BN 2108267
M5Stack Thermal Camera
EN Quick Instru ctions
Version: 2
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l Product
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Development Resources
Development resources and additional product information are available from:
https: //www.conrad.de/ https: //docs.makerfactory.io/
This product is a thermographic imager. Use it to measure the s urface
temperature of an object. It forms a thermographic image through a
temperature gradient composed of different surface temperatures.
The product integrates a MLX90640 Infrared (IR) sensor. The sensor
does not require frequent recalibration, ensuring c ontinuous monitoring.
The image resolution is 32 x 24 w ith a field of view of 110° x 75° for a
distance of max. 7 m.
The product connects to Port A on the M5Core (GPIO 21/22) and communicates via I2C (Address: 0x33).

l Field of View: 110° x 75°
l Temperat ure Meas urem ent Range: -40 to +300 °C
l Dis tance Range: max. 7 m
l Res olut ion: ±1.5 °C
l Supports UIF low (Block ly , Py thon), Arduino®
l Two Lego-compat ible holes
l High prec is ion non-c ontact tem perat ure meas urem ent
l Mov ement detect ion
l Visual IR therm omet ers
Pinout / Pin Map
Product SCL SDA 5V GND
Input Voltage 3 - 3.6 V/DC
Current Consumption 23 mA
Protocol I2C (Address: 0x33)
Field of View 110° x 75°
Distance Range (max.) 7 m
Temperature Measurement
Resolution ±1.5 °C
Refresh Rate 0.5 - 64 Hz
Operating temperature -40 to +85 °C
Dimensions (approx.)
-40 to +300 °C
32.2 x 24.2 x 8.7 mm