1. We assemble the frame on its back to make it easier to install the springs
and axle. Once the springs and axle assembly is installed we will fl ip the trailer
over to complete the assembly. So fi rst, layout the frame components upside
down as shown. The spring bracket mounting holes should be facing up. All
the decals should all be upside down.
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2. Attach the spring hanger brackets to the frame. The U
shaped shackle bolt brackets mount to the front and the
C shaped “slipper” brackets mount to the rear as shown.
Use 3/8” x 1” bolts and nuts. Assemble with the nuts on
the inside of the
frame rails. Fully
tighten all 8 bolts
3. Lay the two frame cross members in between the frame rails. The
two holes in the middle should face
DOWN as shown. Channels face
each other.
4. Bolt the frame rails to the cross members
using 3/8” x 1” carriage bolts and nuts, (no
washers). The square carriage heads go to
the outside with the square holes in the frame
rails. Leave the nuts loose until after all bolts
are installed. Then we will tighten everything
at once in a later step.
5. Install the clip nut as
shown on the end of the
short piece of 2x3 tubing. Note, the parts are
symetrical so it doesn’t
matter which way they
are turned. Then fi t the
rear tongue support
bracket over the clip nut
and install a short bolt
and washer. Hand tight
only. Now fl ip the rear
tongue support assembly
over so the bolt head on the bottom.
6. Slide the rear tongue support assembly, bolt head down, in between
the frame rails as shown.
7. Set the retractable tongue box onto the frame as shown.
800-295-0042 ext 206
8. Bolt the tongue support to the frame rails
using 3/8” x 1” carriage head bolts. Note
the square heads go on the outside with the
square holes in the frame. Assemble with
washers and nuts on the inside. Don’t fully
9. Install the 1/2” x 3-1/4” bolts with washers on both sides thru the
retractable tongue
Don’t fully tighten.
10. FRAME BOLT TIGHTENING: Starting at the rear corners of the frame and fully
tighten each bolt, working to the front, fully tighten all frame bolts ending with the
1/2” bolts thru the retractable tongue box. You don’t have easy access to tighten the
rear tongue support bolt until after you fl ip the trailer over.