This Trouble Shooting Guide is designed for use with magnetic trigger equipped distributors that are also
equipped with a module, such as Mallory 42, 50, 57, 75, 80 and 87 Series distributors along with ACCEL 52,
60 and 71 Series.
• Check all applicable wiring, both power and ground
for broken or loose wiring.
• Check the general condition of the distributor cap,
rotor and coil. Visually check for carbon tracking,
cracks, or signs of arcing on the distributor cap,
rotor and coil. Include a check of the terminals for
the spark plug and coil wires.
• Check the spark plug wires by using an Ohm meter
to measure the resistance per foot based on the
wire manufacturer’s specifications. At the same
time, look for burned or discolored areas on the
wires or boots which could indicate they have been
arcing to ground.
1. Begin the test by removing the distributor cap and
rotor to allow easy access to the magnetic pickup.
Carefully move it out of the way to allow plenty of
working room for the next phase of the test.
• Check the condition of the charging system and the
battery. Low voltage during cranking can cause the
module to fail to trigger.
• To check the module and pickup assembly, you will
need a screwdriver and a low voltage, 5-50 volt
bulb type AC/DC tester which are available from
most home improvement or auto parts store for a
couple of dollars.
2. Check the air gap between the reluctor and the
magnetic pickup. Adjust if necessary to the
manufacturer’s specification for your exact model
of distributor. Too wide of an air gap will cause a
lack of trigger signal, especially at cranking.
3. Connect the red (positive “+” ) lead from your low
voltage tester to the coil negative terminal.
Connect the black (negative “-“ ) lead to a good,
clean engine ground.
4. Once the air gap has been verified, turn the ignition
switch to the “On” position. Do not try to start the
engine. On Mallory 42, 50, 57, and 87 Series
Distributors, the light should be off at this time. On
Mallory 75 and 80 Series and ACCEL 52, 60 and 71
Series, the light should be on.
1MALLORY IGNITION www.malloryracing.com

5. Keeping your hands away from the coil leads, tap
the blade of your screwdriver to the metal strip of
the magnetic pickup assembly where you measured the air gap. Each time you tap the blade to
the metal strip, the light on your tester should flicker. If the light flickers off or on, your magnetic pickup and module are functioning correctly.
6. On distributors with the pickup separate from the
module assembly, you can check the pickup using
your Ohm meter. Connect the leads from your
Ohm meter to the 2 leads of the pickup. If you
show a resistance of 50 to 200 Ohms, the pickup is
functioning correctly. If the Ohm meter shows an
open circuit, the pickup should be replaced. Once
replaced, perform the module and pickup assembly
test procedure again as shown above.
If you need further assistance after following this trouble-shooting procedure, contact Technical Service at
216-688-8300, extension 500 or at www.malloryracing.com for distributor related questions.
10601 MEMPHIS AVE. #12, CLEVELAND, OH 44144
216.688.8300 FAX 216.688.8306
2 www.malloryracing.com MALLORY IGNITION
FORM 1649M
Made in U.S.A.
Printed in U.S.A.