Magnum 8050, 6050, 3050 Operator's Manual

MAGNUM 8050, 6050, 3050
Wide Format Color Scanner
Operator’s Guide
Internet info:
Contex document no.: MAG/USM/001 (1.1)
Copyright Contex A/S, April 6, 2001
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Contex A/S reserves the right to modify the information given in this publication without prior notice.
The Contex scanner products are covered by one or more of the following patents: 5.117.295, 5.377.020, 5.502.578, 5.640.465,
5.642.207 other patents pending in the US and elsewhere.
The MAGNUM Wide Format Color Scanner provides a complete solution for scanning drawings, maps and pictures for use with Color reproduction, Color Copying, CAD, GIS, DTP and Archival programs.
This guide explains how to operate and maintain your Wide Format Color Scanner. It assumes basic knowledge of your computer and operating system and does not repeat material from their documentation.
PC or supported workstation.
The SCSI interface kit matching your workstation.
Scanner Maintenance Kit that came with your scanner.
JETimage or WIDEimage software for activating and controlling
your scanner.
The "OPERATIONS GUIDE" which came with your computer.
The "JETimage or WIDEimage USER's GUIDE".
The "README.TXT" file on the distribution diskettes. Use your text editor to look for latest news and updates.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 1-1
2. System Overview 2-1
2.1 Software 2-4
3. Operating Modes 3-1
3.1 RGB mode 3-1
3.2 Indexed color mode 3-1
3.3 Feature extraction (classified) color mode 3-1
3.4 Graytone mode 3-2
3.5 B/W modes 3-2
3.6 B/W Copy Modes 3-2
3.7 2D-Sharpening, 2D-Softening and 2D-Blur 3-3
3.8 Resolution in all modes 3-3
4. Operator Panel and Indicators 4-1
4.1 Paper Feed/Forward Key & Ready indicator 4-1
4.2 Paper Reverse Key 4-1
4.3 Power On Indicator 4-2
4.4 Wait Indicator (Warm Up) 4-2
4.5 Diagnostic Indicator. 4-2
5. Original’s Insertion Slot 5-1
5.1 Rulers 5-1
5.2 Scanning Thick Media 5-3
5.3 Removing the Original Pressure Platen 5-6
6. Installation 6-1
6.1 Set up the scan station 6-1
6.2 Smart Card 6-1
6.3 Install Maintenance software and Drivers 6-1
6.4 Connection through the SCSI interface 6-2
6.4.1 Step 1: Install the SCSI host adapter board 6-3
6.4.2 Step 2: Install the SCSI driver software 6-3
6.4.3 Step 3: Connect the scanner to the PC 6-3
6.4.4 Step 4: Set the scanner DIL-switches 6-4
6.5 Installation Verification 6-8
6.6 Preliminary Maintenance 6-9
7. Maintenance 7-1
7.1 Cleaning the Scan Area 7-1
7.2 Camera Alignment 7-4
7.3 Calibrate the Scanner 7-7
Camera Out of Light Error 7-8
8. Appendix A: MAGNUM specifications 8-1
9. Appendix B: Regulations 9-1
9.1 FCC Regulations 9-1
9.2 EC Regulations 9-2
10. Appendix C: Program License Agreement 10-1
11. Appendix D: Important Safety Instructions 11-1
12. Appendix E: Index 12-2
Introduction 1-1
1. Introduction
The Contex MAGNUM Wide Format Color Scanners are cost effective solutions for large format, high volume color scanning. This guide applies to the following models:
FSC8050 MAGNUM Wide Format Color Scanner, scans originals up to 50” Scan Width, and up to 800dpi resolution. Includes hardware supported ADL+ and 2D-Sharpen and Soften filters
FSC6050 MAGNUM Wide Format Color Scanner, scans originals up to 50” Scan Width, and up to 800dpi resolution. Includes hardware supported 2D-Sharpen and Soften filters
FSC3050 MAGNUM Wide Format Color Scanner, scans originals up to 50” Scan Width, and up to 600dpi resolution.
The MAGNUM’s 50-inch super wide imaging area handles large color posters, maps, photos and drawings and is compatible with wide inkjet printers. The MAGNUM can take originals of up to 0.6-inch (15mm) thick such as foamboards, gatorboards etc. These scanners meet your entire wide format scanning needs in photo-realistic colors, high quality grayscale and crisp, clear black-and-white.
The MAGNUM Color Scanner together with a large format ink-jet printer forms the perfect large format digital copier. Embedded on-the­fly color feature extraction provides fast and easy classification and reduction of scanned colors to match those containing information in the scanned original.
The built-in dedicated Color feature extraction hardware and high­speed Digital Image Processing (DIP) performs image enhancement in real time. The unique built-in Area Diffusion Logic (ADL+) on with the FSC8050 scans and prints even the most demanding B/W and graytone documents with all shades of gray intact at high speeds.
The MAGNUM Color Scanners are designed to work with many types of scanning applications including Reproduction (Large Format Color Copying), CAD (Computer Aided Design), Mapping/GIS (Geographic Information Systems), DTP (Desk Top Publishing) and Archival.
The ultrafast industry standard SCSI I/F and WIDEimage or JETimage software gives you full control over all of the scanner’s special scan modes and features. The WIDEimage and JETimage software is
1-2 Introduction
available in WINDOWS-98, WIDOWS-2000, WINDOWS-NT editions for PC workstations. The Wide Format MAGNUM Color Scanners are produced by Contex, the leading manufacturer of large format scanners, with many thousands of installations worldwide.
Figure 1-1 MAGNUM Color Scanner
System Overview 2-1
2. System Overview
The MAGNUM Wide Format Color Scanners incorporate four 5350 RGB-triplet pixels, tri-linear color CCD cameras (21.400 RGB-triplets), and have color balanced stabilized fluorescent lighting and individual adaptive light compensation on each pixel. The three MAGNUM models include the following features:
FSC8050 MAGNUM Wide Format Color Scanner, up to 800 dpi scan resolution at all original sizes in 24 bit RGB, color feature extracted or indexed, graytone and raster modes. Digital Image Processing includes: 2D-Sharpening and softening, Color Feature Extraction, 2D-Adaptive Thresholding and ADL copying with grayshades. Scanning Speeds: 200dpi: 2.5”/sec., 300dpi:1.7”/sec. and 400dpi:1.3”/sec.
FSC6050 MAGNUM Wide Format Color Scanner, up to 800 dpi scan resolution at all original sizes in 24 bit RGB, color feature extracted or indexed, graytone and raster modes. Digital Image Processing includes: 2D-Sharpening and softening, Color Feature Extraction, 2D-Adaptive Thresholding. Scanning Speeds: 200dpi: 1.7”/sec., 300dpi: 1.3”/sec. and 400dpi: 1.0”/sec.
FSC3050 MAGNUM Wide Format Color Scanner, up to 600 dpi scan resolution at all original sizes in 24 bit RGB, color feature extracted or indexed, graytone and raster modes. Digital Image Processing includes: Color Feature Extraction, 2D­Adaptive Thresholding. Scanning Speeds: 200dpi: 1.3”/sec.and 300dpi: 1.0”/sec. and 400dpi: 0.8”/sec.
All three MAGNUM models support:
Connection to up to two computers simultaneously via dual ultrafast SCSI Interfaces, allows attachment to both a color copy system and a scan-to-file system without moving cables.
Scanning area sized from A5 up to larger than landscape A0/E- Size, 50” wide (1270mm). Media width: 6” to 51.5” (152 to 1310 mm). Media length not limited.
2-2 System Overview
Media thickness up to 0.6 inch (15mm), supports originals mounted on cardboard, foamboard, gatorboard etc.
Color is captured at 36 bits for maximum color precision, passing the best 24 bits of color data to the computer to enhance color fidelity and capture of subtle color changes.
Variable resolution settings in one dpi increments for perfect matching your scan to your current applications and original image.
Individual tone adjustment for each color channel (RGB) by its three loadable color tone tables (gamma), and independent user controllable lack point correction.
Color and Monochrome 2D-sharpening and softening filters provide enhancement of fine details and reduction in moire effects when scanning halftone originals.
Color calibration to international standards with the ANSI-IT-8 color reference card delivered with the scanner, thus improving long term stability of scanner color balance, linearity and chromaticity.
The MAGNUM canners fully support Color Management Systems (CMS) by the international standard ICC profile (International Color Consortium: Kodak, Agfa, Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, etc.)
Color feature extraction by built-in real-time hardware, without additional scanning time overhead. Extracts features from drawings and maps, enhances clarity and quality of duplicated, faded or printed (color dithered) documents and improves details in complex maps or drawings.
System Overview 2-3
The MAGNUM color scanners are also fully functional monochrome scanners providing clean, crisp scans from even poor quality drawings, blueprints, etc. Image processing and enhancement options include: 2D-Adaptive Thresholding, Photo mode, histogram analysis, on-line threshold variation, on-line de­skewing and de-speckling for high quality raster scans. The FSC8050 also supports monochrome copying maintaining shades of gray, with its advanced "Area Diffusion Logic (ADL)".
Scanning modes: 16 million colors (24-bit RGB), 8-bit and 4-bit indexed color, 8-bit and 4-bit feature extracted color, 8-bit graytone, B/W raster: fixed, 2D-Adaptive threshold and black/white dithered photo mode. FSC8050 in addition has Area Diffusion Logic (ADL+) graytone mode.
File Formats: (more than 50 selectable) including Color Formats: TIFF, JPEG, PCX, BMP, RAS, RTL
Scanning /Image Enhancement Color Feature Extraction Conversion, De-speckling, De-skewing, Rotation & Alignment Viewing and Zooming
Large format full color output/copying to ink-jet plotter supported by
JETimage or third party
software RIPs
Figure 2-1 MAGNUM Wide Format Color Scanner System Overview
2-4 System Overview
2.1 Software
The WIDEimage scanning software offers optimal support for your scanner. This efficient tool is designed specifically for your scanner and gives you access to all the scanner’s built-in features.
The program produces a multitude of industry standard color, graytone and B/W output image file formats compatible with CAD, GIS, Raster­Editor, Raster-to-Vector, Digitize, Overlay, Color reproduction and copying, RIP, and Archiving programs for Editing, Storing, Conversion and Print/Plot of scanned drawings, maps, etc., to be used with Graphics art, Reprographics, CAD, GIS, DTP and Color Copying systems.
WIDEimage supports electronic Rotation and Alignment, as well as Converting, Viewing, Zooming and Printing of scanned originals.
With WIDEimage’s Feature Extraction tools you can automatically generate and edit color look-up tables for downloading into the scanner's built-in feature extraction engine. The intuitive user interface includes Color Wheel and Color Histogram views, tools for merging marked or similar colors, Explode Color, removing marked similar or minor colors, Insert Color, and Import Colors.
This copy program is built to satisfy the needs of scanning and copy professionals and designed on the basis of their experiences and specific daily problems. It enables users to make large format copies in vivid colors, quality enhanced graytones and crisp black and white. JETimage copy software is available in two editions: JETimage BASE and JETimage PRO.
The application is designed to interface your Contex Scanner with a wide range of popular printers for large format copying. JETimage is a powerful, professional tool enabling easy production of vivid high
System Overview 2-5
quality color corrected copies and also exploits the scanner’s monchrome enhancement features for demanding black and white copy assignments. JETimage can come with both touch-screen and conventional mouse-keyboard interfacing. The PRO edition enables Copy-to-File and Print-From-File features, accounting, Paneling and Nesting.
WIDEcapture for Photoshop
Wide Format Scanning Software for Macintosh and Windows as a Plug-in for Adobe Photoshop. WIDEcapture is a compact application designed to interface your scanner with advanced graphics software on an Apple Macintosh or Windows-based platform. The application is developed for usage with Adobe Photoshop – a leading image software application among graphics professionals. The software is designed as a plug-in, meaning it is a full software program that extends the functionality of the Adobe Photoshop program by enabling access to Wide Format Scanning. You install the program into Adobe Photoshop’s plug-in folder and just select the application through Photoshop’s File menu. WIDEcapture imports images from the scanner into the Photoshop image editor. You can then use Photoshop’s wide range of image manipulation options, just as if you had opened an image file from your hard disk.
WIDEcapture for AutoCAD
Wide Format Scanning Software for direct scanning into AutoCAD 2000 on Windows platforms. WIDEcapture for AutoCAD is a compact application designed to interface your Wide Format Scanner with the advanced CAD software AutoCAD 2000. When you install this plug-in software, a new menu item called "Scanned Raster Image" is entered in the Insert Menu on your AutoCAD interface. Selecting this item activates a Wide Format Scanning interface that contains all the features known from the WIDEimage Scan Screen, including the split preview screen and special tool buttons.
Operating Modes 3-1
3. Operating Modes
The MAGNUM Color Scanners work in six basic operating modes:
24 bit RGB color mode
8-bit indexed color mode
8-bit feature extraction color mode
Graytone mode (256 graytones)
B/W modes (bitmapped, 2-level and 2D-adaptive)
B/W Copy modes with Dual 2D-Adaptive processing.
3.1 RGB mode
Full 24-bit true color mode for 16.8 million colors.
3.2 Indexed color mode
An effective method for scanning documents that display a limited range of colors, is to map true colors to a selected color palette. The palette is automatically generated by an adaptive color optimizing pre­scan of the original.
The scanner on-board color transformation to a 16- or 256-color palette greatly reduces the data volume, increases scan speed and minimizes disk storage requirements by only requiring 4-bit or 8-bit per color pixel (compared with 24-bit in true color mode).
3.3 Feature extraction (classified) color mode
Real-time color classification mode sorts the observed color features in the document into a set of color categories by on-board mapping through a classified color LUT (Look Up Table). The classified color LUT is generated by the user through the tools in WIDEimage and then downloaded into the scanner. The user only has to create the LUT once for a whole class of documents.
The scanner on-board color mapping through a 256 classified color LUT greatly enhances clarity and quality of duplicated, faded or printed (color dithered) documents. It improves details in complex maps or drawings, increases scanning speed, and minimizes disk storage requirements.
3-2 Operating Modes
3.4 Graytone mode
In Graytone mode, the actual graylevel of each pixel is scanned; 256 levels are recognized, corresponding to 1 byte (8 bits) per pixel. This results in graytone files that are 8 times larger than uncompressed files scanned in Line mode at the same resolution; for example, an E­Size drawing scanned in graytone mode at 300 dpi has a file size of 150 MByte, compared with typical 0.4 -1.0 MByte for a compressed file in Line mode.
3.5 B/W modes
In this mode, the MAGNUM Color Scanner outputs each scanned pixel as a single bit, either black (1) or white (0), depending on whether its gray level is below or above the threshold.
Both fixed level and 2D-Adaptive thresholding are supported.
3.6 B/W Copy Modes
The copy modes incorporate Dual 2D-Adaptive processing with different combinations of ADL+ Error Diffusion Halftoning, 2D­Background suppression, 2D-Auto edge enhancement and 2D­Adaptive thresholding. The copy modes are ideal scanning wide format documents that are intended for re-printing. The ADL+ Error Diffusion Halftoning supports visibility of graytones in printed output by adding toned shades of gray in regions between black and white. The copy modes are described in the table below:
Copy Mode Image Processing Usage
B/W Copy Normal
ADL+ Error diffusion halftoning 2D-Auto edge enhancement 2D-Adaptive background suppression
Halftone copy to print of all normal originals
B/W Copy Adaptive
ADL+ Error diffusion halftoning 2D-Adaptive thresholding 2D-Adaptive background suppression
Halftone copy to print of Sepia, Blueprint and other originals with heavily distorted foregrounds and backgrounds where the shades making up the image “noise” are close to the shades making up the image’s data and hard to differentiate.
B/W Copy Photo
ADL+ Error diffusion halftoning Halftone copy to print of
continuos shades of gray such as in photos.
Operating Modes 3-3
3.7 2D-Sharpening, 2D-Softening and 2D-Blur
Through the WIDEimage and JETimage applications, you can manually set and control sharpening, softening and blurring filters, giving you rich possibilities for combining effects to obtain perfect enhancement results.
For example, you may have an image with details (such as text or lines) you wish to sharpen. But if the image also contains large concentrated areas of colors or graytones, sharpening will make unwanted noise to appear in the scanned image. By using the sharpen filter together with the blur filter, you can obtain the desired sharpened edges without creating the unwanted noise. Both filters can be set at different levels for ultimate control of effects.
The B/W Copy Normal scanning mode incorporates 2D-Auto edge enhancement, with automatic, on-the-fly sharpening of your image.
3.8 Resolution in all modes
The distance ( both horizontal and vertical ) between each pixel at resolutions representatively* used is:
200 dpi 0.1270 mm 300 dpi 0.0846 mm 400 dpi 0.0635 mm 600 dpi 0.0423 mm 800 dpi 0.0317 mm
MAGNUM Color Scanner resolution is setable in 1 dpi increments from 50 to max. scanner resolution (800 or 600 dpi). The resolution in dpi is always set from the WIDEimage or JETimage interface.
3-4 Operating Modes
The following table shows the number of pixels (RGB triplets) per line resulting from various combinations of resolution and scan-width on the side-aligned ruler. In the table, “su” stands for scan units found on your ruler.
Resolution/ Scan Width
600 dpi 400 dpi 300 dpi 200 dpi
11.8 su (50.0”)
30,000 20,000 15,000 10,000
8.0 su (34.0”)
20,352 13,568 10,176 6,784
6.0 su (25.4”)
15,240 10,160 7,620 5,088
4.0 su (17.0)
10,176 6,784 5,088 3,392
3.0 su (12.7”)
7,620 5,080 3,810 2,544
2.0 su (8.5”)
5,088 3,392 2,544 1,696
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