Troubleshooting Fill Cylinder Procedure .........18
You have purchased one of the finest Recovery, Recycling,
and Charging Machines available!
Your AC880 was proudly manufactured for MATCO Tools by
RTI Technologies Inc., York, PA.
Fill out and return the Warranty Card within 90 days to
activate the warranty and free lifetime technical support.
800-468-2321 (Ext. 259)
Check for any shipping damage. Place a claim with carrier if damage is discovered. DO NOT USE A DAMAGED UNIT.
Complete and return the Warranty Card to activate technical support ser vice and warranty coverage.
These general instructions describe normal operation and maintenance situations encountered with the AC880. Failure
to read and comp ly with these instructions or any one of the limitations noted herein can r esult in s erious inj ur y and/or
property damage.
A few minutes spent reading these instructions can make an operator aware of dangerous practices to avoid and
precautions to take for his own safety and the safety of others. T he instruc tions should not be interpreted to anticipate
every possible contingency.
The AC880 should not be operated or serviced by any person who has not read all the contents of this manual.
It is the responsibility of the owner/user to operate the AC880 in accordance with all specifications and laws which apply.
A regular schedule of inspection of the AC880 should be established and records maintained with special attention given
to Hoses, Compressor Oil Level, Vacuum Pump Oil Level, and Filters.
Recover, Recycle, and Charge only the refrigerant for which the machine is configured.
Wear safety glasses and protective gloves. Refrigerant has a very low boiling point and can cause frostbite.
Follow the AC880 operating procedures sequentially to avoid prematurely disconnecting hoses or opening valves which
may release refrigerant to the atmosphere.
Do not expose the AC880 to moisture or operate in wet areas.
Use the AC880 in locations with mechanical ventilation that provides at least four air changes per hour.
Hoses used with the AC880 must have shutof f devices within 12 inches (30 c entimeters) of the connection point to the
A/C System to minimize the introduction of Non-Condensable Gas (Air) into the AC880 and the release of refrigerant when
being disconnected.
Disconnect power before performing any maintenance or service on the AC880.
Connect the AC880 to a properly grounded receptacle. Do not overload the circuit.
Avoid using an extension cord with the AC880. If necessary use a good condition three wire, grounded, #14 AWG or larger
extension cord of the shortest possible length.
Do not connect the AC880 to the liquid side of any A/C System with a capacity greater than 4 lbs (1.8 Kg). Refrigerant in
A/C Systems having larger capacities must be recovered from the vapor side only.
Never connect the Red or Blue Hose on the r ear of the AC880 to the Liquid Port of a Cylinder of Refrigerant to f ill the
Charge Cylinder. Doing so may cause the Compressor to fail and void the warranty.
Avoid breathing refrigerant or lubricant vapor or mist. Exposure may irritate eyes, nose and throat. If accidental system
discharge occurs, ventilate work area before continuing.
Additional health and safety information may be obtained from refrigerant and lubricant manufacturers.
Special Considerations with R134a
R134a has been shown to be nonflamm able at ambient te mperat ure and atmospheric pressure. However, tests under
controlled conditions have indicated that at pressures above atm ospheric and with air concentr ations greater than 60
percent by volume, R134a can form combustible mixtures.
While it is recognized that an ignition source is also required for combustion to occur, the presence of combustible mixtures
is a potentially dangerous situation and should be avoided.
Under no circumstances should any equipment be pressure tested or leak tested with Air and R134a mixtures. Do not use
compressed air (shop air) for leak detection in R134a systems.
Page 2
Note: The purpose of this discuss ion is to familiarize the user with the features and functions of the AC880 Refrigerant
Handling Station. The procedures discussed in this manual assume that the AC880 has been set up in accordance with
the figures which are referred to and that the AC880 has been connected to the proper power supply. This manual does
not illustrate correct A/C service, but rather how to correctly use the AC880.
The AC880 is microprocessor controlled with a menu driven user interface. All of the functions of the AC880 are accessed by
pressing a few simple k ey strokes and f ollowing the prompts. T he internal Charging Cylinder is attached to a str ain gauge
measuring device (load cell) and the weight is electronically displayed.
The AC880 has a Fill Cylinder feature that allows refrigerant to be loaded directly into the Charging Cylinder without going
through the normal Recover/Recycle mode. When selected, this featur e allows the AC880 Charging Cylinder to be re-f illed
in just a few minutes, at which point it will automatically stop at approximately 20 lbs (9 Kg).
The AC880 Recovers and Recycles simultaneously in a true “single pass” through the filters and stores the refrigerant in the
Charging Cylinder where it is immediately available for use. This process automatically stops at 24 lbs (11 Kg) or when a 15
In Hg (-0.5 Bar) vacuum is sensed. The AC880 will wait for a minimum factory default of two minutes for “out gassing” of cold
refrigerant to raise the pressure back up to 3 psig (0.2 Bar) which would cause the Recover/Recycle process to start again and
reset this two minute Recycle Hold Timer bef ore dis playing that the process is complete. T he Recycle Hold Timer c an be
changed every time a Recover/Recycle procedure is run. Longer times should be selected on colder days or for A/C Sy stems
with large liquid capacities. Increasing this value may increase total time to Recover/Recycle while decreasing the time may
result in an incomplete Recovery of the A/C System. Refer to the chart below for guidelines on setting the Recycle Hold Timer.
The value entered is stored in the memory of the AC880 and becomes the default value each time it is set. Non-Condensable
Gases are vented automatically during Recovery/Recycle. The Amount of refrigerant recycled is displayed at the end of the
procedure. This value is added to the Total Amount Recycled and stored in the memory of the AC880 (See Access Stored Data
on Page 12).
TemperatureLess than 50
Recycle Hold Time10 minutes5 minutes2 minutes
F (100C)500F (100C) to 800F (26.50C)Greater than 800F (26.50C)
An integrated Deep Vacuum Pump draws on both the High and Low Hoses, ensuring complete evacuation of the A/C System.
The amount of time that the Vacuum Pump has been programmed to run will count down on the display. The value entered
is stored in the memory of the AC880 and becomes the default value each time it is set. The Low Pressure Gauge can be used
to monitor a rise in A/C System press ure. W hen programm ed to do so, the AC880 will pause and start a c ount up timer
indicating how long the Vacuum Pump has been off, thus allowing the operator to determine if a vacuum leak is present based
on increasing pressure over time. A rapid rise in pressure indicates the presence of a large leak that should be repaired. A slow
rise in p ress ure m ay simply indicate that a longer Recycle Hold Tim e or Vacuum T im e value s hould have been entered. A
relatively constant vacuum reading over a long period of time (less than 2 InHg rise over ten minutes) is the most accurate way
to check for vacuum leaks. The AC880 can also be programmed to pause to allow o i l to be added to the A/C System after
vacuuming and prior to charging.
Charging is done from the internal Char ging Cylinder. The A/C Capacity is ente red usin g the Keypad. The value entered is
stored in the memor y of the AC880 and becomes the default value each time i t is set. The AC880 can dispense liquid
refrigerant through either the High or Low Side Hose by changing the position of a selector switch. As refrigerant leaves the
AC880, the display will show an increasing weight to the programmed charge amount plus a factory set one ounce (0.03 Kg)
Over Charge Amount necessary for compensation of refrigerant loss in the hoses. This Over Charge Amount can be changed
to accommodate different operating conditions (see Set Over Charge Amount on Page 13.) An integrated heater automatically
engages whenever Charging occurs. The amount of refrigerant charged is added to the total amount charged and stored in
the memory of the AC880 (see Access Stored Data on Page 12).
The AC880 can be programmed to perform the Recover/Recycle, Deep Vacuum and Charge in a completely Automatic mode.
The AC880 will always go through the Recover/Recycle procedure, but will go immediately to the Recycle Hold Timer if the
A/C System is empty. The following matrix outlines the most commonly used options that can be programmed:
Recover/Recycle XXXXXXXX
Deep VacuumXXXXXX
Vacuum Leak CheckXXX
Add OilXX
Page 3
1Low Pressure Gauge7Oil Charge - High Side13Fill Port
2Keypad8Red Hose - High Side14Refrigerant Cylinder
3Power Switch9Blue Hose - Low Side15Yellow Hose w/Anti-blowback
4High Pressure Gauge10Oil Charge - Low Side 16Oil Drain Pressure Switch
5Display11Oil Charge Bottle17Oil Drain
6Attention Light12High/Low Charge Selector18Oil Measuring Cup
Page 4
x xxxx xxxx EXTREMELY IMPORTANT xxxx xxxx xxxx
Always connect Yellow Hose (15) to Cylinder (14) first and then connect
other end of hose with anti-blowback valve to Fill Port (13) on AC880.
Note:For large capacity or multiple A/C Systems where recharge will NOT
be done between successive recoveries, it may be desirable to skip
this procedure.
1. Set up the AC880 as shown on Page 4 and then turn the Main Power Switch
Note:The AC880 uses 22 lbs (10 Kg) of refrigeran t when Fil ling the f irst
time. If the Refrigerant Cylinder (14) is emptied, the AC880 will
appear to stop filling (the Weight will stop rising) and will stay in this
condition until the RESET key is pressed.
2. Using the Keypad, press the “Up Arrow” key four times to display “WEIGHT=
3. Open the LIQUID Valve on the Refrigerant Cylinder (14) connected to the Fill
Port (13) with the Yellow Hose (15).
4. Press the ENTER key when ready to start filling the AC880.
The Display will read “WEIG HT=X X.X LB” “COMPRESSOR O N”. W hen the
level is approximately 20 lbs (9 kg), 75 percent of the full capacity, the AC880
will turn OFF, the Display will read “FILL COMPLETE” “FILLED= XX.X LB
(the amount of refrigerant removed from the c ylinder) and the Attention Light
will turn ON. Close the Liquid Valve on the Refrigerant Cylinder.
5” and press the ENTER key. The Display will
Note: Press the RESET button on the Keypad to stop the
Fill Cylinder procedure at any time.
Refer to Page 18 should
problems be encountered using
the Fill Cylinder procedure.
Pressure differential between
the cylinder of new refrigerant
and the internal AC880 charge
cylinder greatly affect the
efficiency and speed of the Fill
Charge Cylinder procedure.
5. Press the ENTER key to return to the Main Menu.
* While filling the Charging Cylinder, this screen will display periodically
concurrent with the Attention Light turning ON. This is normal and nothing
to be concerned about. The screen s hould revert to nor mal after a few
**This screen will display when the Charging Cylinder fills to capacity,
approximately 24 lbs (11 Kg). If this occ urs, the weight c an be lowered
using the Charge procedure on Page 9 before the AC880 can be used to
recover more refrigerant. Press the ENTER key to return to the Main
Note:The AC880 Charging Cylinder can also be filled from the GA S or
VAPOR side of a cylinder by following the Recover/Recycle
procedure on Page 6.
Note:The AC880 will use 1.1 lb (0.5 Kg) more refrigerant than the
displayed value the very first time it is used or after performing
a Calibration Procedure in order to prime the internal
Note:The Yellow Hose (15) can be removed from the Fill Port (13) and
connected to either the Blue or Red Hose connection por t on the
rear of the AC880 to recover the refrigerant left in the Yellow
Hose (15) using the Recover/Recycle procedure on Page 6.
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