_ Gettin_ Started
WarningtPrecautions .............................. I, 8
Hooking Up Your 'IV ................................ 2
VCR to'IV Antenna Connections............................. 2
Basic I'€ andRemote ControlOperation ................. 3
How to Use theFirs[ Time Set-Up Control.............. 3
----] On-Screen Features
_Settlng theTV for Cable TV Operation ............. 4
_Adding Channels in Memory (Autumadcally)...4
_'Adding Channels in Memory (Manually) .......... 4
.0.Using the SurfControl ........................................ 5
_Using the Smart Picture Control ........................ 5
_'Using the SmartSound Control .......................... 5
_'Adjusting the TV Picture.................................... 6
_Setting the"IV SleepTimer Control ..............,....6
_'Using [he "IVVolume Bar Control .................... 6
_.How to Set [he "IV for Closed Captioning ........ 7
_Using the On-Screen Language Option .............. ?
I General Information
Glossary of'IV Terms ................................................ 7
Tips ifSomething Isn'tWorking ...............................8
Index ..........................................................................8
• FirstTimeSetUp whichautomaticallysets the
TVforlocal channelsand[hecorrectpicture
• Infrared Remote Control which works your
'IV as well as all on-screen feature controls.
• Standard broadcast (VHF/UHF) or Cable
"IV (CAT_ channel capability.
• Closed Captioning which allows [he viewer to
read TV program dialogue or voice conversa-
tions as on-screen text.
• Automatic Programming of channels for
quick and easy selection of favorite stations
available in your area.
On-ScreenFeatures(ineither Englishor
Spanish)whichshow helpfulmessagesfor
settingof TVcontrols(suchas coloradjustment,
timersettings,and channelmemory.)
• Sleep-Tlmer which automatically turns [he 'IV
OFFat preset times.
Smart Button for [he control of TV Sound and
Picture levels. Use theSmart Button on the
remote to quickly adjustSmart Sound (to keep
volume levels consistent during program
changes or commercial breaks), and Smart
Picture (for automaticpicture adjustments on a
varietyof programsources).
-) . ,
Onoe your MAGNA VOX purchase isregistered, you're e/igibleto receive all the privileges of owning a MAGNA VOX product. So complete
and return the Warranty Registration Card enc/osed withyour purchase at once. And take advantage of these importantbenefits.
Congratulationson yourpumhase,andwelcometo the=familyV _V_[
Dear MAGNAVOX product owner: Smart. Vrry s_rt?
Thank you for yourconfidenceInMAGNAVOX.You'veselectedone ofthe best-built,best-backedproducts
availabletoday.And we'lldo everythinginour powertokeep youhappywithyourpurchaseformanyyearsto come.
As a memberof the MAGNAVOX "family,"you'reentitledto protectionbyor_ ofthemostcomprehensivewarrantiesandoutstandingservicenetworksinthe
What'smore, yourpurchaseguaranteesyou'llreceiveall the Informationend specialoffersforwhichyouqualify,pluseasy a_,essto accessoriesfromour con-
Andmostimportantly youcan counton our uncompromisingcommitmentto yourtotal satisfaction.
Allof[hisisourway of sayingwelcome-andthanksforInvestingIna MAGNAVOXproduct.
_==n==_.._ RS. Remember, to get the most from your MAGNAVOX product, you must return your
Robed Minkhomt Warranty RegLMxetlonCardwithin 10 days. 8o please mall h to us right howl
Presidentand Chief ExeoutivoOfficer
Know these
_k This'l_oltofligl'_ Indicstssunlnsulatedmatedalwithinyouru_tmay¢_zuseanelectrical_. F_ _ _fe_
olavecyoa_Inyourhouaohold,faun donotremorapmdu¢ €oving.
_ T_e'_kuzte_ pokd"€_dl_atte_k_ tof_duresfor_x_h youId_uk:lre_l theenclosedlltsra_ _ _ W_
vwt op_g =ndma_e_ proU=_.
ATI'ENTION:Po_r(hitsrle_d_€_ _ectdque_,I_'ed_CreI_ImmelapCu_la_edeI_6chedar_I_borne_
d__ Wtme_ peu_erJu_qu'auf,_d.