IIF.._|) ;I H[e]IO(e)_ll I)H_II$.
G¢{tine Started
WarningfPrecaulions ............................................. I, 8
Hooking Up Your TV ............................................... 2
VCR to TV Antenna Connections ............................. 2
Basic TV and Remote Control Operation ................. 3
How to Use the Firsl Time Set-Up ........................... 3
On-Screen Features
+Setting the TV for (:able TV Operation ............. 4
+Adding Channels in Memory (Manually) .......... 4
+ Using the Surf Control ........................................ 4
+ Using the Smart Picture Control ........................ 5
+Using the Smart Sound Control .......................... 5
+Using the TV Volume Bar Control .................... 5
+Setting the TV Sleep Timer Control ................... 6
+Using the TV Picture and Color Controls ......... 6
+How to Set the TV for Closed Captioning ........ 7
Geperal Information
Glossary of TV Terms ................................................ 7
Ttps if Something Isn't Working ............................... 8
Index .......................................................................... 8
Warranty ..................................................................... 8
For Customer Use
Enter (below) the Serial Number and the
Model Number of this television
(located on the rear of the TV cabinet).
Retain this information for future reference.
o,o,,o.TR I"!¢..
Serial No.
First Time Sel Up which automatically sets
the TV for local channels and the connect pie-
lure signal (antenna or cable).
Infrared Remote (ontrol which wolks your
TV ms well as all or-screen feature ccntrols.
Standard Broadcast (VHF/UHF) or Cable
TV (CATV) chann,:l capability.
Closed Captioning which allows the viewer to
read T'V plogram d alogue or voice conversa-
tions as on-screen t,.'xt.
Automatic Pr,3gramming of Channels for
quick and easy selection of favorite stations
available in yc,ur area.
Sleep-Timer which automatically turns the "IV
OFF at preset times.
Smart Button for t he control of TV Sound
and Picture levels. LJse the Smarl Button on
the remote to quickly adjust Smart Sound (t,3
keep volume levels consistent during program
changes ol commercial breaks), and Smart
Picture (for automatic picture adjustments on a
variety of program sources).
Language control allows the user to _lect
from three options; English, Spanish or
French. This controls the On-Screen Menu text
only. (Does not work for Closed Captioning.)
Once your PHILIPS MAGNAVOX purchase is registered, you're eligible to receive all the priwleges of owning a PHILIF'S MAGNAVOX product.
So complete and return the Warranty Registration Card enclosed with your purchase at once. And take advantage of _hese important benefits.
Congratulationson your purchase, and welcome to the "family!" PH ILIPS
Dear PHILIPS MAGNAVOX product owner:
Thank you for your confidence in PHILIPS MAGNAVOX. You've selected one of the best-built, best-backed product_
available today. And we'll do everything in our power to keep you happy with your purchase for many years to come
As a member of the PHILIPS MAGNAVOX "family," you're entitled to protection by one of the most comprehens ve warranties and out-
standing sewice networks in the industry.
What's more, your purchase guarantees you'll receive all the information and special offers for which you qualify, plu_ easy access to
accessories _rom ourconven=ent home shopping network.
And most importantly you can count on our uncompromising commitment to your total satisfaction.
All of this is our way of saying welcome-and thanks for investing in a PHILIPS MAGNAVOX product.
__ P.S. Remember, to get the most tram your PHILIPS MAGNAVOX product,you mustretum
Robert Minkhorst your WarrantyRegistration Card within10 ¢Pdys.So please mail it to us right now!- -
President and Chief Executive Officer
Know _ese
safety syrnbots
_This "bolt of lightning" inaicates uninsulated material within your unit may cause an electrical shock. For tt_l safety
of ever/one in your household, please do not remove product cow_.
_k "the "exclamation point" calls attention to fealures _ which you st_ rea¢_ _ enclosed literature closely to pre-
vent operating and maintenance p_o/_ems.
CAUTION: To prevent electric st',oc_, match wide blade _ plug to wide slot, and fully k_,ert.
ATTENTION: Pour _.vite_ los chocs _lectriques, Iraredulre la lame la plus large de la r_:he d_ur_ III borne correspc_dante
de la imse et poussar lu_u'au Iood
..Id: 1!I1 ,.I.-]!a_,,u,voxItr,_rt_r_,'=_,,a_ ,,t_ _'_m,'n...... ._._
1 IB7754 EO01