ACCEL www.accel-motorcycle.com
ACCEL COIL KIT #140408, #140408BK, #140408CH
FORM INST140408 01/10
ACCEL’s Single Fire Super Coil #140408 for the Harley Davidson
V-Twins is designed to yield higher spark energy output than
the stock coils.
For ACCEL’s Single Fire Super Coil Part #140408 we recommend
using extra heavy duty ACCEL 8.8 silicone insulated suppression
core wires that are compatible with O.E.M. Harley-Davidson
electronic ignitions as well as points-triggered ignitions.
1. Be sure the ignition switch is in the “OFF” position.
2. Remove original coil and mount you ACCEL Super Coil in the
same location as the original coil. Tighten coil bracket snugly
insuring that there is no possibility that the coil’s molded shell
or towers could come in contact with the frame, fuel tank,
etc. under vibration when running.
3. Attach 12 volt lead to the center stud (E)
4. Attach front cylinder trigger wire to stud (B)
5. Attach rear cylinder trigger wire to stud (D)
6. Install the plug boot end of the ACCEL 8.8 front cylinder wire
to the spark plug in the front cylinder and route it as directly
as possible to front cylinder coil tower (A) allowing enough
slack to keep tension off of the wire.
7. Now install the plug boot end of the ACCEL 8.8 rear cylinder
wire to the spark plug in the rear cylinder and route it as
directly as possible to rear cylinder coil tower (C) allowing
enough slack to keep tension off of the wire.
8. Apply a light coat of dielectric lube to the inside of the
straight coil end boots and the angled spark plug boots
before they are assembled. This prevents possible leakage
around the boots.
9. We suggest that spark plug readings be taken and that
carburetion jetting be checked after installation.
10601 MEMPHIS AVE #12, CLEVELAND, OH 44144
216.688.8300 FAX 216.688.8306
Printed U.S.A.
The left and right side of the coil are reversible as long as the stud and the tower are grouped together.
For example: tower A/stud B can be wired to fire the rear cylinder and tower C/stud D can be wired to fire the front.
A – Output tower to spark plug wire (same cylinder as stud B)
B – Negative (-) coil connection (same cylinder as tower A)
C – Output tower to spark plug wire (same cylinder as stud D)
D – Negative (-) coil connection (same cylinder as tower C)
E – 12 volt key on power supply or positive (+) coil connection
ACCEL cannot be held responsible for consequential engine damage caused by the installation of these coils if the consumer does not address the possible resultant lean
fuel condition the installation of these coils may cause.