Kol-Flo Low Profile
Unit Cooler
Small to Medium
Coolers & Freezer
Air Defrost - 3,900 to 39,000 BTUH
Electric Defrost - 3,600 to 28,000 BTUH
Now available with EC Motors
High Efficiency / High Reliability
The RDI Kol-Flo is the original low profile unit cooler that has established an industry
standard as being the all purpose design for walk-in coolers, freezers and other applications.
They feature an air draw-through design offering air and electric defrost models.
There are 35 sizes available with 3,700 to 39,000 BTUH at
a 10° TD ranging from 740 to 4,980 cfm. One through six
fan models are available.
Rust-free, heavy gauge, textured Aluminum casing is
light weight yet durable. Each fan section is baffled to
prevent short cycling of the air. The unit is designed
to mount flush to the ceiling and meets all NSF
requirements. Slotted hangers are provided for easy
installation. Drain fittings are installed in the horizontal
position to gain more usable head-room in low ceiling
applications. The end panels now are hinged to open
up out for easy access to both the piping and electrical
ends. Expansion valves, solenoid and temp controls are
conveniently installed inside the cabinet.
Seamless Copper tubes are staggered and mechanically
expanded into corrugated Aluminum fins and heavy
gauge tube sheets to achieve maximum heat transfer
and strength. Die formed fin collars provide even fin
spacing. Fin spacings available are 4, 6, and 8 fins per
inch. Sweat connections are standard on all models.
Standard Motors are high efficiency PSC or EC motors are
available in 115V and 230V.
Heavy duty 12" Aluminum fans are balanced to provide
vibration-free operation. Our new low throw black plastic
fan guards have an improved air pattern. The optional
epoxy resin high throw fan guard moves air up to 50 feet.
Air Defrost
All models with the prefix “AM” are designed for use in
coolers of 35°F and warmer. Complete air defrost systems
for off-cycle or timed air defrost are available from RDI.
Available in 115V, 208/230V, and 460V (see page 4). All
components are factory wired to convenient screw-type
terminal strips. A large compartment is supplied internal
to the unit for all electrical components and is easily
accessible by removing the end panel. All models are UL
& cUL listed.
Electric Defrost
Available on all models with the prefix “SE”. Designed for
use where electric heat is used to defrost. Placement of
the heaters internal to the coil allows for an extremely
rapid and efficient defrost. This arrangement enables the
heat to be conducted through the fins from the center
out for an even defrost pattern. All heaters are wired to
a terminal strip to allow a quick field change-over from
single phase to three phase, 230V to 460V and vice versa.
A lower heater is installed close to the drain pan for fast,
reliable drainage. A defrost termination thermostat (DT )
terminates the defrost cycle when the temperature is
satisfied. A heater safety thermostat is installed to prevent
heaters from overheating above 75° in case of DT failure.
All heaters are flexible and can be easily replaced within
12 inches of the end of the units. A fan delay thermostat
is supplied to allow the warm coil to cool after a defrost
cycle prior to the fans turning on. Complete electric
defrost refrigeration systems are available from RDI.
Standard Features
• HighefficiencyECfanmotors
• Factorymountedexpansionvalves,TXV,and
Solenoid valves
Optional Features
• 460voltmotorsandheaters
• CoatedAluminumfinsorCopperFins
• Bakedwhiteenamelhousing
• Epoxyresinhighthrowguardsforupto50ft.
RDI standard EC motors
bring the benefits inherent to unit bearing motor design to the refrigeration
Unit Cooler market.
• Largeoilresevoir
• Totallyenclosedconstruction
• Journalbearingmachinedintothecastironendbell
• Spiralgroovedshaftpumpguaranteespositiveoil
• Threadedshaftuseshublessfanblade.
Energy Savings per Motor
by Changing to More Efficient Unit Cooler Motors (based on Energy Cost of $0.10 per kWh)
Motor Change
SP to PSC 120 85 35 22 281 28 959 18 47 0.6
PSC to EC 85 47 38 22 305 31 1041 20 51 2.0
SP to EC 120 47 73 22 586 59 2000 38 97 1.3
Subtract 6% from total savings for medium temperature air defrost units that run 24 hours per day.
EC = 50 Watt Electronically Commutated motor (Standard motor)
PSC = 1/20 HP PSC motor (Optional motors available at additional cost)
SP = 1/20 HP Shaded pole motor (Optional motors)
Std Motor
Change to
Motor Power
Reduced Power
Run Time
Motor Energy
Motor Energy
Savings $/Yr
Reduced Box
Cond. Unit
Savings $/Rd
Yearly Savings
$ Per MTR
Pay back in Yrs.
Type of Defrost
A = Air Defrost
E = Electric Defrost
Temp Range
M = Medium
L = Low
Number of fans
A M 1 8 41 A E
Fins per inch
Motor Code
E = Electronically Commutated
P = Perm. Split Capacitor
S = Shaded Pole
Voltage Code
A = 115V
D = 208-230/1/60
E = 208-230/3/60
F = 460/1/60
BTUH in hundreds