Model EC-F2-CO
Honeywell Analytics
405 Barclay Blvd
Lincolnshire, IL 60069
847 955 8200
800 538 0363
847 955 8208 (FAX)
Section Title Page
1 Sensor Description 2
2 Installation 3
3 Operation 5
4 Warranty 7
A Introduction
This manual has been prepared to
help in the use and installation of the
Manning Systems’ Model EC-F2-CO
(Electrochemical-Carbon Monoxide) Sensor. This manual will convey the operating principles of the sensor, ensure proper
installation, and demonstrate start-up and
routine maintenance procedures for the
This manual must be carefully followed by all individuals who have or
will have the responsibility for using or
servicing the sensor. Warranties made
by Manning Systems, Inc. with respect to
this equipment will be voided if the equipment is not used and serviced in accordance with the instructions in this manual.
If in doubt about a procedure, please
contact Manning Systems, Inc. before
B System Description
The Manning Systems’ EC-F2 Sensor is a three-wire, 4/20 mA sensor for
carbon monoxide available in ranges of
0-200 ppm, and 0-400 ppm.
The unit exhibits excellent accuracy
and precision, with negligible response to
common interference gases and dramatic
changes in relative humidity. Reliable
trip levels as low as 35 ppm can be expected with the 0-200 ppm sensor. The
unit exhibits extremely high reliability
with no moving parts.
Monitoring equipment must be configured to indicate a fault if the signal is
less than 1.5 mA. All signals over 20 mA
must be considered a high gas concentration.
System Specifications:
Electrical Power: 24 Volts DC regu-
lated, 30 mA. With a heated enclosure,
the current draw is 300 mA max.
Output: Linear 4-20 mA output into
a load resistor of 250 ohm maximum.
Cable Recommendation: Threeconductor, 18 AWG, stranded, shielded
cable with drain wire all enclosed in a
vinyl jacket (Belden #8770 or equivalent).
Cable Length to Sensor: 1,500 feet
Unit Enclosure: NEMA 1, gasketed,
16-gauge steel. Special enclosures available for NEMA 4, explosion-proof, low
temperatures, ventilation ducts, washdown
areas, etc.
Note: The standard EC-F2 is for
use in non-classified areas only.
Serial Number
Sensor Specifications:
Type: Carbon monoxide-selective
electrochemical gas sensor/transmitter
Model EC-F2-CO
Method of Detection: Electrochemi-
Ranges Available:
0-200 ppm
0-400 ppm
Accuracy: +/- 3% of full scale.
Humidity: 5-95% RH (non-con-
densing). Modifications are available for
more severe conditions.
Operating Ambient Temperature
range: -15o F to 120o F. Modifications
are necessary for refrigerated areas.
Storage Temperature: -40o F to
+70oF. Keep sensor as cool as possible
during long-term storage to extend the life
of the cell.
Gas Sampling: Diffusion.
Weight: 3 pounds.
Dimensions: 6” high x 4” wide x
3.5” deep.
2 MANNING EC-F2-CO SENSOR 305-0112-d
A Locating the EC-F2
Each sensor is a point measurement,
and it is very important that the sensor
be located properly.
Because each sensor can only “re-
port” what it is smelling at the moment, it
is very important that the sensor be
located where leaks are most likely to
Locate the sensor close to the expected source of carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide vapor is about the same
weight as ambient air, so for area personnel protection consider mounting the sensor in the normal breathing zone (four to
five feet above the floor).
One of the most important considerations when installing EC sensors is that
must be easily accessible for calibra-
tion and maintenance.
General: The location should be
chosen to protect the sensor from water,
excessive humidity, and vibration. MOST
by clean-up and maintenance crews.
closer than 3 feet from walls or 1 foot
from the ceiling. Take air movement and
ventilation patterns into account when
locating sensors.
mounted, it must be easily accessible.
bration and maintenance.
tential leak source.
mary application, mount in the “breathing
sive humidity, and wash-down.
patterns into account.
keep sensor and wire runs away from
! Protect sensors from hose-down
As a general rule, locate sensors no
No matter where the sensor is
General Mounting Considerations:
• Must be easily accessible for cali-
• Always mount the sensor vertically.
• Mount the sensor close to the po-
• If personnel protection is the pri-
• Protect sensor from water, exces-
• Take air movement and ventilation
• To prevent electrical interference,
mercury vapor lights, variable speed
drives, and radio repeaters.
• Protect sensor from physical dam-
age (fork lifts, etc.).
• Do not mount the sensor over a
door in a refrigerated area.
• If mounting sensor outdoors, consider prevailing wind direction and proximity to the most likely source of leaks.
Protect the sensor from sun and rain as
much as possible.
• For highly critical locations more
than one sensor should be installed in
each room.
Engine Rooms: The EC sensor
should be mounted in a cool part of the
room, if possible. Keep the sensor away
Sensor must be mounted vertically
Never mount flat on a ceiling
Enter enclosure only through existing hole in bottom
Always make a drip loop in the
Figure 1: Mounting dimensions for the EC-F2 Sensor
from hot air exhausting from electric
motors or other machinery. Usually the
best location is four or five feet above the
floor in a location where the room exhaust
fan will move air across the sensor from
the potential leak source.
Vehicles: If the unit is mounted in a
vehicle, be sure to shock mount the unit to
isolate it from vibration.
Other Locations: When mounting
EC sensors in locations such as roof top
air units, duct-work, attic spaces, makeup
air intakes, etc., contact Manning Systems for application assistance and recommendations. Figure 1 presents mounting dimensions for the EC-F2 Sensor.
3 MANNING EC-F2-CO SENSOR 305-0112-d