Maimin SABRE 2000 Parts Book

This machine must be graunded. In the event af malfunctian ar breakdawn, grounding pravides a path af least resistance far electric current Terminal Pins; this Ground Shield is designed to' be used with a Maimin Grounded Connectar, part number 458A ar 458B. See wiring instructians supplied with the Connectar.
to' reduce the risk af electric shack. This machine is equipped with a Graund Shield surraunding the
qualified electrician ar serviceman if the graunding instructians are the machine is properly grounded.
DO' nat madify the Ground Shield provided with this machine.
Use carrect wire sizes with the Maimin Graunded Connectar. U.S.A. ONLY: 1 phase: Use AWG16/3 SJ, SIT ar SJE
3 phase: Use A WG 16/4 SJ, SIT ar SJE
INTERNATIONAL; 1P+N+: Use 3 xl, 0 mm CEE (2) 61
3P+ : Use 4 xl, 0 mm CEE (2) 61
nat campletely understaad ar if in daubt as to whether
Your new Maimin Sabre straight knife machine is delivered ready for operation. It is merely necessary to connect it to an electrical outlet of the correct voltage, oil it, and then begin cutting. The straight knife machine can be used for cutting
various types of materials from a few ply to the full capacity of the machine. However, for best results, it is recommended
that the minimum height ofthe lay be no lower than the bottom ofthe cutting blade at its highest position. The Presserfoot Leg (Key No. A403)acts as aprotective guard forthe operator sothat it should be down at alltimes. The Presserfoot should lie lightly on top of the lay when cutting in order to prevent the material from vibrating.
Three different grits of "FlexiBands" are available for sharp- ening the blade:
Coarse - For hard or caarse materials
(Part 1450- Box (Part 1457-
Medium - For fine woolens, synthetics and cottons
(Part 1451- Box of 1(0) (Part 1458- Box
Fine - Far sheer fabrics, very saft materials
(Part 1452- (Part 1459- Bax of 5(0)
af 1(0)
Bax of 5(0)
af 5(0)
Bax af 1(0)
During shipment oil may have flawed antaPulley A303 which can cause sharpener is 1.5seconds. If longer, oil is causing Pulley to slip. TO' remove oil, disconnect power, remove Brake A342, wipe oilfrom Pulley and Crank A505. Replace Brake.
Fill ail cups. Attach Cannector A525 to Terminal Pins A523. Move switch A550 from "off' to "on" (USA) or (International). Caution: 3 phase motor must turn counter-clockwise when viewed from rear. (FlexiBand against Blade must rotate from
back to front).
2.3 TO SHARPEN BLADE (Figure 1)
Machine should be clear of lay and Presserfoot "A" should be down on Baseplate "B". With motor running, move Tripper
Handle "c"to' right (facing sharpener) until it latches. Release
it. Sharpener will automatically sharpen entire blade. Repeat if necessary.
to' traverse slowly. Sharpener cycle time
"0" to "I"
The blades come in three grades and in different shapes far cutting unusual or difficult materials. The three grades available
ZK - High Speed Steel...Mast popular blade as it wears well
retaining its cutting edge for a long time. BK- Carban Alloy Steel... A quality blade lessdurable than the ZK blade but less costly. TK - Treated High Speed Steel...Retainscutting edge verywell.
Used only heavy denim as it is very expensive.
See back cover for camplete list of part numbers of blades according to size, grade, shape, and quantity.
far hard or abrasive materials such as fiberglass or
Figure 1
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