If this fi replace is not properly installed, a house fi re may result. To reduce the risk of fi re, follow
the installation instructions. Contact local building or fi re offi cials about restrictions and installation inspection requirements in your area.
This stove must be connected to (1) a chimney complying with the requirements for Type HT
chimneys in the Standard for Chimneys, Factory-Built, Residential Type and Building Heating
Appliance, UL 103, or (2) a code-approved masonry chimney with a fl ue liner.
Please read this entire manual before you install and use your new fi replace. Failure to follow
instructions may result in property damage, bodily injury, or even death.
1. Carefully remove all components from the shipping cartons
and inspect for damage. If any damage is noted contact
the shipping company or your dealer immediately. DO
2. Protect the fl ooring near the intended place of installation
with an old rug, blanket, or cardboard. Place the fi rebox
on this material.
3. Mix and install the Malmcrete hearth refractory as follows:
a. Obtain a sturdy water-tight mixing container such as a
wheelbarrow or large wash tub, a bucket or can for transporting the mixture, a cement trowel, and a source for
clean mixing water. It is suggested that the Malmcrete be
mixed outside to avoid spillage or splatters in the dwell-
b. Pour the dry Malmcrete mixture into the mixing container.
c. Use 1 quart water for each bag.
d. Add 1/2 to 3/4 of the water to the dry mix and mix
thourghly. Add additional water in small increments, mix-
ing throughly between additions. Do not add more water
than is necessary to get a somewhat dry mixture; to
much water in the mix may cause the refractory to crack
excessively, and will reduce the strength of the refrac-
tory. To test for proper water content, cut vertically into
the mixture with the trowel, push the trowel sideways
to open a 3 inch deep by 2 inch wide cut in the mixture,
then slide the trowel back up out of the cut. The cut
should stay open with very little "slumping" back into the
cut. Next, run the trowel over the surface of the mixture
with the blade at a slight angle to the surface of the mix-
ture, like spreading butter. The mixture should become
relatively smooth with few voids after 6 or 7 passes of the
trowel using moderate pressure. Water should not fl oat
to the top of the mixture.
e. Transfer the mixture to the hearth (fl oor) area inside the
fi rebox, spreading the mixture out as it is added. Use the
trowel to spread the mix into the fi rebox area. Continue
to add refractory until there is a minimum of 2 inches thick
over the entire hearth area. To measure the depth of the
mix, place a piece of tape 2 inches from the pointed end of
a long nail. Insert the nail vertically through the mix every
6 inches (front to back and side to side) across the hearth;
the mix should
come to a uniform
height up the nail,
at or slightly above
the tape. Trowel in
the nail holes when
Shape the refractory
to the contour of the Imperial hearth. If the refractory will
not stay in place wait untill the refractory has set slightly.
Check the refractory every few minutes to see if it has set
enough to stay in place.
f. Allow the mix to cure at least 48 hours. Additional cur-
ing time is necessary in cool temperatures. The longer
Malmcrete is allowed to cure before the fi rst fi re is lit, the
stronger and more durable it will become.
g. Make the fi rst 3 or 4 fi res very small and of short dura-
tion to allow the refractory to adjust to the high temperature of a fi re.
Glass Installation
Wear eye protection during the assembly of
this unit. Check all glass and parts for damage. Replace any damaged parts prior to
continuing the installation. Do not assemble
this unit with any damaged parts. If you
should happen to break a glass panel, it must
only be replaced with ceramic glass.
Your Malm Carousel is supplied with Ceramic
High temperature glass. Side pannels are
10” x 14 ½ “ polish edge ceramic glass.
The door glass is 13 1/16 x 14 9/16 ceramic
glass. Replacement pannels are available
through Malm dealers are directly from Malm.
1. The door panel has had the latch assembly
and hinges installed at the factory. Remove
the hinges leaving the glued on plate in position.
2. Place the lower hinge in the hole in the fi rebowl, with the washer under it.
3. Insert the upper hinge into the hole at the
top of the door opening. Holding the upper
hinge in place, slide the glass door panel
into the hinges.
7. First loosen the glass retainers. This is a
metal strip secured by one screw in the middle. Start with the left door panel. The gasket
must be on the right side of the panel.
8. Slide the gasketed edge completely into the
channel on the side of the door. The left edge
of the glass should now fi t into the button at
the bottom of the glass.
9. Lower the glass into the lower glass clip.
10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 with the right door
panel. The gasket will be on the left side of
the panel with the not polished edge at the
11. The remaining panels can now be installed.
The edge that is not polished is placed at the
top. As each panel is installed replace the
glass retainer in place but do not tighten.
12. After all the glass panels are installed center
the panels to reduce any gaps that may be
between the glass panels.
13.Tighten the glass retainers.
4. Hold the door panel in the closed position to
allow access to the hinge screws.
5. Maintaining a 1/8" clearance to the left door
post, tighten the screws in the hinges snugly.
necessary for proper alignment.
6. Note that two panels have gasket material
on one edge. These pieces go on either
side of the door. Make certain that these two
pieces are placed completly into the channel
on either side of the door. Failure to do this
will make the rest of the glass installation
Imperial Carousel - Page 2
and Screw
Lower Glass
Upper Glass
Clearance to Combustibles
The Imperial requires a clearance to combustible walls of 24"
measured from the back of the unit. For locating the center of
the chimney the measurement is 45" from the backwall and 45"
to the sidewall. See fi gure 1, page 2. For corner installation the
center of the chimney is 45". See fi gure 2, page 2.
Clearance to Non-combustibles
The Imperial clearance to a combustible wall may be reduced
with proper wall protection. Accepted methods for wall protection
would allow reduction of the wall clearances. For appearance
if desired a non-combustible wall covering can placed on the
wall. The covering should consist of a listed wall protection
board installed to the manufacturer's specifi cations. Approved
protection boards at the time of this publication are Wonderboard, Dura Rock and Homosote. A non-combustible material
can then be placed over the wall protection board. With most
of the protection boards the clearance can be reducedby 2/3
from the original combustible wall. Be certain to check with
your local building offi cials and or fi re inspector for accepted
methods in your area.
Chimney System
Connector Pipe
Unit to Sidewall ------------------------------------------24"
Unit to Backwall -----------------------------------------24"
Connector to Sidewall ---------------------------------41"
Center of Connector to Sidewall --------------------45"
Connector to Backwall ---------------------------------41"
Center of connector to Backwall --------------------45"
Unit to Adjacent Walll ----------------------------------24"
Connector to Adjacent Wall --------------------------41"
Center of Connector to Adjacent Wall -------------45"
Minimum Hearth Size -------------------------- 48" x 54"
Or a Diameter of ----------------------------------------54"
Figure 2.
Figure 1.
Hearth dimensions shown are minimum requirements. It may be desired to exceede these minimum dimensions
for a more decorative installation.
Imperial Carousel - Page 3
Hearth Requirements
A fl oor protector is required to
protect the fl oor in front of the
fi replace opening from sparks.
The fl oor protector must be a
minimum of 2 1/2 inch thick common solid brick over 26 gauge
sheet metal or equivalent.
Fire Bowl
16" From Door
The fl oor protector must extend
a minimum of 16 inches in front
of the fi replace opening and
8 inches to either side of the
fi replace and 8 inches behind
the back of the unit. Refer to
Figure #3.
Hood Assembly
Position the hood on the basic unit. Secure hood to basic
unit using the 13 sheet metal screws provided.
IMPORTANT: Failure to install these screws will result in
permanet damage to the unit and void the warranty.
Sheet Metal Screws
13- 14 x 1/2 Hex.
Basic Unit
All Screws Must Be Installed
This stove must be connected to (1) a chimney complying with the requirements for Type HT chimneys in
the Standard for Chimneys, Factory-Built, Residential
Type and Building Heating Appliance, UL 103, or (2) a
code-approved masonry chimney with a fl ue liner.
Chimney Connector Installation
It is required to install a 8 inch all-fuel class "A" chimney system prior to the chimney connector installation. The connector pipe included with the Imperial is
1 - 8" x 30" starter pipe, and 1 - 8" x 30" slip connector. The slip connector is identifi ed by 3 holes at the
top of the pipe. The slip connector has one fl air at
the top with the 3 holes. The bottom is smooth. The
starter pipe section has fl airings at both ends. The
male end is always at the bottom.
Figure 3
54" Diameter Circle Hearth.
8" Minimum is measured from
the fi re-box
Simpson Dura-Vent Chimney System
It is required to use a Dura-Vent Universal Connector
part number 8DVL-ADC or 8878 Adapter to install the
chimney connector.
1. The universal connector is installed into the support
box. The 8" x 30" slip pipe is then connected to the
universal connector.
2. The 8" x 30" starter pipe section is then slid over the
slip connector pipe. Slide the 30 inch pipe over the
slip pipe only far enough as necessary to facilitate
installation of the 8" x 30" starter pipe in to the unit.
3. There must be a minimum of 2 inches of overlap between the 8" x 30" and 8" x 30" slip connector pipe.
Metalbestos or Security ICC EXCEL
When using Metalbestos or Security chimney systems it
is required to use the Metalbestos DS-CPA Single Wall
Conector pipe. Security users must use the EX adapter.
1. Installation of the Metalbestos DS-CPA or the Security EX adapter must be done fi rst.
2. Attach the 8" x 30" slip connector to the DS-CPA or
EX adapter with 3 - #8 x 3/8 inch screws.
3. The 8" x 30" starter pipe section is then slid into the
slip connector pipe. Slide the 30 inch pipe into the
slip pipe only far enough as necessary to facilitate
installation of the 8" x 30" starter pipe into the unit.
4. Slide the 8" x 30" pipe down onto the Imperial.
5. There must be a minimum of 2 inches of overlap between the 8" x 30" and 8" x 30" slip connector pipe.
Other Chimney Systems
There are many other manufacturer's of chimney systems. It is beyond the scope of this publication to cover
installation with all of the diff erent systems available.
Most systems have a method of connection to the Imperial's connector pipe. Confi rm installation procedures
with your dealer or the manufacturer of the chimney
system you have purchased.
Imperial Carousel - Page 4
Insulated Class "A"
Chimney System
Insulated Pipe
Single Wall Chimney
Slip Connector. Sheet
Metal Screw to Chimney Connector.
Starter Section Fits
Into Hood
Support Box
Sheet Metal
Slip Connector
DuraVent 8DVL-ADC or 8878 Adapter
ICC Excel Flue Extension (8EX)
Selkirk Stovepipe Adaptor
Or Single Wall Chimney Adapter
ICC Excel
Malm connector pipe is designed to
fi t together without requireing fastners
between the connector sections.
The above illustration represents the installation procedure for dripless pipe installation. This installation method of installing the connector pipe with the male end down allows for any moisture to remain
on the inside of the connector pipe.
At fi rst glance you may become concerned that smoke will escape the pipe and enter the room. This
is not how the system will work. The vacum in the chimney system will always pull air into the chimney. If you experience a downdraft with your installation it indicates that additional chimney height or
a specialty draft cap be added to your chimney system. Contact your dealer for further information
regarding downdrafts.
Do not use a damper with your Carousel. The use of damper will most likely do damage to your unit. It
may cause the ceramic glass to soot up and void any warranty.
Imperial Carousel - Page 5
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