Maico MI 24, MI 24h Operating Instructions Manual

MI 24, MI 24h
Operating Instructions
MAICO Diagnostics | 10393 West 70th Street | Eden Prairie, MN 55344, USA | Toll Free 888.941.4201
Operating Instructions MI 24, MI 24h
Table of Contents Page
1. Introduction 1
2. Description 2
3. Getting started 4
4. How to create a tympanogram 12
5. How to create a tympanogram with high probe tone (MI 24h) 17
6. How to measure the Stapedius reflex 18
7. Interpreting test results 23
8. How to test children 26
9. Additional Reading 27
10. Individual setup of the MI 24 28
11. Care and maintenance of the instrument 33
12. How to change the printer paper 34
13. Warranty, maintenance and after-sales service 35
14. Safety regulations 38
15. Subjective checklist 39
16. Technical data 40
Operating Instructions MI 24, MI 24h
1 Introduction
Thank you very much for purchasing a quality product from the family. This automatic Tympanometer MI 24 is manufactured to meet all quality and safety requirements.
This user manual should make it as easy as possible for you to become familiar
with the functions of the MI 24. The description of the position (e.g., ) of
controls, displays and connections, found again in the text, will make it easier for you to learn how to operate the MI 24.
If you have problems or have ideas for further improvements, please get in touch with us. Simply call.
Your MAICO team
hearing nerve
ear canal
middle ear bones
ear drum
middle ear
eustachian tube
musculus stapedius
Figure 1
The middle ear
Operating Instructions MI 24, MI 24h
2 Description
The MI 24 is an automatic instrument that is designed for tympanometric screening. Tests done in the tympanometric screening mode measure middle ear mobility and ipsilateral acoustic reflex. Contralateral acoustic reflex is available as an option. Test results are displayed on the front panel LCD (liquid crystal display) screen and may be printed.
The design of the MI 24 allows rapid and reliable measurements. This equipment is designed for middle ear function screening.
A USB interface for data transfer to a connected computer is built in.
2.1 Tympanometry
Tympanometry is the objective measurement of middle ear mobility (compliance) and pressure within the middle ear system. During the test, a low-pitched probe tone (226 Hz) is presented to the ear canal by means of the hand-held probe. This tone is used to measure the change in compliance in the middle ear system while the air pressure is varied automatically from a positive value (+200 daPa) to a negative value (-400 daPa max.).
Maximum compliance of the middle ear system occurs when the pressure in the middle ear cavity is equal to the pressure in the external auditory canal. This is the highest peak of the curve as it is recorded on the chart. The position of the peak on the horizontal axis and on the vertical axis of the chart will provide diagnostic information regarding the function of the middle ear system. Examples of normal and abnormal tympanograms can be found in a later section of this manual.
Gradient calculations are reported as the tympanogram width at half of peak compliance expressed in daPa. A “limits” box is available on both the display and printout to aid in diagnosis.
Compliance is measured with respect to an equivalent volume of air, with the scientific quantity milliliter (ml). Air pressure is measured in deca-Pascals (daPa).
Operating Instructions MI 24, MI 24h
NOTE: 1.02 mm H2O = 1.0 daPa.
Operating Instructions MI 24, MI 24h
2.2 Acoustic Reflex
An acoustic reflex, or contraction of the Stapedial muscle, occurs under normal conditions when a sufficiently intense sound is presented to the auditory pathway. This contraction of the muscle causes a stiffening of the ossicular chain which changes the compliance of the middle ear system. As in tympanometry, a probe tone is used to measure this change in compliance.
When the stimulus presentation and measurement are made in the same ear by means of the probe, this acoustical reflex is referred to as an ipsilateral acoustic reflex. When the stimulus presentation and measurement are made in opposite ears, the reflex is referred to as a contralateral acoustic reflex.
For best results, this reflex measurement is automatically conducted at the air pressure value where the compliance peak occurred during the tympanometric test. Stimulus tones of varying intensities at 500, 1000, 2000 or 4000 Hz are presented as short bursts. If a change in compliance greater than 0.05 ml is detected, a reflex is considered present. Because this is an extremely small compliance change, any movement of the probe during the test may produce an artifact (false response). The test result is recorded as Pass/No Response, and in graphical form.
If the tympanometric results display any abnormal findings, the results of the acoustic reflex testing may be inconclusive and should be interpreted with care. Theoretically, a compliance peak is necessary to observe a reflex at peak pressure.
Operating Instructions MI 24, MI 24h
3 Getting started
Your MI 24 was carefully inspected and packed for shipping. However, it is good practice to thoroughly inspect the outside of the shipping container for signs of damage. If any damage is noted, please notify the carrier immediately.
3.1 Unpacking
Remove the accessories. Carefully remove the instrument from the shipping carton. Remove the instrument from the plastic bag and inspect the case for any damage. Notify the carrier immediately if any mechanical damage is noted. This will assure that a proper claim is made. Save all packing material so the claim adjuster can inspect it
as well. When the adjuster has completed the inspection, notify the MAICO Special
Instrument Distributor you purchased this unit from.
Save all the original packing material and the shipping container so the instrument can be properly packaged if it needs to be returned for service or calibration.
3.1.1 Accessories Supplied
Please check that all accessories listed below are received in good condition. If any
accessories are missing or damaged, immediately notify your MAICO Special
Instrument Distributor.
Description Part No. Hand-held probe 570G-14 24-count eartips kit: 6613 (4) yellow, 7 mm 6643
(4) green, 9 mm 6644 (4) white, 11 mm 6645 (4) yellow, 13 mm 6646 (4) green, 15 mm 6647 (4) blue, 18 mm 6648
Thermal printer paper 5529 Calibration test cavity 5533
Operating Instructions 1162-0321
Optional Accessories:
Soft-sided carrying case 1035-3002 Contra button phone and cable 4796
Contra TDH 39 phone and cable 4682
Operating Instructions MI 24, MI 24h
Figure 2
The probe of the MI 24
Operating Instructions MI 24, MI 24h
3.2 Environmental conditions for the MI 24
The MI 24 should be operated in a quiet room.
The test room must be at normal temperature, usually 15° C / 59° F to 35° C / 95° F, and the instrument should be switched on about 10 minutes before the first measurement to guarantee precise measuring results. If the device has been cooled down (e.g. during transport), please wait until it has warmed up to room temperature
3.3 Preparing the MI 24 for use
3.3.1 Connect probe and accessories
- Connect the probe cable to socket on the rear of the instrument.
- Insert the plug into the socket and secure the connection by fastening the two screws of the connector.
- Insert the pressure tube into the socket and press it until it is secure on the socket.
- Put the enclosed power cable into the power connection socket and then plug it into a power outlet. The instrument is now operational.
Operating Instructions MI 24, MI 24h
Figure 3
The controls of the MI 24
3.4 Getting familiar with the MI 24
3.4.1 The MI 24 Front Panel Controls
See the following keys:
1. PRINT = Printout
2. L/R = Switch over left/right ear
3. REFLEX = Reflex measure off/ipsi/contra
5. LEFT = Left (cursor control)
6. DOWN = Down (cursor control)
7. RIGHT = Right (cursor control)
8. UP = Up (cursor control)
9. ENTER = Enter
10. POWER = Power switch
How to use the extended functions is described in chapter 9: “Individual Setup of the MI
Operating Instructions MI 24, MI 24h
Operating Instructions MI 24, MI 24h
Figure 4
Connectors on the rear of the MI 24
3.4.2 The MI 24 Rear Panel Connections
A. Power connection socket B. Probe tube connection C. Probe connection socket D. PC interface E. Contra receiver socket
3.4.3 Switch the instrument on
Turn the power switch on. The LCD will show the type of instrument and software version for a moment. Then the basic measuring figure appears.
The MI 24 should be switched on about 10 minutes before the first measurement to guarantee precise measuring results. If the device has been cooled down (e.g. during transport), please wait until it has warmed up to room temperature.
Ear Volume
Impedance IpsiRight
-600 -300 300 daPa
500 Hz I
4000 Hz I
2000 Hz I
1000 Hz I
Figure 5
The measurement screen of the MI 24
Operating Instructions MI 24, MI 24h
3.4.4 The display of the MI 24
The test result is shown during the measurement on the LCD. The measurements are saved automatically and can be printed out in a fast and quiet way with the integrated printer.
In figure 5 the initial empty measurement screen is shown. The measurement screen shows actual settings, test results and the graphical display of the tympanogram and reflexes.
From left to right the top line shows the type of test (impedance is shown in Figure 5) the selected test ear (left or right) and the selected reflex test (
contra tympanogram
(optional) or
if no reflex test is
At the left center, the graph of the tympanogram is shown. At the right, five boxes show the status and test values.
The upper box shows the actual status of the instrument:
READY - means that the instrument is ready for testing IN EAR - shows that the probe is inserted in the ear TESTING - means that the test is in progress BLOCKED - means that probe is blocked in the ear LEAKING - indicates that the ear tip does not have a proper seal
The boxes below Status show the volume of the ear canal, the compliance, the pressure at maximum compliance and the gradient of the tympanogram when the test has been completed.
The four boxes at the bottom of the screen, marked 1 to 4, show the graphical reflex curves after the test. Below each box the test level (Figure 5: 80 dB), and the test frequencies (Figure 5: 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz and 4000 Hz) are displayed. After the frequency an “I” shows that ipsilateral testing is selected.
Finally, at the very bottom in (Figure 5) the word Auto and 80 dB scale is shown. This means that the reflex test level will increase automatically until a reflex is found or the maximum level is reached. With the arrow keys, the test levels can be changed to a fixed level. The dB values below the boxes change accordingly. It is possible to have fixed levels from 70 dB to 100 dB or Auto.
Operating Instructions MI 24, MI 24h
Main Menu Tympanometry :
Calibration : Setup :
Change item ENTER Select item
Figure 6
The MI 24 main menu
Figure 7
The calibration screen
Place the probe in the .5 ml cavity.
3.5 Calibrate the probe
Adjust the impedance measuring instrument every day to the actual atmospheric pressure by means of the enclosed calibration volume. The calibration is very easy and takes only 20 seconds.
Press the menu key and the main menu (Figure 6) appears on the LCD. Select the menu option Calibration with the arrow keys and press Enter.Follow the instructions on the LCD as shown in figure 7.
Put the probe tip without ear tip into the hole of the test cavity labeled 0.5 ml. The text on the display will request that the probe tip be inserted for the 2 ml calibration. Put the probe tip in the 2 ml cavity. Do this again for the 5 ml volume. The MI 24 will automatically change into the tympanometry mode. The basic menu for the impedance measurement appears again and you are ready for measurements.
If the error information Cavity Calibration Out of Range appears during the calibration, please check if the opening of the probe tip is clean and try to recalibrate the probe. If the error information appears again, the probe or the instrument are probably in need of service. Inform your Maico Special Instrument Distributor to get immediate help.
Figure 8
The probe of the MI 24
Operating Instructions MI 24, MI 24h
3.6 Getting familiar with the probe
The probe of the MI 24 is shown in figure 8. The probe head is adjustable to three angles (0°, 60° and 80°). It is adjusted by turning the locking screw at the bottom of the probe using a coin or a screw driver.
Adjust the probe head by pulling it into the required position until it rests. After it is set to the required position tighten the fixation screw again.
The probe button can be used to select the required test ear.
The color of the control light changes accordingly to red (right ear) or blue (left ear).
The color of the control light on the probe indicates your current operation.
A red control light indicates that the right ear is selected. The system is ready for measurements. As soon as you have put the probe into the auditory canal the control light turns green. Now the test is in progress. Do not change the position of the probe until the green control light goes out indicating the end of the measurement.
A blue control light indicates that the left ear is selected. The system is ready for measurements. As soon as you have put the probe into the auditory canal the control light turns green. Now the test is in progress. Do not change the position of the probe until the green control light goes out indicating the end of the measurement.
A yellow control light indicates an error. The kind of the error is indicated on the LCD under status:
LEAKING: The ear tip is not sealed in the auditory canal. Change the position of the
probe until the control light turns green. If you are not successful use a bigger ear tip.
BLOCKED: Indicates blockage in the probe opening. Change the position of the
probe so that it points straight into the auditory canal until the control light turns green. If you are not successful, check that the probe is not blocked with ear wax.
The complete probe insert can be changed by pressing the release button . and removing the probe insert.
Operating Instructions MI 24, MI 24h
min 0 mm max 1 mm
Figure 9
Proper placement
of ear tip
If the probe tip is clogged, you can remove it by opening the fixation ring . After cleaning the probe tip or attaching a new one, the tip must be fixed again by fastening the fixation ring.
3.7 Choose an appropriate ear tip
Choose an ear tip of the appropriate size from the ear tip set. Put the ear tip tightly on the probe tip. The probe tip should end near the end of the ear tip. It should not be inserted more than about 1 mm inside the ear tip or just protrude out of the ear tip (see Figure 9).
By choosing an appropriate ear tip and placing it correctly on the probe you create the basic conditions for measurements without problems and mistakes.
Now all preparations are concluded and you can start the impedance and reflex measurement. Please read the following chapters.
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