Product user manual
MMCCRR--4466 MMaannuuaall CCrreeaassiinngg MMaacchhiinne
e 11
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1. Components Names
1 4
2 5
3 6
Machine Structure
1. Fixed position vernier 2. Vernier rail 3. Moving position vernier
4. Vernier lock 5. Position ruler 6. Operation platform
7. Creasing handle 8. Mechanism core protection cover
2. Technical Parameter
Function/Model MCR-46
Working Width 460mm
Working Thickness
Impress Width 1.3mm
Impress Thickness 0.4mm
Machine Size 600×490×130mm
Machine Weight 10.5 kg
3. Installation Instructions
Installation Location
Before the installation, please put the machine on an appropriate operation
platform, leave enough operation space and be sure to set the machine up stable.
MMCCRR--4466 MMaannuuaall CCrreeaassiinngg MMaacchhiinnee
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