Assembly Instructions: Golden Star Art. 769
© Mantua Model Group August 2001 Page 2 of 14
A brig is a vessel with two masts square-rigged like a ship’s foremast and mainmast, but carrying also
on her mainmast a fore and aft gaff-and-boom mainsail. In wide use in the merchant marine during
the 17
and 18th centuries, the brig was introduced into English naval service from the 1770’s.
General notes:
• All dimensions given are in millimetres. The symbol ∅ means diameter
• English translations of the Italian notes on the plans are given in these instructions.
• Component numbers (n.11, etc) refer to the numbered plywood parts on Plan 1.
• Figure numbers given below (Figure.1, etc) refer to the numbered figures on Plan 1.
• Part numbers (Part F1, A9, etc.) refer to the detailed or exploded drawings on Plans 2 or 3.
• The sequence given here is the recommended order for completing the model.
On the two plywood panels, mark the part number on each laser-cut, plywood component with a
soft lead pencil before removing the parts with a craft knife. The identity of the removed parts can
be easily checked from the scale drawings provided on Plan 1. Smooth all the edges of each piece
with fine sandpaper, taking care not to damage the machined profiles of the pieces.
Figure 1.
• Draw the central line on each of the frames n.2-n.8 and n.16 using a square.
• Using the scale side-section view on Plan 1, draw the positions of the false bow strips n.1A on
both sides of the keel. Temporarily nail the bow strips to the keel using brass nails.
• On frame n.4, mark the position of the strip n.4A, and glue and then glue and nail n.4A on the
frame using brass nails.
• Glue the frames to the keel, checking before they are set that they are square to the keel when
viewed from the side. Use a rule or long strip across the top of the frames to check that the
central lines of the frames are aligned with the central line of the keel. Put aside to dry.
Figure 2.
• With a hard pencil, and starting from the central line, score the surface of the decks n.9, n.10,
n.13 and n.24 at intervals to simulate the deck planking.
• Glue the main deck n.9 down onto support strip n.4A on the frame structure, aligning the sides
of the deck with frames n.4 and n.8.
• With reference to the side-section view and Figure 4, glue the two stern transom support
brackets n.11 onto the rear of frame n.2. Glue the poop deck n.10 onto the top of frames n.2,
n.3 and n.4 overhanging frame n.4 by, and aligning the sides of the deck with the frames.
Figure 3.
• With a hard pencil score the surfaces of the deck transoms n.12 & 14 with vertical lines at intervals to simulate bulkhead planking. Glue the fore deck n.13, the main deck transom
No 12 and the fore deck transom n.14 in place, aligning the edges with the frames.
• Taking the dimensions from the side section drawing cut a 6x5 square hole 2mm deep in each
side of parts n.15 with a craft knife and paint the hole black. This porthole provides a fixing for
the dummy cannon. Glue parts n.15 accurately in place between frames 4 and 5.
• To enable the hull planking to form a smooth line from the frames to the bow, and to the stern,
and to increase adhesion, remove the rear-facing sharp edges of frames n.2 and n.3, and the
bow-facing edges of frames n.6, n.7 and n.88 with a file. Smooth with a sandpaper block.
Figure 4. Glue the stern transom plywood part n.16 on the support brackets n.11.
Figure 5 - Planking. To form the hull planks into a curve (to fit the shape of the bow) without risk
of the planks breaking, a plier-type plank bender is recommended. The 1.5x6 Walnut planking
strips are to be glued on the frames side-by-side (not overlapping) and lengthways along the ship.
The first plank will be positioned level with the main deck and parallel with the bottom of the keel.
Form one end of the plank into a curve to fit the curve of the frames at the bow and trim the bow
end of the plank so that it abuts neatly against the keel in front of strip n.1A. Apply glue to the
frames and position the plank holding it in place with clamps or pins. (Caution: do not cut off the
excess planking overhanging the stern yet, as this will be trimmed later).