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Vehicle Communication Interface
Original Operating Instructions
Pos: 1 /Technisc he Dokum enta tion/ Leis tungsm es stech nik/Z 7 Zub ehör al lgem ei n/2 901 M AH A VC I/B A/In ha lt: Z729 T itelb ild @ 44\mod_1458814621917_0.docx @ 2424673 @ @ 1
Pos: 5 /Technische D okumen tation/A lle Ger äte/ Überschr iften/ Übersc hriften 1/B/Über schr ift 1: B eschr eibung @ 6\mod_1174482271453_75.docx @ 76889 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 6 /Technische D okumen tation/A lle Ger äte/ Überschr iften/ Übersc hriften 1.1/A/ Überschr ift 1. 1: Allg emeines @ 6\m od_1182865005781_75.docx @ 97736 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 7 /Tec hnisc he Dokum en tati on/Leis tu ngsme sste chnik/Z 7 Z ube hör al lgem ein/2 901 MAH A V CI/ BA/In halt: Z7 29 Bes chre ibung Allg eme ines @ 43\mod_1441783235707_75.docx @ 2308004 @ @ 1
The MAHA VCI and MAHA Emission Software can perform OBD diagnostics on
vehicles (cars, LCVs, trucks and buses).
Communication with the PC is wireless via WLAN. The VCI can be operated either
as a WLAN base station (access point) or as a WLAN client, connected to the
existing WLAN network.
The VCI and the PC software are accredited for exhaust emission test according
Pos: 8 /Technische D okumen tation/A lle Ger äte/ Überschr iften/ Übersc hriften 1.1/Ü/ Übersc hrift 1.1 : Über sicht @ 7\mod_1187087953953_75.docx @ 103698 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 9 /Tec hnisc he Dok um entat ion /Le ist ungs me sste ch nik/Z 7 Z ube hör al lgem ei n/2 901 M AH A VC I/B A/In ha lt: Z72 9 Übe rs ich t ( Bild ) @ 44\mod_1458728489927_0.docx @ 2423946 @ @ 1
Pos: 13 /Tec hn isch e Do kum ent atio n/Le ist un gsmes s techn ik/ Z7 Z ub ehör all geme in/ 290 1 MA HA VCI /BA/ Inh alt: Z72 9 Te ch nische Daten (Tabelle) @ 47\mod_1486457031217_75.docx @ 2832476 @ @ 1
Dimensions (L x W x H) 135 x 50 x 25 mm
Operating temperature 0 °C … +50 °C
Vehicle Male OBD connector (16 pin)
Weight 110 g
Power consumption < 3.6 W
Nominal voltage
Voltage range +7 … +30 V DC
Power consumption approx. 260 mA at 12 V supply voltage
Supported diagnostics log
OBD standards
Pos: 14 /Technische Dokume ntatio n/Alle Geräte/ Übersc hriften/ Überschr iften 1.1/A/ Übersc hrift 1.1: Anf order ungen a n den St euer rechner @ 43\mod_1441787343641_75.docx @ 2308188 @ 2 @ 1
+ 12 V DC via male OBD con-
WWH-OBD (ISO 27145)
SAE J1939
KWP 2000 (ISO 14230)
CARB (ISO 9141)
ISO 15031
SAE J1979
SAE J2012
IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/h Dual Stream 300 MBit/s
802.11n Standard for 2.4 GHz (EU and NAR conformity)
Encryption types: WPA, WPA2/PSK
WLAN base station (factory settings), WLAN Client
Pos: 15 /Techn ische Dok ument atio n/Le istun gsmess tec hnik/ Z7 Z ubeh ör a llgeme in/ 2901 M AHA VCI /BA/I nhalt: Z 72 9 Anf ord erunge n a n den S teu erre chner @ 44\ mod_1458729209315_75.docx @ 2423993 @ @ 1
• MAHA Emission Software (current version available on MAHA homepage)
• WiFi access
Pos: 16 /-----For ma t-----/MA N UEL LER UMB RUC H Se ite num br uch @ 0\mod_1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1
• Windows 7 operating system
Initial Operation
Noting the Serial Number
Connecting the Device
Establishing the WiFi Connection with Windows
Pos: 17 /Technische Dokume ntatio n/Alle Geräte/ Übersc hriften/ Überschr iften 1/I/Üb erschr ift 1: I nbetrieb nahm e @ 23\mod_1301477548701_75.docx @ 987803 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 19 /Tec hn isch e Do kum ent atio n/Le ist un gsmes s techn ik/ Z7 Z ub ehör all geme in/ 290 1 MA HA VCI/ BA/Inh alt: Z 72 9 Ser ienn ummer not ieren ( Bi ld) @ 4 4\mod_1458729354826_0.docx @ 2424040 @ @ 1
Pos: 21 /Tec hn isch e Do kum ent atio n/Le ist un gsmes s techn ik/ Z7 Z ub ehör all geme in/ 290 1 MA HA VCI /BA/ Inh alt: Z72 9 G erä t ans chließe n @ 43\mod_1441788749953_75.docx @ 2308372 @ @ 1
1 Connect the MAHA VCI male OBD connector (A) and the vehicle female OBD
connector. LED (F) starts flashing.
Pos: 22 /Technische Dokument ation/Alle Gerät e/Übersc hriften/Üb erschriften 1. 1/W/Übers chrift 1.1: WLAN-V erbind ung m it Windows e inrich ten @ 43\mod_1444385199773_75.docx @ 2319771 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 23 /Tec hn isch e Do kum ent atio n/Le ist un gsmes s techn ik/ Z7 Z ub ehör all geme in/ 290 1 MA HA VCI /BA/ Inh alt: Z72 9 W LAN -Ver bind ung @ 43\mod_1444307150493_75.d ocx @ 2319302 @ @ 1
2 Establish WLAN connection with the PC (see section “WLAN connection”).
1 Wait until MAHA VCI has launched and the network has been established.
2 Click on the WLAN symbol in the Windows task bar:
If the symbol is not visible, the computer is not WLAN enabled, or the network type has been deactivated (e.g. “airline mode switch”.
no internet connection,
the following note is acceptable:
The first time, the WLAN connection is established, complete network set-up and
VCI connection may take up to one minute.
7 Select “Workplace network” as the place of the network under network set-
Pos: 24 /-----For ma t-----/MA N UEL LER UMB RUC H Se ite num br uch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1
Setting up the VCI in MAHA Emission Software Version 7.51
Pos: 25 /Techn ische Dokume ntatio n/Alle G eräte/ Übersc hriften/ Überschr iften 1.1/V/ Übersc hrift 1 .1: VCI in der M AHA Emiss ion Sof tware V ersi on 7.5 1 einr ich ten @ 4 3\mod_1441794416579_75.docx @ 2308464 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 26 /Tec hnis che Do kume nt atio n/Le ist ungs mes ste chn ik/Z 7 Z ubeh ör a ll geme in/ 290 1 MAH A V CI /BA/ Inh alt: Z 72 9 VC I in de r MA HA E mis sion S oftw are Vers ion 7.5 1 e inr ichte n @ 43\m od_1444308019313_75.docx @ 2319349 @ @ 1
1 Integrate MAHA VCI into the WLAN according to the section “Connect
2 Start MES.
3 Press “Page Down” in the MES main menu.
4 Change to the settings menu.
5 Select “Exhaust devices settings”.
6 Press “Setup” button under “MAHA VCI”.
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