MAINE ENERGY SYSTEMS AutoPellet Air TOUCH 17, AutoPellet Air TOUCH 28 Operating Manual

Please read carefully prior to installing and servicing.
Operating Manual
Pellet heating with auger delivery or vacuum suction system for the end-user
AutoPellet Air Furnace 17 — 28
AutoPellet Air TOUCH
PE 604 USA_FA 1.0 ·
Operating Manual AutoPellet Air Furnace 17 — 28
Article number:
PE 604 USA_FA 1.0
Version valid from:
Approved: Wohlinger Christian
Author & Manufacturer
MAINE ENERGY SYSTEMS LLC 8 Airport Road — P.O. Box 547 Bethel Maine 04217
Subject to modifcations
Operating Manual AutoPellet Air Furnace 17 — 28
11 DDeeaarr CCuussttoommeerr.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 55
22 UUssee oonnllyy ffoorr tthhee ppuurrppoossee iinntteennddeedd .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 66
33 TTyyppeess ooff ssaaffeettyy wwaarrnniinngg ssiiggnn................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................77
44 WWaarrnniinnggss aanndd ssaaffeettyy iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 88
4.1 Basic safety instructions ................. ............ ............................... ............ ....... ............ ............ ....... ..... ....... ..... 8
4.2 Warning signs....... ............ ....... ..... ....... ............ ............ ....... ............ ................... ............ ............................... 8
4.3 What to do in an emergency....... ............................... ............ ................... ............ ....... ..... ....... ............ .......10
55 PPrreerreeqquuiissiitteess ffoorr iinnssttaalllliinngg aa ppeelllleett FFuurrnnaaccee ............................................................................................................................................................................................1111
5.1 Guidelines and standards for installing a pellet Furnace . ............................... ............ ................... ............ ... 11
5.2 Furnace room circulating air ........ ............ ....... ..... ....... ............ ................... ............ ............................... ....... 11
5.3 Furnace room supply air ... ............................... ............ ................... ............ ....... ..... ....... ............ ............ ..... 12
5.4 Flue gas system. ............ ............ ................... ............ ............................... ............ ................... ............ ......... 13
5.5 Safety systems ............ ............ ....... ............ ............ ................... ............ ............................... ............ ........... 15
5.6 Installation with an existing Furnace. ............ ............ ................... ............ ............................... ............ ........ 15
66 FFuueell ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1166
6.1 Specification for high quality pellets as PFI (Pellet Fuel Institut) .......... ....... ............ ............ ....... ..... ....... .... 16
6.2 Storing the pellets .......... ................... ............ ............................... ............ ................... ............ ............ ....... . 17
6.3 Measures for the ventilation of storage rooms . ............ ............ ....... ............ ............................... ............ .... 17
77 TThhee ppeelllleett FFuurrnnaaccee .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1188
7.1 Pellet suction system..... ..... ....... ............ ............ ....... ............ ............ ................... ............ ............................ 20
7.1.1 Assembly of the vacuumsystem. ............ ................... ............ ................... ............ ............ ....... .... 20
7.2 Storage systems.... ............ ............................... ............ ................... ............ ....... ..... ....... ............ ............ .....22
7.2.1 Flexilo textile tank . ............ ................... ............ ............................... ............ ................... ............ ..22
88 OOppeerraattiinngg tthhee FFuurrnnaaccee.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2233
8.1 Operating the heating system ..... ............ ............ ....... ..... ....... ............ ................... ............ ..........................23
8.2 Description of the control panel .......... ................... ............ ............................... ............ ............................ 24
8.3 Setting language, date and time at Pelletronic Touch.......... ............ ................... ............ ............ ....... ........25
8.4 Emptying the ash pan ........ ................... ............ ............................... ............ ............................... ............ ....27
8.5 Emptying the ash box ............................... ............ ................... ............ ................... ............ ............ ....... .... 28
99 OOppeerraattiinngg DDeevviiccee wwiitthh TToouucchh ssccrreeeenn ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................3300
9.1 Opening window.... ............ ................... ............ ............ ....... ............ ............ ....... ..... ....... ............ ............ .... 30
9.2 User controls and their function........ ....... ............ ............ ................... ............ ............................... ............ . 31
9.3 Main Menu ........................... ............ ............................... ............ ................... ............ ....... ..... ....... ............ .. 33
1100 MMooddee ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3344
1111 MMeeaassuurriinngg VVaalluueess................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3355
1122 WWeeaatthheerr ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3366
1133 EEccoo MMooddee........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3377
1144 HHeeaattiinngg CCiirrccuuiitt...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3388
14.1 Measuring values Heating circuit......... ................... ............ ............................... ............ ............................ 39
14.2 Time programme Heating circuit........ ................... ............ ............................... ............ ............................40
14.3 Party ..... ................... ............ ............................... ............ ................... ............ ............ ....... ............ ............ .. 41
14.4 Vacation ..... ............ ............ ....... ..... ....... ............ ............ ....... ..... ....... ............ ................... ............ ............... 41
14.5 Heating curve and Heating limits.. ....... ..... ....... ............ ............ ....... ..... ....... ............ ............ ....... ............ ... 42
1155 FFuurrnnaaccee ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4455
15.1 Measuring values........ ............................... ............ ................... ............ ....... ............ ............ ....... ..... ....... .... 45
15.2 Locktime.................. ............ ................... ............ ............ ....... ............ ............ ....... ..... ....... ............ ............ . 46
15.3 Continuous running........ ............ ............................... ............ ................... ............ ............ ....... ............ ...... 46
15.4 Full Power . ....... ..... ....... ............ ............ ....... ..... ....... ............ ............ ....... ............ ............ ................... ........ 47
15.5 Fan.... ............ ............ ....... ............ ............ ....... ............ ............ ................... ............ ............................... ..... 47
15.6 Suction turbine........ ............ ............................... ............ ................... ............ ............ ....... ............ ............ . 49
1166 GGeenneerraall................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5500
16.1 Chimney ... ....... ............ ............ ....... ..... ....... ............ ............ ....... ............ ............................... ............ .......... 50
16.2 Favorite .......... ............................... ............ ................... ............ ............ ....... ............ ............ ....... ..... ....... .... 51
16.3 Local Settings....... ....... ..... ....... ............ ............ ....... ............ ............ ................... ............ .............................52
16.4 Malfunction .. ............ ....... ............ ............ ....... ............ ............ ................... ............ ............................... ..... 53
16.5 Information........... ....... ..... ....... ............ ............ ....... ..... ....... ............ ............ ....... ............ ............ ................ 53
16.6 ModBUS .... ............ ............................... ............ ................... ............ ............ ....... ............ ............ ....... ..... ... 54
16.7 E-Mail................ ............ ............................... ............ ....... ............ ............ ....... ..... ....... ............ ............ ....... . 55
16.8 IP Config...... ................... ............ ............................... ............ ............................... ............ ................... ...... 56
1177 SSooffttwwaarree ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5599
1188 MMaaiinntteennaannccee aanndd sseerrvviicciinngg..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6600
18.1 Cleaning the Furnace every year ........................ ............ ....... ............ ............ ....... ..... ....... ............ ............ . 60
18.2 Maintenance intervals ...................... ............ ................... ............ ............ ....... ............ ............ ....... ..... ....... 63
18.3 Repairs ........................ ............ ............................... ............ ................... ............ ............ ....... ............ ......... 63
18.4 Checking the Furnace room and storage room ....... ............ ....... ............ ............ ....... ..... ....... ............ ...... 63
Operating Manual AutoPellet Air Furnace 17 — 28
Dear Customer 5
11 Dear Customer
Maine Energy Systems specializes in wood pellet heating, our company enjoys an exclusive license from
ÖkoFEN to manufacture AutoPellet Air here in the USA. We represent expertise, innovation and quality. We are delighted that you have decided to purchase our product.
• This instruction manual is intended to help you operate the product safely, properly and economically.
• Please read this instruction manual completely and take note of the safety warnings.
• Keep all documentation supplied with this unit in a safe place for future reference. Please pass on the documentation to the new user if you decide to part with the unit at a later date.
• Installation and first start up must be carried out by an installer certified by Maine Energy Systems.
• Please contact your authorised dealer if you have any questions.
We place great importance on the development of new products. Our R&D department continues to question accepted solutions and works continually on new improvements. That is how we maintain our technological lead. We have already received several awards for our products in Austria and abroad. Our products fulfil European and USA requirements regarding quality, efficiency and emissions.
Operating Manual AutoPellet Air Furnace 17 — 28
Use only for the purpose intended
22 Use only for the purpose intended
The pellet furnace is designed heat air to provide heat for buildings. It is not permissible to use the furnace for any other purpose.
The pellet furnace fulfils the requirements of UL 391-2010 and CSA B366.1–2011.
PE 604 USA_FA 1.0
Types of safety warning sign
33 Types of safety warning sign
The warning signs use the following symbols and text.
Types of safety warning sign
1. Risk of injury
2. Consequences of risk
3. Avoiding risk
1. Risk of injury:
Danger - indicates a situation that could lead to death or life­threatning injury.
Warning - indicates a situation that could lead life-threatning or serious injury.
Caution - indicates a situation that could lead to injury.
Note - indicates a situation that could lead to property damage.
2. Consequences of risk
Effects and consequences resulting from incorrect operation.
3. Avoiding risk
Observing safety instructions ensures that the heating system is operated safely.
Operating Manual AutoPellet Air Furnace 17 — 28
Warnings and safety instructions
44 Warnings and safety instructions
Observing safety instructions ensures that the heating system is operated safely.
4.1 Basic safety instructions
• Never get yourself into danger; give your own safety the utmost priority.
• Keep children away from the Furnace room and storage room.
• Observe all safety warnings on the Furnace and in this user manual.
• Observe all instructions relating to maintenance, servicing and cleaning.
• Never make any changes to the heating system or flue gas system.
• Never close or remove safety valves.
4.2 Warning signs
RRiisskk ooff ppooiissoonniinngg Make sure that the pellet Furnace is supplied with suffi­cient combustion air. The openings in the combustion air inlet must never be partially or completely closed. Ventilation systems, central vacuum cleaning systems, extractor fans, air conditioning systems, flue gas blo­wers, dryers, fuel storage ventilation fans or similar equipment must never be allowed to draw air from the Furnace room and cause a drop in pressure. The Furnace must be connected tight to the chimney using a flue gas tube. Clean the chimney and the flue gas tube at regular intervals. The Furnace room and pellet storage room must be suf­ficiently supplied with air and ventilated. Before entering the storage room it must be ventilated with sufficient air and the heating system switched off
RRiisskk ooff eelleeccttrriicc sshhoocckk Always disconnect / de-energize the power supply be­fore working on the Furnace.
RRiisskk ooff eexxpplloossiioonn DO NOT BURN GARBAGE, GASOLINE, NAPHTHA, EN­GINE OIL, OR OTHER INAPPROPRIATE MATERIALS. DO NOT USE CHEMICALS OR FLUIDS TO START THE FIRE. Switch off the heating system before filling the storage room.
PE 604 USA_FA 1.0
Warning signs
RRiisskk ooff ffiirree Do not store any flammable materials in the Furnace room. Do not hang out any washing in the Furnace room. Do not operate with fuel loading or ash removal doors open.
RRiisskk ooff bbuurrnnss Do not touch the flue gas connector or flue gas pipe. Do not reach into the ash chamber. Use gloves to empty ash box if Furnace not equipped with automatic ash compression Do not clean the Furnace until it has been allowed to cool down.
HHOOTT SSUURRFFAACCEESS Keep children away. Do not touch during operation. Do not operate if maximum draft as listed on Furnace nameplate is exceeded. Doing so can allow non-controlled combustion.
RRiisskk ooff ccuutt iinnjjuurriieess dduuee ttoo sshhaarrpp eeddggeess.. Use gloves for performing all work on the Furnace.
DDaammaaggee ttoo pprrooppeerrttyy The pellet Furnace is suitable only for pellets which comply with PFI premium or EnPlus -A1 pellets specifi­cations. The use of any other fuel voids your warranty and can cause damage to the pellet Furnace and chimney.
DDaammaaggee ttoo pprrooppeerrttyy Do not use the heating system if it, or any of its compo­nents, come into contact with water. If water damage occurs, check the heating system and replace damaged parts.
All cover plates, enclosures, and guards must be main­tained in place at all times, except during maintenance and servicing.
Operating Manual AutoPellet Air Furnace 17 — 28
What to do in an emergency
4.3 What to do in an emergency
RRiisskk ttoo lliiffee Never get yourself into danger; give your own safety the utmost priority.
What to do in the event of a fire
• Switch off the heating system.
• Call your local fire department and or 911.
• Use approved fire extinguishers (fire protection class ABC).
What to do if you smell smoke
• Switch off the heating system.
• Close the doors leading to living areas.
• Ventilate the central heating room.
PE 604 USA_FA 1.0
Prerequisites for installing a pellet Furnace
55 Prerequisites for installing a pellet Furnace
You must fulfil the following conditions before operating a fully automatic pellet Furnace.
5.1 Guidelines and standards for installing a pellet Furnace
Overview of standards and guidelines applying to the installation of a pellet Furnace.
Check whether you need to obtain planning permission or approval from the authorities for installing a new heating system or changing your existing system. Installation must meet all requirements for pellet fired hea­ting systems in your specific location.
All equipment shall be installed in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer and in a manner ac­ceptable to the authority having jurisdiction by experienced personnel. When required by the authority ha­ving jurisdiction, such personnel shall be licensed to perform this service. In Canada, the installation of the solid fuel furnace shall comply with the applicable requirements of CSA B365, and if changes are made to the installation of the oil furnace, these shall comply with CSA B139. If changes are made to an electric furnace during the installation, the changes shall comply with the Canadian Electric Code. Part 1.
5.2 Furnace room circulating air
The pellet Furnace is installed in the Furnace room.
1. Safety instructions for the Furnace room
RRiisskk ooff ffiirree Do not store flammable materials or liquids in the vicini­ty of the pellet Furnace. Do not permit unauthorised persons to enter the Furna­ce room - Keep children away. Do not operate with fuel loading or ash removal doors open.
2. Air supply and ventilation of Furnace room
The Furnace room must be fitted with air supply and ventilation openings (at least 31 inch²/200cm²).In any case you must comply with the state and local regulations
3. Damage due to frost and humid air
The Furnace room must be frost-proof to ensure trouble-free operation of the heating system. The tem­perature of the Furnace room must not fall below 37°F and must not exceed 90°F. The air humidity in the Furnace room must not exceed 70%.
4. Danger for animals
Make sure that household pets and other small animals cannot enter the Furnace room. Fit mesh over any openings.
5. Flooding
If there is a risk of flooding, switch off the pellet Furnace and disconnect from the power supply before water enters the Furnace room. You must have all components that come into contact with water re­placed, before you start up the pellet Furnace again.
Operating Manual AutoPellet Air Furnace 17 — 28
Furnace room supply air
5.3 Furnace room supply air
The pellet Furnace is installed in the Furnace room.
1. Safety instructions for the Furnace room
RRiisskk ooff ffiirree Do not store flammable materials or liquids in the vicini­ty of the pellet Furnace. Do not permit unauthorised persons to enter the Furna­ce room - Keep children away. Do not operate with fuel loading or ash removal doors open.
2. Air supply and ventilation of Furnace room
The Furnace room must be fitted with air supply and ventilation openings (at least 31 inch²/200cm²).In any case you must comply with the state and local regulations
3. Combustion air supply
The pellet Furnace needs a supply of combustion air. The supply of combustion air can:
a. take place using one or more air supply and ventilation openings in total min. 31 inch².
b. The air must not be used directly from the outside without preheating (background: This could lead
to a condensation of the boiler.
Never operate the pellet Furnace if the air intake openings are partially or completely closed.
Contaminated combustion air can cause damage to the pellet Furnace. Never store of use cleaning deter­gents containing chlorine, nitrobenzene or halogen in the room where the heating system is installed, if combustion air is drawn directly from the room. It is recommended that no washing or drying of laundry is done in the Furnace room or where the Furnace may draw air from.
Do not hang out washing in the Furnace room.
Prevent dust from collecting at the combustion air intake to the pellet Furnace.
4. Damage due to frost and humid air
The Furnace room must be frost-proof to ensure trouble-free operation of the heating system. The tem­perature of the Furnace room must not fall below 37°F and must not exceed 90°F. The air humidity in the Furnace room must not exceed 70%.
5. Danger for animals
Make sure that household pets and other small animals cannot enter the Furnace room. Fit mesh over any openings.
6. Flooding
If there is a risk of flooding, switch off the pellet Furnace and disconnect from the power supply before water enters the Furnace room. You must have all components that come into contact with water re­placed, before you start up the pellet Furnace again.
PE 604 USA_FA 1.0
Flue gas system
5.4 Flue gas system
The flue gas system consists of a chimney and a flue gas tube. The flue gas tube connects the pellet heating system to the chimney. The chimney leads the flue gas from the pellet heating system out into the open.
1. Design of the chimney
The dimensions and design of the chimney is very important. The chimney must be able to ensure suffici­ent draft to safely draw away the flue gas regardless of the status of the Furnace. Low flue gas temperatu­res can cause sooting and moisture damage on chimneys that are not insulated. For this reason moisture- resistant chimneys (stainless steel or ceramic) should be used. An existing chimney that is not damp-re­sistant needs to be rennovated before use. Follow guidelines below:
Furnace size Furnace
Flue gas tube diameter (at Furnace)
inch/mm 6.3/160
Flue gas temp. / rated power
Flue gas temp. / partial load
Min. draft – full load/part load in/wc – 0.04 / – 0.02
Chimney size Min. Height
6in x 6in
7in x 7in
8in x 8in
6in round 19ft
7in round 17ft
Person(s) operating a pellet fired furnace is/are respon­sible for operation in a manner that does not create a public or private nuisance condition. The manufacturer's distance and stack height recommendations and the re­quirements in any applicable laws or other requirements may not always be adequate to prevent nuisance condi­tions due to terrain or other factors.
Recommended and UL-103HT approved chimney materials are:
a. Selkirk sure temp
b. Supervent (JSC)
c. Security chimneys (secure temp ASHT)
Use flue gas pipe from chimney to Furnace as required by your local code.
UUnnrreegguullaatteedd ccoommbbuussttiioonn Please observe that combustion air openings and flue pipes are not reduced in size or closed. Make end user aware of these guidelines and their potential danger. Clean the chimney and the flue gas tube at regular intervals. Check if the draft inducer is clean and in a good condition.
Operating Manual AutoPellet Air Furnace 17 — 28
Flue gas system
2. Flue gas temperature
The flue gas temperatures are approximately the same for all AutoPellet Air covered in this manual.
The dewpoint of flue gas with wood pellets (max. 10% water content) is approx. 120°F.
It is possible to increase the flue gas temperature to prevent condensation inside the chimney and avoid damage due to damp. Only authorised installers may increase the flue gas temperature.
The increase in flue gas temperature results in reduced efficiency and thus increases fuel consumption.
3. Negative pressure of the chimney
The Furnace must be connected to a chimney or a vertical venting system that is capable of handling and producing a negative breeching pressure of –0.4 “WC. Use a draft gauge to verify the indicated draft va­lue, adjust barometric damper as required. Drill a small hole in the connection pipe at about 2in/ 50mm from the Furnace flue outlet and use this hole as your measuring point.
Chimney draft
The suction effect of the chimney draft must extend all the way to the Furnace flue pipe connection. The maximum flow rate that can be drawn through the chimney limits the maximum performance of the chim­ney connection. The Furnace performance must be reduced if the chimney does not possess the necessa­ry cross-section. This may only be performend by authorised personnel.
4. Power venter
AutoPellet Air are approved by the manufacturer for installation with the Field Con­trols SWGAF power venter which is approved for wood pellet burning appliances. Furnaces installed with SWGAF power venters must follow all manufacturer´s instal­lations and must comply with all applicable codes from agencies having authority over the installation.
5. Cleaning
Clean the flue gas tube and chimney regularly. Solid fuel burning appliances need to be cleaned frequent­ly because soot, creosote, and ash may accumulate. The hotter the fire, the less creosote is deposited. Cleaning intervals can vary in warm periods due to this and become more frequent.
RRiisskk ooff cchhiimmnneeyy ffiirree Creosote-formation and need for removal:Low flue gas temperature can cause creosote. Creosote can conden­se in a relatively cool chimney. As a result, creosote resi­due accumulates on the flue lining. If ignited, this creosote will create an extremely hot fire. The chimney and the chimney connector should be inspected at least twice monthly during the heating season to determine if a creosote buildup has occurred. If creosote has accu­mulated it should be removed to reduce the risk of a chimney fire.
OOxxiiddaattiioonn ooff cchhiimmnneeyy Do not use metal brushes to clean chimneys made of stainless steel.
Your state and local regulations must be observed.
PE 604 USA_FA 1.0
Safety systems
5.5 Safety systems
The following safety measures are the prerequisite for safe operation of your system.
Emergency stop switch
Every heating system must be able to be switched off with an Emergency Stop switch. The Emergency Stop switch must be outside of the Furnace room.
Safety temperature sensor
The pellet Furnace is equipped with a safety temperature sensor. This is located on the pel­let Furnace. If the Furnace temperature exceeds 230°F then the heating system switches off.
5.6 Installation with an existing Furnace
AutoPellet Air Furnaces are not to be connected to a chimney flue serving another appliance. However, when all State and local codes allow for the sharing of chimney flues, the AutoPellet Air Furnaces and another appli­ance burning pellets or a different fuel can be operated simultaneously while connected to a single existing chimney or flue gas system providing the following conditions are met:
• All state and local codes permit the specific installation
• All appliances are installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation specifications or if lacking manufacturers specifications, the appliance in question is installed in a manner commonly recognized as safe and correct for the application and circumstances
• The chimney or flue gas system must be able to handle the combustion products of either appliance and both appliances when operated simultaneously
AAvvooiidd cclleeaarraannccee iissssuueess tthhaatt ccaann mmaakkee sseerrvviicciinngg ddiiffffiiccuulltt:: Be sure to follow suggested clearances when installing the Au­toPellet Air Furnaces with an existing Furnace to be sure that service and cleaning can be performed adequately.
AAvvooiidd ccooddee vviioollaattiioonnss:: When connecting to or with an existing Furnace , contact the au­thority having jurisdiction to be sure the type of installation plan­ned is allowed. Document the type of Furnace that the AutoPellet Air Furnace is connected to or with. Pellet Furnace: Make and Model number: ____________________ Existing Furnace: Make and Model number: _____________________
PPoossssiibbllee eessccaappee ooff fflluuee ggaass:: Do not connect this unit to a chimney flue serving another appli­ance unless multiple appliances into a single flue is authorized by all authorities having jurisdiction.
Operating Manual AutoPellet Air Furnace 17 — 28
66 Fuel
Wood pellets are natural wood (dried sawdust or waste from machining) that has been formed into pellets under high pressure. They have a very low moisture content and very high calorific value. The manufacture of wood pellets is regulated by European standard EN ISO 17225–2.
6.1 Specification for high quality pellets as PFI (Pellet Fuel Institut)
Calorific value
min. 7200 BTU/lbs
Bulk density
min. 40 Lb/cft
Water content
max. 10%
Ash content
max. 1.0%
Ash melting point at least 2192°F
max. 1.5 inch / 40 mm
1/4” – 5/16” / 6 – 8mm
Fine material
max. 0.5 %
100% untreated natural wood
TThhee ppeelllleett FFuurrnnaaccee iiss ssuuiittaabbllee oonnllyy ffoorr ppeelllleettss ooff nnaa-­ttuurraall wwoooodd tthhaatt ccoommppllyy wwiitthh PPFFII pprreemmiiuumm ssppeecciiffiiccaa-­ttiioonnss.. UUssiinngg nnoonn--ppeelllleettiisseedd ffuueellss oorr ppeelllleettss tthhaatt aarree nnoott mmaannuuffaaccttuurreedd ffrroomm nnaattuurraall wwoooodd wwiillll lleeaadd ttoo tthhee wwaarrrraannttyy bbeeccoommiinngg vvooiidd aanndd wwiillll ccaauussee ddaammaaggee ttoo tthhee ppeelllleett FFuurrnnaaccee aanndd tthhee cchhiimmnneeyy..
NNeevveerr uussee ppeelllleettss tthhaatt ccoonnttaaiinn ttrreeaatteedd wwoooodd,, ccoolloo-­rreedd ppaappeerr pprroodduuccttss,, ccaarrddbbooaarrdd,,ssoollvveennttss,, ppllaassttiicc,, ttrraasshh oorr ggaarrbbaaggee Never burn trash, plastics, gasoline, solvents, naphtha, household garbage, material treated with petroleum products such as particleboard, railroad ties and press­ure treated wood, leaves, paper products, cardboard.
PE 604 USA_FA 1.0
Storing the pellets
6.2 Storing the pellets
1. Pellets are to be stored in a place where they are kept dry all year.
2. Install a back-ventilated partition to prevent pellets from contacting damp walls, or use a fabric tank.
3. Refer to our planning hints for pellet storage rooms and warning signs.
4. Legislation in your country must be observed regarding building specifications for storage rooms.
5. ÖkoFEN also offers FleXILO fabric tanks for storing pellets.
6.3 Measures for the ventilation of storage rooms
To avoid any kind of danger through possible degassing of the pellets, make sure you obey the following guidelines:
• The storage room has to be insulated towards the living area.
• The storage room has to be ventilated to the outdoors.
For further information please consult your expert adviser.
Operating Manual AutoPellet Air Furnace 17 — 28
The pellet Furnace
77 The pellet Furnace
The pellet Furnace is equipped with an automatic cleaning system and an ash box with ash compression system. The installed programmable logic controller system enables fully automatic operation and highest efficiency. We offer an optional automatic de-ashing system for the highest level of cleanliness and comfort.
AutoPellet Air types and power ratings
We offer the Pellet Furnace with the following power ratings: Suction-feed systems: 58,000 to 95,000 BTU/hr
All sizes / outputs of the AutoPellet Air Furnace are available with external automatic ash compression system.
Refer to the data plate for the power rating of your AutoPellet Air. The data plate is located on the rear side of the AutoPellet Air. Here you will find the type designation, manufacturer's serial number and year of build.
Key components of the AutoPellet Air
Furnace (heat exchanger)
Vac Hopper / Day tank
3 Burner
External automatic ash compression system
Furnace controller
Additional parts hand filling
PE 604 USA_FA 1.0
The pellet Furnace
Burner plate
Fire protection – ball valve
External ash box (optional)
Flame tube
Burner fan
Heat exchanger
Burner auger
Flue gas fan
Electronic ignition
Combustion chamber cover
De-ashing system (optional)
Suction turbine
Ash chamber / Fire chamber
Vac hopper / Day tank
Operating Manual AutoPellet Air Furnace 17 — 28
Pellet suction system
7.1 Pellet suction system
The pellet suction system consists of a pellet line, an air line and a suction turbine. The suction turbine in the hopper conveys pellets in the pellet line from the storage room or textile tank to the hopper.
Key components of pellet suction system
Pellet hose Hose from textile tank to the hopper.
Air hose Hosee from the suction turbine to the textile tank.
Suction turbine Located above the hopper underneath the AutoPellet Air burner casing.
Suction switch Located underneath the textile tank.
Pellet Furnace FleXILO textile tank
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The pellet hose and the air hose are flexible spiral hoses made out of plastic. A copper braid avoids the static loading of the spiral hose.
To avoid damage to the spiral hose, you must observe the following assembly guidelines:
Bending radius The hose should be led as briefly as possible and with a few curves as necessarily. Bend-
ing radius may never be smaller than 12 inch.
Upward gradients
Max difference in height = 19 feet Note: A difference in height of up to 10 feet can be overcome at one time. Larger diffe-
rences in height must by interrupted with a 4 foot horizontal run of the pellet hose.
Impact protection
The spiral hose can be mounted up to 19 feet exactly straight. In such cases however, it is very important to create a slight "S" in the pellet piping before a sharp curve to slow down the pellets to prevent hose damage.
Installation in the soil and openings:
When installing pellet lines underground remember! The pellet lines are not designed for direct burial and require protection from being crushed or chewed by varmints.
Protective piping should be minimum 4 inch and sealed at each end. There should be no bends greater than 15 degrees in the underground sections of the pellet hose.
Tightness To avoid problems with your pellet lines, it is important to have all hose connections se-
cured completely air tight with hose clamps.
Static neutralization
The hoses are provided with a copper braid, those the hose keeps antistatic. In order to ensure the function of the anti-statics, those copper braid must be attached at each end to the existing grounding become.
Fire protection
At a wall break-through to the heating room must be installed a fire protection seal in the pellet- and the air hose.
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