Mantracourt UAB User Manual

Universal Amplifier/Digitiser
User Manual
Chapter 1 Introduction To The Universal Process Amplifier System ......................................................... 4
Chapter 2 Installation ................................................................................................................... 5
Environmental Requirements ........................................................................................................... 5
Terminal Connections .................................................................................................................... 6
Section 1 -The Rack (RUA) Variant .................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2.1 - Rear view of Rack (RUA2) ................................................................................................ 7
Figure 2.2 UAB Rear Connection Terminals ......................................................................................... 7
Figure 2.3 The 32 Way A & C (DIN41612) Connections ............................................................................. 7
Figure 2.4 Rack Module Layout ......................................................................................................... 8
Figure 2.5 LP2 Hand Held Programming Unit ........................................................................................ 8
Figure 2.6 RUA1 for External Programmer (LP2) .................................................................................. 8
Figure 2.7 RUA2 On-Board Programmer .............................................................................................. 8
Section 2 - The Surface Mount (SMP) Variant ........................................................................................ 8
Figure 2.8 The IP65-ABS Case (LAB) Dimensions & Mounting Points ............................................................. 9
Figure 2.9 The DIN Rail Mounting (D2) Dimensions ................................................................................. 9
Figure 2.10 Stainless Steel Panel Mount & Programming Display Module, Dimensions & Mounting Points ................ 9
Figure 2.11 LCS Stainless Steel Panel Cut Out ...................................................................................... 10
Figure 2.12 Connection & Fitting Details for the Surface Mounted Amplifier (UAB) ......................................... 10
Programmers for Surface Mount Variants ........................................................................................... 11
Figure 2.13 LP1 On-Board Programmer Unit ........................................................................................ 11
Figure 2.14 LP2 Remote hand Held Programmer Unit (UAB) ..................................................................... 11
Chapter 3 Power Supplies ............................................................................................................ 12
Section 1 - The Rack Version (RS1) ................................................................................................... 12
Table 3.1 .................................................................................................................................. 12
Table 3.2 .................................................................................................................................. 12
Section 2 - The Surface Mount Versions (LS1 and LS3) ............................................................................ 12
Figure 3.1 Power Supply LS1 Connections ........................................................................................... 13
Figure 3.2 LS3 Connections ............................................................................................................ 13
Chapter 4 Input Modules .............................................................................................................. 14
Table 4.1 UADCV1 and UADCA1 Switch Configuration ............................................................................. 14
Figure 4.1 The UADC1 & UADCA1 Modules .......................................................................................... 14
Figure 4.2 The UALV1 - LVDT Module Rear Panel Connections .................................................................. 14
Figure 4.3 LVDT Switch Settings ...................................................................................................... 15
Figure 4.4 Rear Panel Connections ................................................................................................... 15
Figure 4.5 UAT1 & 2 ..................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 4.6 Thermocouple Connectors ................................................................................................ 16
Figure 4.7 RTD Module UAPT .......................................................................................................... 16
Figure 4.8 RTD Connections ............................................................................................................ 17
Fast Strain Gauge The (UAFLC) Module .............................................................................................. 18
Figure 4.9 UAFLC Module ............................................................................................................... 18
Figure 4.10 UAFLC Connections ....................................................................................................... 18
Figure 4.11 the UADIA Modules ........................................................................................................ 18
Figure 4.12 UADIA Connections ....................................................................................................... 18
Chapter 5 Output Modules ............................................................................................................ 19
Section 1 - General Description ....................................................................................................... 19
Figure 5.1 Showing the Potentiometer for Gain & Offset Adjustment ......................................................... 19
Figure 5.2 UAFAO Connections ........................................................................................................ 19
Section 2 - Digital Output Modules ................................................................................................... 20
Figure 5.3 RR1 Module .................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 5.4 LR1 Module .................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 5.5 Installation of LR1 .......................................................................................................... 22
Figure 5.6 Connection to the Surface Mount/DIN Rail Version UAI²C (S) ...................................................... 22
Section 3 - The Communications Port Modules ..................................................................................... 22
Figure 5.7 LC1 Current Loop ........................................................................................................... 23
Figure 5.8 IF25 Connecting Multiple Process Amplifiers .......................................................................... 23
LC3 Isolated RS232/485 Communications Module .................................................................................. 23
Figure 5.9 LC3 Isolated RS232/485~Mode Connections ........................................................................... 23
Mantracourt Electronics Limited UAB User Manual
Figure 5.10 Connecting Multiple Units on RS485 ................................................................................... 24
Figure 5.11 LC3 RS232 Mode Connection to PC ..................................................................................... 24
Figure 5.12 LC3 RS232 Mode Connection to Printer ............................................................................... 24
RC1 Communications Current Loop Module Connections ......................................................................... 25
Figure 5.13 RC1 Communication Connections ...................................................................................... 25
Figure 5.14 RC1 Baud Rate Selection................................................................................................. 25
Figure 5.15 Connecting Multiple Process Amplifiers ............................................................................... 26
RC3 RS232/485 Communication Connectors ........................................................................................ 26
Figure 5.16 RC3 RS232/485 Communication Connections ........................................................................ 26
Figure 5.17 - RC3 Baud Rate Selection ............................................................................................... 27
Section 4 Serial Communication Protocol ........................................................................................... 27
Fast MANTRABUS - selected when CP is 128 ........................................................................................ 27
Communications Commands ........................................................................................................... 28
Data Transmitted To Process Amplifier For Command 1 ......................................................................... 28
Table 5.1 .................................................................................................................................. 33
Process Amplifier Printer Format ..................................................................................................... 33
Chapter 6 The Amplifier Displays ................................................................................................... 35
Figure 6.1 Programmer Unit Panel Layout (RUA2) ................................................................................ 35
Figure 6.2 LP2 Remote Hand Held Programmer Unit ............................................................................. 35
Figure 6.3 Programmer Unit Panel Layout (LP1) ................................................................................... 35
Control Panel Guide ..................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 6.4 Programmer Unit Panel Layout .......................................................................................... 36
Figure 6.5 Display Module Connections and Switch Settings ..................................................................... 37
Table 6.1 .................................................................................................................................. 37
Chapter 7 Programming The Amplifiers ........................................................................................... 38
Section 1 - Display & Programming Mnemonics .................................................................................... 38
Table 7.1 Configurable Parameters for Process Input ............................................................................. 38
Table 7.2 Configurable Parameters for Dual Input Modules ...................................................................... 41
Configurable Parameters for UAFLC - Fast Strain Gauge Input Module ........................................................ 41
Table 7.3 Configurable Parameters .................................................................................................. 42
Section 2 - Setting the Conditions for Linear Inputs ............................................................................... 42
Figure 7.1 Linear Input Scaling ........................................................................................................ 42
Method of Calculating IPL and IPH from any known input values ............................................................... 42
Input Calibration Routine .............................................................................................................. 43
Section 3 - The Temperature Input Modules (UAT1 & UAT2) ..................................................................... 43
Table 7.4 - Thermocouple Input Codes ............................................................................................. 44
Table 7.5 .................................................................................................................................. 44
Section 4 - The Rate/Totaliser Input Module (UARTL)............................................................................ 45
Setting up the Input ..................................................................................................................... 45
Table 7.6 .................................................................................................................................. 45
Table 7.7 Input Configuration ......................................................................................................... 45
Setting the Prescaler .................................................................................................................... 45
Table 7.8 .................................................................................................................................. 46
Rate Measurement ....................................................................................................................... 46
Period (Time measurement between pulses) ...................................................................................... 46
Input Code ................................................................................................................................ 46
Table 7.9 .................................................................................................................................. 46
(i) Period in mSeconds ................................................................................................................. 46
Table 7.10 Period mS Fixed Scale .................................................................................................... 46
(ii) Period in µSeconds .................................................................................................................. 46
Table 7.11 Period µS Unity Scale (IPSF 1.0000) .................................................................................... 46
Frequency ................................................................................................................................. 46
Table 7.12 ................................................................................................................................. 47
Figure 7.2 Frequency Unity Scale Inputs ............................................................................................ 47
RPM ......................................................................................................................................... 47
Table 7.13 RPM Unity Scale ............................................................................................................ 47
Figure 7.3 RPM Unity Scale Range .................................................................................................... 48
Count/Rate Scaling & Scaling/Rate .................................................................................................. 48
Mantracourt Electronics Limited UAB User Manual
Scaling Example: - ....................................................................................................................... 48
RTL Module Inputs ....................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 7.4 RTL Module Inputs .......................................................................................................... 49
Section 5 - Programming the Output Functions .................................................................................... 49
Hysteresis (HYS) .......................................................................................................................... 49
Latching Outputs (OL) .................................................................................................................. 50
Table 7.14 Output Latch Codes (OL) ................................................................................................. 50
Output Action (OA) ...................................................................................................................... 50
Table 7.15 Output Action Codes (OA) ................................................................................................ 50
Delay Timers .............................................................................................................................. 50
Delay On Timer ........................................................................................................................... 50
Delay Off Timer .......................................................................................................................... 50
PID Functions ............................................................................................................................. 50
PID Empirical Tuning .................................................................................................................... 51
Section 6 - Scaling the Analogue Outputs ........................................................................................... 51
Output Scaling ............................................................................................................................ 51
Figure 7.5 Analogue Output ............................................................................................................ 51
Method of Calculating OPL & OPH from any known Output & Display Values ................................................. 52
Calibration ................................................................................................................................ 52
Figure 7.6 Showing the Potentiometers for Gain and Offset Adjustment ..................................................... 52
Figure 7.7 Showing the Potentiometers for Gain & Offset Adjustment ........................................................ 53
Chapter 8 Order Codes ................................................................................................................ 54
RUA Rack Mounted Universal Input Process Amplifier ............................................................................. 54
UAB Universal Amplifier ................................................................................................................ 54
SMP Surface Mount Process Indicator & Controller ................................................................................ 55
CE Approvals .............................................................................................................................. 56
Instrument Setup Record Sheet ....................................................................................................... 57
W A R R A N T Y .......................................................................................................................... 57
Mantracourt Electronics Limited UAB User Manual
Chapter 1 Introduction To The Universal Process Amplifier System
The Mantracourt Electronics Universal Process Amplifier System is based upon a concept of modular construction. By adopting such a concept, it is possible to offer a great deal of flexibility of construction, to meet the wide and varying needs of system building. The system is centred on a Eurocard sized amplifier PCB, which consists in its standard form of, Central Processing, and voltage and current Analogue output ports. Facilities are provided to connect a series of ‘plug in ’ option boards for inputs, relay and communications outputs together with mains and low voltage DC power supply options. A special Fast Analogue output module is also available to complement a Fast Strain Gauge input option. The modular concept offers the opportunity for assembly in Surface Mount, DIN Rail and 19-inch Rack variants. The system concept is described in diagrammatic form with the range of options listed. The options will be described under the various Chapters as follows:
1. Introduction
2. Installation requirements
3. Power Supplies
4. Input Modules
5. Output Modules & Communications Information
6. The Amplifier Displays
7. Programming the Amplifier including essential INPUT CALIBRATION ROUTINES, which must be actioned. See Chapter 7
8. Order Codes
9. Specifications
Mantracourt Electronics Limited UAB User Manual
Chapter 2 Installation
In order to maintain compliance with the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC the following installation recommendations should be followed.
Comms Port:
Analogue Output:
Use individually screened twisted multipair cable. (e.g. FE 585 - 646) The pairs should be : pins 1 & 6 pins 2 & 5 pins 3 & 4 Terminate all screens at pin 1 of the input. The screens should not be connected at the transducer end of the cables.
Use individually screened twisted multipair cable. (e.g. FE 118-2117) The pairs should be:
-Tx & +Tx
-Rx & +Rx Terminate screens at pin 1 of the input . The screens should not be connected at the host port.
Use screened twisted pair cable. (e.g. RS 626-4761)
Terminate screen at pin 1 of the input. The screen should not be connected at the host port.
Pin 1 of the input should be connected to a good Earth. The Earth connection should have a cross-sectional area sufficient enough to ensure a low
impedance, in order to attenuate RF interference.
Part No
Individually shielded twisted multipair cable (7/0.25mm)- 2 pair
Tinned copper drain. Individually shielded in polyester tape. Diameter: 4.1mm
Capacitance/m: core to core 115 pF & core to shield 203 pF
Individually shielded twisted multipair cable (7/0.25mm)- 3 pair
Tinned copper drain. Individually shielded in polyester tape. Diameter: 8.1mm
Capacitance/m: core to core 98 pF & core to shield 180 pF
UK RS 626-4761 Braided shielded twisted multipair cable (7/0.2mm)- 1 pair
Miniature- twin -round Diameter: 5.2 mm
Capacitance/m: core to core 230 pF & core to shield 215 pF
Environmental Requirements
UAB units can operate in any industrial environment provided the following limits are not exceeded at the point of installation:
-10 ºC to 50 ºC
95 % non condensing
Storage Temperature:
-20ºC to +70ºC
Mantracourt Electronics Limited UAB User Manual
Units can operate from any one of the following:
220/240V AC, 50/60Hz
110V AC, 50/60Hz
9-30V DC, 50/60Hz (Not RUA)
Terminal Connections
Connection between the UAB modules and input/output signals, are made via screw connections to the rear of the rack, or edge of the UAB in Surface Mount Versions. (See Figure 2.1)
Mantracourt Electronics Limited UAB User Manual
Section 1 -The Rack (RUA) Variant
Figure 2.1 - Rear view of Rack (RUA2)
Figure 2.2 UAB Rear Connection Terminals
Figure 2.3 The 32 Way A & C (DIN41612) Connection s
Mantracourt Electronics Limited UAB User Manual
Figure 2.4 Rack Module Layout
Figure 2.5 LP2 Hand Held Programming Unit
Figure 2.6 RUA1 for External Programmer (LP2)
Figure 2.7 RUA2 On-Board Programmer
Section 2 - The Surface M o unt (SMP) Variant
The surface mount variant of the Universal Amplifier is offered in a number of different configurations dependant upon the system installation requirements, to which any of the input, output and communications modules can be fitted as described in the diagram in Section 1. Each description is followed by the order coding for ease of identification.
1.The surface mount IP65 ABS cased version with a large LCD display and programming module mounted in the lid,
where local programming and control is required. - (SMP/C).
2.The DIN rail mounted version with a remotely connected large LCD display and programming module fitted with a
stainless steel panel mounting fixture which will operate up to 2 metres from the amplifier. (SMP/D) A version of the (SMP/D) above is offered with a driver package (LCDR) where there is a requirement for the remote display and programming module to operate over distances greater than 2 metres, and up to 100 metres from the amplifier. Where order codes are required for individual items, please refer to the order code list in the rear of the manual at Chapter 8.
3.ABS Cased Versions are available without a display and programming module mounted on the lid. Programmed
through the internal FCC socket on the UAB, (using an LP2 Hand Held Programmer see Figure 2.13) or the remote LP1 On Board Programmer see Figure 2.14
Mantracourt Electronics Limited UAB User Manual
Figure 2.8 The IP65-ABS Case (LAB) Dimensions & Mounting Points
Case Depth = 75mm
Figure 2.9 The DIN Rail M o u n ting (D2) Dimensio ns
Max height above
DIN Rail Mounting surface = 100mm. Fits ALL carrier rails DIN/EN 35
Figure 2.10 Stainless Steel Panel Mount & Programming Display Module, Dimensions & Mounting Points
4mm M4 studs x 12mm for mounting. Sealing is provided by a Neoprene gasket For LCD max cable length = 2 meters. For LCDR max cable length = 100 meters
Mantracourt Electronics Limited UAB User Manual
Figure 2.11 LCS Stainless Steel Panel Cut Out
Where there is a requirement for the stainless steel fixture to be mounted in a panel please note the details of the ‘Cut Out’ are as described in the following drawing.
Figure 2.12 Connection & Fitting Details for th e Surface Mounted Amplifier (UAB)
Display & Keypad FCC68 Connector (For Surface Mounted Display or Hand
Held Programmer LP2 for Non Display Versions.)
The standard (100mS) strain gauge input is contained within the LCB module & therefore has no separate input module
15 Way field screw connection for input, contacts & AN-OP
For DIN mounting cut off
PCB on white line
Mantracourt Electronics Limited UAB User Manual
Programmers for Surface Mou n t V arian ts Figure 2.13 LP1 On-Board
Programmer Unit
Figure 2.14 LP2 Remote hand Held
Programmer Unit (UAB)
Mantracourt Electronics Limited UAB User Manual
Chapter 3 Power Supplies
There are three types of power supply available within the UAB system. The rack versions RUA1 and RUA2 are served by a common power supply, which offers power to the 12 channels in the case of the RUA1 and 8 channels for the RUA2. The Surface Mount versions are offered with mains an AC version or a low voltage DC version.
Section 1 - The Rack V ersion (RS1)
The RS1 supplies power to the channels within the rack via the common back plane, offering 220/240VAC at 50/60 Hz or 110VAC at 50/60 Hz. The 110/240 is selected by a switch on the rear of the power supply module. A green LED on the front panel indicates when power is applied
A 5-Ampere protection fuse is fitted within the power input socket.
The maximum power rating for a full rack is 100 Watts.
Connection to the rack is made via a flying lead with a shrouded and earthed IEC mains connector
Note: Inputs are not intended to be connected to voltages above 50 VAC or 120Vdc
Tables 3.1 and 3.2 show details of the connections and voltages for the various supply rails.
Table 3.1
TO DIN 41612
per channel
0V 15a, 15c - - - - Common for
processor supplies
-5V 17a, 17c -4.80 -5.2 1mV 110Ma Power supply
19a, 19c
Used to detect power fail
-9V8 20a, 20c -9.1 -10.2 1mA 200mA Provides excitation for stain gauges and
Table 3.2
MAX ac V
CURRENT per channel
+24V ISO
Only required if AN­OP to be used
Only required if AN­OP to be used
27a - - - -
Only required if AN­OP to be used
Section 2 - The Surface Mount Versions (LS1 and LS3)
The LS1 power supply is a ‘plug in’ module supplying 110 Volts AC at 50/60 Hz or 220/240 Volts AC at 50/60 Hz.
A maximum power rating of 10 Watts is available, with this module.
The running current for each amplifier is between 250 and 480 milliamps dependant upon module configuration, with a start up current of 3 Amps for 20 milliseconds. Earthing (or shield)- If the amplifier is not earthed elsewhere, an earth should be made to the screen (SC) of the 15 way connector.
Mantracourt Electronics Limited UAB User Manual
Figure 3.1 Power Supply LS1 Connections
Figure 3.2 LS3 Connections
The LS3 module should be protected on installation by an in line fuse.
The LS3 power supply is a 'plug in' module supplying 9 to 30 Volts DC. Similar in characteristics to the LS1 with regard to power and current ratings. The module is not reverse polarity protected and will require similar protection at installation.
Mantracourt Electronics Limited UAB User Manual
Chapter 4 Input Modules
The following DC Voltage & Current input modules are available:
0 to 10 Volts
0 to 20mA ± 200mV Dual Input - 4 to 20mA
Dual Input - 0 to 10 Volts
Table 4.1 UADCV1 and UADCA1 Sw itc h Configuration
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
10V Excite 24V Excite 5-25V VAR Excite ON OFF OFF OFF
10V Excite 24V Excite 5-25V VAR Excite OFF ON ON OFF
10V Excite 24V Excite 5-25V VAR Excite OFF ON ON ON
Figure 4.1 The UADC1 & UADCA1 Modu l es
Figure 4.2 The UALV1 - LVDT Module Rear Panel Connections
Mantracourt Electronics Limited UAB User Manual
Figure 4.3 LVDT Switch Settings
The UARTL - Rate/Totaliser Module
Figure 4.4 Rear Panel Connections
Note: See Chapter 7 Section 4 for details of input and pre scaler settings.
UAT1 ­UAT2 -
Thermocouple Type K Modules Thermocouple Type J Modules
Connecting the Thermocouple
1. Connect the thermocouple to the UAB terminal as shown in Figure 4.6 Note: If the thermocouple has a floating input, connect terminal 1 to ground.
2. The external cold junction sensor is always connected between input terminals 4 and 6. If no external sensor is used, link terminals 4 & 6.
Mantracourt Electronics Limited UAB User Manual
3. Normally, thermocouple burnout is indicated by upscale over range. If downscale indication is required, link terminals 2 & 3.
Figure 4.5 UAT1 & 2
Figure 4.6 Thermocouple Connectors
The UAPT Connecting the Resistance Thermometer Module
Connect the resistance thermometer to the UAB terminals as shown in Figure 4.8 using the terminals appropriate to 2, 3 and 4 wire connections.
Note: It is recommended that 4 core-screened cable be used for this connection with terminal 6 used for screen and ground. If however, this is not practical, terminal 2 may be used for guard and ground.
Figure 4.7 RTD Module UAP T
Mantracourt Electronics Limited UAB User Manual
Figure 4.8 RTD Connections
UAFLC Fast Strain Gauge
The UAFLC offers a direct connection to most low level (foil) strain gauge sensors. A 10-volt excitation is provided and it is monitored to compensate for any variation due to supply drift, load regulation or voltage drop in the cable between the sensor and the UAFLC. The maximum supply current is 150mA, which allows for the connection of 4 x 350 Ohm strain gauges. Strain gauge sensitivity is preset via DIL switches to 0.5, 0.8, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.5, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 mV/V. Select the next value higher than the strain gauge output maximum.
Note: It is important that the UAFLC is powered up with the strain gauge connected to the input as the A/D performs an Autocal of its own on power up.
SW1 mV/V
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.5 x - - x - x x x
- x x - - x x x 1.0 - x - x - - x -
- x - - - - - x 1.5 - - x x x - - -
2.0 - - x - x - - x
2.5 - - x - - - - -
3.5 - - - x x - - -
- - - x - - - x 10.0
- - - - x - - x 20.0
- - - - - x - x 50.0
- - - - - - x x 100.0
- - - - - - - x 200.0
- - - - - - -
x = ON - = OFF mV/V = ±mV/V nominal full range gain within ±3%
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