Prefac e (1)
Precautions (2)
Ⅰ ………………………………………………………………
Chapt er Main Specifications (1)
Ⅱ ……………………………………………………………
Chapter Oper ating the T ra cto r (5)
1.Fuel and lubric ating oi l (5)
2.Water (6)
3.Ru nning-in of unused tractor (6)
4.Co ntro ls an d ins trum en ts (8)
5.Control and operation of the tractor (10)
6.Con tro l and op erat ion of the w orkin g dev ice s (14)
7.Use of t he e lectri cal e quip ment (16)
Ⅲ …………………………………………
Chapter Technical Main te na nc e of the T ra ctor (19)
1.Shift ma intenance (19)
2.First class maintenance (19)
3.Second class maintenance (20)
4.Thir d class m ain te nance (20)
5.Fourth class maintenance (20)
6.Maintenance in winter (21)
7.Maintenance for storage of a long time (21)
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Chap ter Adjustment of Tractor (22)
1.Ad justment of clutch (22)
2.Ad justment of m ain drive (24)
3.Adjust me nt of d ifferential lock (27)
4.Adjustment of brake (28)
5.Adjustment of front axle (30)
6.Ad justment of front drive axle (31)
7.Adjust me nt of w h eel tre ad (33)
8.Adjust ment of steering gear (34)
9.Construction and adjustment of hydraulic hitch system (39)
10.Use and ad ju stme nt of ai r br ake d evi ce of tra il er (46)
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Chapter Main Troubles of Tractors and Trouble Shooting (49)
1.Engine (49)
2.Tran sm is sion sy ste m (51)