BN 2108263
M5Stack Stepper Motor Module
EN Quick Instru ctions
Version: 1
Delivery Content
l Module
l XT30 female plug
Development Resources
Development resources and additional product information are available from:
https: //www.conrad.de/ https: //docs.makerfactory.io/
The following accessories are available for your product:
l 12 V/DC Power supply
l M5St ack Fan Module
Use the module to control one bipolar stepper motor at a time.
It is based on a MEGA328P micro controller flashed with GRBL.
The module can drive up t o 3 stepper motors with GRBL control. It
communicates with the M5Core through I 2C (address: 0x70).
Integrated are three DRV8825 drivers. Micro stepping of up t o 1/32 of
a step is supported.

l DI Y 3D Print er
l Simple Robot Arm
Pinout / Pin Map
Pin S + -
Description Signal Pin Power supply GND
Micro controller MEGA328P with GRBL
Power input 9 - 24 V/DC, XT30 connector
Drivers 3x DRV8825
Micro stepping 1/32
Protocol I2C (Address: 0x70)
Dimensions (approx.) 54 x 54 x 13 mm (W x D x H )
Weight (approx.) 22 g
Electronic devices are recyclable waste and must not be disposed of in the household waste.
At the end of its service life, dispose of the product in
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