Magnum Venus Plastech FIT-C-APS-3 User Manual

APS FIT Chop System
FIT -C-APS-3 Maintenance & Repair
Maintenance & Repair Manual
Part No. FIT-C-APS-3
Revision 05.14.04
APS FIT Chop System
Maintenance & Repair Manual
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Table of Content s
APS FIT Chop System
Maintenance & Repair Manual
CHAPTER 1 - BASIC TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDES HPC-1000 Slave Pump Fluid Sections Choppers
Basic Trouble Shooting Guide
No catalyst coming from gun.
Catalyst spitting from gun.
HPC-2000 Slave Pump
Possible Cause(s)
Ball valve open on catalyst manifold (if applicable).
Air is drawn into catalyst siphon assembly Cracked or deteriorated (pin holes) inlet nipple at
bottom of slave pump. Worn or cut O-ring in inlet nipple. Improper seal around siphon hose.
Cracked or deteriorated (pin holes) catalyst siphon hose.
Cracked or deteriorated elbow assembly on catalyst jug assembly .
Worn or cut O-ring on elbow assembly. Inverted washer in elbow or inlet nipple.
Recommended Solution
Be sure ball valve is fully closed.
Replace inlet nipple
Replace O-ring in inlet nipple. Check seal and be sure hose is inserted all the
way into nipple. Replace catalyst siphon hose.
Replace elbow assembly .
Replace O-ring. Inspect and be certain that flat side of washer is
against the O-ring for proper sealing.
No catalyst flow on down stroke of catalyst pump.
No catalyst flow on upstroke of catalyst pump.
Loss of catalyst pressure.
Catalyst leaking from top of catalyst slave pump.
Debris in lower ball and seat assembly . Chipped or worn ball and/or seat. Debris in ball seat assembly located at bottom of
pump shaft (commonly referred to as upper ball seat assembly).
Chipped or worn ball and/or seat assembly . Worn or cut O-ring on ball seat assembly located
on bottom of pump shaft (commonly referred to as upper ball seat assembly).
Sticking catalyst pressure relief valve assembly, located on catalyst manifold (if applicable).
Worn or cut O-rings located in top of pump. Worn guide bushing located in upper jam nut (guide
bushing not shown on breakdown). A bent pump shaft may cause wearing of guide bushing -- see below.
Bent catalyst pump shaft.
Remove and clean. Inspect and replace ball and/or seat if necessary . Remove and clean.
Inspect and replace ball and/or seat if necessary . Replace O-ring.
Disassemble, inspect and clean. Replace seals if necessary .
Replace O-rings. Replace guide bushing or whole jam nut
Replace pump shaft.
Fluid Sections
Fast downstroke (winking of pattern).
Fast upstroke (winking of pattern).
Partial dive on downstroke.
Pump stroke “chatter”.
Material leakage into solvent cup.
Possible Cause(s)
Debris on lower ball seat.
Debris on upper ball seat.
Air siphoning.
Plugged material filter
Build up of material around pump upper packings/ seals.
Loose packings.
Worn packings.
Worn shaft.
Recommended Solution
Disassemble and clean.
Disassemble and clean.
Check for loose fittings from bottom of pump to the end of the siphon assembly. Inspect for kinks, cuts, loose fittings, etc. and correct as necessary.
Disassemble and clean filter. Disassemble and replace packings/seals.
Clean solvent cup and tighten as applicable 1/2 turn at a time. NOTE: Pressure must be off of pump before adjusting.
Disassemble and replace upper packings.
Disassemble and replace shaft.
Intermittent stopping of pump stroke. (Can cause resin to continue spraying without catalyst.)
Decrease in volume of resin delivery .
Air lock in surge chamber. This can be caused by the pump running when the drum is empty , or when moving a siphon hose assembly from one drum to another. Both of these occurences can allow air into the system.
Clogged material filter. Worn cylinder. Fluid is bypassing the packings
through the worn areas.
1) Reduce pump pressure to zero, disconnect slave, slowly open vall valve on filter assembly , allow resing and air to escape. 2) Slowly increase pump pressure until pump begins stroking, after smooth flow of resin is achieved, close valve and reconnect slave.
Periodically check drums to be sure of adequate supply of material. Use above measures after transfering siphon assembly from one drum to another.
Disassemble and clean. Disassemble and inspect cylinder for wearing
when doing repairs.
Cutter not shutting off.
Cutter does not come on.
Glass binds up.
Possible Cause(s)
Stuck chopper poppet valve
Worn poppet valve seat.
Broken poppet valve spring. Sticking resin needle prohibiting
actuation of poppet valve Bent trigger Stuck poppet valve Obstruction in roving path.
Improper anvil sleeve to bearing tension. Improper cutter head to anvil sleeve
tension. Resin on roving.
Recommended Solution
Replace and lubricate O-ring on chopper poppet valve in gun.
Replace Replace
Replace packings
Replace Clean, replace and lubricate seals. Trace roving path from source to
chopper for any obstructions and fix as necessary.
Adjust as necessary . Adjust as necessary .
Clean as necessary , keep roving away from resin and overspray .
Improper chop length.
Cutter running too slow.
Worn cutter wheel. Open slots in cutter wheel.
Worn or broken blades. Worn or misadjusted anvil sleeve. Worn blades Tension on anvil sleeve to bearing or
cutter head too tight. Low air volume.
Worn air motor “Dry” air motor
Chopper poppet in gun sticking.
Replace Be sure all blade slots are filled with a
retainer bar and spacer (whether a blade is inserted or not).
Replace Replace or adjust properly Replace blades Adjust as necessary .
Inspect hoses for kinks or cuts. Inspect primary air line to system for
proper diameter and volume. Call MVP to discuss.
Replace or rebuild. Oil air motor daily with 3-5 drops of MVP
AMO air motor oil. Remove, replace O-rings and lubricate.
(Check for broken poppet spring and replace if necessary .)
Cutter not running.
Chopper poppet stuck in closed position.
Air motor “locked up”.
Clean, replace O-rings if necessary and lubricate.
Rebuild or replace air motor.
RC-1000 & RC-110101
Roving Cutter Instructions
The RC-1000 cutter was designed to cut glass roving into short lengths of 1/2” to 4”, and dispense it into a resin fan. When properly adjusted, the chopped glass will be spread out evenly from edge to edge of the resin pattern. Also, the glass/resin mixture on the part will need a minimum amount of rolling.
The RC-1000 requires 15 CFM of clean, filtered air at a minimum of 90 PSI to operate efficiently. The air supply hose must have a minimum 5/16” inside diameter for a 25-foot hose. A longer hose may need a larger inside diameter. Lower air pressures or smaller hose could result in poor operation.
To introduce roving to the cutter, double up the end of roving and insert into one of the three holes in the feed bar on top of the cutter. The motor control knob on the bottom of the manifold assembly should be opened about a full turn out. The blower control knob on the side should be about 1/2 turn out at the beginneing. Pull trigger and glass will be dispensed into the resin fan. The blower control keeps air mov­ing through the chopper cover to help keep it from plugging. By opening or closing the motor control knob, the glass output will increase or decrease accordingly. Adjust both motor control and blower control to produce the desired output and pattern.
Idler Bearing: With glass roving in place, idler should hold glass against the anvil sleeve. Excessive
tension may cause the glass to wrap around the idler bearing. Adjustments are accomplished by loosen­ing the idler bolt, rotating the eccentric nut and then retightening.
Air Motor: The air motor on your cutter is precision built and with proper care, under normal operation, will last hundreds of hours of continuous use. It is important that this motor be lubricated at the end of each working shift. Lubrication is best accomplished by removing the motor speed control valve, and inserting 8 drops of a lightweight oil. Replace needle valve and run the cutter for approximately five sec­onds. It is not necessary to cut glass curing this time. The clearances of this motor are extremely critical. For this reason, it is advisable that the motor be sent to an authorized distributor for repair. The warranty is void if this motor is opened by any except factory-authorized repair centers.
Cutter Adjustment: The glass should enter the resin fan as soon as possible without excessive glass fallout. Normally, if the glass enters the resin when the glass pattern and resin pattern are about the same width it will give the best resluts. This is achieved by centering the glass pattern by moving the cutter left or right -- forward or backward.
Remove the air motor and manifold assembly by first removing the snap ring and anvil sleeve. Then loosen screw and the motor and manifold will slide out of the backplate. DO NOT USE A HAMMER TO FORCE MOTOR OUT. If frozen, a slight pressure with a screwdriver between the motor and backplate will do fine. To remove blower and motor control manifold will then drop free from the air motor. Cutterhead and idler bearing can be taken off of the backplate by unscrewing their hold down bolts from the corresponding ec­centric nuts.
The cutter comes from the factory set to cut 1-inch lengths of glass rovings by using for evenly spaced blades inserted in the cutting head assembly. There are slots ever 1/2-inch on the cutting head. By inserting or removing blades you can vary the length of cut for different applications. However, the 1-inch length is the most popular length used.
To replace cutting blades, pry out the blad retainer and spring using a small screwdriver. The old blade will fall free of the slot when this is done. When inserting the new blades, be sure that they are on the front side of the slot, then insert retaining bar. Finally, insert the retaining spring. This is accomplished by using a pair of needle nose pliers.
Use caution to prevent cuts as these blades are razor sharp!
RC-1101-1 Air Motor
1. Remove Burrs: With fine file or emery cloth.
2. End Clearance: Average end clearance .0015” to .002”. To get end clearance take micrometer reading of body minust micrometer readin gof rotor assembly, add gaskets (if needed) to get re­quired clearance, assemble air motor with gaskets on both drive and dead end.
3. Select End Plate (Drive): End plate with no threads in hub.
4. Assemble Rotor and End Plate (Drive): Position bearing on shaft and with bearing pusher, press bearing into end plate hub.
5. Assemble Bearing: Position bearing on shaft and with bearing pusher, press bearing into end plate hub.
6. Position Rotor Assembly: Using inner-race tapper, tap inner-race of bearing until slight drag between end plate and rotor assembly.
7. Position Body: Long port is exhaust, small hole drilled through body, intersecting hole drilled from top is intake. For clockwise rotation small hole is on your right. For counterclockwise rotation small hole is on your left.
8. Assemble Gasket (Drive): Take approximate 1/2 total gasket needed for end clearance. As- semble on drive end, hold in position with few drops of oil, punch hole in gasket over air passage.
9. Assemble End Plate, Rotor and Body: Position end plate and rotor in body, over gasket, as­semble screws, snug, oil hole in end plate to top of body.
10. Top Clearance: Place parts in align-up fixture, resting on hub. Using a .0015” shim, have a snug fit between tightest segment and top of body.
11. Assemble Vanes: With angle on vane toward shaft.
12. Assemble Gasket (Dead): Take balance of fasket from overall clearance, hold in position with few drops of oil. Punch hole in gasket over air passage.
13. Select End Plate (Dead): End plate with threads in hub. When assembled, kidney ports in end plates must be on intake side.
14. Assemble End Plate (Dead): Position end plate over shaft, place on body, assemble screws, snug, loosen one turn.
15. Assemble Bearing: Place bearing on shaft, using bearing pusher, position bearing in end plate.
16. Check Movement of End Plate: End plate must move back and forth. If no movement, top clear- ance is not in center-reset top clearance. If moves, snug screws, remove from fixture, tighten screws.
17. Adjust End Clearance: Rotor is snug against drive end plate. Using inner-race tapper, tap inner­race of bearing (very lightly) in dead end plate until rotor is free. Push and turn, pull and turn, until no drag on either end plate. For finer adjustment start air motor, adjust by sound.
18. Assemble Seal: Press into end plate, small amount of grease on seal.
19. Assemble End Cap: Into end plate.
20. T est Air Motor: For normal duties.
Cautions and Warnings
NEVER trigger an airless gun while it is aimed at a person. The hydraulic pressure may inject fluid into
the flesh, causing injury or death. If the fluid penetrates the skill it WILL cause serious injury. Clothing, such as gloves will NOT provide protection. The system is capable of fluid pressure high enough to cause a LETHAL INJECTION.
Before applying pressure to the system, ALWAYS:
Follow the manufacturer’s operating instructions and maximum pressure recommendations.
Secure the trigger in the OFF position and check all pressure connections.
Use grounded, high pressure fluid lines.
Check that the pump is properly grounded.
Before disassembly of ANY part of the pressure system (including the applicator or its nozzle) ALWAYS:
Shut the pump OFF.
Discharge the residual fluid and pressure from the applicator.
Secure the trigger in the OFF position.
Follow these same three procedures anytime that operation is discontinued. Do NOT undertake any of the following until pressure is relieved from the entire system:
Loosen or remove the nozzle.
Disassemble any part of the applicator.
Loosen or disconnect any fluid line fittings.
Disassemble any part of the pump.
Be sure that the power to the pump is OFF before undertaking ANY repair, maintenance or adjustment. If it is necessary to adjust or clean the nozzle on site, be sure that it is aimed away from all personnel so
that it may discharge safely if there is residual pressure in the system. Do NOT use any replacement part that does not meet the manufacturer’s specifications.
Correct packing or valve seal leaks IMMEDIATELY. Frequently check the condition of all pressurized components, especailly fluid lines. Replace worn lines and
parts before they fail. If nozzle clogging occurs frequently, use a fluid filter with proper mesh size.
Use MVP replacement parts to assure compatible pressure rating. Read ALL warning and safety instructions carefully before operation of this unit. Heed all warnings.
Never allow any part of the human body to come in front of, or in direct contact with, the material outlet. Accidental operation of the pump could cause an injection into the flesh. If injection occurs, medical aid must be immediately obtained from a physician.
Component Rupture: This unit is capable of producing high fluid pressure as stated on the pump model plate. To avoid component rupture, and possible injury, do not exceed 75 cycles per minute or operate at an air inlet pressure greater than 150 PSI (10 bar).
Servicing: Before servicing, cleaning or removing any component, ALWA YS disconnect or shut off power source and carefully relieve all fluid pressure from the system.
CAUTION: When pumping, flushing or recirculating volatile solvents, the area must be adequately ventilated.
CAUTION: Materials and solvent being pumped must be compatible with the parts of the pump that becomes wetted when in contact with material or solvent. Wetted parts consist of the following: stainless steel, copper, brass, steel, gray iron, leather, teflon and vellumoid.
CAUTION: Keep solvents away from heat, sparks and open flames. Keep containers closed when not in use.
Prevent Static Sparking: If static sparking occurs, fire or explosion could result. The pump, dispensing valve, and containers must be grounded when handling flammable fluids shuch as solvents, paints, lacquers, etc., and wherever discharge of static electricity is a hazard.
Use grounded hoses (static wire) and be sure the object being serviced is grounded if it can produce a static charge.
Continuity (a good static wire connection) of a hose can be checked by using an ohmmeter. Place one prove on one hose fitting and the other probe on the other hose fitting, continuity or proper grounding through hose is good when a reading is obtained on the ohmmeter.
Air and Lube Requirements: Excessive air pressure will shorten the life of the pump. Do not operate pump above recommended maximum air pressure. If necessary, an air regulator should be installed to maintain the desired pressure when the pump is in operation.
Filtered and oiled air will allow the pump to operate more efficiently and yield a longer life to operating parts and mechanisms.
Keep oiler supplied with MVP Pump Motor Oil. A filter capable of filtering particles larger than 50 microns should be used with an oiler.
Maintenance: If the pump is to be inoperative for a lengthy period of time (even for a few hours) disconnect air and relieve all pressure from system.
Periodically flush pump with a solvent that is compatible with the material being pumped. Pour a little throat seal lubricant into the solvent cup to keep upper packings pliable and to keep material drag-thru soft. Material drag-thru that is allowed to harden, will scour the piston rod. This will create excessive leakage and rapid packing wear.
Disassembly should be done on a clean work bench with clean cloths to keep parts clean. If replacement parts are necessary, consult Parts List for identification. Before assembling, lubricate parts where required. When assembling O-rings, or parts adjacent to O-rings,
care must be excercised to prevent damage to O-ring and O-ring groove surfaces. If you have any questions about safety or procedures, contact your Magnum Venus Products’
Parts Drawings
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