Manualzz OEC 7700 User manual

OEC 7700
Service Setup
Preview with B345
for calibration
- DAP + Laser
PC-SW Version 1.8
B345 Version „B345 04 08.h86“
1. Installation PC-SW for B345 ..............................................................................................................................2
2. B345 Software.................................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Start Programm ............................................................................................................................................... 4
INFO: .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
2. Monitorcart settings for DAP..........................................................................................................................6
3. Monitorcart settings for Preview..................................................................................................................... 6
3. Callibration.......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Mechanical Callibration „Slot Collimator“......................................................................................................... 7
Mechanical Callibration „Iris-Collimator“..........................................................................................................7
Iris Collimatior Adjustment................................................................................................................................. 8
4. Preview Adjustment.......................................................................................................................................... 11
5. DAP Adjustment............................................................................................................................................... 13
07 Aug 2002 Manual for OEC_7700 Service-Setup B345_01.doc
1. Installation PC-SW for B345
Start „Setup.exe“
Press „OK“
07 Aug 2002 Manual for OEC_7700 Service-Setup B345_01.doc
press „weiter“
press „OK“
Programm installed successful
07 Aug 2002 Manual for OEC_7700 Service-Setup B345_01.doc
2. B345 Software
Normal Mode = Standart Mode (no MAG no HAND-MODE no FIME.MODE) MAG 1 = Hand Mode or Mag Mode MAG 2 = Hand-Mode and Mag Mode Film = Film Mode
1. Start Programm
Start Programm B345 / b345_180
Note: please select COM1 or COM2 (MENUE / OPTION/COM)
07 Aug 2002 Manual for OEC_7700 Service-Setup B345_01.doc
if B345 to the right COM port connected some buttons get active
04.05:xx SW.Version and SW-LABEL
04.xx:xx B345 with DAP „DAP installed“ is actice
03.xx:xx B345 without DAP „DAP not installed is actice
xx.xx:nc B345 is not callibrated
after callibration „Iris Collomator adjustmen“ and „Preview adjustmen“ display change to „c“
xx.xx:c B345 is callibrated
Example DISPLAY 03.05.c SW Version 05
B345 is callibrated SW Label = B345 04 05.h86
07 Aug 2002 Manual for OEC_7700 Service-Setup B345_01.doc
2. Monitorcart settings for DAP
For the equipment to work correct, the following changes have to be made in the service menu.
1. Open service menu (Shift Home)
- Servicemenue
- Password BMS 95
2. Select DAP menu
3. In the DAP menu open „Reference value“ first, then „Tolerance“ and make the following
Reference value = 1 Tolerance = 0 Korrectur value = 1,00 !!!!!!!
3. Monitorcart settings for Preview
For the equipment to work correct, the following changes have to be made in the service menu.
1. Open service menu (Shift Home)
- Servicemenue
- Password BMS 95
2. Select Preview menu
3. Select Permanent Preview
„ON“ during Callibration
OFF“ for Normal Work after callibration !!!!
07 Aug 2002 Manual for OEC_7700 Service-Setup B345_01.doc
+ 12 hidden pages