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Mobile Column Lift
Original Operating Instructions
Pos: 1 /Tec hnisc he Dok um entat ion /Heb e techn ik/ COL UMN LI FT/ 4908 01 R GE/ BA/I nha lt: 49 08 T itelb ild @ 42\mod_1431952788672_0.docx @ 2243711 @ @ 1
Pos: 2 /-----For mat---- -/MAN UELLER UMBRUCH S eitenumb ruch @ 0\m od_ 113 44035 776 87_0. d
Pos: 2 /-----For mat---- -/MAN UELLER UMBRUCH S eitenumb ruch @ 0\m od_11 34403 5776 87_0.d ocx @ 1 277 @ @ 1
1.3 Intended Use ....................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Inappropriate Use ................................................................................................................................ 5
1.5 Requirements on Operating and Service Personnel ............................................................................. 5
1.6 Safety Instructions for Commissioning ................................................................................................. 6
1.7 Safety Instructions for Operation ......................................................................................................... 6
1.8 Safety Instructions for Servicing ........................................................................................................... 6
1.9 What to Do in the Event of Defects or Malfunctions ............................................................................. 6
1.10 What to Do in the Event of an Accident ............................................................................................... 6
1.11 Safety Features ................................................................................................................................... 8
1.11.2 Braking Motor ..................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 General Information ............................................................................................................................. 9
3.5 Main Switch....................................................................................................................................... 17
3.7.2 Single Mode ...................................................................................................................................... 18
3.7.3 Group Mode ...................................................................................................................................... 19
3.7.4 Cable Remote Control ....................................................................................................................... 19
4.2 Care Instructions ............................................................................................................................... 23
4.3 Spare Parts ....................................................................................................................................... 23
4.4 Maintenance by the Operator ............................................................................................................ 24
Pos: 6 /Technische D okumen tation/A lle Ger äte/ Überschr iften/ Übersc hriften 1/S/Üb erschri ft 1: Si cher heit @ 6\mod_1174482399906_75.docx @ 76962 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 7 /Techn ische Dokum en tati on/A lle Ger äte/ Über schr ifte n/Über schr iften 1.1/ E/Über sc hrif t 1.1: E inf ühru ng @ 6\ mod_1174482219062_75.docx @ 76793 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 8 /Technisc he Dokum enta tion/ All e Gerä te/In halte/ Sic herhe it/In halt : Ei nführ ung S icher hei t @ 6\mod_1175609639562_75.docx @ 87528 @ @ 1
Thoroughly read this manual before operating the equipment and comply with the instructions.
Always display the manual in a conspicuous location.
Personal injury and property damage incurred due to non-compliance with these safety
Pos: 9 /Technische D okumen tation/A lle Ger äte/ Überschr iften/ Übersc hriften 1.1/S/ Überschr ift 1. 1: Sym bole @ 6\mod_1174482270875_75.docx @ 76865 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 10 /Techn ische Dokume ntatio n/Alle G eräte/ Inhalte/ Sicher heit/In halt: Sy mbole S icherh eit @ 14\mod_1239866667866_75.docx @ 361518 @ @ 1
instructions are not covered by the product liability regulations.
Important safety instructions. Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury or
property damage.
Pos: 24 /Technische Dokume ntatio n/Hebet echnik/ - Arch iv -/ 00 H ebet echni k - Alle/I nha lte/ I nhalt : V erh alte n im St örf all H BZ @ 19\mod_1267177095494_75.docx @ 794570 @ @ 1
• Do not replace or override the lift safety devices.
• In case of defects or malfunctions such as uncontrolled lift movement or deformation of the
superstructure, support or lower the lift immediately.
The locking device serves to prevent inadvertent lowering motions caused by gear,
load nut or lifting screw failure. The carriage is blocked by safety wedge (1) and
counterwedge (2).
The motors are equipped with AC spring pressure brakes. Once the motors
are switched off, the brakes prevent any further movements.
The phase sequence relay in the power supply unit ensures safe and
independent operation.
Overload protection via electronically monitored thermoswitches.
The motor load is permanently monitored by the control PCB. If an overload of
system will switch off automatically. In this case the lift cannot be raised any more, but it can be
normally lowered to bottom position.
Do not change or remove the warning and information labels. Order replacement for defective
Pos: 30 /-----For ma t-----/MA N UEL LER UMB RUC H Se ite num br uch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1
The mobile column lifts of the RGE series are produced as wheel engaging or universal lifts.
Depending on the version, the lift system consists of 2 or 4 columns and can be expanded to 6
columns in the standard version.
The lift can be expanded up to 12 columns when using a special power supply unit.
All components are easily accessible under the lifted vehicle due to a generous maximum lifting
height of 1750 mm.
The lift is a mobile unit whereby the columns can be substituted with stands when vehicles are to
Pos: 35 /Technische Dokume ntatio n/Hebet echnik /- Arc hiv -/ 00 H ebetech nik - Alle/ In halt e/I nha lt: S cha lld ru ckpe gel < 70 d B(A) @ 14\mod_1241593887290_75.docx @ 371013 @ @ 1