Manning AirAlertTM 96d
Acts as the nerve center of a
modular gas detection network by
providing continuous monitoring of
up to 96 sensors

Manning AirAlertTM 96d
multi-channel gas
monitoring system
96 Sensor Capacity
• Supports up to 96 network devices
• Three distinct channels act as the nerve centre of a
modular gas detection network
Menu-Driven Program
• Easily fine-tune applications ranging from minor operational sequences to reconfiguration of entire network
• Simple push-button program facilitates
• Supports any combination of Honeywell Analytics
gas sensors, including NH3, CO2, H2, CO, Cl2, CFC’s,
HCFC’s, HFC’s, CH4, O2, NO2, and more
• Field-programmable alarm levels for each sensor
• Zoning capability allows for up to 126 zones
Immediate At-a-Glance Status
• 122 x 32 alphanumeric LCD display provides
continuous information for the entire network
Automatic Datalogging Capability
• Controller provides automatic datalogging within cast
aluminum enclosure
• Sensor concentrations and alarms is recorded for
Easy Installation
• Cost is reduced by addressable RS-485 MODBUS
communication protocol
• Installation requires only two pairs of wires to connect
each gas sensors and relay modules to one of the
controller’s three input channels
Centralized Information
• Interface with or function individually with plant control
The Manning AirAlertTM 96d multichannel gas monitoring system is designed
for installation and operational simplicity
for continuous monitoring and control of
toxic gases, combustible gases and oxygen
The Manning AirAlert™ 96d can support up to 96
sensors and relay modules and provides unique ata-glance system status and can be maintained with
ease using the menu driven push button controls.
This easy to use system can be completely
customized in an industrial or commercial application
by using any combination of Honeywell Analytics
sensors. The Manning AirAlert™ 96d has the
potential to complete plant control systems by
operating independently, interfacing with it to create
a reliable stand-alone safety system.
• Garage Ventilation Control
• IAQ Control
• Perimeter Monitoring
• Refrigerant Leak Detection Monitoring
• Zoned Valve Cut-off Control