PLC that you are using or MemoryMap_Master from the PLC type pull-down
5.Select RS485 from the Serial port I/F box.
6.Select 8 bits from the Data bits box.
7.Select 1 bit from the Stop bits box.
8.Select 19200 from the Baud rate box.
9.Select Odd from the Parity box.
10. Select 0 for the OIT station No. and PLC station No. Boxes.
11. Select Disable from the Multiple OIT box.
12. Select 3.0 from the PLC time out constant box.
13. Select 0 from the PLC block pack box.
14. Now click on the General tab.
15. Select 10 for the Startup window No. Box.
16. Click OK to return to the EasyBuilder main screen.
The communications parameters selected above were selected at random. Please enter
the PLC type and communications parameters that match your PLC. For more
information, consult your PLC operations manual or Maple Systems Controller
Information Sheets available on our website at .
Cre ating a Startup Win dow
We will configure Window #10 as the startup screen. The OIT can store up to 1999 predefined windows but
screens 0-9 are reserved. Therefore, the first window screen that is available for configuration is Window #10. By
default, this is the startup screen when you begin a new project. This section will show how to place text in the
window and how to create two function keys that will open and close Window #11.
4To place text on Window#10
1.From the Draw menu, click Text. The Create Text Object dialog box appears.
2.Click the pull down box from the Color box. The Color dialog box appears.
3.Click on the white color box, then click OK. The color box should reflect the color that you
have chosen.
4.Select 16 in the Font box.
5.Select Left in the Align box.
6.Double-click the word ‘text’ in the Content box and type “This is the Startup Screen!.”
7.Click OK.
8.On the main screen of EasyBuilder, you will see a white rectangle outline that is attached to
your cursor in the work area. This represents the text box just created. Center the rectangle
somewhere on the top third portion of the work area and then click. The text box “This is the
Startup Screen!” should appear.
4To create a function key on Window#10
1.From the Parts menu, click Function Key. The Create Function Key Object dialog box
2.Type On Button in the Description box.
3.Click Popup Window.
4.Type 11 in the Window No. Box.
5.Click the Shape tab.
6.Click Use shape, then click Shape library. The Shape Library dialog box appears.
1010-1001a, Rev 02
Cre ating Your First Project21
7.Click button1 in the Shape library box.
8.Scroll through the selections to selection 23. Click the shape, then click OK. The shape
should appear in the Shape tab.
9.Click the Label tab.
10. Click the pull down box from the Color box. The Color dialog box appears.
11. Click on the black color box, then click OK. The color box should reflect what you have
12. Select 16 in the Font box.
13. Select Left in the Align box.
14. Type ON in the Content box.
15. Click the Use Label box.
16. Click OK.
17. On the main screen of EasyBuilder, you will see a white square outline that is attached to your
cursor in the work area. This represents the function key just created. Center the square
somewhere on the bottom left portion of the work area and then click. The function key
should appear.
18. Double-click on the function key. The Function Key Object’s Attribute box appears.
19. Click on the Profile tab.
20. Enter 47 for the X position. Enter 168 for the Y position.
21. Enter 62 for the Width. Enter 49 for the Height.
22. Click OK.
23. On the main screen of EasyBuilder, you should see the function key that you just created
move and/or change size. This function key is used to display Window #11.
4To create a second function key on Window#10
1.We could create the second function key by repeating the steps for the first function key.
Instead, however, we will take advantage of the first function key and copy it.
2.Click the first function key to highlight it.
3.From the Edit menu, click Copy.
4.From the Edit menu, click Paste. A copy of the function key appears in the upper left corner
of the work area. Deselect the function key by clicking on any blank space in the work area.
5.Double-click on the second function key. The Function Key’s Object Attribute dialog box
6.In the General tab section, change the Description to Off Button.
7.Click on Change Window. Enter 10 for Window number
8.Click on the Label tab. Type OFF in the Content box.
9.Click on the Profile tab.
10. Enter 196 for the X position. Enter 168 for the Y position.
11. Click OK.
12. On the main screen of EasyBuilder, you should see the second function key that you just
created move to the lower right hand side of the work area. This function key is used to close
Window #11.
1010-1001a, Rev 02
22Sil ver Se ries In stal la tion & Op er a tion Man ual
You have finished configuring your first window. It should look something like the picture below:
Cre ating a Popup Win dow
We will configure Window #11 as a popup window. Up to six popup windows can be displayed on a full screen
window. The windows may overlap each other or may be minimized to an icon. This section will show how to
create a scale and a numeric register that displays the current value of the scale. You will also create an increment
and decrement key to change the value in the scale meter.
4To create Window#11
1.From the Window menu, click Open Window. The Open Window dialog box appears.
2.Click New Window. The Select Window Style dialog box appears.
3.Click Base Window. The Window Setting dialog box appears.
4.Enter 79 for the X position. Enter 58 for the Y position.
5.Enter 160 for the Width. Enter 120 for the Height.
6.Click the pull down box from the Background Color box. The Color dialog box appears.
7.Click on the white color box, then click OK. The color box should reflect the color that you
have chosen.
8.Click OK.
9.Select Window_11 in the Open Window dialog box.
10. Click Open. The main screen of EasyBuilder should reappear with Window #11 displayed in
the work area.
4To create a rectangle on Window#11
1.From the Draw menu, click Rectangle. The Attributes dialog box appears.
2.Click on Interior Filled.
3.Click the pull down box from the Interior box. The Color dialog box appears.
4.Click on the white color box, then click OK. The color in the Interior box should reflect the
color that you have chosen.
5.Click on an area somewhere inside Window #11. Create a rectangular shape by moving the
mouse cursor. Click again to permanently create the rectangle.
6.From the Edit menu, click Select.
7.Double-click somewhere on the rectangle. The Rectangle Object’s Attribute dialog box
8.Click the Profile tab.
9.Enter 48 for the X position. Enter 13 for the Y position.
10. Enter 61 for the Width. Enter 36 for the Height.
11. Click OK.
1010-1001a, Rev 02
Cre ating Your First Project23
12. On the main screen of EasyBuilder, you should see the rectangle that you just created move
and/or change size. This rectangle is used as a backdrop to the scale meter.
4To create scale lines on Window#11
1.From the Draw menu, click Scale.
2.Click on an area somewhere inside Window #11. Create a scale shape by moving the mouse
cursor. Click again to permanently create the scale lines.
3.From the Edit menu, click Select.
4.Double-click somewhere on the scale lines. The Scale Object’s Attribute dialog box appears.
5.In the Scale Style box, click Up.
6.Type 10 in the Division box.
7.Type 8 in the Meter length box.
8.Click on the Profile tab.
9.Enter 51 for the X position. Enter 16 for the Y position.
10. Enter 56 for the Width. Enter 28 for the Height.
11. Click OK.
12. On the main screen of EasyBuilder, you should see the scale that you just created move
and/or change size. This scale should be enclosed by the rectangle.
4To create a meter display on Window#11
1.From the Parts menu, click Meter Display. The Create Meter Display Object dialog box
2.Type Meter Display in the Description box.
3.Click the Meter Display tab.
4.In the Style 2 Indicator box, click Up half.
5.In the Value Span box, enter 100.
6.Click OK.
7.On the main screen of EasyBuilder, you will see a white square outline that is attached to your
cursor in the work area. This represents the meter display just created. Click to place the
meter display in Window #11.
8.Double-click on the meter display. The Meter Display Object’s Attribute dialog box appears.
9.Click on the Profile tab.
10. Enter 51 for the X position. Enter 16 for the Y position.
11. Enter 56 for the Width. Enter 28 for the Height.
12. Click OK.
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24Sil ver Se ries In stal la tion & Op er a tion Man ual
13. On the main screen of EasyBuilder, you should see the scaled meter display that you just
created move and/or change size. The scaled meter display is now complete.
4To create a numeric register on Window#11
1.From the Parts menu, click Numeric Data. The Create Numeric Data Object dialog box
2.Type Numeric Data in the Description box.
3.Click OK.
4.On the main screen of EasyBuilder, you will see a white rectangle outline that is attached to
your cursor in the work area. This represents the numeric register just created. Click to place
the numeric register on Window #11 somewhere underneath the scale meter. Four pound
signs “####” should appear.
4To create an increment key on Window#11
1.From the Parts menu, click Set Word. The Create Set Word Object dialog box appears.
2.Type Increment Button in the Description box.
3.Click on the pull down box of the Set Style Attribute and select JOG++.
4.Enter 1 in the Inc. value box.
5.Click on the pull down box of JOG Delay and select 0.5 second.
6.Enter 100 in the Attribute Upper limit box.
7.Click the Shape tab.
8.Click Use shape, then click Shape library. The Shape Library dialog box appears.
9.Click Select Lib… The Open dialog box appears.
10. Select button3.slb from the list of shape libraries. Then click Open.
11. Click button3 in the Shape library box.
12. Scroll through the selections to selection 21. Click the shape, then click OK. The shape
should appear in the Shape tab.
13. Click OK.
14. On the main screen of EasyBuilder, you will see a white square outline that is attached to your
cursor in the work area. This represents the increment key just created. Click to place the
increment key on Window #11.
15. Double-click on the increment key. The Set Word Object’s Attribute dialog box appears.
16. Click on the Profile tab.
17. Enter 19 for the X position. Enter 74 for the Y position.
18. Enter 31 for the Width. Enter 29 for the Height and click OK.
1010-1001a, Rev 02
Cre ating Your First Project25
19. On the main screen of EasyBuilder, you should see the increment key that you just created
move and/or change size. The increment key is now complete.
4To create a decrement key on Window#11
1.As with the second function key of Window #10, we are going to create the decrement key by
copying the increment key and then making changes to the attributes.
2.Click the increment key to highlight it.
3.From the Edit menu, click Copy.
4.From the Edit menu, click Paste. A copy of the increment key appears in the upper left
corner of the work area. Deselect the increment key by clicking on any blank space in the
work area.
5.Double-click on the second increment key. The Set Word Object’s Attribute dialog box
6.In the General tab section, change the Description to Decrement Button.
7.Click on the pull down box of the Set Style Attribute and select JOG—.
8.Enter 0 in the Attribute Bottom limit box.
9.Click the Shape tab.
10. Click Shape library. The Shape Library dialog box appears.
11. Scroll through the selections to selection 22. Click the shape, then click OK. The shape
should appear in the Shape tab.
12. Click on the Profile tab.
13. Enter 105 for the X position. Enter 74 for the Y position.
14. Click OK.
15. On the main screen of EasyBuilder, you should see the decrement key that you just created
move to the lower right hand side of the work area.
The following illustration shows how the popup window looks:
1010-1001a, Rev 02
26Sil ver Se ries In stal la tion & Op er a tion Man ual
You have now done your part in creating this sample project. It is now time for EZware-500 to do its part.
Fin ishing Up
There are still a few steps, which must be completed before you can test your first project. In this section, you will:
· save the project onto your computer hard drive
· compile the project into a format that can be understood by the OIT
· download the project to the OIT
· verify that the OIT operates as expected
· exit the EZware-500 software
If you haven’t already done so, now would be a good time to connect the OIT to the
computer and to connect the PLC that you are using to the OIT. For more information,
consult the first part of this chapter or see “Installation of OITs” later on in this
4Saving your first project
1.From the File menu, click Save As. The Save As dialog box appears.
2.In the File name text box, type EBPrj1.
3.Click Save. The file is saved onto your computer hard drive and the main screen of
EasyBuilder reappears.
4Compiling your first project
1.From the Tools menu, click Compile. The Compiling dialog box appears.
2.Click Compile. EasyBuilder will compile your project and display error results.
3.If no errors occur, click Close. The main screen of EasyBuilder reappears. If errors have
occurred, repeat the steps in the Creating a Sample Project section.
4Downloading your first project
1.Apply power to your OIT.
2.From the Tools menu, click Download. The EasyDownload Complete Project dialog box
3.If the OIT is correctly connected to the computer, then the download process will begin. You
will notice that a horizontal bar graph is displayed on the computer indicating how much of
the project has been downloaded. The OIT will also display several Write Flash commands
that scroll on the screen. If a timeout error is displayed, please review your connection of the
OIT to the computer and make sure that the appropriate settings in EasyManager are used.
4.After the download is finished, the Mission Complete dialog box is displayed.
5.Click OK. The main screen of EasyBuilder reappears.
6.You will now use EasyManager to get the OIT to execute the project you just downloaded. If
you want to exit EasyBuilder, from the File menu click Exit.
4Displaying your project on the OIT
1.From the Windows Task Bar, click EasyManager. The EasyManager dialog box appears.
2.Click Jump To Application. This will send a command to the OIT to run the project.
1010-1001a, Rev 02
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