Mahindra Thar CRDe Repair Manual

Part 1 of 2
© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, without the written permission of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Rev1 – MAY 2012
© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, without the written permission of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications, current at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part of or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthorized use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
About the Repair Manual
This Repair Manual is published for the information and guidance of the service technician of authorized MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA dealers to help them provide efficient and correct service and maintenance on Mahindra vehicle. It contain information on the operation and maintenance of the THAR CRDe AC (BS-III & BS-IV) as well as descriptions of the major units and their functions in relation to the other components of the System.
To ensure customer satisfaction with Mahindra products, proper service and maintenance by Mahindra Dealer Technicians is essential. Technician should know and understand the content of this manual before starting actual work on the vehicle. The copy of this manual should be kept in a handy place on the shopfloor for quick and easy reference.
This manual includes special notes, important points, service data, precautions that are needed for the maintenance, adjustments, service, removal and installation of Engine and other aggregate components.
All information, illustrations and specifications contained in this manual are based on the latest product information available at the time of publication. Dealers will be provided Technical Service Bulletins or Supplementary Notes in case modifications done in future.
All rights are reserved to make changes at any time without prior notice.
Pictures, photographs used in this manual are illustrations only and may pertain to some variation than actual in the vehicle.
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Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications, current at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part of or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthorized use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Table of Content
How to use this manual……………………………………………………………………….
Safety Instructions……………………………………………………………………………….
Vehicle Specification…………………………………………………………….…………….
• Vehicle Maintenance……………………….…………………………………….……………
Air Intake System…………………………………………………… ………………..………………….
Cooling System……………………………………………………… ………………….
Fuel System…….………………………………………………………………………..………………….
Emission Control System……………………………………… ………………….………………….
Transfer Case……………………………………………………………………………………….
Propeller Shaft…………………………………………………………………….. …………..
Front Axle…………………………………………………………………………………………….
Rear Axle……………..………………………………………………………………………………
Steering System…………………………………………………………………….…………….
Front Suspension…………………………………………………………………………………
Rear Suspension……………………………………………………………………..……………
Wheels and Tyres…………………………………………………………………..……………
Page 2
Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications, current at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part of or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthorized use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
How to use this manual
There is table of contents for the whole manual on the second page of this manual, where the required section can be easily found. Also, there is content on the first page of each section, where the main objects in that section are listed. Each section is further divided in to sub-sections –
Description section gives an overview of the functioning of the system.
Specification section provides information on the dimensions and type of system.
Construction, Operation and Identification section gives details of construction of System, its
operation and serial number identification.
Care of the system details the maintenance and adjustments, if any, to be carried out on the
system to keep it functioning at its best performance level.
Trouble shooting section details a generic trouble shooting for major problems.
In-car repair outlines the procedure to carryout minor repairs/adjustments without removing the
aggregate from the vehicle.
Dismantling/overhauling section covers the detailed process and procedures to be followed,
while repairing the system. This is generally carried out after removing the aggregate/system from the vehicle.
Assembly section covers the detailed process and procedures to be followed, while repairing the
Tightening torques is the specified torque values for all crucial fasteners in the Component/
vehicle system.
Repair & maintenance data provides information on the dimensions of a new part as well as how
much wear can be tolerated on a specific part, respectively.
Mahindra Special Tools (MST) lists out the special tools should be used for the service and repair
work described in that section.
Appendices are provided in the last section of this manual. It includes of Abbreviations, measuring
units, Lubrication chart, Greasing points, Do’s & Don’ts, Vehicle preservation notes and List of MST’s applicable to this model.
The proper performance of service is essential for both the safety of the technician and the efficient functioning of the system. The service methods in this repair manual are described in such a manner that the service may be performed safely and accurately. Service varies with the procedures used, the skills of the technician and the tools & Parts available. Accordingly, anyone using service procedures, tools or parts which are not specifically recommended by MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA must first completely satisfies himself that neither his safety nor the vehicle’s safety will be jeopardized by the service method selected.
In spite of our best efforts to make the manual error-free, a few errors could have inadvertently
crept in. If you identify errors, functional or typographical, please inform your TEKline or or Suggestions to improve the manual
and make it more user-friendly are also welcome.
Page 3
Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications, current at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part of or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthorized use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Safety Instructions
1. General Precautions –
Make sure that vehicle is in neutral, parking brakes is ‘ON’ and wheels are blocked before
doing any work or diagnostic procedure on the engine or vehicle.
When it is necessary to do service work with the engine running, make sure that the parking
brake is set fully and the transmission is in Neutral. Keep hands, hair, clothing, tools, etc. away from the fan and belts when the engine is running.
Make sure the work area is ventilated and well lit. When it is necessary to run the engine
indoors, make sure that the exhaust gas is forced to stream outdoors.
Do not perform service work in areas where combustible materials can come in contact with a
hot exhaust system. When working with toxic or flammable materials, make sure that the area you work in is well-ventilated.
Make sure that the Transmission, Transfer Case, Oil/ Exhaust system has cooled down
sufficiently before attempting to remove any components, for your safety.
Use correct lifting devices. Whenever raising a vehicle for service, be sure to follow the
• Keep work area clean, dry and well organized.
Keep tools and parts off the floor or in a trolley.
Use safety blocks and stands.
Wear proper safety equipment as recommended and authorized for the job. Wear proper
hearing protection.
Wear protective safety glasses/ goggles or face shields. Wear safety shoes.
Wear correct work clothing, do not wear wrist watches, jewelry, rings, loose or hanging
apparel, such as ties, torn clothing, unzipped jackets that can catch on moving parts.
New and used engine oil, Brake or Clutch oil, Radiator Coolant, Transmission and Differential
oils can be hazardous. Continuous contact with used engine oil has been found to cause [skin] diseases. Brief contact with used oil may irritate skin. To minimize your exposure to used engine oil, wear a long-sleeve shirt and moisture-proof gloves (such as dish washing gloves) when changing engine oil. If engine oil contacts your skin, wash thoroughly with soap and water.
Recycle or properly dispose the used Coolant, oil and filters.
• Make sure that charged fire extinguishers are available in the workshop.
Make sure a first Aid Kit is available in workshop.
2. Vehicle Safety –
Before starting any service work, cover fenders, seats and any other parts that are likely to get
scratched or stained during servicing. Also, be aware that what you wear (e.g. but-tons, buckles) may cause damage to the vehicle’s finish.
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Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications, current at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part of or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthorized use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
When servicing an electrical part that does not require use of battery power, disconnect the
negative cable of the battery.
When removing the battery, be sure to disconnect the negative cable first and then the
positive cable. When reconnecting the battery, connect the positive cable first and then the negative cable, and replace the terminal cover.
Whenever you use oil seals, gaskets, packing, O-rings, locking washers, split pins, self-locking
nuts, and certain other parts as specified, be sure to use new ones. Also, before installing new gaskets, packing, etc., be sure to remove any residual material from the mating surfaces.
Make sure that all components are cleaned properly before reassembling. When use of a
certain type of lubricant, bond or sealant is specified, be sure to use the specified and recommended type only.
Safety Terms -
Three terms are used in this manual to stress Technician/ workman safety, safe and sound operation of the vehicle and its aggregates: Warning, Caution and Note.
Term Symbol Denotation
Hazard and unsafe practices that can cause injury or death.
Practices that can cause damage to the Transfer Case or vehicle.
Procedure that must be followed for correct, efficient Transfer Case operation.
Legend -
Symbol Denotation
Move/ Fit
Turn Clockwise
Turn anti-clockwise
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Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications, current at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part of or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthorized use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Vehicle Specification
• Refer following chart for THAR CRDe (BS-III & BS-IV) vehicle general specifications data –
Vehicle Dimensions :
Wheel base, mm 2430 Overall width, mm 1710 Overall length, mm 3920 Overall height, mm 1930
Front track, mm
Rear track, mm
Min. ground clearance, mm
Vehicle Weights : Maximum GVW, kg (for rigid vehicles) 2200
Maximum GCW, kg
(for articulated / combination vehicles)
N. A.
Maximum FAW, kg 1100
Maximum RAW, kg
Kerb weight with 90% fue l(with spare wheel ,
tools, etc.), kg
Maximum gradeability in 1st gear 30º Seating : Seating capacity D+6 Transmission : Type (Manual/Automatic/semi-automatic) Manual Clutch Type (wet/Dry/Single plate/ Multiplate
/ Hydraulic)
Dry - Single Plate
Gear box 5-Speed Type Manual, All Gear Synchromesh Model name (if any). NGT530R
Gear shifting control system (Sketch showing gear shifting arrangement)
Floor Shift, refer illustration
No. of gears 5-Forward, 1-Reverse
Sub transmission
Transfer case
Control system
Shift Lever (4WD)
Gear ratio High 1.00 : 1 Low 2.48 : 1 Final Drive Front / Rear / Both Rear (2WD)/ Both (4WD)
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Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications, current at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part of or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthorized use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Type Hypoid Reduction ratio 4.3 : 1 Differential type Hypoid
Final Drive ratio
4.3 : 1 (2WD) & 10.66 : 1 (4WD)
Gear ratio Gear box ratio Overall ratio
1st 3.78 : 1 16.25
2nd 2.09 : 1 8.98
3rd 1.38 : 1 5.93 4th 1.00 : 1 4.30 5th 0.79 : 1 3.39
Reverse 3.52 : 1 15.13
Number of axles :
Steered / Non Steered
Steered: Front, Non Steered: Rear
Driven Both Non-driven N. A. Front axle : Type Full floating hypoid type
Toe-in/ Toe out mm
12' to 18' at wheel rim per wheel, Total Toe in 1 to 3 mm
Camber angle
0'-1º50' (Difference between LH and RH <20')
Caster angle 2.75+/- 1º (Difference between LH and RH <1º) King pin angle 10.6 ± 1.0° Rear axle : Type ( Single / Tandem / Tridem / Multi ) Semi-floating hypoid type Steering system : Type (Manual / Power assisted – Hydraulic / Power assisted – Electric / Other)
Hydraulic power assisted
Steering wheel
Position(center/offset) Offset Outside dia mm 406 Number of spokes. 3 Steering column Clamped on suspended pedal and on body Make Sona Koyo steering system Type / Model RHD Intermediate shaft Make Sona Koyo steering system Type / Model Intermediate shaft with two UJ connections Maximum No. of rotation of steering wheel from lock to lock
Mounting arrangement of Steering column Clamped on suspended pedal and on body Offset of the steering column with respect to the seat
70.8 mm
Steering Gear Type of steering gear (Re-circulating ball / Worm & Roller / Rack & Pinion / Others)
Rack and pinion, hydraulic power steering
M/s Rane Madras Ltd.
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Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications, current at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part of or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthorized use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Steering gear ratio 20:1 Wheel lock angle(deg) Inner Outer
Left 32 30
32 30
Power Assistance
Type of assistance Hydraulic Make Sona Koyo Strg. Systems Ltd. Model RHD Oil Specification Caltex ATF Texamatic 1278 Dexron – III,
Shell Donax TG Dexron-III
Oil capacity (l) 1 Lit.
Pressure setting (kg/cm2 / bar / kPa)
75 bar
Min turning circle diameter mm
Min. turning circle clearance diameter, mm 11800 Clearance: Minimum road clearance 200 mm Approach angle 46 (Unladen) Departure angle 30 (Unladen) Ramp-over angle 15 (Unladen) Suspension : Type and description (Leaf / Coil / Air / Semi­pneumatic / Torsion bar) Front IFS with Torsion bar Rear Leaf Spring Type of spring Semi elliptical Leaf Spring Stack height, at center
Rear: 48 mm
Width at the center point / stack point
Rear: 63.5 mm
Flat length
Rear: 1219 ±3 mm
Free camber Rear: 115 ±5 mm No. of leaves Left Right
No. of leaves 6 6
No. of spacers 4 4 Suspension- Shock absorber : Type and Number Front Hydraulic Double Acting, Telescopic, 2 Nos. Rear Hydraulic Double Acting, Telescopic, 2 Nos. Suspension- Stabilizer : Front / Rear Provided/ N.A.
Chassis frame :
Ladder type with steel side member,
Five intermediate cross-members, Front and Rear Bumper Bars
Electrical system :
System voltage, V 12 V Battery rating, Ah 70 Ah Wiper motor Rack & Pinion Type, Two Speed
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Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications, current at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part of or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthorized use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Wiping system (Brief description) Wiper motor with 2 nos. of positive loading type wipers Speedometer : Model and type Analog
0 - 160 km/h
Major marking
20 km/h
Minor marking 5 km/h Speedometer ratio 0.545 Ratio of Speedo drive 5/ 17 Odometer : Make and Country of origin (if imported) M/s. Premier Instruments (PRICOL) Type Incorporated in speedometer Fuel tank : Material / Nominal thickness mm EDD steel / 0.75 THK EDD steel Capacity, Liters. 60
Brake :
Service brake (Brief description)
Dual hydraulic circuit with tandem master cylinder with
vacuum assisted servo Auto Slack Adjuster Fitted ( Yes / No / Optional )
ABS Fitted (Yes / No / Optional ) No Front (Disc / Drum) 226 mm dia Disc Rear (Disc / Drum) 282 (HNSS) dia Drum Total braking area (Front/Rear), cm² 194 / 522 Parking brake Mechanical, Operating on rear wheels Secondary brake Unfailed circuit of service brakes Wheel rim : Wheel rim Size Front/ Rear 6.5J X 16 (For 235/70 R16)
Make M/s. Wheels India or M/s. Synergies Castings Pitch circle dia of mounting bolts mm 160 mm Number of mounting bolts 5 Material (Steel/ Aluminum alloy etc.) Steel (Alloy optional)
Tyres : Tyre size (Front/ Rear & Spare) 235/70 R16 Tyre size designation including ply rating / load index / speed rating
M/s. Bridgestone
No. and arrangement of wheels
(4 + 1 Spare wheel)
Front / Rear/ Spare wheel 2 + 2/ 1 Tyre type (Radial/cross ply) (with Tube / Tube
less), size & ply rating or Speed & Load rating
Type : Radial, Tubeless
Size : 235/70R16; Ply Rating- 5
105/ S
Dynamic rolling radius, mm,
Inflation pressure – Unladen in kg/cm2 / kPa Front/ Rear 2.4/ 2.4 Inflation pressure – Laden in kg/cm2 / kPa Front/ Rear 2.4/ 2.4
Page 9
Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications, current at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part of or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthorized use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Vehicle Maintenance
• Refer following chart for THAR CRDe (BS-III & BS-IV) vehicle maintenance schedule –
Page 10
Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthori zed use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Engine (2.6L NEF CRDe)
Table of Content
Trouble Shooting……………………................................................…………..……………
Care of the System.............................................................................................
In Car Repairs.....................................................................................................
Working Principle of Engine Sub Systems..........................................................
Dismantling & overhauling of the Engine..........................................................
Working Principle, Dismantling & Overhauling of the Turbocharger................
Technical Specification......................................................................................
Lubricants & Sealants........................................................................................
Torque Specification..........................................................................................
List of the MST....................................................................................................
Page 11
Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthori zed use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
The 2.6-liter Turbocharged and intercooled common rail direct injected diesel engine with a bore 94 mm and stroke of 90 mm develop 113 BHP at 3800 RPM and a torque of 260 Nm at 1800 RPM.
A waste gated turbocharger controls the boost to 2.2 bar. The compressed air is cooled by the charge intercooler which is mounted upstream of the turbocharger. The cooled air enters the inlet manifold’s plenum and it enters the Cast iron cylinder head through the inlet valves having a 45-degree angle. A boost pressure sensor is incorporated in the system to measure the air boost.
The piston features re-entrant type combustion chamber and having ferrous ring insert in the Top ring groove. A 3-ring pack is used. The top ring is asymmetrical barrel face and with CKS coating and keystone shape. The 2
ring is taper faced. The 3rd is Conformable Oil Ring. The piston is having an
offset of 0.5 mm.
The forged connecting rod is connected to induction-hardened crankshaft. The small end of the connecting rod is trapezoidal shaped to reduce the mass as well as to ensure higher loading. The crankshaft is induction hardened with the filets hardened & ground. The flywheel has a shrunk fit ring gear and also a ball bearing to act as pilot for the gearbox input shaft. The front end is having a rubber moulded dampener pulley
The high pressure pump & camshaft are chain driven.
Boost Pressure Sensor
Page 12
Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthori zed use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Trouble Shooting
Refer to the Service diagnosis chart. Additional tests & diagnostic procedures may be necessary for specific engine complaints that can not be isolated using only the diagnostic chart.
Information concerning the additional checks is provided within the following diagnostic.
Cylinder compression pressure Test
The results of the cylinder compression test can be utilized to diagnose several engine malfunctions.
Before carrying out the compression test, ensure that the battery is in good working condition. Otherwise the indicated pressures may not be valid for diagnostic purpose.
Remove all the injectors. Fit the dummy injector (MST Tool) and connect it with the compression gauge. Disconnect the engine RPM sensor or phase sensor connector so that the engine does not start. Crank the engine.Note the compression value should be 30 bars.Repeat the procedure for the other cylinder. Refer to the Specification for the value.
Engine cylinder Head Gasket Failure Diagnosis
A leaking engine cylinder head gasket usually results in loss of power, loss of coolant and engine misfiring, overheating and poor fuel economy.
An engine cylinder head gasket leak can be:
A. Between adjacent cylinders
Or B. Between a cylinder and adjacent water jacket.
Cylinder head gasket failure between cylinders is indicated by Loss of power and /or engine misfiring.
Cylinder head gasket leaking between a cylinder and coolant passage results in coolant foaming or overheating and loss of coolant indicate an engine water jackets.
Cylinder to Cylinder Leakage Test
Check the cylinder compression pressure as already explained. Leakage between cylinders will be result in drop of compression pressure by nearly 50 to 70% in the affected cylinders.
Cylinder to Water jacket Leakage Test
Remove the radiator cap.
Warm up the engine and allow it to warm up until the engine thermostat opens.
If large combustion /combustion pressure leak exist, bubbles will be visible in coolant.
If bubbles are not visible, install a radiator pressure tester and pressurize the cooling circuit. If a
cylinder is leaking combustion pressure into the water jackets then the tester’s needle will pulsate with every combustion stroke of the cylinder.
 Follow the chart below for various problem, causes and their remedies -
Page 13
Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthori zed use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Symptom Causes Remedial action Engine will not start & emit black smoke
1. Air intake obstructed
2. Defective injectors
3. Lack of compression.
4. Cylinder head gasket failure
5. Engine timing- Valve
6. CR system
 Replace the element. 
Check for free operation of
ReplaceCheck compression pressure.- if
low check for valve seat ,rings & liner wear
Replace the cyl. head gasket. Check timing chain.  Refer diagnostic manual.
Noisy engine & black
1. Faulty injectors.
2. Loose main bearings
3. Broken parts
Rockers loose or out of
 Replace injectors  Tighten the main bearings.Inspect & replace the broken parts. Check & Adjust tappet clearance.
Engine does not give
full power.
1. Air intake restricted.
2. Clogged fuel filter.
3. Incorrect tappet clearance
4. Defective injectors.
5. Air leaks in pressure line after
turbocharger( Turbo to intercooler, intercooler & intercooler to intake manifold)
6. Air leak in pipe – manifold
Fuel return pipe to tank
Boost pressure pipe/hose
assembly damaged.
9. Valve leak
10. Turbocharger damaged.
Gas leaks between exhaust
manifold & cylinder head.
12. Restricted exhaust system.
Exhaust gas leak between
turbo & manifold.
Gas leak between EGR pipe
15. EGR pipe leak.
16. Fuels supply line kink creating
EGR valve improper
18. Compression leak.
19. Jammed piston rings
Viscous fan continuously
21. Check CR system
Replace air cleaner element if
Replace filter.Adjust tappets in cold condition. ReplacePlug the leaks, replace hose or clip
if required.
Replace the hose or tightenLocate the kink/block in return pipe
and rectify.
Check the pipe, washer & rectify.
Check the compression, relap if
Get the Turbocharger repaired at
authorized TEL dealer.
Replace gaskets.
Replace Turbocharger
Tighten the TC mounting bolts.
Replace gasket if required.
Remove the restriction in exhaust
Change the gasket or the hose. Replace the pipe.Remove the restriction.
Check the EGR using the blink
codes. Proceed appropriately.
Check compression.Replace piston rings.
Check the VFD as outlined in
cooling. Replace if required.
Refer the diagnostic manual
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Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthori zed use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Noisy engine & high
smoke ( White/ Grey)
1. Cylinder head gasket defective.
Worn out or damaged valve
3. Leaking injector holder
Replace the cylinder head gasket.
Lap the valve seats or regrind.
 Tighten the injector holder.
Black smoke. 1. Air intake restricted.
2. Incorrect tappet setting.
3. Defective injectors
4. Air leaks.
5. EGR valve stuck open
6. Restricted exhaust system.
Gas leak between exhaust
manifold & cylinder head.
8. Worn out rings, liners & valve.
 Check for hoses, replace air cleaner
Adjust tappets.Check injectors.
Check for leaks between Turbocharger to intercooler, intercooler & intercooler to inlet
Check the EGR valve
Remove restriction or replace
Replace manifold gasket or parts.
Overhaul engine.
cessive oil
1. Cracked vacuum line hoses.
2. Clogged air filter element.
Restriction in air intake to
compressor duct.
4. Restrictions in turbocharger oil
drain line.
Restriction in crankcase
6. Damaged oil separator
7. Turbocharger damaged.
Worn out rings, liners, and
9. External oil leaks
Leakages through inlet manifold mounting face
allowing dust entry.
Bend/kink in any of the oil
return pipe’s/vacuum hoses.
12. Defective vacuum pump.
Check the vacuum line from the
alternator to the EGR valve - check
for leaks, crack. Replace cracked
Replace element. Locate & remove restriction.
Remove the restriction in the
Check the crankcase ventilation &
Replace the oil separator
Change oil, filter, service the
Turbocharger & use recommended
oils & drain intervals. Follow the recommended procedure while
shutting down.
Repair Turbocharger.Overhaul engine.
Stop the external oil leakages.Change the vacuum hoses.
Change the manifold gasket or
replace the manifold.
Remove the bend or kinks.
Replace the vacuum pump.
Blue smoke. 1. Clogged air filter element.
Restriction in air intake to
compressor duct.
Air leak between the Turbocharger to intake
4. Excess oil.
5. Wear in valve seal.
Replace element. Locate & remove restriction.
Locate the leaks, change hose or
clamp if required.
Correct the oil level.Check the valve stem seals, replace
Page 15
Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthori zed use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
6. Wear in piston rings & liner.
7. TC oil seal leaks
if required.
Check the compression pressure,
replace rings & liners.
Check the Turbocharger if defective
get it attended.
White smoke. 1. Improper timing
2. Defective cylinder head gasket.
3. Restriction in fuel supply
Check sprockets & chain for wear.
Replace the cylinder head gasket.  Remove the restrictions.
Starter will not work
or only cranks slightly
1. Electrical complaints.
2. Check water level.
3. Hydrostatic lock
Refer the electrical section.
If water level reduced drastically
then check for hydrostatic lock.
Remove the water in the cylinder
and find the cause for water entry.
Starter will not crank the engine.
1. Weak battery.
Corroded or loose battery
3. Faulty starter.
4. Improper earthing.
 Check the battery specific gravity. 
Clean & tighten battery
Repair starter.  Rectify earthing.
Noisy valves 1. Tappets loose.
2. Rocker arms
touching the
rocker cover.
3. Thin or diluted oil.
4. Low oil pressure.
5. Bent push rods.
6. Worn rocker arms.
7. Worn valve guides.
8. Excessive runout of valve seats
9. Oil thickening
 Set the tappet clearances. 
Install the correct rocker cover
gasket/ change the rocker cover if problem persist.
Change oil.Check the oil level.Install new push rods.Replace the rocker arms. Replace the valve guides.Grind valve seats and valves.
Replace oil & find the reasons of
thickening, rectify.
Oil pressure drop 1. Low oil level.
2. Defective oil pressure sensor.
3. Clogged oil filter.
4. Clogged oil cooler/strainer
5. Pressure relief valve in oil filter
bracket stuck.
6. Oil leaks- internal
7. Worn parts in oil pump.
8. Excessive oil clearances
9. Thin or diluted oil.
10. Excessive bearing clearance.
11. Oil pump relief valve stuck.
12. Pump cover warped/ cracked
Check engine oil level.Install new sensor.Replace filter.Clean the oil cooler/ strainer. 
Clean the valve & bore and
Check leak at
the block & front
cover or any of the MOG plugs
Replace the worn parts or pump.Check oil clearances.Change oil to correct viscosity.Remove the valve, inspect, clean &
Remove sump, inspect the parts &
 Install new pump.
Oil leaks 1. Worn oil seals
Misaligned or deteriorated
3. Loose fastener, broken or
porous metal parts
 Replace seals.  Replace gasket.
Tighten fastener Repair or replace.
Page 16
Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthori zed use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Care of the System
The performance of the engine is dependent on ensuring that the following maintenance is carried out as per the schedule without fail.
Accessory Belt : To be checked and adjusted if required at every 10,000 Kms. To be replaced at every 80,000 Kms.
Air cleaner: The element should be replaced at every 40,000 Kms or when red indicator band shows. For the detailed procedure, refer to the Air Intake System.
Oil:. The oil should conform to CH4 grade and with a viscosity Index of 15W40. It should be kept in mind that in the turbocharger engine the oil has to have do an additional load of lubricating and cooling the Turbocharger shaft If any oil of lower specification is used it can break down under the high thermal load at the turbine end of the shaft especially during the hot shutdown. This oil grade also ensures that the oil consumption is within the desire limits. Use Maximile Supreme Grade of oils. The Oil change intervals are first at 5000 Kms. & then subsequently every 15000 Kms.
Cooling system: Ensure that no leakages are present. For details of the coolant and ratio refer the Cooling System.
Turbocharger: The engine is having an exhaust gas driven turbocharger. The turbocharger shaft speed varies from about 40, 000 when engine is idling to about 1,70,000 when the engine is having the full rated RPM.
EGR: On vehicles fitted with EGR system the following additional points check have to done during scheduled maintenance.
Check for any exhaust gas leakage through sealing faces, EGR pipe. Formation of any black
soot indicates leakage.
Check the vacuum hoses for any leaks, cracks.
Retighten all nuts and bolts as per the recommend torque.
Tappet setting has to be carried out every 20000 Kms.
While doing the tappet clearance, in case of vehicle fitted with EGR system ensure that the EGR pipe is not bent or overstress the pipes, elbow.
If the pipes are removed then it is essential that while fitting back; new gaskets be used. Do not open the pipe from one end only; it will cause the pipe to twist. If the EGR pipe has to be removed, then open from both the ends.
Page 17
Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthori zed use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
In Car Repairs
The in car repairs which can be carried out are:
Tappet setting
Accessory Belt tension adjustment
Accessory belt removal & Refitment
VFD Assembly with Fan Blade removal
High Pressure pump Removal
Oil filter changing
Turbocharger removal & Refitment
Cylinder head gasket Replacement
Page 18
Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthori zed use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Tappet setting –
1. Remove the oil filler cap.
2. Remove the oil separator & pipe from the ladder frame /sump to the rocker cover.
3. Remove the tappet cover mounting Allen screws along with the rubber washer.
4. Remove the tappet cover.
5. Remove NVH Cover & then Rocker Arm Cover with Gasket
6. Adjust the tappet clearance as per the following procedure …
Bring no.1 piston at TDC. Ensure no 4 cylinder valve at dancing / rocking position.
Adjust the tappet clearance of 1
cylinder both Inlet & Exhaust valves as per specifications.
Turn the engine 180
further in the direction of engine rotation. Adjust tappet of 3rd cylinder
valves as per specifications.
Turn the engine 180
further in the direction of engine rotation. Adjust tappet of 4th cylinder
valves as per specifications.
Turn the engine 180
further in the direction of engine rotation. Adjust tappet of 2nd cylinder
valves as per specifications.
Page 19
Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthori zed use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Accessory Belt tension Adjustment –
1. Check the Belt Tension…
- Turn on the Belt Tension Gauge, select reading mode in Hertz (Hz) & hold the probe
approximately 5mm distance in Front of the belt ( CAUTION: Do not touch the probe to the belt, this can damage the probe!) as shown in the illustration above by X.
- Tap on the belt near the probe.
- Note the reading. If the reading is within 125 TO 145, this should be OK.
- If the reading is less than 125 Hz then it needs adjustment.
2. Adjust the belt tension ….
2.A - Loosen the Tensioner Pulley Shaft Nut.
2.B – Tighten the Belt Tensioning Bolt.
2.C - Tighten the Tensioner Pulley Shaft Nut
3. Repeat the procedure as per the Step-1
- If the belt tension value should be 140+5 Hz.
If the value is less than 140+5 Hz, Repeat the Steps 2 & 3.
Page 20
Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthori zed use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Accessory belt Remove & Refit –
1. Loosen the Tensioner bolt to relieve the tension.
2. Loosen the Tensioner Pulley Nut. Take out the pulley assembly with Dust Shield, washer &
take the belt out.
3. Take the belt out.
4. Put the new belt in place & fit the Tensioner Pulley Assembly along with dust shield & washer
on the bracket, hand tighten the nut. Tighten the Tensioner Pulley Nut with torque of 32.5 ± 2.5 Nm.
5. Tighten the Tensioner Bolt so as to get the specified belt tension; follow the accessory belt
tension check procedure for checking / adjusting the belt tension to the installation tension -­170 ± 2 Hz.
6. Run the engine for 5 minutes & confirm the stabilized tension is at 140 to 145 Hz.
Fan Blade & Viscous Fan Drive Removal & Assembly –
Caution: Do not remove the accessory belt before
removing the nut.
Loosen the water pump nut.
Note that the threads are anticlockwise threads. Hence to loosen then the direction of rotation has to be clockwise when viewed from front.
Do not tamper or service the center portion of the fan.
The nut should rest on pulley after tightening.
The fan blade assembly and the VFD assembly can be
removed together.
Page 21
Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthori zed use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
High Pressure Pump Removal & Refitment –
Remove tappet cover.
Bring the 1st cylinder in compression
Note –
To confirm the first cylinder TDC position remove the 1
cylinder injector, insert the MST and the dial gauge. Check by the dial if the piston is in TDC)
Remove the VFD assembly along with the fan blade
Remove the fan belt.
Remove the High Pressure Pump connections and fuel supply.
Remove the injector pipes.
Page 22
Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthori zed use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
If the piston is not at TDC then the holes will not align with the block. As a consequence when the MST is used subsequently the MST can break.
Rotate the engine to align three holes of High Pressure
Pump sprocket with three tapped hole provided on crank case for mounting threaded pins of removal tool.
FIT the three nos.-threaded pins on crankcase through FIP sprocket holes and tighten with 17-mm spanner.
FIP Removal Tool Assy
Front Cover
High Pressure Pump
Lock Nut – Ensure to remove
shaft lock nut before installing FIP removal tool
Page 23
Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthori zed use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Oil filter removal & refitting --
Remove the right side wheel apron.
Remove the oil filter using the MST 545
After removal, ensure that the central stud is fully tight.
It can work out loose while removal of the filter.
If it has worked loose then tighten it to torque of 25-30 Nm ( 18-22 Lbft)
While fitting the new oil filter. Apply oil on the “O” rings.
Tighten by hand only.
Page 24
Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthori zed use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Turbocharger removal & Refitment –
Remove the right side wheel apron. Remove the oil filter using the MST 545 Remove the oil cooler assembly
The above 3 steps are suggested for ease of
operations & access.
Remove the air intake hose to turbocharger.
Cover the opening to the turbocharger with cover to avoid accidentally dropping any foreign object e.g. spanner
Page 25
Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthori zed use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Remove the exhaust pipe from after the elbow.
(Access is only after lifting it on a two post or in a pit and using a extension with UJ.)
Remove the oil feed pipe and the oil return pipe.
(It is recommended to apply rust cleaning spray (WD 40) in the nuts before attempting to remove otherwise, the stud will come off.)
Remove the turbocharger mounting 3 nuts.
Page 26
Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthori zed use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Cylinder Head Gasket Removal & Refitment –
1. Remove the rocker cover
2. Remove the Injector’s high-pressure pipes.
3. Remove the
Fan blade assembly along with VFD
4. Remove the
Accessory Belt.
5. Remove the Water pump.
6. Remove the
7. Remove the rocker shaft assembly.
8. Remove the cylinder head bolts.
1 2 3
Page 27
Repair Manual MAN-00190
THAR CRDe BS-IV MAY 2012/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part or whole of the present document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthori zed use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Note –
While removing ensure that the bolts loosening is the reverse of the tightening sequence
Remove the Cylinder head assembly. Measure the length of the cylinder head bolt. If it is up to 135 mm then the bolt can be reused.
If the length is more than 135 mm, use new bolt.
The cylinder head gasket is of the Multi Layer Steel
(MLRS) Type gasket. Though it can be assembled either
way it is recommended that for optimum performance the Top, which is identified by the lettering, is facing upward.(The cylinder Head gasket cannot be reused – even if it appears to be good.)
Do not use any sealant/lubricant like shellac or oil on either block or head or gasket face.
The cylinder head bolts are to be tightened with slight
trace of clean engine oil. (2-3 drops only). Do not put excess quantity of oil.
The tightening sequence is as shown. The tightening torque’s is 90 Nm then followed by 60­degree angular torque. Again torque by 60 degree.
The angular torque in 2 stages ensures that the tightening/ clamping loads of all the bolts are very close to each other.
6 1 7 3 5
4 9 3
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