MAHA TWIN F IV 3.0 Series, TWIN F IV 3.0 A, TWIN F IV 3.0 U, TWIN F IV 3.5 Series, TWIN F IV 3.5 A Original Operating Instructions

TWIN F IV 3.0 | 3.5
Scissors Lift
Pos: 1 /Technische Dokumentation/Alle Geräte/ Titeltexte/Titel text: TWIN F IV Alle @ 35\mod_1389 950928631_0.doc x @ 1874819 @ @ 1
Pos: 2 /Technische Dokumentation/Hebetechnik/ TWIN/083101 TWIN F IV 3.5/BA/Inha lt: 0831 Titelbild @ 42\mo cx @ 2262454 @ @ 1
Pos: 3 /-----Format-----/MANUELLER UMBRUCH Seitenumbruc h @ 0\mod_1134403577687_0.d ocx @ 1277 @ @ 1
Fehler! Verwenden Sie die Registerkarte 'Start', um Name dem Text zuzuweisen, der hier angezeigt werden soll.Fehler! Verwenden Sie die Registerkarte 'Start', um Name dem Text zuzuweisen, der hier angezeigt werden soll.Fehler! Verwenden Sie die Registerkarte 'Start', um Name dem Text zuzuweisen, der hier angezeigt werden soll.
Pos: 4 /-----For mat---- -/Inh altsv er zeic hn is - 3 Ebe nen @ 5\mod _116 88674 41046_ 75.d ocx @ 72 920 @ @ 1
1 Safety ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Symbols .............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Intended Use ....................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Inappropriate Use ................................................................................................................................ 5
1.5 Requirements on Operating and Service Personnel ............................................................................. 5
1.6 Safety Instructions for Commissioning ................................................................................................. 6
1.7 Safety Instructions for Operation ......................................................................................................... 6
1.8 Safety Instructions for Servicing ........................................................................................................... 8
1.9 Safety Instructions for Handling Hydraulic Fluid ................................................................................... 8
1.10 Additional Safety Instructions for Lifts with Transport Frame for Mobile Use ........................................ 9
1.11 What to Do in the Event of Defects or Malfunctions ........................................................................... 10
1.12 What to Do in the Event of an Accident ............................................................................................. 10
2 Description ............................................................................................................. 11
2.1 General Information ........................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Specifications .................................................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Sample Nameplate ............................................................................................................................ 13
3 Transport and Storage ........................................................................................... 14
4 Installation and Initial Operation .............................................................................. 14
5 Operation ............................................................................................................... 15
5.1 Main Switch....................................................................................................................................... 15
5.2 Controls and Indicators ..................................................................................................................... 15
5.3 Display Codes ................................................................................................................................... 16
5.4 Saving and Deleting the Maximum Lifting Height ............................................................................... 16
5.5 Driving onto the Lift ........................................................................................................................... 17
5.6 Using Support Blocks........................................................................................................................ 17
5.6.1 Stacking Two Blocks on Top of Each Other ...................................................................................... 20
5.7 Raising and Lowering ........................................................................................................................ 20
5.8 Adjusting the Ramp ........................................................................................................................... 21
5.9 Bleeding the Hydraulic System .......................................................................................................... 21
5.10 Manual Lowering ............................................................................................................................... 21
5.11 Lift with Transport Frame for Mobile Use ........................................................................................... 22
6 Maintenance .......................................................................................................... 24
6.1 Maintenance Schedule ...................................................................................................................... 24
6.2 Care Instructions ............................................................................................................................... 24
6.3 Annual Inspection .............................................................................................................................. 25
6.4 Checking the Fluid Level .................................................................................................................... 25
6.5 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................ 26
6.6 Spare Parts ....................................................................................................................................... 26
7 Service Lifetime ...................................................................................................... 27
8 Dismantling ............................................................................................................ 27
9 Disposal ................................................................................................................. 27
10 Contents of the Declaration of Conformity .............................................................. 27
11 Company Information ............................................................................................. 28
Pos: 5 /-----For mat---- -/MAN UELLER UMBRUCH S eitenumb ruch @ 0\m od_11 34403 5776 87_0.d ocx @ 1 277 @ @ 1
Pos: 6 /-----For mat---- -/MAN UELLER UMBRUCH S eitenumb ruch @ 0\m od_11 34403 5776 87_0.d ocx @ 1 277 @ @ 1







Intended Use


Inappropriate Use


Requirements on Operating and Service Personnel

Pos: 7 /Tec hnisc he Dokum entati on/All e Geräte/ Über schrifte n/Übersc hriften 1/S/ Überschr ift 1: Sich erheit @ 6\mod_1174482399906_75.docx @ 76962 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 8 /Technisc he Dokum enta tion/ All e Gerä te/ Übers chrif ten/Üb ersc hrift en 1 .1/E/ Übers chr ift 1.1: E inführ ung @ 6\m od_1174482219062_75.docx @ 76793 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 9 /Technisc he Dokum enta tion/ All e Gerä te/In halte/ Sic herhe it/In halt : Ei nführ ung S icher hei t_12p t @ 2 5\mod_1324455248318_75.docx @ 1138886 @ @ 1
Thoroughly read this manual before operating the equipment and comply with the instructions. Always display the manual in a conspicuous location.
Personal injury and property damage incurred due to non-compliance with these
Pos: 10 /Technische Dokume ntatio n/Alle Geräte/ Übersc hriften/ Überschr iften 1.1/S/ Übersc hrift 1.1: Symb ole @ 6\mod_1174482270875_75.docx @ 76865 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 11 /Technische Dokume ntatio n/Alle Geräte/ Inhalte/ Sicher heit/In halt: Sy mbo le Sicher heit_1 2pt @ 25\mod_1324456650897_75.docx @ 1139046 @ @ 1
safety instructions are not covered by the product liability regulations.
Important safety instructions. Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury or property damage.
Important information.
Pos: 12 /Techn ische Dokume ntation/Al le Geräte/Übers chriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/B/Über schrift 1.1: Bes timmungsg emäßer Gebrau ch @ 6\mod_ 1176 73402 2203_ 75.docx @ 8874 6 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 13 /Technische Dokume ntatio n/Hebet echnik /00 HBZ Alle/I nhalte/I nhalt: Bestim mungs gemäßer Gebr auch HBZ _12p t @ 29\m od_1351147628024_75.docx @ 1668694 @ @ 1
This lift shall be used exclusively for the safe lifting of motor vehicles. Observe
the rated load capacity and load distribution.
The lift shall not be modified without the express written consent of the
manufacturer. In case of non-compliance the declaration of conformity
Pos: 14 /Technische Dokume ntatio n/Hebet echnik /08 Sc heren-H ebeb ühn en/ 26 01 T WIN F II I 3. 0 / 4.0/ BA/ Inha lt: 082 6 B est immu ngs gemä ßer G ebr auch E rg änzung _12p t @ 26\mod_1326702134892_75.docx @ 1505717 @ @ 1
becomes void.
The lift can be re-positioned on-site adhering to the mandatory ambient
Pos: 15 /Technische Dokument ation/Alle Gerät e/Übersc hriften/Üb erschriften 1. 1/B/Übers chrift 1.1: Bes timm ungsw idr iger Gebr auch @ 18\ mod_1255530265027_75.docx @ 471571 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 16 /Technische Dokume ntatio n/Hebet echnik /00 HBZ Alle/I nhalte/I nhalt: Best immungsw idrig er Gebr auch H BZ_12pt @ 2 6\mod_1325512462855_75.docx @ 1143595 @ @ 1
Any use other than described is inappropriate, for example:
Climbing on the lift supports
Transporting persons on the lift supports
Pos: 17 /Technische Dokume ntatio n/Alle Geräte/ Übersc hriften/ Überschr iften 1.1/A/ Übersc hrift 1.1: Anf order ungen a n das Bedien ungs- und Serv iceper sonal @ 34\mod_1380637497630_75.docx @ 1835413 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 18 /Technische Dokume ntatio n/Alle Geräte/ Inhal te/Si cher heit/I nhal t: Anf ord erun gen a n das Bed ienu ngs- u nd Servi cepers onal_1 2pt @ 4 7\mod_1482392891402_75.docx @ 2803198 @ @ 1
Usage as mobile work platform or for other lifting operations
All persons employed in the operation, maintenance, installation, removal and disposal of the device must
be mentally and physically suited for these activities,
be at least 18 years old,

Safety Instructions for Commissioning


Safety Instructions for Operation

be trained and instructed in writing,
have read and understood the operating instructions, especially the instructions
what to do in the event of defects or malfunctions,
be on record as having been instructed in safety guidelines,
have practical experience in working with vehicle lifts and the hazards inherent
Pos: 19 /Technische Dokument ation/Alle Gerät e/Übersc hriften/Üb erschriften 1. 1/S/Übersc hrift 1.1: Siche rheit svor schr iften f ür d ie I nbetr ieb nahm e @ 6\m od_1174482269156_75.docx @ 76838 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 20 /Technische Dokume ntatio n/Hebet echnik /00 HBZ Alle/I nhalte/I nhalt: Sicher heitsv orschrif ten f ür die I nbetrieb nahme HBZ_12pt @ 47\mod_1483524035338_75.docx @ 2804458 @ @ 1
in such equipment.
The lift shall be installed and commissioned by authorised service personnel
Use personal protective equipment.
All safety features must be checked for proper function at commissioning.
The control desk (if present) shall not be installed in the danger zone of the lift.
The standard lift version shall not be installed and commissioned in hazardous
locations, outdoors, in moist rooms (e.g. car wash) or outside a temperature
Pos: 21 /Technische Dokume ntatio n/Alle Geräte/ Übersc hriften/ Überschr iften 1.1/S/ Übersc hrift 1.1: Sic herheit svorschr iften f ür den Betri eb @ 6\m od_1174482268953_75.docx @ 76826 @ 2 @ 1
range of 5…40 °C (41…104 °F).
Pos: 22 /Tec hn isch e Do kume ntatio n/Hebet echnik/ 00 HBZ Alle/I nhalte/I nhalt: Sicher heitsv orschrif ten f ür den Betrieb H BZ_1 2pt @ 47\mod_1484658648165_75.docx @ 2810948 @ @ 1
Observe the detailed operating instructions.
Observe all accident prevention regulations.
Use personal protective equipment.
The standard lift version shall not be operated in hazardous locations, outdoors,
in moist rooms (e.g. car wash) or outside a temperature range of 5…40 °C (41…104 °F).
To ensure safe operation, check the functionality of all safety devices before
using the lift.
The control desk (if present) must be positioned in such a way that there is an
unobstructed view to the complete working area and the emergency stop can be accessed at all times.
All structural parts of the equipment must be visually checked at regular
Supply of suitable illuminating devices is the owner's/operator's responsibility.
Do not allow anyone to stay in the danger zone when driving on or off the lift.
Lifts with cylinder and runways: when lifting vehicles with a short wheelbase,
make sure that one axle is in front of the lifting cylinder, the other behind it.
Lifts with wheel-free jack: before driving on or off the lift or wheel-free jack,
make sure the jack is in bottom position.
If the operator is unable to see all parts of the danger zone, a trained second
person must monitor such areas.
Center the vehicle on the lift when it is in fully lowered position.
After positioning the vehicle on the lift secure it against roll-off.
Lifts with runways: make sure the vehicle tyres do not contact the roll-off
protection when raising or lowering the lift.
Lifts with runways: modifications (such as usage of extensions) are permissible
only under the condition that the functionality of the roll-off protection is maintained (protective position of 0.1 m above the runways).
The load rating on the identification plate must not be exceeded.
Keep the path of movement free of obstructions.
Only use the vehicle manufacturer's recommended lift points.
Only use lifting supports approved by the vehicle manufacturer.
The vehicle must be lifted as a whole. usage of external hoisting and support
devices in combination with the lift must be approved by the manufacturer.
Do not use the lift for transporting persons.
Lifts with support arms or wheel-free jack: when raising the lift, all support
points at the vehicle body must be engaged at the same time.
Lifts with support arms or swing arm jack: use one additional extender or one
support block only for each support point.
Lifts with support arms or swing arm jack: check arm restraints for secure
engagement as soon as support arms contact vehicle lift points.
Lifts with wheel-free jack: secure engagement of the vehicle must be ensured
by using appropriate means (e.g. lashing straps).
After raising the vehicle briefly, stop and check the lift supports for secure
Make sure the vehicle doors are closed during raising and lowering cycles.
Make sure the parking brake is applied during raising and lowering cycles.
Closely watch lift and vehicle during raising and lowering cycles.
Do not allow anyone to stay in lift area during raising and lowering cycles.
Lifts with support arms or wheel-free jack: after setting down the vehicle, check
the lift supports for secure contact before raising the vehicle again.
Axle lift (if present): observe the installation instructions. Use both hands when
moving the axle lift. The axle lift must be in park position during raising and lowering cycles.
Axle lift (if present): the vehicle must be additionally secured against rolling off
while one axle is in a raised position.
Do not allow anyone to climb up the lift or the raised vehicle.
Before leaving the lift, fully lower the vehicle or secure it against accidental
Keep lift and vehicle free of tools and parts.
Keep the lift and lift area clean. Risk of slippage on oily floors!

Safety Instructions for Servicing


Safety Instructions for Handling Hydraulic Fluid

The main switch serves as emergency stop switch. In case of emergency turn it
to "0".
Protect the lift against unauthorized usage by padlocking the main switch.
Protect all parts of the electrical equipment from humidity.
Use caution with operating vehicle engines. Danger of poisoning!
When removing heavy vehicle components, the centre of gravity can change. In
such circumstances appropriate action must be taken as required.
Residual risk: Tripping over runways of surface mounted lifts, tripping over
Pos: 23 /Technische Dokume ntatio n/Alle Geräte/ Übersc hriften/ Überschr iften 1.1/S/ Übersc hrift 1.1: Sic herheit svorschr iften f ür Serv icearbe iten @ 6\mod_ 117 4482270640_75.docx @ 76850 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 24 /Technische Dokume ntatio n/Hebet echnik /00 HBZ Alle/I nhalte/I nhalt: Sicher heitsv orschrif ten f ür Servic earbei ten HBZ _1 2pt @ 46\mod_1481283945452_75.docx @ 2797338 @ @ 1
Use personal protective equipment.
Service work must be done by authorized service technicians.
Turn off and padlock the main switch before doing any repair, maintenance or
setup work.
The system must be unpressurized during maintenance work.
Work on pulse generators or proximity switches must be done by authorized
service technicians.
Work on the electrical equipment must be done by service technicians or
qualified electricians.
Ensure that ecologically harmful substances are disposed of in accordance with
the appropriate regulations.
Do not use high pressure or steam jet cleaners. Do not use caustic cleaning
The lift's safety devices must be set by authorized service technicians.
Pos: 25 /Tec hn isch e Do kume ntatio n/Alle Geräte/ Übersc hriften/ Überschr iften 1.1/S/ Übersc hrift 1.1: Sic herheit svorschr iften f ür den Umga ng mi t Hydrau liköl @ 1 6\mod _1 24660 77295 23_75.d ocx @ 4 01284 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 26 /Tec hn isch e Do kum ent atio n/Alle G eräte/I nhalte/S icher heit/In halt: Si cherhei tsvorsc hriften für de n Umg ang m it Hydrau liköl_ 12pt @ 25\mod_1324456399127_75.docx @ 1139012 @ @ 1
Do not replace or override the safety devices.
Neutralize hydraulic fluid spills with binder.
Remove contaminated clothing immediately.
Inhalation: If symptoms persist, seek medical treatment.
Skin contact: Wash skin immediately with soap and water. If skin irritation
persists, seek immediate medical advice.
Eye contact: Rinse thoroughly with water and seek medical advice.
Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical attention.
Pos: 27 /Technische Dokume ntatio n/Alle Geräte/ Übersc hriften/ Überschr iften 1.1/Z /Überschr ift 1. 1: Zusä tzlich e Sic h.vorschr iften f ür d ie H eb. mi t Ge stel l für mobi len E insa tz @ 16\mod_1248965750447_75.docx @ 422801 @ 2 @ 1

Additional Safety Instructions for Lifts with Transport Frame for Mobile Use

Pos: 28 /Technische Dokume ntatio n/Hebet echnik /08 Sc heren-H ebebü hnen/ 26 01 TWI N F III 3. 0 / 4.0/B A/Inha lt: 082 6 Zusä tzlic he S icherh eits vorsc hrift en TWIN F II I mob il_ 12pt @ 2 8\mod_1333531948317_75.docx @ 1578057 @ @ 1
The lift shall not be exposed to direct, external weather conditions (snow, rain,
The lift shall not be erected, stored and commissioned in explosion- and fire-
endangered operating halls or in moisture-endangered rooms (wash halls). Above and beyond this, storage is only allowed in enclosed rooms.
The lift shall only be positioned and operated on an even surface.
The maximum permissible inclination of the surface is 2 %.
The underground surface shall be paved (cement, blacktop) and have sufficient
solidity to bear the load of the pressure forces that are created.
The static friction between the underground and the lift contact surface shall be
sufficient to prevent sudden slipping. The lift shall not be used on snow­covered, icy underground surfaces. The lift shall not be positioned and operated on surfaces which have been contaminated with oil, gasoline or lubricants.
It is forbidden to operate the lift on unpaved surfaces (e.g. grass, gravel etc.).
Clean up the underground surface which may endanger the solid stance of the
lift before erection (e.g. gravel, stones).
No objects (wooden boards etc.) shall be laid under the lift to compensate for
uneven surfaces. In this case, another, safer erection spot shall be chosen.
The lift’s erection surface shall be cleared and kept clean of any objects sticking
to it or any other impurities (gravel, oil).
Before lifting a vehicle, the lift stability shall be checked by the operating
Vehicles shall only be lifted if the lift has been removed from the transport unit
(forklift, brakable dolly).
An additional stroke length extension or lifting of the loaded lift is forbidden.
The lift shall only be moved with suitable lifting and transport devices (ground
conveyor). The supports of the lifting and transport units shall fit to the supplied transport frame. Only forklifts and dollies designed to meet valid machinery directives shall be used.
The forks of the used lifting and transport unit (ground conveyor) shall be
placed at least 1000 mm deep in the transport frame.
The lift shall only be lifted using the transport frame. A different form of lifting is
not allowed.
The proper securing of the operating unit for transport shall be done as shown
in the operating manual.
The operating unit shall only be transported in the shown position.
During transport the side of the control cabinet with a label attached to it shall
be in an up position.
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