Any tool, if used improperly, can be dangerous. Safety is ultimately the responsibility of
those using the tool. In like manner, safe operation of polyester processes is the
responsibility of those who use such processes and those who operate the equipment. This
manual outlines procedures to be followed in conducting polyester operations safety. This
system has been specifically designed for use of Polyester Resin, Gel-Coat, and Methyl
Ethyl Ketone Peroxides (MEKP) applications. Other formulations or blends considered for
use in this equipment is strictly prohibited without the expressed consent by Magnum Venus
Plastech Inc. Magnum Venus Plastech cannot eliminate every danger nor foresee every
circumstance that might cause an injury during equipment operation. Some risks, such as
the high pressure liquid stream that exits the spray tip, are inherent to the nature of the
machine operation and are necessary to the process in order to manufacture the endproduct. For this reason, ALL personnel involved in polyester operations should read and
understand the Safety Manual. It is very important for the safety of employees involved in
the operation that equipment operators, maintenance and supervisory personnel understand
the requirements for safe operation. Each user should examine his own operation, develop
his own safety program and be assured that his equipment operators follow correct
procedures. Magnum Venus Plastech hopes that this manual is helpful to the user and
recommends that the precautions in this manual be included in any such program. Magnum
Venus Plastech recommends this Safety Manual remain on your equipment at all times for
your personnel safety. In addition to the manual, Magnum Venus Plastech recommends
that the user consult the regulations established under the Occupational Safety & Health Act
(OSHA), particularly the following sections:
1910.94 Pertaining to Ventilation.
1910.106 Pertaining to flammable liquids
1910.107 Pertaining to spray finishing operations, particularly Paragraph (m) Organic
Peroxides and Dual Component Coatings.
Other standards and recognized authorities to consult are the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) bulletins as follows:
NFPA No.33 Chapter 14, Organic Peroxides and Dual Component Materials
NFPA No.63 Dust Explosion Prevention
NFPA No.70 National Electrical Code
NFPA No.77 Static Electricity
NFPA No.91 Blower and Exhaust System
NFPA No.654 Plastics Industry Dust Hazards
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Type of Fire Extinguishing equipment recommended: Fire Extinguisher – code ABC, rating
number 4a60bc.
Extinguishing Media – Foam, Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Water Fog.
Copies of the above bulletins are available, at a nominal charge from:
National Fire Protection Association
470 Atlantic Avenue
Boston, MA 02210
Research Report No.11 of the American Insurance Association deal with “Fire, Explosion
and Health Hazards of Organic Peroxides”. It is published by:
American Insurance Association
85 John Street
New York, NY 10038
Local codes and authorities also have standards to be followed in the operation of your
spraying equipment. Your insurance carrier will be helpful in answering questions that arise
in your development of safe procedures.
1.2 Personal Safety Equipment
Magnum Venus Plastech recommends the following Personal Safety Equipment for
conducting safe operations of the Polyester Systems:
Magnum Venus Plastech recommends that the user consult the state and local regulations
established for all Safety equipment listed.
2.0 Material Safety
2.1 Hazards Associated with Laminating Operations
The major hazards which should be guarded against in polyester laminating operations are
those associated with:
1. The flammability and explosion dangers of the catalyst normally used – Methyl Ethyl
Ketone Peroxide (MEKP).
2. The flammability dangers of clean-up solvents sometimes used (Magnum Venus Plastech
recommends that clean-up solvents be non-flammable), and of resin diluents used, such as
3. The flammability dangers of catalyst diluents, if used. (Magnum Venus Plastech
recommends that catalyst not be diluted.
4. The flammability dangers of the uncured liquid resins used.
5. The combustibility dangers of the cured laminate, accumulations of over spray, and
laminate sandings.
6. The toxicity dangers of all the chemicals used in laminating operations with respect to
ingestion, inhalation and skin and eye hazards.
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2.2 Catalyst (Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide)
MEKP is among the more hazardous materials found in commercial channels. The safe
handling of the “unstable (reactive)” chemicals presents a definite challenge to the plastics
industry. The highly reactive property which makes MEKP valuable to the plastics industry in
producing the curing reaction of polyester resins also produces the hazards which require
great care and caution in its storage, transportation, handling, processing and disposal.
MEKP is a single chemical. Various polymeric forms may exist which are more or less
hazardous with respect to each other. These differences may arise not only from different
molecular structures (all are, nevertheless, called “MEKP”) and from possible trace
impurities left from the manufacture of the chemicals, but may also arise by contamination of
MEKP with other materials in its storage or use. Even a small amount of contamination with
acetone, for instance, may produce an extremely shock-sensitive and explosive compound.
Contamination with promoters or materials containing promoters, such as laminate
sandings, or with any readily oxidizing material, such as brass or iron, will cause
exothermic “redox” reactions which can become explosive in nature. Heat applied to
MEKP, or heat build-up from contamination reactions can cause it to reach what is
called its Self-Accelerating Decomposition Temperature (SADT).
Researchers have reported measuring pressure rates-of-rise well in excess of 100,000 psi
per second when certain MEKP’s reach their SADT. (For comparison, the highest pressure
rate-of-rise listed in NFPA Bulletin NO.68, “Explosion Venting”, is 12,000 psi per second for
an explosion of 12% acetylene and air. The maximum value listed for a hydrogen explosion
is 10,000 psi per second. Some forms of MEKP, if allowed to reach their SADT, will burst
even an open topped container. This suggests that it is not possible to design a relief valve
to vent this order of magnitude of pressure rate-of-rise. The user should be aware that any
closed container, be it a pressure vessel, surge chamber, or pressure accumulator, could
explode under certain conditions. There is no engineering substitute for care by the user in
handling organic peroxide catalysts. If, at any time, the pressure relieve valve on top of the
catalyst tank should vent, the area should be evacuated at once and the fire department
called. The venting could be the first indication of a heat, and therefore, pressure build-up
that could eventually lead to an explosion. Moreover, if a catalyst tank is sufficiently full
when the pressure relief valve vents, some catalyst may spray out, which could cause eye
injury. For this reason, and many others, anyone whose job puts them in an area where this
vented spray might go, should always wear full eye protection even when laminating
operations are not taking place.
Safety in handling MEKP depends to a great extent on employee education, proper safety
instructions and safe use of the chemicals and equipment. Workers should be thoroughly
informed of the hazards that may result from improper handling of MEKP, especially in
regards to contamination, heat, friction and impact. They should be thoroughly instructed
regarding the proper action to be taken in the storage, use and disposal of MEKP and other
hazardous materials used in the laminating operation. In addition, users should make every
effort to:
A. Store MEKP in a cool, dry place in original containers away from direct sunlight and away
from other chemicals.
B. Keep MEKP away from heat, sparks and open flames.
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C. Prevent contamination of MEKP with other materials, including polyester over spray and
sandings, polymerization accelerators and promoters, brass, aluminum and non-stainless
D. Never add MEKP to anything that is hot, since explosive decomposition may result.
E. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Protective equipment should be worn at all
times. During clean-up of spilled MEKP, personal safety equipment, gloves and eye
protection must be worn. Fire fighting equipment should be at hand and ready.
F. Avoid spillage, which can heat up to the point of self-ignition.
G. Repair any leaks discovered in the catalyst system immediately, and clean up the leaked
catalyst at once in accordance with the catalyst manufacturer’s instructions.
H. Use only original equipment or equivalent parts from Magnum Venus Plastech in the
catalyst system (i.e.: hoses, fitting, etc.) because a dangerous chemical reaction may result
between substituted parts and MEKP.
I. Catalyst accumulated from the purging of hoses or the measurement of fluid output
deliveries should never be returned to the supply tank, such catalyst should be diluted with
copious quantities of clean water and disposed of in accordance with the catalyst
manufacturer’s instructions.
The extent to which the user is successful in accomplishing these ends and any additional
recommendations by the catalyst manufacturer determines largely the safety that will be
present in his operation.
2.3 Clean-Up Solvents and Resin Diluents
A hazardous situation may be present in your pressurized fluid system! Hydrocarbon
Solvents can cause an explosion when used with aluminum or galvanized
components in a closed (pressurized) fluid system (pump, heaters, filters, valves,
spray guns, tanks, etc.). The explosion could cause serious injury, death and/or
substantial property damage. Cleaning agents, coatings, paints, etc. may contain
Halogenated Hydrocarbon Solvents. Some Magnum Venus Plastech spray equipment
includes aluminum or galvanized components and will be affected by Halogenated
Hydrocarbon Solvents.
A. There are three key elements to the Halogenated Hydrocarbon (HHC) solvent hazard.
a. The presence of HHC solvents. 1,1,1 – Trichloroethane and Methylene Chloride are the
most common of these solvents. However, other HHC solvents are suspect if used;
either as part of paint or adhesives formulation, or for clean-up flushing. b. Aluminum
or Galvanized Parts. Most handling equipment contains these elements. In contact with
these metals, HHC solvents could generate a corrosive reaction of a catalytic nature.
b. Equipment capable of withstanding pressure. When HHC solvent contact aluminum or
galvanized parts inside a closed container such as a pump, spray gun, or fluid handling
system, the chemical reaction can, over time, result in a build-up of heat and pressure,
which can reach explosive proportions.
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When all three elements are present, the result can be an extremely violent explosion. The
reaction can be sustained with very little aluminum or galvanized metal; any amount of
aluminum is too much.
A. The reaction is unpredictable. Prior use of an HHC solvent without incident (corrosion or
explosion) does NOT mean that such use is safe. These solvents can be dangerous alone (as
a clean-up or flushing agent) or when used as a component or a coating material. There is no
known inhibitor that is effective under all circumstances. Furthermore, the mixing of HHC
solvents with other materials or solvents, such as MEKP, alcohol, and toluene, may render the
inhibitors ineffective.
B. The use of reclaimed solvents is particularly hazardous. Reclaimers may not add any
inhibitors. Also, the possible presence of water in reclaimed solvents could feed the
C. Anodized or other oxide coatings cannot be relied upon to prevent the explosive reaction.
Such coatings can be worn, cracked, scratched, or too thin to prevent contact. There is no
known way to make oxide coatings or to employ aluminum alloys, which will safely prevent
the chemical reaction under all circumstances.
D. Several solvent suppliers have recently begun promoting HHC solvents for use in coating
systems. The increasing use of HHC solvents is increasing the risk. Because of their
exemption from many State Implementation Plans as Volatile Organic Compounds
(VOC’s), their low flammability hazard, and their not being classified as toxic or carcinogenic
substances, HHC solvents are very desirable in many respects.
WARNING: Do not use Halogenated Hydrocarbon solvents in pressurized fluid
systems having aluminum or galvanized wetted parts.
NOTE: Magnum Venus Plastech is aware of NO stabilizers available to prevent
Halogenated Hydrocarbon solvents from reaction under all conditions with aluminum
components in closed fluid system. TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION Halogenated
Hydrocarbon solvents are dangerous when used with aluminum components in a
closed fluid system.
A. Consult your material supplier to determine whether your solvent or coating contains
Halogenated Hydrocarbon Solvents.
B. Magnum Venus Plastech recommends that you contact your solvent supplier regarding
the best non-flammable clean-up solvent with the heat toxicity for your application.
C. If, however, you find it necessary to use flammable solvents, they must be kept in
approved, electrically grounded containers.
D. Bulk solvent should be stored in a well-ventilated, separate building, 50 feet away from
your main plant.
E. You should allow only enough solvent for one day’s use in your laminating area.
F. “NO SMOKING” signs must be posted and observed in all areas of storage or where
solvents and other flammable materials are used.
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G. Adequate ventilation (as covered in OSHA Section 1910.94 and NFPA No.91) is
important wherever solvents are stored or used, to minimize, confine and exhaust the
solvent vapors.
H. Solvents should be handled in accordance with OSHA Section 1910.106 and 1910.107.
2.4 Catalyst Diluents
Magnum Venus Plastech spray-up and gel-coat systems currently produced are designed
so that catalyst diluents are not required. Magnum Venus Plastech, therefore, recommends
that diluents not be used. This avoids the possible contamination which could lead to an
explosion due to the handling and mixing of MEKP and diluents. In addition, it eliminates
any problems from the diluent being contaminated through rust particles in drums, poor
quality control on the part of the diluents suppliers, or any other reason. If, however, diluents
are absolutely required, contact your catalyst supplier and follow his instructions explicitly.
Preferable, the supplier should premix the catalyst to prevent possible “on the job”
contamination while mixing.
If diluents are not used, it should be remembered that catalyst spillage, gun, hose and
packing leaks are potentially more hazardous, since each drop contains a higher
concentration of catalyst, and therefore will react quicker with over spray and the
2.5 Cured Laminate, Overspray and Laminate Sandings Accumulation
A. Remove all accumulations of overspray, FRP sandings, etc. from the building as they
occur. If this waste is allowed to build up, spillage of catalyst is more likely to start a fire; in
addition, the fire would burn hotter and longer.
B. Floor coverings, if used, should be non-combustible.
C. Spilled or leaked catalyst may cause a fire if it comes in contact with an FRP product,
over-sprayed chop or resin, FRP sandings or any other material with MEKP.
To prevent this spillage and leakage, you should:
1. Maintain your Magnum Venus Plastech System. Check the gun several times daily for
catalyst and resin packing or valve leaks. REPAIR ALL LEAKS IMMEDIATELY.
2. Never leave the gun hanging over, or lying inside the mold. A catalyst leak in this situation
would certainly damage the part, possibly the mold, and may cause a fire.
3. Inspect resin and catalyst hoses daily for wear or stress at the entry and exits of the boom
sections and at the hose and fittings. Replace if wear or weakness is evident or suspected.
4. Arrange the hoses and fiberglass roving guides so that the fiberglass strands DO NOT
rub against any of the hoses at any point. If allowed to rub, the hose will be cut through,
causing a hazardous leakage of material which could increase the danger of fire. Also, the
material may spew onto personnel in the area.
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2.7 Toxicity of Chemicals
A. Magnum Venus Plastech recommends that you consult OSHA Sections 1910.94,
1910.106, 1910.107 and NFPA No.33, Chapter 14, and NFPA No.91.
B. Contact your chemical supplier(s) and determine the toxicity of the various chemicals
used as well as the best methods to prevent injury, irritation and danger to personnel.
C. Also determine the best methods of first aid treatment for each chemical used in your plant.
2.8 Treatment of Chemical Injuries
Great care should be used in handling the chemicals (resins, catalyst and solvents) used in
polyester systems. Such chemicals should be treated as if they hurt your skin and eyes and
as if they are poison to your body. For this reason, Magnum Venus Plastech recommends
the use of protective clothing and eye wear in using polyester systems. However, users
should be prepared in the event of such an injury. Precautions include:
1. Know precisely what chemicals you are using and obtain information from your chemical
supplier on what to do in the event the chemical gets onto your skin or into the eyes, or
is swallowed.
2. Keep this information together and easily available so that it may be used by those
administering first aid or treating the injured person.
3. Be sure the information from your chemical supplier includes instructions on how to treat
any toxic effects the chemicals have.
Contact your doctor immediately in the event of any injury and give him the
information you have collected. If your information includes first aid instructions,
administer first aid immediately while you are contacting your doctor.
Fast treatment of the outer skin and eyes that contact such chemicals generally includes
immediate and thorough washing of the exposed skin and immediate and continuous
flushing of the eyes with lots of clean water for at least 15 minutes or more. These general
instructions of first aid treatment, however, may be incorrect for some chemicals; that is why
you must know the chemicals and treatment before an accident occurs. Treatment for
swallowing a chemical frequently depends upon the nature of the chemical.
NOTE: Refer to your System User Manual for complete and detailed operating
instructions and service information.
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3.0 Equipment Safety
Magnum Venus Plastech suggests that personal safety equipment such as EYE
or operating this equipment. Ear protection should be worn when operating a
fiberglass chopper to protect against hearing loss since noise levels can be as high
as 116 dB (decibels). This equipment should only be operated or serviced by
technically trained personnel!
Never place fingers, hands, or any body part near or directly in front of the spray gun
fluid tip. The force of the liquid as it exits the spray tip can cause serious injury by
shooting liquid through the skin. NEVER LOOK DIRECTLY INTO THE GUN SPRAY TIP
3.1 Emergency Stop Procedures
The following steps should be followed in order to stop the machinery in an emergency
1. The ball valve located where the air enters the power head of the resin pump, should be
moved to the “OFF” or closed position. To do this, simply rotate the lever on the ball
valve 90 degrees. Doing this will cause all the system air to bleed out of the system in a
matter of a few seconds, making the system incapable of operating
NOTE: Step 2 is a precautionary step and should be followed whenever the above
mentioned ball valve is activated to the stop mode. Failure to do so, can damage the
regulators and components on reactivating to the “ON” position.
2. Turn all system regulators to the “OFF” position (counter-clockwise) position
NOTE: Verify that the Catalyst relief line, located on the catalyst manifold, and the
resin return line, located on the resin filter, are secured relieving catalyst and resin
fluid pressure.
3. Catalyst pressure in the catalyst pump can be eliminated by rotating the ball valve on the
catalyst manifold 90 degrees to the “open” or “on” position.
Note: The “open” or “on” position is when the ball valve handle is parallel (in line)
with the ball valve body. The “closed” or “off” position is when the ball valve handle
is perpendicular (across) the ball valve body.
4. Resin pressure in the resin pump can be eliminated by rotating the ball valve on the
resin filter 90 degrees to the “open” or “on” position. Place a container under the ball
valve to catch any resin that is ejected out of the valve.
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3.2 Grounding
Grounding an object means providing an adequate path for the flow of the electrical charge
from the object to the ground. An adequate path is one that permits a charge to flow from
the object fast enough that it will not accumulate to the extent that a spark can be formed. It
is not possible to define exactly what will be an adequate path under all conditions since it
depends on many variables. In any event, the grounding means should have the lowest
possible electrical resistance. Grounding straps should be installed on all loose conductive
objects in the spraying area. This includes material containers and equipment. Magnum
Venus Plastech recommends grounding straps be made of AWG No.18 stranded wire as a
minimum and the larger wire be used where possible. NFPA Bulletin No77 states that the
electrical resistance of such a leakage path may be as low as 1 meg ohm (10 ohms) but that
resistance as high as 10,000 meg ohms will produce an adequate leakage path in some
cases. Whenever flammable or combustible liquids are transferred from one container to
another, or from one container to the equipment, both containers or container and
equipment shall be effectively bonded and grounded to dissipate static electricity. For
further information, see National Fire Protection Association ( NFPA) 77, titled
“Recommended Practice on Static Electrical”. Refer especially to section 7-7 titled “Spray
Application of Flammable and Combustible Materials”. Check with local codes and
authorities for other specific standards that might apply to your application. NEVER USE
NOTICE: All statements, information and data given herein are believed to be
accurate and reliable but are presented without guaranty, warranty or responsibility
of any kind express or implied. The user should not assume that all safety measures
are indicated or that other measures are not required.
DANGER: Contaminated catalyst may cause Fire or Explosion. Before working on the
catalyst pump or catalyst accumulator, wash hands and tools thoroughly. Be sure
work area is free of dirt, grease or resin. Clean catalyst system components with clean
water only.
DANGER: Eye, skin and respiration hazard. The Catalyst, MEKP, may cause
blindness, skin irritation or breathing difficulty. Keep hands away from face. Keep
food and drink away from work area.
WARNING: Please refer to your catalyst manufacturer’s safety information regarding
the safe handling and storage of catalyst. Wear appropriate safety equipment as
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ATC Chopper Gun Manual
The AT series guns are one of the most advanced state of the art guns introduced
into the composites industry. The AT gun series features low maintenance, few
adjustments, superb quality and a long service life. These guns will assist you in the
production of a superior product. The AT series guns are “air trigger” guns. As the
gun trigger is pulled air is shifted from one side of a piston to the other, the pistons
are attached to the gun needles and thus opens and closes the needles. The ATC
chopper has a poppet valve which is pushed when the resin needle moves to the
open position this allows the chopper air to be turned on and off by pulling the
This manual, the ATC CHOPPER GUN MANUAL, provides information you need to
perform simple maintenance and repair on your equipment.
Step-by-step assembly and disassembly procedures are included for each
A troubleshooting guide helps you diagnose and perform common repair
Please read the manual carefully. Follow the steps in the order given, otherwise you
may damage the equipment or injure yourself.
DANGER: To prevent accidental injection injury, disconnect all air and
electrical power to the unit before beginning repair or maintenance on this
During Disassembly:
As you disassemble the equipment, lay out the components on a clean surface in
the correct order and direction. This will help you to reassemble them.
This manual covers all the variations of the ATC Chopper Gun:
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Gun Disassembly:
1. Remove the two (2) Allen screws from the side of the gun. This will separate
the gun into two (2) components, handle and head / cylinder.
2. Remove the two (2) screws on the back of the cylinder and using caution
remove the cylinder from the back of the gun head. The gun is now in three
(3) components, handle, head and cylinder. We will rebuild each component
and then reassembly them.
Handle Disassembly
3. Loosen the set screw holding the trigger button assembly on and remove the
4. Unscrew and remove the trigger lock.
5. Remove the trigger housing
6. Remove the trigger valve assembly from the front of the gun.
7. Unscrew the refinement air adjustment screw and from the side of the gun.
8. Remove the refinement air spring from the side of the gun and adjustment
9. Unscrew the refinement air packing nut from the side of the gun and remove
the o-rings.
10. Remove the three (3) o-rings on the top of the handle.
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Handle Assembly
Note: Thoroughly clean and inspect all parts for ware or damage. Replace all
parts with original MVP parts. Open the seal kit and match the o-rings with the
ones being replaced.
11. Replace the o-rings on the trigger valve.
Note: A special tool is available to install the o-rings on the trigger valve –
Trigger Valve O-ring Tool ATC-40103-1.
12. Install the spring on to the trigger valve and install into the front of the gun.
13. Thread the trigger housing into the front of the gun over the trigger valve
using a 7/16 wrench.
14. Thread the trigger lock into the trigger housing.
15. Place the trigger button on to the end of the trigger valve depressing it all the
way, and then tighten the set screw on the side of the trigger button to hold it
in place.
16. Replace the o-rings in the air refinement needle valve on the side of the
handle, the Buna (black) o-ring first then the Teflon (white).
17. Install the packing nut, just till it stops.
18. Place the spring onto the refinement air needle.
19. Lubricate with Super O Lube (SUPERLUBE) and install the refinement air
needle into the side of the gun.
20. Replace the o-rings on top of the handle. These o-rings seal the cylinder and
gun head to the handle. Set the handle aside for now.
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Cylinder Repair
21. Remove and check the spring from inside the cylinder.
22. Check the inside of the cylinder.
23. Check and clear air ports on the bottom of the cylinder.
24. Remove chopper air fitting from the back of the cylinder.
25. Push out the chopper air poppet valve and spring from the inside of the cylinder.
26. Replace the o-rings on the chopper poppet valve.
27. Lubricate (SSL-10) the inside of the cylinder and chopper poppet valve.
28. Push the chopper poppet valve and spring into the back on of the cylinder.
29. Replace the o-ring on the chopper air fitting.
30. Reinstall the chopper air fitting.
31. Push the end of the poppet valve from the inside of the cylinder to check that
it is moving freely.
32. Reinstall spring into the cylinder.
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