Mahindra JINMA-200, JINMA-254, JINMA-300A, JINMA-304A, JINMA-204 Operation Manual

Jinma series wheeled tractors
JM-200 JM-204 JM-250 JM-254 M-
300A JM-304A
are small four wheel tractors of new type , which are developed according to the increasingly rising demands of dometic and overseas agricultural machinery for small new wheeled tractors . The tractors have the characteristics of saving energy , high efficiency , varied purpose ,beautiful appearance . If you buy them , you wil l get satisfactory economic pro fit from them .
Jinma series wheeled tractors respectively adopt vertical and energy saving
diesel engine of 20 25 30Hp as their power ;th ey employ direct gears transmission betwee n engine and transmi ssion syst em . Jinma tractor s have m any types for you t o choose . They not only have single stage clu tch and dual stage clutch types , but also have two wheel and four wheel driv e types .They also have creeper devic e for you to choose if you want your tractors to conduct ditching operation . They have perfect hydraulic suspension system in performance , wide thread driving tyres of good adhesive force and low pr essure and reli able (crankp in type and circula ting ball type ) but also have hydraulic steering gear , the users can choose either of them . The products are featured by their favourable power ,relatively hight traction force , compact contruction , high transmission efficiency ,easy operation , convenient repair and maintenance ,economical oil consupmtion ,easy attachment of implements and good compreshensi ve usage .
In order to help the customers master the Jinma series tractors' operation , adjustment and maintenance , and prolong their service life , make the best possible use of th em and o btain idea l economi c profit ,we compile the operation m anual ,With regard to the operation and repair and maintenace , Please consult the operation manuals of th e diesel engines .
With the development of science and technology and varying in requirement of customers , the tractors are subject to improvements and perfection in their in their construction s which will be written about in next editions of the manual . Therefore , users of tractors are required to pay attention to where the manual differs from the actual tractors .
1. Drivers should read the operation manual carefully and be familiar with the performance, operation and maintenance of the tractor. Otherwise we will not be responsible for any qua li t y problems ca used by improper ope r ation.
2. Never fill the fuel tank with unfiltered or un-precipit a ted fuel.
3. New tractors must undergo running according to the regulat ions befo re they are put into use.
4. It is prohibited to turn sharply with one-side braking while tractor runs at high speed in or de r to avoid overturning or parts damage.
5. Bolts or nuts of wheel disc and of other important parts should be checked regularly and be tighten ed if they are loos e.
6. During transferring the tractor with a mounted implement, it is not allowed to drive the tractor at high speed in order to avoid damaging hyd raulic lift system and suspension system.
7. After opera tion at the area of below 0 in winter, the water sh ould be dra ined out at idle speed in order not to freeze and damage the tractor parts (not including anti­icing fluid).
Prefac e (1)
Precautions (2)
Chapt er Main Specifications (1)
Chapter Oper ating the T ra cto r (5)
1.Fuel and lubric ating oi l (5)
2.Water (6)
3.Ru nning-in of unused tractor (6)
4.Co ntro ls an d ins trum en ts (8)
5.Control and operation of the tractor (10)
6.Con tro l and op erat ion of the w orkin g dev ice s (14)
7.Use of t he e lectri cal e quip ment (16)
Chapter Technical Main te na nc e of the T ra ctor (19)
1.Shift ma intenance (19)
2.First class maintenance (19)
3.Second class maintenance (20)
4.Thir d class m ain te nance (20)
5.Fourth class maintenance (20)
6.Maintenance in winter (21)
7.Maintenance for storage of a long time (21)
Chap ter Adjustment of Tractor (22)
1.Ad justment of clutch (22)
2.Ad justment of m ain drive (24)
3.Adjust me nt of d ifferential lock (27)
4.Adjustment of brake (28)
5.Adjustment of front axle (30)
6.Ad justment of front drive axle (31)
7.Adjust me nt of w h eel tre ad (33)
8.Adjust ment of steering gear (34)
9.Construction and adjustment of hydraulic hitch system (39)
10.Use and ad ju stme nt of ai r br ake d evi ce of tra il er (46)
Chapter Main Troubles of Tractors and Trouble Shooting (49)
1.Engine (49)
2.Tran sm is sion sy ste m (51)
3.Brake (52)
4.Steering gear and walking system (53)
5.Hydraulic hitch system (54)
6.Electrical system (55)
7.Electrical system (56)
Chapter Appendix (59)
1.Wiring diagram of the electrical system (59)
2.Accessaries for customers to order (59)
3.Dis tribution diagram of rolling bearing
and transmission system of JM series tractors (61)
4.Specifications and distributions of oil seals in JM series tractor's chassis (63)
5.Sizes of hitch system (65)
6.OECD approval No. of JM series tractors (67)
Chapter Main Specifications
Model JM-200 JM-204 JM-250 JM-254 JM300A JM304A
Type ×42wheeled ×44wheeled ×42wheeled ×44wheeled ×42wheeled ×44wheeled
Width(without ballast)
Heitht(to steering wheel)
Wheel base (mm) 1465 1510/1560 1587.5 1588
Wheel tread
Front wheel
Rear wheel
1070 -1270
950 / 1050
1070 -1270
950 / 1050
1070 -1270
Ground clearance (mm) 330 275 340 340
Turning radius
With one-side braking
without braking
±2.4 0.2 ±2.8 0.2
±2.8 0.2 ±3.0 0.2
±2.75 0.2
±3.0 0.2
±2.8 0.2 ±3.0 0.2
±2.75 0.2
±3.0 0.2
±2.8 0.2 ±3.0 0.2
Construcional weight
Min.working weight
1040 1160
1140 1270
1040 1060
1140 1270
1170 1290
1270 1400
Rated traction force N 4000 4800 5200 5980 5200 5980
()Normal speed km/h six six six six eight eight
Forward 1 st
2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Reverse 1st
1.99 0.37
3.94 0.73
6.57 1.22
9.21 1.72
18.2 3.39
30.36 5.66
1.58 0.29
7.3 1.36
1.68 0.31
3.31 0.62
5.52 1.03
7.75 1.45
15.3 2.85
25.5 4.76
1.33 0.29
6.15 1.15
2.06 0.38
4.07 0.76
6.79 1.27
9.52 1.78
18.8 3.51
31.4 5.85
1.63 0.30
7.55 1.41
1.73 0.32
3.42 0.64
5.71 1.06
8.01 1.49
15.8 2.59
26.4 4.92
1.37 0.26
6.35 1.18
Model LL380 LL380 KM385 KM385 ZN390T ZN390T
Type 3 cylinder ,vertical ,water - cooled , 4-stroke
Model JM-200 JM-204 JM-250 JM-254 JM300A JM304A
12-hour power(kW)/rated speed r.p.m 14.7 14.7 18.4 18.4 22.1 22.1
×Bore Stroke(mm) ×80 90 ×80 90 ×85 90 ×85 90 ×90 95 ×90 95
Fuel consumption (g/kw·h) 245 245 245 245 255 255
Oil consumption (g /kw·h) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.72 2.72
Net weight (kg) 250 250 250 250 230 230
Clutch Single disc,dry-friction constant mesh OR Dual stage ,gear operation
Gear box (+)× ( )×Supr gear 3 1 2 compound , or supr gear 4+1 2compound Creeper can b chosen
Intermediate drive ×1 2 spiral bevel gear
Differential Closed with 2 planetary bevel gears
Diffierential lock Claw type
Final drive Internally meshed single spur cylindrical gear
Walk and operatin g system
Frame type Frameless rigid connection
Front axle type
inverted U pipe
balancing arm
side bevel gear
inverted U pipe
balancing arm
side bevel gear
inverted U pipe
balancing arm
side bevel gear drive
Pendulum angle of front axle °12 °8 °12 °8 °12 °8
Front wheel Rear wheel
Tire infation
pressure kPa)
Front wheel
Rear wheel ()in field ()transport atio n
100-120 120-140
100-120 120-140
100-120 120-140
100-120 120-140
100-120 120-140
100-120 120-140
Steering gear
sphere worm steering
Hydraulic steering gear may be chosen for all models
Brake Foot - controlled shoes type Disc type
Model JM-200 JM-204 JM-250 JM-254 JM300A JM304A
Type Half remote
Hydraulic pu mp
CBN-E306 gear pump
CBN-E306 / 314
gear pump
CBN-E306 gear pump
CBN-E306 / 314
gear pump
gear pump
CBN-E310 gear pump
Hydraulic cylinder
×Horizontal single− acting type63 100(mm)
Distributor Slide valve regulating type
Safety valve Direct-acting type
×Rated lifting capacity (N mm) ×3600 610 ×3900 610 ×4200 610 ×4200 610 ×5000 610 ×5000 610
Safety valve release pressure(MPa) ~+16 ( 0 1.6 )
Connection type of implements rear mounted - point hitch category 0 rear mounted - point hitch category
Upper link-hole diameter(mm)
×φ19.5 44
Lower link-hole diameter(mm)
×φ22.5 35
Traction ground clearance(mm) 470 495
Traction pin diameter(mm) Φ20
Rear P.T.O shaft Nonindepender 540r/min or semi-independent 540r/min dual speed(540r/min ,1000r/min)can be chosen
and gauges
System 12V ,negative pole connected with iron , single phase circuit
Starter 12V 2.5kW or 3.0kW
Generator 14V 350W
Battery 6-Q(A)-80,80A·h
Model JM-200 JM-204 JM-250 JM-254 JM300A JM304A
and gauges
Ammeter +() -30~0~ 30 A
Oil pressure gauge ()12V 0~0.5 MPa
Water temperature gauge 12V (40~100)
pressure gauge 0~1.0 MPa
Head lamp ND118-80T , 20/8W 12V
Rear light WD115-2 , 20/8W.12V
Direction light FT12 , 8W.12V
Electric horn DL87-12
Main filling
capacity (L)
Fuel tank 19 19 19 19 24 24
Engin e oil sump 5
Front drive axle 4.5 / 6 ── 6 ── 6
Transmission box 11 14 11 14 11 14
Lifter 9 14
Steering gear 0.4
Cooling water 10 or 12
Chapter Operating the Tractor
1.Fuel and lub r icating oil
1) For fuel and lubricating oil for the tractor see Table 2-1. Table 2-1 Fuel and lubricating oil for the tractor
2) Cautions for filling fuel
Using clear diesel fuel is an important factor to prevent troubles in engine and
prolong the engine's service life. The followings should be observed during filling fuel:
A. Fuel mus t be deposited for over 48 h ours before fuel tank is fill ed with it. Fu el at
the bottom should not be poured into the fuel tank.
B. Filter fuel when filling fuel tank with it. C. Fuel filling devices must be kept clean. D. Fuel tank and f uel filte r should be cleaned regularly, and deposited fuel should be
dra ined out.
Component Season and ambient temperature Oil specificatio n
Fuel tank
Summer (ambient temp. above10
No.0, -10 light diesel fuel
Winter (ambient temp. below10 )
No. -20 light diesel fuel
Engine sump Lifter Oil pa n of air cleaner Injection pump Hydraulic steering gear
Ambient temp. below 0
No. 20 diesel engine oil
Ambient temp. at 0-25
No. 30 diesel engine oil
Ambient temp. above 25
No. 40 diesel engine oil
Transmission box Transfe r c ase Front drive axle Mechanical steering gear
Summer (ambient temp. above10
No. 40 diesel engine oil
Winter (ambient temp. below10 )
No. 30 diesel engine oil
Grease nipple Without consideration of season
No. ZFG2 calcium base
compound grease
ZBE 36003-88
Bearin g 60203Gen erator and starter
Without consideration of season
No. ZFG2 com p ou nd
calcium base grease ZBE
1)Radiator should be filled with clean soft water so as to eliminate scale in the engine cooling syst em whic h wil l re duc e coo lin g effi cie ncy. On ly aft er b eing soft ene d can hard water su ch a s well water, spring water, etc. be used. Method for softening hard water is as the follows:
A. Boil hard water, then deposit for some time and filter. B. Put 1.5g of caustic soda into one lit of hard water. When operating the tractor in cold
weather, add cooling water with f re ez e - p ro of li q ui d.
3. Runn ing-in of unuse d tractor
The unused or overhauled tractor can not be put into operation unless it has undergone
running-in. Otherwise its performance will be affected and service life wi ll be shortened.
1)Prep arations before running-i n A.Clean the outside of the engine. B.Inspect outside bolts and nuts, and tighten them if necessary. C.Check the lubricating oil level, and refill to stipulated level if insufficient. D.Inject grease into lubricating points. E.Fill with fuel and cooling water F.Check toe-in (4-10mm) and tire inflation pressure, readjust or reinflate if necessary. G.Inspect the connections of battery and wires of electrical system.
2)Idle running-in of the engine
After t he engine is started i n accorda nce with specified steps, list en carefu lly and make sure whether there is abnormal sound, check for leakage of water, air, oil and the readings of the gauges. When it is made sure that the engine is in normal working condition, the next step of runn ing-in can be proceeded.
The unlo aded ru nnin g- in l asts 1 5 min ut es, the first 7 minu te s with m inim um th ro ttl e, then
medium throttle for other 5 minutes and then lasts 3 minutes with full throttle.
3)Unloaded and loaded running-in of the tractor The running-in of the tractor should be done at rated engine speed. The order and time of running-in should be done according to the standard in Table 2-2.
Table 2-2 Ru nning-in standa rd of the tractor
Matters needing att ention during running-in process: A.Chec k on whether the engine runs normally. B.Check on whether the adjustment of the clutch is normal and the disengagement is
C. Check on whether the gear shift of the gearbox (including front drive handle, creeper) is light a nd flexible , and th ere is any a ut om atic gea r d isengag em ent and gear- shiftin g lock.
D.Check on the function or reliability of the brake.
E.Check on whether the steering gear is flex ible.
F.Chec k on whether the gauges and elect rical equipments are normal and reliable.
During the running-in process, if any abnormal phenomena or failures appear, the cause should be found out and corrected, then the running-in can be carried on.
After the running-in is completed, the tractor must be undergone the following maintenance before being put into operation:
A. After the tractor has been stopped, drain out the lubricating oil in the engine sump while i t is still war m. Wash the sump and oi l filter with diesel fuel . After the di esel fuel has bee n out, refi ll the sump with new lubricating oil to sp ecified leve l.
B. Drain out the lubricating oil in the transmission box, hydraulic system and front drive ax le while it is still warm. Th en fill th em with di esel fu el of pro per quan tity an d run the tractor in 2nd forward and 1st reverse gears for 2-5 minutes for cleaning. As soon as the tract or is stop ped, dr ain out th e diesel f uel imm ediately and then refil l new lubr icating oil to specified level.
C.Clean fuel filt er (including filter cartridge in fuel t ank) and air cleane r.
D.Drain out cooling water, clean the cooling system of engine with clean water.
E.Check on and adjust the f ree travel of clutch pedal, the travel of brake pedal and the
in type
Running-in hours per gear Total Sum
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th R1st R2nd
Unlo aded Tract or only 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 6
With trailer
loadedwith 1.2T
goods onhighway
transporta- tion
124422 15
Fitted with plough at
plough depth about
13.3 cm in lig ht so il
1243 10
working condition of the brake.
F.Check on and tighte n the nuts and bolts on all connection positions. G.Check on injector and valve clearance, adjust them if necessary. H.Check on working c onditions of el ectrical syst em. I.Check on and adjust the toe-in of front wheel. J.Inject grease into each lubricating point.
4. Controls and instr uments
In ord er to opera te the trac tor correct ly, it is nec essary t o familiar ize the func tion of
all controls and instruments as well as their positions on the tractor (Fig.2-1).
1) Auxiliary gear shifting lever: To control the auxiliary speed gear. (Fig.2-2).
2) Main gear shifting leve r: To cont rol the main spee d ge ar. (Fig.2- 2).
3) Ge ar shiftin g pattern p late: It i s located o n the top of gearbo x cover to show the
positions of gear shifting lever.
4) Con trol le ver o f fr ont d rive a xle: Enga ge o r cut off the p ower of fro nt dr ive axle to
achieve 4-wheel drive or 2-wheel drive.
5) Steerin g wheel: It con t r ol s the di rec tio n of tractor runn in g.
6) Clutch pedal: Depress the peda l, then the clutc h is di sengaged.
7) De com pres si ng le ve r: Redu ce t he pres su re i n t he c ylin d ers t o ma ke the en gine st art
8) Extinguishing lever (Fuel cut-off rod): To make the engine stop.
9) Single-position switch: Pull the switch out, the rear work light is turned on and
push the switch in, it is turned off.
10) Turning signal switch: Turning the switch to the left or right, the left or right
turning signal light will flash to show in the left or right turning.
11) Horn butto n: Press the butt on to sound the hor n, and it will send out alarm signal s.
12) Ammeter: It indicates the current intensity of battery while being charged or discharged. If t he p ointer de fle cts to " + " side, it m e an s that the b at ter y is being charg ed ; if to "-" side, it is being discharged.
13) Water temperature gauge: Indicates the water temperature of the engine cooling system.
14) Tachometer :It irdicates the speed and accumulated working time of the engine.
Air pressure meter : It indicates the air pressure of the brake system(fror 2WD).
15) Oil p ressure gau ge: It indi cates the oil pressu re in main oil lines of th e engine , the normal oil pressure is 2- 4 kgf/cm
16) Fuel gauge: It indicates the fuel level of the fuel tank.
Fig.2-1 Controls and Instruments
17) Two-position switch: Pull the switch to the first position, the headlights (lower beam) will be lighted, to the second position, the full-beam of the headlights will be lightened.
18) Starting switch: It has two functions: one is for switching on or off the circuit current and the other is as electrical starting switch.
19) Hand th rottle: Pull the h and throt tle backward, the fuel flow will increase whil e push it forward, fuel flow will decrease.
20) Creeper shift ing lever: To exchange the normal sp eed and creeper speed.
21) Left and right brake pedals: Turn the braking lock plate right to make left and right pedals connect with each other and brake at the same time; while separating the braking lock plate can achieve left or right one-side brake, then one-side brake and turn can be made.
22) Foot throttle peda l: Depress th e pedal down, the fuel flow w ill increase ; loosen it, the fuel flow will decrease.
23) Pa rking brake lock pawl: Put the b rake lock pawl on the le ft brake pedal into the teeth of the brake teeth pla te at the right side of transmission box to keep the brake for a long period.
24) P.T.O contr ol lever: En gage or dise ngage P.T.O power.
25) Differential lock lever: Used to move right claw to make differential lock disen gaged or engaged so that the two driving wheels have different speeds or not.
26) Hydr aul ic cont rol lever: When th e lev er is pu shed or pu lled backwa rd, fo rwar d or into vertical position respectively, the hitch is lifted, lowered or in neutral position.
5. Control and ope ration of the tractor
1) Starting engine
Before starting the en gine, ch eck fuel, lu bricating oil and coo ling water. Check and make sure ev ery co mpone nt an d electri cal syste m work corre ctly, d rain out th e air in the fu el lines , put gear shifting lever in neutral position. If the hydrauli c system is installed on the tractor, caution: check whether enough hydr aulic oil is filled in the lifter housing.
After the prestarting preparation, start the engine.
A.Set to decompress and rotate the engine crankshaft several turns with the hand starting handle, check and make sure all moving parts work correctly, and pump oil to surfac es of mo vi ng par ts.
B. When starting the engine with the hand starting handle, set the hand throttle to full open position, put the decompression lever to the decompression position, accelerate the crank ing, the e ngine w ill be st arted along wi th the d ecompres sion lev er ret urn aut omatica lly to original position.
C. When switch starting, set the decompression lever to decompression position too.
Turn the
startin g switch clo ckwise to "start" p osition, thus the e ngine is d riven by starter, th e starter must n ot b e operat ed more than 5-10 sec. for ea c h start. On l y af t er a n interv al o f no t l e ss than 2 minutes can the engine be started again.
D. When switch starting is s uccessf ul, turn the sta rting switch countercl ockwise to th e
charging position of battery.
E. It is not necessary to decompress the engine while switch start ing in summer. Filling the ra diato r w ith hot w a ter or th e oi l sump with h ea ted e ng in e o i l ca n b e us ed a s s tar tin g aids in winter.
2) Starting the tractor
After the en g i ne i s star te d , run it at mo de rate s p eed for 5 - 10 min utes for war m -up itself, a f te r
thewater temperature reaches above 70 , tractor can be started according to following steps:
A.Lift the implement. B.Dep ress t he clut ch peda l, pu t t he ge ar sh ift ing l ever i nt o the desi red low er ge ar, rele as e
the parking brake lock pawl of the brake pedal.
C.Observe the environment to confirm that there are no obstructions on the road and
sound the horn to call atte ntion to the people.
D. Incr ease the engine sp eed gradu ally and si multaneo usly rele ase clut ch pedal s o as to
make the tractor start off smoothly
3) Operating the tractor
A.During operation make sure that readings on gauges are normal. B.It is prohibited for oper ator to place his foot on clutch pedal so as to protect clutc h from
beingdamaged because of semi-engaged condition of clutch.
C. In transportation or running on highway, lock the left and the right brake pedals
together with brake lock plate.
D. In field operation, one-side braking can be used to reduce turning radius, but it is prohibited to use one-side braking for sharp turning when the tractor is running at high speed or is used for transportation on highway, so as to prevent overturning and protect comp onents from being damaged.
E. Proper speed should be selected to get best productivity. Table 2-3 shows the speeds
for various operations.
Table 2-3 Speeds for different operations
Operation Gear
Creeper Ditching
L1st Rotary cultivation L2nd Rotary cultivation, transportation L3rd Ploughing, harrowing, drilling
H1st Ploughing, harrowing, drilling H2nd Transportation H3rd Transportation
R1st To attach implemen ts R2nd To attach implements
4) Stopping the tractor
A. Throttle the engine down to lower the speed of the tractor. B. Depress the clutch pedal quickly and shift the gear-shif ting lever to neutral position. C. Release the clutch pedal and let engine run idle. D. Depress the brake pedals to stop the tractor, th en lock the pe dals with the lock pawl.
In case the tractor has to be stopped suddenly, clutch pedals and brake p edals
should bedepressed s imultaneously. It is pro hibited to depress th e brake pedals only, whi ch will damage the parts.
E. If the tractor is to be parked for quite a while, the engine should be stopped. After the engine has been u nloaded, it should run at l ow speed for som e time un til the cooling wate r temperature drops to
70 or lower, then pull out fuel cut-off rod to bring the engine to a st op.
It is prohibited to stop the engine at once when its temperature is very high, or to
stop the en gin e wi th decompress ion mecha nism.
F.Turn the preheating/starting switch to "O" and pull out the key. If the tractor is going
to be stored, turn off the fuel tank cock.
G.If the tractor is stopped when the ambient temperature is below 0 , screw of the radiator cap and turn on the water-drain cock on the bottom of the radiator and on the cyli nder bl ock t o drain out wa ter a t idle en gine speed s o as to prote ct the b ody an d radi ator from being froze n (n ot inc luding ad ding anti -icing fluid).
5) Safety regulat ions for operati on
Safety regulations are very important for protecting drivers and tractors from hazard.
They should be obser ved strictly in operation .
A. Inspect carefu lly th e work in g cond iti o n of the engine and ma in compon ents, an d listen to whether there is abnormal sound or noise. Especially observe the technical state of clutch and brake. Check and tighten the bolts and nuts on main components of the tractor.
B. Make sure that there is no people or obstacle around the tractor and press horn button beforestarting off the tractor.
C. Don 't go up a nd do wn t he tra ctor duri ng ru nnin g. Never m ake check or re pair un der the tractor wh ile the en gin e is still running.
D. Before the tractor goes up or down a slope, proper speed should be selected and don't coast, turn sharply or shift gears while driving down a slope.
E. In transportation, left and right brake pedals must be locked together. One-side brakin g can not be used for sharp turning when the tractor is running at high speed or with full load.
F. If front en d o f th e tr actor rises up in operat ion , th ro ttl e d ow n the e ng in e, d ise ngag e th e clutch and reduce the load to protect the tractor from longitudinal overturning.
G. If the engine runs away, immediately pull out the fuel cut-off rod, move decompression lever to "decompressing" position or plug up fresh air into the engine instead of disengage clutch .
H.Ligh t ening equipment must work well during operat ion at night. I.Co ntrol le ver sho uld b e placed in the ne utra l posit ion whe n the fo ur-whe el driv e trac tor
is running idle or being used for transportation.
6. Control and operation of the working devices
1)Control and operation of PTO
PTO can be engaged and disengaged by means of operating the PTO control lever on the
right side of the transmissi on box.
The speed of PTO is 540 rpm or 540 rpm and 1000rpm. When push down (from front and upper side) the control lever, PTO is engaged; while pull upper the control lever, PTO is disengaged. The operation steps are as follows:
A. Remov e the PTO sa fet y shield an d draw bar, coup le th e desir ed driven ma chin e to th e
PTO shaft.
B. Put the gear shifting lever at the neutral position. C.Depress the clutch pedal fully, then shift the PTO control lever to the "engaged"
D.Release the clutch pedal slowly and the driven machine will run. First let the driven machine run at slightly open throttle for a while to ensure that nothing is wrong with the driven machine. Then make the throttle wide open and put the driven machine into operat ion. Note: Wh en the tracto r with implemen t travels fo r a long distanc e, should shif t the contro l lever to neutral position to cut off the power so as to avoid damaging the implement and causin g body acci de nt.
2)Control and operation of hy draulic hitch sy stem
Hydraul ic hitch sy stem serves to attach, lift and lower implement, as wel l as adjust and maintain the working pos ition of implement, so a s to meet different re quirements of va rious implements and operations.
Move the control lever of the distributor to raise and lower the implement. According to the type of work to be done, type of implement used and field condition, hydraulic hitch system provides various functions, so that the satisfactory work quality is obtained.
A.Posi tion control
In po sition co ntrol, by means of mo ving cont rol lever of the d istribu tor, the p osition of
implement could be adjusted, if desired position of the implement has been got, set the position of the stop per on th e return rod to limit t he contr ol lever. T ight en the sto pper on the rod with screw, so that th e lever can be push ed to the s ame position every ti m e. Adjustment may be done during plowing period. The supporting wheel for the implement is not necessary in position cont rol.
B.Floating contro l
Floating control is suitable for field plowing. In floating control, supporting wheel is needed for implement, During plowing , hold the control lever of distributor at "lowering position. (i.e. push the control lever of distributor forward with the return stopper. Do not return the control lever to the neutral position). The hydraulic circuit is in "floating" control. Using floating control, the plowing depth is controlled by the change of the height of the supporting wheel. The uniform plowing depth would be obtained in the field with wild changes of soil resistance.
C.Control of the lowering speed of the implement
Turn the lowering speed adjusting valve to control the lowering speed of the implement. The lower ing sp eed sh ould be sele cted prope rly ac cordi ng to th e weig ht of the i mplem ent and hardn ess of soil surfa ce in orde r to p reven t the im plem ent from b eing se ri ously impa cted a nd damaged.
Turn the lo wering spe ed adju sting val ve clockwis e, the low ering speed will reduce ; turn
the valve coun te rclockwis e, the lowering spee d wi ll inc rease.
D.Operat io n of hi t ch syst em
Adjust the implement according to the implement operation manual before the implements being attached to the hitch system of the tract ors.
In ploughing, adjust longitudinal and lateral level of plough in order to get the same ploughing depth of front and rear share.
a) Adjus tin g of lon gitudina l leve l
Adjust the length of the upper link of the hitch, keep the plow frame horizontal in longitudinal level, so as to keep each share in the same plowing depth. As the front share plows deeper th an the rear one, or he el of plow go es out fro m bottom of furrow, extend t he upper link; as the front share plows shallower than the rear one, or rear heel si nks into the bottom of furrow, shorten the upper link.
b) Adjust ing of lat e r al level
Adjus t len g th of righ t lifting r od , ke ep plow fra me ho rizontal in latera l le vel, as ext en d th e right li fting rod, the plowin g depth of th e first sh are is inc reased. As shorten t he right l ifting rod, t he plo ughing dept h of t he fi rst sh are is decrea sed. U sually, the left l ifting rod does not
requir e a ny ad ju st me nt . O nl y i f th e r i g ht lifting r od is ad ju sted to i ts limits, the lef t li fting rod would be adjusted to obtain the uniform plowin g depth.
In order to obtain better plowing quality in actual operation, still need to adjust the plowing width according to the plow operation manual, so that the twifallow and omitted plowing won't happen. The various adjustments described above are connected. According to each operation condition, combine the adjustments properly, then can obtain the best results.
The check chains can make the integral unit have good manoeuve rability in the field, and prevent implement from hitting rear wheels because of the too much crosswise swinging of the imple ment during turnin g of tractor and lifting the i mp lement in the field ends. As the implement is in plowing position, the check chains are loosen, a certain swinging scope betwee n trac tor and imp lement is allow ed. Adju sting th e devi ation tra ction of the im plemen t throu gh tensioning the check chains is prohi bited during ploughing.
c) While using implements of driving typ e, should pay attention to the length of universal joint sh aft ; aft er atta chm ent, th ere s houl d be ab out 10 mm axia l cle aran ce betw een P TO shaf t and universal shaft.
3) Using the diff erential loc k:
In trac tor transpo rtation and o peration, if one drive wh eel slips gr eatly and the tractor can not move forward, operate the differential lock according to the following steps:
A. Depr ess the clutch pedal, move the gea r shifting lever to the low range gear position.
B. Turn the hand throttle to full open position.
C. Depress down the differential lock lever under the right side of the seat, gradually release the clutch pedal to engage the clutch, so that two drive wheels rot ate in same speed, then there is a possibility to drive the tractor through the slippery area.
D. After t he tract or passes t hrough th e slipp ery area, ca n not tu rn the tra ctor, othe rwise the parts may be damaged.
Release di fferenti al lock lever and let it return to the original po sition after the
differential lock is engaged.
7. Use of the electr ical equipment
The electrical equipment of the tractor is used to start engine, meet the needs of giving signals and lighting for operation at night and etc. The electrical system of the tractor is negative pole connected with iron, 12V single phase circuit.
1) Battery
Batter y rate d voltag e is 12V and its r ated capacit y is 60 or 66 AH; The batt ery is u sed t o
store the spare electricity produced by the generator. While the engine doesn't work or run at low speed, the stored electrical en ergy can supp ly electricity for all of the electrical devices and to start the tractor. While the engine overloads in a short time, the battery can help to supply electricity. In routine use, the battery should be often checked and maintained in accordance with the technical maintenance regulations of the tractor.
A. Before us ing the new battery, fi ll the electro lyte stip ulated in table 2-4 to th e requi red height, t he n keep the b at ter y for 1 5 m i nu tes , a fte r tha t, th e b at ter y can be us ed; after sta rt in g the engin e, firstly it is b etter to charge the battery for 1-2 hours, w hich is good to extend the service li fe of the batt ery.
B. Dust and dirt on the outside of the battery should be often cleared away in case elec tricity l eaks. Che ck to see wh ether th e battery has crack le and ele ctrolyt e leak; kee p the termin als and all contacts in good connecting condition; keep the air hole on the plasti c cover unblocked, so as to protect the battery fro m explosion because of too m u ch gas in the ba ttery.
C. Check the height of electrolyte level and specific gravity. In normal use, if the height of elect rolyte level is below 10-15m m, distilled wat er should be pou red into it in ti me. Well water or river water can't be used. So as to prevent impurity from entering electrolyte. If electrolyte overflows much under unusual conditions, it can be added. The density of elec trolyte in electrol ytic cel l should be not lower than 1.2g /cm3; if th e densit y is too low , the battery should be charged in time.
D.The time of continuous starting should not be more than 10 seconds in case overdischarge. The battery should be charged at regular interval. The single voltage of the charged battery should be 2-2. 1 V.
Table2-4 Density of electrolyte
2) Use of generator and regulator
A. Generator should be used with regulator.
B. The genera tor is co nnec ted with gr oun d by negat ive pol e. The ge nera tor is connec ted with the regulator and the battery by negative pole. The positive and negative poles of genera to r, relay a nd b att ery can no t b e co nn ec ted in wro ng wa y. Otherw is e th e generator and regul ator ma y be damaged.
C. Che cki ng th e gen er ator by s hort circ ui t is p rohi bi ted . Meg aoh mmet er o r A. C. po we r
Temperature of ele ctrolyte(0
0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45
Densit y(g/cm3) 1.305 1.300 1.295 1.290 1.285 1.280 1.275 1.270 1.265
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