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Single Roller Dynamometer
Original Operating Instructions
Pos: 1 /Technische D okumen tation/A lle Ger äte/T iteltex te/Titel text: MS R - Alle Typen @ 24\mod_1303997516266_0.docx @ 1000449 @ @ 1
MSR 500
MSR 800
MSR 830
MSR 850
MSR 1000
MSR 1050
Pos: 2 /Tec hnisc he Dok um entat ion /Le istu ngsm es ste chn ik/P OWE RDYN O/ 053 101 M S R/B A/In halt : 05 31 Tite lbild @ 42\ mod_ 1435 0441 04527_ 0.docx @ 22584 84 @ @ 1
Pos: 6 /Technische D okumen tation/A lle Ger äte/ Überschr iften/ Übersc hriften 1/S/Üb erschri ft 1: Si cherheit @ 6\mod_1174482399906_75.docx @ 76962 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 7 /Technisc he Dokum enta tion/ All e Gerä te/ Übers chrif ten/Üb ersc hrift en 1 .1/E/ Übers chr ift 1.1: E inführ ung @ 6\m od_1174482219062_75.docx @ 76793 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 8 /Tec hnisc he Dok um entat ion/A lle Ge räte/ In halte/S ic herhe it/Inha lt: E inf ühru ng Si cher heit @ 6\mod_1175609639562_75.docx @ 87528 @ @ 1
Thoroughly read this manual before operating the equipment and comply with the instructions.
Always display the manual in a conspicuous location.
Personal injury and property damage incurred due to non-compliance with these safety
Pos: 9 /Technische D okumen tation/A lle Ger äte/ Überschr iften/ Übersc hriften 1.1/S/ Überschr ift 1. 1: Sym bole @ 6\ mod_1174482270875_75.docx @ 76865 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 12 /Techn ische Dok ument atio n/Le istun gsmess tec hnik/ - Arc hiv -/00 L PS Alle/ Inhalte/ Inhalt: Bestimm ungs gemä ßer Gebr auch LP S @ 22\mod_1289554938563_75.docx @ 939803 @ @ 1
This dynamometer is to be used exclusively for the performance testing of motor vehicles. It is not
suitable for brake testing or noise detection. Observe the rated axle load.
The equipment may not be modified without the express written consent of the manufacturer. In
Pos: 14 /Technische Dokume ntatio n/Alle Geräte/ Übersc hriften/ Überschr iften 1.1/S/ Übersc hrift 1.1: Sic herheit svorschr iften f ür di e Inbe triebnahm e @ 6\m od_1174482269156_75.docx @ 76838 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 15 /Tec hn isch e Do kum ent ation/ Leist ungsm ess techn ik/- Arc hiv -/00 L PS Alle/ Inhal te/Inhal t: Sicher heitsv orschr iften für die I nbetri ebnahm e LPS @ 22\mod_1290588545708_75.docx @ 946285 @ @ 1
case of non-compliance the declaration of conformity becomes void.
Any use other than described is inappropriate.
• Only authorized service technicians may install and commission the test stand.
• The test stand may not be installed and operated in fire-endangered operation facilities, outside
or in damp rooms (e.g. wash halls).
• Mount components of the vehicle fixing unit in advance on a suitable lift on the test stand.
• Warning stickers must be attached by the operator:
– Hearing damage due to high noise level. Wear hearing protection.
– Severe eye injuries due to flying particles. Wear protective goggles! Operator is responsible.
• Wear personal protective clothing as required or as regulated by law. The personal protective
Pos: 16 /-----For ma t-----/MA N UEL LER UMB RUC H Se ite num br uch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1
clothing must meet the safety-technical regulations for the respective work application.
Pos: 18 /Techn ische Dok ument atio n/Le istun gsmess tec hnik/- Ar c hiv -/ 00 LPS A lle/Inh alte/In halt: Sicher heitsvorsc hrif ten für de n Be trieb LPS @ 22\mod_1290586764080_75.docx @ 946197 @ @ 1
• The dynamometer may only be used and operated exclusively for its intended purpose and only
within its performance limits.
• The dynamometer may only be operated by trained personnel. Dynamometer and working area
must be kept clean.
• The dynamometer may only be operated by persons who are physically and mentally fit. These
persons should be well rested and not under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication.
• When not in use the system must be switched off and the main switch protected against re-
• No persons may be in the danger zone of the dynamometer. Rotating or moving parts are dan-
• Pay close attention to accident prevention regulations.
• Never climb on roller sets and lifting bar even when locked.
• Avoid unnecessary strain on vehicle and test stand. Drive the vehicle slowly onto the test stand.
• Damage to low lying vehicles is not covered by the warranty.
• Regularly check the tightness of the cover plate attachment screws.
• No persons may be in the pit with dynamometers in conjunction with a working pit while a vehi-
cle with rotating wheels is on the roller set.
• Wear personal protective clothing. If necessary wear protective goggles. Particles ejected from
rotating vehicle wheels can cause severe injuries. Wear tightly fitting working clothes and bind
long hair together. Clothing or hair can get caught and pulled into machinery.
• Danger of hearing damage due to high noise level! Use hearing protection approved up to
120 dB(A). Noise levels over 110 dB(A) can be reached during vehicle testing. The operator is
responsible for determining the noise level in vehicle and test room. When necessary, wear suitable hearing protection. The operator must attach warning stickers.
• Danger of carbon monoxide poisoning by poisonous vehicle exhaust. The test stand may only
be operated if the room in which the test stand is installed has sufficient exhaust suction and
ventilation including the appropriate warning system.
• Avoid steering movement during the vehicle test. These cause certain forces to act on the vehi-
cle fixing in particular on the attachment units on the test vehicle. Vehicle doors and windows
must be closed during the test drive.
• Before exiting the vehicle, put the vehicle into idle and/or put the gear to NEUTRAL. If neces-
sary decelerate the vehicle in a controlled manner avoiding steering movements. Wait until vehicle and rollers have stopped moving before exiting the vehicle. Danger of body parts and clothing being pulled into rotating rollers and vehicle wheels.
• Keep dyno surface clean and dry. Danger of slipping when surface is wet, oily or icy! Do not
place any objects (tools, material etc.) on the dynamometer. Wear protective shoes with antislip soles and steel toe caps to avoid slipping and mechanical injuries. Parts which protrude
more than 20 mm out of the floor are to be marked with black-yellow tape.
• In addition to the danger zone, the operator is responsible for confining the area of the test
room in which no persons are allowed during testing with a safety catch device or a cell wall.
Mark the danger zone (roller width + 1100 mm) on both sides behind the vehicle up to cell
wall/safety catch device.
• Danger of accident due to vehicle fixing fracturing! Do a visual check for damage to the vehicle
fixing before each use. Never start the test operation without suitable and correctly installed vehicle fixing. Lower lifting bar before fixing the vehicle. Fix the test vehicle at the back and front
side to the dynamometer and secure against lateral break out and swinging movements. The
vehicle fixing must be adjusted to the vehicle being tested and may only be used within its stat-
Safety Instructions for Servicing
ed purpose and performance limits. Installation of the vehicle fixing exclusively by skilled, trained
personell. Inspect attachment units on the test vehicle for strength. Pay attention to manufacturer’s information and/or load capacity. Pull on the parking brake and raise the lifting bar before removing the vehicle fixing. The use of unsuitable vehicle fixing, in particular external vehicle
Pos: 19 /Techn ische Dok ument atio n/Al le Geräte/Üb erschrift en/Überschr iften 1.1/S/Üb erschrif t 1.1: Sicherheit svorschrift en für Servicearbe iten @ 6\mod_1174482270640_75.docx @ 76850 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 20 /Techn ische Dok ument atio n/Le istun gsmess tec hnik/ - Arc hiv -/0 0 LPS A lle/Inh alte/In halt: Si cherhei tsvorsc hriften für S ervicear beiten LPS @ 22\mod_1290586480412_75.docx @ 946152 @ @ 1
fixing increases the danger of injuries and can impair safety.
• Service work may only be carried out by authorized service technicians.
• The operating mode selection switch must be put in the correct position with repair, mainte-
nance and set-up work. Remove the key to protect against unauthorized usage.
• The safety devices must be set by authorized service technicians.
• The safety devices may not be replaced or circumvented.
• Wear tight-fitting safety gloves when doing setup work to reduce the danger of pinching. Wear
a protective helmet when doing service work in the test stand pit to avoid impact injuries.
• Life-threatening electrical voltage! Only authorized electricians are allowed to work on the
electrical parts of the equipment based on valid electro-technical rules and guidelines. Before
doing any work on the test stand electrics switch off all voltage and secure against re-starting.
Test for absence of voltage! Cabinet contains components with storage charge. After switching
off all voltages life-threatening voltage can still be present for at least 5 minutes! Check for
discharge before starting work! Lock circuit box and store key securely. Hand out key only if
needed to authorized electricians.
• Errors and deviations from normal operating conditions are to be inspected only by trained skil-
led workers who are authorized to do this kind of work. Circuits which are fed by an uninterruptible power supply are still under voltage even after the test stand has been switched off
from the mains connection. The control has circuits which are tapped before the mains disconnection device of the test stand and are not voltage-free after switch off using the mains disconnection. All equipment which are connected before the mains disconnection device are
wired with the colors YELLOW or ORANGE. Pay attention to calibration instructions.
• Use suitable lifting device with sufficient load capacity to open heavy test stand components.
The heaviest components can weigh up to 300 kg. Removal only by qualified skilled personnel.
Adhere to all valid safety regulations and relevant work protection guidelines. Lift test stand
components only on the designated lifting points.
• Use suitable lifting device with sufficient load capacity for removal and transport of heavy test
stand components. The heaviest components can weigh up to 300 kg. Removal and transport
only by qualified skilled personnel. Adhere to all valid safety regulations and relevant work pro-
Pos: 21 /-----For ma t-----/MA N UEL LER UMB RUC H Se ite num br uch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1
tection guidelines. Lift test stand components only on the designated lifting points.
Pos: 26 /Techn ische Dok ument atio n/Le istun gsmess tec hnik/ - Arc hiv -/00 L PS Alle/ Inhalte/ Inhalt: Sicher heitsh inweis e zu d en Re ifen LPS @ 13\ mod_1234174659560_75.docx @ 335356 @ @ 1
• Check tire pressure and do a visual check of the tires for any signs of damage.
• To avoid tire damage we recommend that test tires be used during the performance test.
• No vehicles should be tested which have snow tires, racing tires or retreaded tires!
• Pay attention that the fastest permissible speed for the tires is not exceeded!
• Check the alignment weights on the rims to make sure they are tight before testing.
Safety Information about the Eddy Current Brake
Safety Features
Lockable Main Switch
Pit Safety (optional)
Warning and Information Labels
What to Do in the Event of an Accident
Pos: 27 /Techn ische Dokume ntat ion/A lle Ger äte/ Übersc hrift en/ Übersc hrifte n 1.1/ S/Übe rsch rift 1. 1: Sich erheit shin weise zur Wir belstromb remse @ 8\mod_ 120 06549 42824 _75.d ocx @ 141 073 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 28 /Techn ische Dok ument atio n/Le istun gsmess tec hnik/ - Arc hiv -/00 L PS Alle/ Inhalte/ Inhalt: Sicher heitsh inweis e zur Wirbelstr ombrem se @ 8\mod_1200655009969_75.docx @ 141090 @ @ 1
• Pay attention to tire size! No test should be done with tires under 12”!
The eddy current brake can heat up significantly during long lasting usage. The brake rotors may
become red hot.
After a long lasting measurement under load, the eddy current brake should continue to be rotated
without load by the vehicle at a speed of approx. 50 – 80 km/h.
The rotating rotors suck cooled air from the side and throw it radially off. The eddy current brake is
thereby effectively cooled preventing heat build-up at the rotors damaging the coil insulation.
The safety features must be checked regularly by an authorized service technician. Pay attention to
statutory requirements. The dyno shall not be operated with defective safety features.
Serves as a normal On and Off switch and as an emergency switch. The switch can be protected
against unauthorized usage by locking with a padlock.
Light barrier or infrared movement sensor. Issues audible and visual signals in the event that persons are in the working pit.
Warning and information labels are attached to the dyno. The labels shall not be changed or
removed. Defective warning and information labels must be replaced.
Pos: 38 /Techn ische Dok ument atio n/Le istun gsmess tec hnik/ PO WERDYN O/0 5310 1 MS R/BA/I nha lt: 0 531 Bes chr eibun g Al lgem eines @ 14\mod_1241595173293_75.docx @ 371141 @ @ 1
The single roller dynamometer MSR consists of:
• A communication desk with PC, monitor, keyboard and wheel mouse (depending on ver-
• A remote control
• One or two roller sets
Optionally available are:
• A cooling air fan which is connected to the communication desk and is operated via the radio
remote control.
• An interface box via which the following modules can be connected:
Acquisition of engine RPM via Trigger tongs (Otto engine), Piezo clamp sensor (Diesel engine),
TDC-sensor (manufacturer-specific, upon request), Diagnostic plug (manufacturer-specific, upon
request), Oil temperature probe (up to max. 180°C) and much more.
Acquisition of ambient temperature, intake air temperature, air pressure and humidity, fuel
Acquisition of analog signals
Aquisition of OBD data
Recording of 2 temperatures and 2 pressures each
• To determine performance data of DIN 70020, EWG 80/1269, ISO 1585, SAE J1349 or JIS
D1001 a barometer and a humidity sensor are installed in the interface box (Graphic package is
• MAHA emission testers, gasoline (MGT5) and diesel (MDO2 and MDO2 LON) which can be
connected to the dyno
• DIN A4 ink jet printer, color
• Fuel consumption device for gasoline and diesel engines. (Krupp/AIC)
• Analog output card to process measured variables as analog signal
(e.g. display of issued variables on an external analog instrument
(*) These options are not connected to the interface box but separately on the dyno.
Pos: 39 /-----For ma t-----/MA N UEL LER UMB RUC H Se ite num br uch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1
Pos: 49 /Tec hn isch e Do kum ent atio n/Le ist un gsmes s techn ik/ PO WER DYNO /05 310 1 MS R/B A/In ha lt: 0 531 MSR 5 00/1 ( Bi ld) @ 23\ mod_1296463645669_0.docx @ 968263 @ @ 1
Pos: 50 /Techn ische Dok ument atio n/Le istun gsmess tec hnik/ PO WERDYN O/0 5310 1 MS R/BA /In ha lt: 0 531 MSR 500/ 1 ( Tex t) @ 22\m od_1295432174832_75.docx @ 963400 @ @ 1
1-Axle Roller Set with 2 Eddy Current Brakes and 1 Electric Motor
Pos: 52 /Tec hn isch e Do kum ent atio n/Le ist un gsmes s techn ik/ PO WER DYNO /05 310 1 MS R/B A/In ha lt: 0 531 MSR 5 00/2 ( Bi ld) @ 23\ mod_1296464800590_0.docx @ 968323 @ @ 1
Pos: 53 /Techn ische Dok ument atio n/Le istun gsmess tec hnik/ PO WERDYN O/0 5310 1 MS R/BA/ In halt: 0 531 MSR 500/ 2 ( Tex t) @ 22\m od_1295432706059_75.docx @ 963460 @ @ 1
Pos: 56 /Tec hn isch e Do kum ent atio n/Le ist un gsmes s techn ik/ PO WER DYNO /05 310 1 MS R/B A/In ha lt: 0 531 MSR 5 00/2 4W D (B ild) @ 23\m od_1296464625288_0.docx @ 968293 @ @ 1
Pos: 57 /Tec hn isch e Do kum ent atio n/Le ist un gsmes s techn ik/ PO WER DYNO /05 310 1 MS R/B A/In ha lt: 0 531 MSR 5 00/2 4W D (Tex t) @ 22\mod_1295435416655_75.docx @ 963520 @ @ 1
Roller diameter 504 mm / 20"
Rolling circumference 1583 mm
Roller length 750 mm
Track width (min….max.) 700…2200 mm
Roller wall thickness 12 mm
Total weight of Roller set 4130 kg
Mech. inertia weight 2 x 280 kg
Permissible axle load 2500 kg
Maximum speed 300 km/h
Maximum speed of a tracked, non-driven axle approx. 200 km/h
Motor power 2 x 22 kW
Wheel power Front axle stat. / dyn. 260 / 1000 kW (Peak)
4WD with 1 Eddy Current Brake FA, 2 Eddy Current Brakes RA, 1 Electric Motor per Axle
Pos: 59 /Tec hn isch e Do kum ent atio n/Le ist un gsmes s techn ik/ PO WER DYNO /05 310 1 MS R/B A/In ha lt: 0 531 MSR 5 00/3 4W D (B ild) @ 23\mod_1296464996919_0.docx @ 968353 @ @ 1
Pos: 60 /Tec hn isch e Do kum ent atio n/Le ist un gsmes s techn ik/ PO WER DYNO /05 310 1 MS R/B A/In ha lt: 0 531 MSR 5 00/3 4W D (Tex t) @ 22\mod_1295435803655_75.docx @ 963580 @ @ 1
Roller diameter 504 mm / 20"
Rolling circumference 1583 mm
Roller length 750 mm
Track width (min….max.) 700…2200 mm
Roller wall thickness 12 mm
Total weight of Roller set 4395 kg
Mech. inertia weight 1 x 280 kg / 1 x 305 kg
Permissible axle load 2500 kg
Maximum speed 300 km/h
Maximum speed of a tracked, non-driven axle approx. 200 km/h
Motor power 2 x 22 kW
Wheel power Front axle stat. / dyn. 260 / 1000 kW (Peak)
Pos: 95 /Tec hn isch e Do kum ent atio n/Le ist un gsmes s techn ik/ PO WER DYNO /05 230 1 L PS 30 00 R100/ BA /In hal t: 0 523 Fern bed ien ung ( Tex t) @ 13\m od_1234179191060_75.docx @ 335824 @ @ 1
The functions of the program can also be selected via the remote control. The remote control can
be operated directly from the vehicle.
The signal is transmitted by radio. The receiving antenna for the signal is located in the desk.
Should several dynos each with its own remote control be operated in one room, the remote
controls must be set to different channels.
As soon as the remote control is switched on and radio connection to the dyno exists, the green
control lamp will light up permanently on the operation desk. The green control lamp will blink
briefly each time a key is pressed.
When not in use the remote control should always be stored in the re-charging box to avoid a total
discharging of the battery. The re-charging box is equipped with a "re-charge overload protection”.
The re-charging time for a fully discharged battery is about 12 to 14 hours. During the re-charging
procedure the red LED on the re-charging box will light up and "Battery recharging" appears on
the display of the remote control.
To switch on the remote control press the ON key. The remote control has an automatic switch off
(Timeout) which can be variably set. The remote control switches off when no key has been
pressed during this time.
The letters on the remote control can be selected by pressing the SHIFT key. Press again to return
to the normal operation mode. The display "SHIFT" appears in the window when the SHIFT key
has been pressed.
Pos: 96 /Techn ische Dok ument atio n/Le istun gsmess tec hnik/ PO WERDYN O/0 523 01 L PS 300 0 R1 00/ BA/I nha lt: 052 3 Fer nbed ie nun g ( Tabe lle) @ 13\mod_1234943754775_75.docx @ 342981 @ @ 1
The remote control keyboard consists of two pads: Function key pad + Number pad.
Use this key to activate the lifting bar. It can then be operated with the
cursor keys.
F3 + Cursor keys
Switch fan on / off F2
Deletes an entire line
Selection of a menu item
(In combination with the function key F5 and the cursor keys target values can be increased or decreased in some menus.)
Confirmation of inputs Return
Deleting the character before the cursor position
Discarding of inputs
Switch over to letter mode
Connection for Pedal force sensor
In some menus special functions can be opened. The key assignments
vary in the different menus. Four boxes with diverse functions are located on the lower screen edge in these menus. These options are select-
F5 to F8
ed with the function keys F5 to F8 on the remote control. If the button
bar has further levels, these can be displayed using the cursor keys.
Use this key to activate the load simulator. It can then be operated with
the cursor keys.
F4 + Cursor keys
Use this key to activate the roller set adjustment. It can then be operated
with the cursor keys.
Remote Control
PC Keyboard
Pos: 97 /Tec hn isch e Do kum ent atio n/Le ist un gsmes s techn ik/ PO WER DYNO /05 230 1 L PS 30 00 R100/ BA /In hal t: 0 523 Fern bed ien ung ( Bi ld) @ 13 \mod_1234876860125_0.docx @ 342615 @ @ 1
Switch on remote control
Exit a program part
Input of a comma
Pos: 98 /-----For ma t-----/MA N UEL LER UMB RUC H Se ite num br uch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1
Pos: 100 /Te ch nisc he D ok umen tati on/ Leis tu ngsm ess tech ni k/PO WE RDYN O/0 523 01 L PS 3 000 R10 0/B A/ Inh alt: 052 3 Sc hni ttst elle nbox ( Text 1) @ 13\m od_1234179543447_75.docx @ 335902 @ @ 1
The Interface Box records engine RPM, environmental data, OBD data, temperature, pressure and
analog signals. This is done via modules. A maximum of 4 modules can be installed in the interface
Additional modules can be installed in a second interface box which is connected parallel and, if
desired, adapted to customer requirements.
As standard equipment, the interface box 1 has an RPM and an environmental module.