BN 2108280
M5Stack ToF Sensor
EN Quick Instru ctions
Version: 1
Delivery Content
l Product
l Grove c able
Development Resources
Development resources and additional product information are available from:
https: //www.conrad.de/ https: //docs.makerfactory.io/
Safety Instructions
Warni ng:
This product is equipped with a Class 1 laser. Never open the
device. There is a laser warning s ign on the device, which warns
the user.
Do not remove the w arning s ign from the device. Do not open the
device and do not try to access the interior of the unit.
Never look into the laser beam. Laser radiation can seriously damage your eyes.

This product is a distance sensor using TOF (time-of-flight) techniques to resolve the distance between two points.
It integrates a VL53L0x providing accurate distance measurement. It
employs a laser (invisible to the human eye).
The product can measure absolute distances up to 2 m in less than 30
The product communicates with the M5Core via I2C (Address: 0x29).
l High prec is ion
l Meas ure absolute dist ances up to 2 m
l Supports UIF low (Block ly , Py thon), Arduino®
l Two Lego compatible holes
l Gest ure recognit ion
l Laser ranging
l 3D st ruc tured light imaging ( 3D sensing)
l Camera ass ist (aut o-f ocus and dept h of field)
Pinout / Pin Map
Product SCL SDA 5V GND
Input Voltage 5 V/DC
Laser Class 1
Wavelength 941.5 nm
Range ≤ 2 m
Response Time ≤ 30 ms