Installation Instructions
1. Remove front panel.
2. Disconnect water pump and rotate outlet.
A. Remove white distribution tube from water pump.
B. Remove water pump mounting screws at bulkhead.
C. Unplug water pump from bulkhead.
D. On water pump, remove three hex head screws that mount motor to body.
E. Loosen four hex head screws holding bracket on.
F. Rotate body two hole locations (60) counterclockwise.
G. Reinstall the three mounting screws and tighten bracket screws.
3. Remove float valve from plastic bracket.
4. Drill new holes for float valve bracket and water pump.
A. Place paper drilling template, 8009903, (supplied) on bulkhead.
B. Line up existing water pump mounting holes on bulkhead with designated holes on template.
C. Mark and drill new holes, as shown on template, two for water pump and two for float valve bracket. The slot
for the water pump does not move.
5. Remove old water trough.
A. Remove the screws holding the trough in place.
B. Remove ice deflectors.
C. Lift trough (along with support bracket) out of ice machine.
6. Install new water trough (supplied).
A. Place new water trough in place.
B. Fasten with thumbscrews supplied. If new holes are needed, level trough and mark bulkheads through holes
in trough. Drill two 1/4" diameter holes.
7. Install new water trough support (supplied).
8. Install new float valve bracket.
A. Stick foam tape (supplied) on backside of float valve bracket, one piece on each side of slot.
B. Screw float valve bracket to bulkhead with screws (supplied). Before inserting screws, place curtain stop
(supplied) in front of float valve bracket and screw down.
C. Attach float valve to bracket.
D. Adjust curtain stop so the water curtain hits the stop instead of the float valve.
9. Rem
ove clear water tube coming from dump valve to white distribution tube.
A. Remove straight barbed fitting from white distribution tube.
B. Remove water tube from dump valve and remove completely from machine.
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Rev. 10/06/98
10. Install new clear water tube just as the old one was installed.

A. Install new insulation (supplied).
B. Attach tube to dump valve.
C. Attach 90 barbed elbow (supplied) to other end of tube and clamp (supplied).
D. Attach other end of 90 barbed elbow to white distribution tube.
11. Reinstall water pump.
A. Attach white distribution tube to water pump.
B. Plug water pump into bulkhead plug.
C. Screw water pump to new holes in bulkhead.
12. Install front splash shield (supplied).
A. Slide splash shield down in front of trough so slanted bottom of splash shield is under trough.
B. Use right-hand and left-hand slots in splash shield as a guide to mark for drilling.
C. Drill two 5/32" diameter holes and mount splash shield with screws (supplied).
13. Check the following:
A. Water curtains open freely.
B. Float on float valve moves freely.
C. Water tubes not kinked.
D. Water level in trough.
14. Reinstall front panel.
Manitowoc Ice, Inc.
2110 South 26 Street, P.O. Box 1720, Manitowoc, WI 54221-1720 USA Sheet 2 of 2
Telephone 920-682-0161, Fax - Sales: 920-683-7589, Service/Parts: 920-683-7585, Other: 920-683-7879 Rev. 10/06/98