User Manual •
Services techniques et commerciaux : 56, chemin de la Flambère - 31300 TOULOUSE (France) • Tel. +33 (0)5 61 31 86 87 • Fax. +33 (0)5 61 31 87 73
Siège Social : RN 307 - 78810 FEUCHEROLLES • S.A. Capital 80.000 € • SIRET 334 579 869 000 28 • NAF 4652 Z • TVA Intracommunautaire FR 12334579869
I Functions
The PA COM 13X5 is a pre-amplification and routing system designed for use in public address systems in
public, commercial and leisure areas.
It is equipped with:
a high priority safety input
5 adjustable priority microphone inputs which enable the connection of 5 microphones and the routing of
announcements across 5 selected areas. A dual band equaliser allows the optimisation of the sound
2 AUX inputs (music) with adjustable level and switchable.
An event/podium input with adjustment dial of input level (0 to 60dB), adjustable manual or automatic
remote control, switches that allow the independent configuration of these inputs across each speaker areas,
and a bass/treble correction for each input
2 inputs for wireless microphone equipped with a trim potentiometer permitting the input’s gain from 0 dB
to –60 dB, a manual or automatic adjustable remote control, switches that can assign these inputs
independently on the first 3 areas, and a bass / treble correction for each input.
Possibility to insert advertising messages during music (LECT. PUB. optional)
Electronic chime for the pre-announcement of microphone calls
The presence of modulation on each source is signalled by LED.
Can be operated on a 24V DC emergency power supply.
II Configuration
The chime can be removed from some microphones, if required. For this, remove the jumpers corresponding to
the microphone where the chime is not required. This configuration is made on the micro card, reference CI 02
You can also choose between two chimes. To do this, move the jumper that is situated close to the memory
M27C4001. The jumpers are tracked down in the following way: