Malone MicroSport Trailer
Model MPG460G Assembly Instructions
Take a few moments and read through these instructions to familiarize yourself with the
step by step assembly process before you begin turning wrenches.
Unpack and sort the components into groups as shown in the following pages.
Then assemble each group in order. Lets get started !!
Required Tools:
• (2) 3/4” wrenches • (2) 9/16” wrenches (a deep socket is recommended)
• Large fl at blade screw driver • (1) 7/16” wrench
• Razor knife • Pliers
• Wire stripping tool • Electrical connector crimping tool
• Lug wrench • Small hammer
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800-295-0042 ext 206
Group 1:
Bag 11462
Group 2:
Axle / Spring
Bag 11467
800-295-0042 ext 206
Group 3: Lighting Components
Group 4:
Fender Components
Bag 11468
Bag 11464
Group 5: Coupler Components
800-295-0042 ext 206
Bag 11494
Group 6:
Load Bar
Bag 11489
800-295-0042 ext 206
1. We assemble the frame on its back to make it easier to install the springs
and axle. Once the springs and axle assembly is installed we will fl ip the trailer
over to complete the assembly. So fi rst, layout the frame components upside
down as shown. The spring bracket mounting holes should be facing up. All
the decals should be upside down.
2. Attach the spring
hanger brackets to the
frame. The U shaped
shackle bolt brackets
mount to the front and
the C shaped “slipper” brackets mount
to the rear as shown.
Use 3/8” x 1” bolts and
nuts. Assemble with
the nuts on the inside of the frame rails. Fully tighten all 8 bolts now.
3. Identify the hitch end of the tongue
by the 3 holes on the left side. Insert
the small wire protection grommet
into the lower hole where shown,
then push it all the way in till it snaps
in place.
800-295-0042 ext 206
4. Pass the wiring harness into
the grommet and out the front
end of the tongue as shown.
Stretch out the white wire and
leave an equal length of the
green/brown/yellow wire outside
the grommet as shown. This
length of wires will be the connector to your tow vehicle.
5. Roll this wire so it
doesn’t get accidentally
pulled inside the tongue.
6. Now its time to pass the wire ends thru the tongue.
Make sure the wires are tangle free, then attach a
weight to the end of the wires. A large socket works
great as shown or you could tape a big bolt to the
wires. Tip the tongue up and let gravity work for you.
Feed the wire and let the weight slide through the
tongue pulling the wires with it.
800-295-0042 ext 206
7. Installing the rear tongue support
bracket. First we lay the tongue back in its
place making sure its upside down. Push
the large wire protection grommet into the
rear tongue support bracket hole, then
pass the wires through the grommet. Install the 4-1/2” long x 1/2” bolt up from the
bottom through the tongue support and tongue. Be careful not to pinch the
wires. Add a washer and nut. Hand tighten only.
8. Bolt the tongue support to the frame
rails using 3/8” x 1” carriage head bolts.
Note the square heads go on the outside
with the square holes in the frame. Assemble with washers and nuts on the
inside. Hand tighten only.
800-295-0042 ext 206
9. Clamp the frame rails around the
tongue as shown using two 1/2” x
3-1/4” bolts. Use a washer on both
sides. Hand tighten only.
10. Lay the two frame cross members
in between the frame rails. The two
holes in the middle should face DOWN
as shown. Bolt the frame rails to the
cross members using 3/8” x 1” carriage
bolts and nuts, (no washers). The square carriage heads go
to the outside with the square holes in the frame rails. Hand
tighten only.
800-295-0042 ext 206