Navigating This Manual .............................................................................................................................................4
Safe Use ........................................................................................................................................................................4
Inspection and Maintenance .....................................................................................................................................8
Broadweigh Bluetooth Telemetry Basic Principles ............................................................................................. 10
Transmission Range ................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Data rate ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Transmitter Module Modes of Operation ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Data Tag ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Project List .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Project List Edit ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Main Menu ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
New Project ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Tank Tile ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Functions, Constants and Operators for Use in Expressions ............................................................................................. 49
Unit Conversions ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Error Bar ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Icon List ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 56
Order Codes .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 64
Connecting Power .......................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Opening the Case ........................................................................................................................................................................... 66
LED Indicator .................................................................................................................................................................................... 66
Appendix A - Radio Specification ...................................................................................................................................................... 68
Bluetooth certification ....................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
Appendix B – Antennas ......................................................................................................................................................................... 69
Antenna Range ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 69
Appendix C – Approval Statements.................................................................................................................................................. 70
CE Certification ................................................................................................................................................................................ 70
CE certification for SPBTLE-RF module .................................................................................................................................. 70
IC Certification ................................................................................................................................................................................. 71
IC Modular approval ...................................................................................................................................................................... 71
OEM / Reseller Marking and Documentation Requirements ............................................................................................ 72
CE Labelling Instructions.............................................................................................................................................................. 72
IC Labeling Instructions ................................................................................................................................................................ 73
IC Product Manual Instructions ................................................................................................................................................. 73
Appendix D - Worldwide Regional Approvals ............................................................................................................................. 75
Important Note .................................................................................................................................................................................... 75
Appendix E - Declaration of Conformity ........................................................................................................................................ 76
Appendix F - Warranty ........................................................................................................................................................................... 77
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
Introduction / Overview
Broadweigh Bluetooth range provides access to quality measurements on a mobile platform such as a phone or
tablet. The delivery mechanism is Bluetooth Smart which utilises the flexibility and availability of Bluetooth
receivers while maintaining the low power requirements of embedded systems. Broadweigh Bluetooth is built
upon two complimentary principles of Bluetooth Smart, broadcast advertising data which enables users to deliver
the same data to multiple receivers and low power paired connections which can be used in a point to point
connection for configuration.
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
Navigating This Manual
When viewing this PDF manual the following tips will help you navigate.
Viewing bookmarks ( or ) to the left of the page, in the PDF viewer, will allow easy navigation to the relevant
chapters of this manual. Alt-left arrow is a useful shortcut back to the last page viewed after a hyperlink is clicked.
Hyperlinks are coloured green and are underlined.
Safe Use
Designed to aid rigging professionals on a daily basis, the Broadweigh wireless Crosby load cell shackles offer
simple, real-time, effective and accurate load monitoring. It allows users to know the precise loads on any given rigging point, guy wire or hoist in a rigging system. This valuable data enables the rigger to safely distribute
weight for indeterminate loads, roof structures and mother-grids as well as indicate alarms to avoid overload
The Broadweigh Shackle is a Crosby safety bow shackle with load pin and integrated electronics which features
the following:
Available in 3.25 tonne WLL
Up to 90 m line of sight wireless transmission range
5:1 safety factor
Low rigging profile of 130 mm
10 month battery life at transmission 1 per second
Accuracy of ±1% of current load or 25 kg, whichever is the greater value (When using original bobbin.
There may be a reduction in accuracy if these are swapped.)
Shackles must be correctly selected for the specific application required. As well as safe working load, physical
size and fitment with other components needs to be considered.
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
The shackle pin and bow are calibrated and load tested together. It is therefore essential for the accuracy of the
system that the following information is adhered to:
Each pin and bow must be kept as a pair and not interchanged. The bow is marked with the ID of the pin
it is associated with as shown.
The pin must be aligned in the same orientation with the bow as it was when calibrated.
The Broadweigh shackle is designed to only fit together in one orientation, the anti-rotational bracket will
only fit around the bow shackle on the side with CE marking. This is the opposite side to the ID marking.
The shackle must be used in conjunction with a bobbin, nut and retaining clip as shown:
Any out of alignment, side or twist loading will affect the readings given as well as load the shackle in a way that
it was not designed for.
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
If using the shackle as part of a bridle, remember that the load in legs of the bridle will increase with the angle. If
the Broadweigh shackle pin is not connected to that part of the leg then it will not register this increase.
No part of the shackle, pin, bobbin should be modified by welding, grinding or similar.
Always ensure that the load is stable.
The allowable operating temperature range is -20°C to +50°C.
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
The working load limit (WLL) of Broadweigh shackles assumes the absence of exceptionally hazardous conditions.
These include offshore activities, lifting of persons and lifting of potentially dangerous loads such as molten
metals. In such cases the degree of hazard should be assessed by a competent person and the safe working load
(SWL) reduced accordingly from the working load limit.
Please remember that Broadweigh does not give advice as to how the data from Broadweigh shackles is used. All
lifting operations are different and must be supervised by suitably qualified and experienced riggers. It is the
user’s responsibility to ensure conformity with local regulations.
Broadweigh is not designed to be used as part of a safety critical control system. If it is required for one then the
integrator would need to fully assess its suitability.
Broadweigh shackle assemblies are subjected to a 150 % proof load (static test coefficient of 1.5) before being
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
Inspection and Maintenance
As with all rigging equipment, Broadweigh Bluetooth shackles should be inspected before and after every use,
ensuring that all the components are present and correct (bow, pin, bobbin, nut and r clip) and the serial numbers
match. All load bearing components must be free from cuts, nicks, cracks, gouges or excessive wear and
distortion. Any damaged Broadweigh shackles or components must be taken out of service and returned to your
dealer to arrange refurbishment or scrapping. If you attempt to replace or swap any load bearing parts yourself
the unit’s calibration will be void.
It is also important before every use to check that all the settings are as expected. The most safety critical settings
to check are that the system zero and the units are correctly set (see the relevant sections in the manual). If these
have been unknowingly changed you could end up with unexpected and misleading readings.
Before moving system zero or checking any readings please ensure that the shackle’s temperature has stabilised.
When moved from different temperatures it can take up to an hour to reach the local ambient temperature. Once
it has done so, the readings can accurately be checked.
Always remember that damage to the shackle or its calibration can happen at any time. If you need to move the
system zero significantly then further investigation is required. This could take the form of a thorough
examination and calibration check with a known load. Records should be kept of any calibration check so that you
can see any movement over time. If the readings are out by more than 1% or 25 kg or you have to zero out more
than 50 kg, please return to your dealer to arrange recalibration.
These measures should be used in conjunction with your own thorough examination routine at the same intervals
you have set for normal shackles. This will vary due to local regulations but should not be less than every 6
months. Records of all thorough examinations should be kept.
We would recommend checking your shackle’s output with a known load at least once a year and a return to the
factory for a calibration check every two years.
There are very few maintenance requirements. The Broadweigh shackles, TwistLinks and battery enclosures need
to be kept clean, threads clear of debris and protected from corrosion.
Do not overtighten screws when replacing batteries. Damage caused by overtightening is not covered under
manufacturer warranty.
Remove the batteries if being stored for an extended period. Leaking batteries can damage the circuitry.
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
Product Quick Locator
This section allows you to locate your product quickly to navigate to the correct section of the manual.
Broadweigh Bluetooth 3.25 Tonne Shackle
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
Broadweigh Bluetooth Telemetry Basic Principles
There are some basic radio settings and concepts that should be understood to effectively configure, deploy,
optimise and troubleshoot Broadweigh Bluetooth telemetry systems.
Transmission Range
The flexibility of the Broadweigh Bluetooth range is that the user may utilise their mobile phone rather than using
a specific handheld receiver or base station. This flexibility does mean that we have no control over the quality of
the receiver. This imparts a large variation in the transmission range capability of the module.
Data rate
The Bluetooth specification specifies the maximum rate at which advertisement information can be delivered. The
Broadweigh Bluetooth modules may be configured to deliver data in the range between 10 samples per second
and 1 every 25 seconds.
The noise free resolution of the BB-S325 is up to 16.5 bits. This is equivalent to 1 in 92000 counts, or better than
0.1 kg.
Transmitter Module Modes of Operation
The Broadweigh Bluetooth module disconnects the power from the load cell and sleeps the micro-controller in
between measurements. This improves the battery lifetime of the system a makes the most efficient use of the
battery’s energy.
Data Tag
The advertising packets transmitted by Broadweigh Bluetooth modules are identified by their Data Tag. The Data
Tag is a four character hexadecimal identifier that defaults to the last 4 characters of the modules ID printed on
the silver side label.
The Data Tag can be changed by configuring the module.
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
Google Play Store
Apple App Store
Coming Soon
Broadweigh Toolkit App
The Broadweigh Toolkit App is available for IOS and Android devices and is available for free from the App Store
and Google Play store.
Use the QR codes below to access the app in the store or tap the store banner if you are
viewing this document on your device.
This app requires access to the Bluetooth Services which are part of Location Services so
the user may need to grant permission for the app to access Location even though the app
does not use any location data.
The App allows the user to create multiple Projects. Each project can contain a list of Broadweigh Bluetooth
Each project has a Dashboard which can be populated with display Tiles that use data from the Shackles to
represent values in different formats.
When in run mode the App uses the data from the shackles to populate the dashboard Tiles in real time.
The App will also support one to one connections with the Broadweigh shackles to enable configuration.
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
Splash Screen
On launching the app the splash screen will be displayed.
This displays the app version number at the bottom of the screen.
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
Controls and Actions:
x / Menu
Main Menu – See Main Menu section. From this menu you can
import a project and configure transmitters.
v/ I
Add Project – adds a new project to the list. See New Project page
u / J
Menu – opens the options for each project to allow editing, export
and deletion of the project. See Project List Edit page.
Project List
The first page that appears after the Splash Screen is the Project List. This contains a scrollable list of all existing
projects. The number of projects you can add will be limited only by the memory of the phone or tablet.
Next to the user selectable icon the project title is shown and below is shown the date of the last change to the
project and the number of transmitters in that project.
After initial app installation the list will contain a single project called Demonstration.
Once you create your own project and delete the demonstration project (so only one project exists), on next
launching the app the project list will be skipped and the project dashboard will be displayed.
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
Tapping on a project item in the list will open that project in
Dashboard View. If no tiles have been added yet then the
dashboard will be blank. See Project Dashboard Blank page
Otherwise the dashboard will be displayed with tiles visible. See
Project Dashboard Example page.
Controls and Actions:
k Edit
Edit the project details. See Edit Project.
H Export
In Android devices this will open an email client with the body of the email
pre-filled with the data for the selected project. You can then email (or copy
the message body to transfer in an alternative way) to the target device where
the data can be pasted into the Import Project page. There are more options
with an Apple device as you can save to local or cloud storage.
n Delete
This will delete the project from the app.
Project List Edit
Tapping the u icon next to a project opens the project menu.
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
Controls and Actions:
Takes you back to the Project List.
Import Projects
Allows you to paste information exported from another app to import the
project into this app. See Import Projects
Config Transmitters
This opens the Find Transmitters page and will list all detected transmitters.
Use the menu to the right of the required transmitter and select Configure to
select that transmitter for configuration. See Configure Transmitter page.
Main Menu
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
Import Project
Paste the data and tap the Import button. You will be taken back to the Project List and the new imported project
will appear in the list.
In Android paste the data and click the Import button.
In iOS you can either paste the data or click Choose from file to navigate to cloud or on-phone storage to select
a file created by a previous export.
Also see Project List Edit for exporting projects.
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
New Project
The settings and actions on this page are identical to those on the Edit Project page.
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
Controls and Actions:
y / <Projects
This will take you back to the Project List page. You can use this to cancel any
changes made. You will be asked if you want to save or discard any changes.
p / Save
OK – Finish editing so go back to Project List page. See Project Edit List page
Project Name
Set the project title/description.
Icon – Tap the existing icon to select a new icon from the icon list. (If no icon is set
for this project tap the v to add one.
View PIN
The View PIN you set in the project must match the View PIN configured in each of
the transmitters you add to the project. Without the correct PIN you cannot see the
data from the transmitters. The View PIN defaults to 0000.
Select from the list the number of seconds that can elapse without receiving data
from a transmitter before it is flagged as Out of Range. See Error Bar.
Edit Project
This page is where you define and edit the characteristics of the project (Not the dashboard).
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
Linked Transmitters
This shows the total number of transmitters linked to this project. Tap to configure
the linked transmitters.
See Linked Transmitters.
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
Controls and Actions:
y / <Back
This will take you back to the Edit Project page.
u / J
Transmitter menu – The menu allows you to edit, configure or delete this transmitter.
Linked Transmitters
This page is shows the list of transmitters linked to this project and will be available to be referenced in tile
expressions for this project. Linking transmitters does not stop them being used by different projects even at the
same time on different phones or tablets.
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
See Edit Transmitter. See Configure Transmitter.
You will not be able to delete a transmitter if it is referenced in the expression of any tiles on
the dashboard.
v/ I
Add a new transmitter to the list. This opens the Add Transmitter page.
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
Controls and Actions:
y \ <Back
This will take you back to the Linked Transmitters page. You can use this to cancel
any changes made. You will be asked if you want to save or discard any changes.
Find Transmitters – This displays a list of currently detected transmitters allowing
you to select or configure one. See Find Transmitters page.
p \ Save
Accept the currently entered data and return to the Linked Transmitters page.
Data Tag
The Data Tag of the transmitter.
Your description for this transmitter. This name will be used in the expression
Add Transmitter
Add a new transmitter to the project either by manually entering the Data Tag and description or searching for
transmitters. By adding a transmitter it becomes available to be referenced in the expressions for tiles on the
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
Mantracourt Electronics Limited BroadWeigh Blue Telemetry User Manual
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