i_i Getting Started
VCR to TV Antenna Connections ............................. 2
How to Use the First Time Set-Up Control .............. 3
Basic TV and Remote Control Operation ................. 3
Warning/Precautions .............................. 1, 8
Hooking Up YourTV ................................ 2
_--"_ On-Ncreen Features
+Setting the TV for Cable TV Operation ............. 4
+Adding Channels in Memory (Automatically)...4
+Adding Channels in Memory (Manually) ..........4
+Using the Alternate Channel Control ................. 5
+Using the TV Channel Reminder ....................... 5
+Adjusting the TV Color ...................................... 5
+Using the Smart Picture Control ........................ 6
+Using the Smart Sound Control .......................... 6
+Using the TV Volume Bar Control .................... 6
+How to Set the TV for Closed Captioning ........ 7
+Using the On-Screen Language Option .............. 7
+Setting the TV Sleep Timer Control ................... 7
General Information
Infrared Remote Control which works your
TV as well as all on-screen feature controls.
Standard broadcast (VHF/UHF) or Cable
TV (CATV) channel capability.
Closed Captioning which allows the viewer to
read TV prograra dialogue or voice conversa-
tions as on-screen text.
Automatic Programming of channels for
quick and easy selection of favorite stations
available in your area.
On-Screen Features (in either English, French
or Spanish) which show helpful messages for
setting of TV controls (such as color adjust
ment, timer settings, and channel memory.)
Sleep-Timer which automatically turns the TV
OFF at preset times.
Smart Sound fi)r the control of TV volume
levels during program changes or commercial
Tips if Something Isn't Working ............................... 8
Glossary of TV Terms ................................................ 8
Index .......................................................................... 8
Warranty ..................................................................... 8
Smart Picture 1:orautomatic TV video control
adjustments for a variety of viewing conditions
and program sources.
Congratulations on your purchas
-and welcome to the "family!"
Dear MAGNAVOX product owner:
Thank you for your confidence in MAGNAVOX. You've selected one of the
best-built, best-backed products available today. And we'll do everything in
our power to keep you happy with your purchase for many years to come.
As a member of the MAGNAVOX "family," you're entitled to protection by
one of the most comprehensive warranties and outstanding service net-
works in the industry.
What's more, your purchase guarantees you'll receive all the information
and special for which you qualify, plus easy access to accessories from
our convenient home shopping network.
And most important of all, you can count on our uncompromising commit-
ment to your total satisfaction.
All of this is our way of saying welcome-and thanks for investing in a
MAGNAVOX product.
Robert Minkhorst
President and Chief Executive Officer
P.S. Remember, to get the most from your MAGNAVOX product,
you must return your Warranty Registration
Card within 10 days. So please mail it to us right now!

A ombination antenna
receives normal
broadcast channels (VHF
2-13 and UHF 14-69).
Your connection is easy
since there is only one
75_ (ohm) antenna plug
on the back of your TV-
and that's where the anten-
na goes.
Otwmeof you may have
o separate antennas.
One antenna is for VHF
channels (2-13) and the
other antenna is for UHF
channels (14-69).
For homes with separate
UHF/VHF antennas, you
will need an optional
"combiner" before you can
connect to the T_. See the
"Smart Help" section (to
the right on this page) for
ordering details.
your antenna has a
round cable (75 ohm) on the
end, then you're ready to con-
nect it to the TV.
If your antenna has flat twin-
lead wire (300 ohm), you first
need to attach the antenna wires
to the screws on a 300 to 75
ohm adapter.
\\\ I I II _ Adapter
\\\ n It i _€ 1827003)
Combination VHF/UHF Antenna
(Outdoor or Indoor)
_Attach the separate
Ii_e_and tVHFan:ent_a Sto°m_
Outdoor UHF Antenna
(Twig-lead 300 Ohm)
Outdoor VHF Antenna
(Twin-lead 300 Ohm)
(Round 75 Ohm cable)
_Push the round end of the
adapter (or antenna) onto the
ANTENNA plug on the rear of
the TV. If the round end of the
antenna wire is threaded, screw
it down tight.
__ • L
the round end of the
combiner onto the ANTENNA
plug on the rear of the TV.
U/V Combiner
75-300 Ohm Adapter
3_2to 75[2
Back Of TV
Back of TV
Remember, 1i
be sure to set the
TV for the type sig-
nal you've connect-
ed (see page 3 of
this Set-Up Guide.)
To set the TV to
select only the
channel numbers in
your area see how
to "Program" or
"Add" channels in
memory on page 3.
To order any
optional accessory
contact your dealer
or call the toll-free
accessory ordering
number (1-800-292-
(SBV 1133AO 1)
• 75-300 Ohm
• 300-75 Ohm
OUr Cable "IV input into
our home may be a
le (75 ohm) cable, or a
Converter Box installa-
tion. In either case the
connection to the TV is
very easy. Just put the
threaded end of the cable
signal to the TV's antenna
plug and screw it down
your Cable TV sig-
nal is a single round cable (75
ohm) then you're ready to con-
nect to the TV.
If you have a Cable TV
Converter Box:
Connect the Cable TV signal to
the Cable Signal IN(put) plug
on the Converter.
Cable TV Company
Round Cable 75_
__ Cable TV
cable to the ANTENNA plug
on the TV.
If you have a Cable TV
Converter Box:
Connect the OUT(put) plug
from the Converter to the
ANTENNA plug on the TV
(connecting cable supplied with
the Converter.)
Cable 'IV Signal Input
Cable TV Converter Round Cable
Box Connection 75f_ Ohm
Back of TV
set the TV for the
type signal you've
just connected (see
page 3 of this Set-
Up Guide.)
To select only the
channel numbers on
your Cable system
see "Auto Program"
(page 3). If you use
a Cable Converter
box, set the TV to
the same channel as
the converter's CH
3/4 switch (on the
rear of the convert-
_C e basic Antenna, or
able TV, to VCR to
TV connection is shown to
the right. For more infor-
mation on other hookups
(possible when Cable
boxes are included) refer
to your accessory VCR
and Cable Converter
Owner's Manual for
i i
Connect your
Antenna or Cable TV signal
to the IN FROM ANT(enna)
plug on the VCR.
Cable TV signal
_Connect the OUT TO TV
plug on the VCR to the
ANTENNA plug on the TV
(connecting cable supplied
with the VCR.)
_Refer to the Owner's
Manual included with your
VCR for other possible con-
nections and TV/VCR operat-
ing details.
Back of TV
Round Cable
75_ Supplied with VCR

irst "lime Setup automati-
cally takes care of some
basic TV control settings for
you. Follow the steps in this
section to quickly add area
channel numbers into the
TV's memory, and set the 71/
for your connected signal
(Antenna or Cable.)
NOTE: The "SETUP" on-
screen control is automatical-
ly selected when you first
plug-in your TV and press the
MENU button (on the TV or
the remote.)
With SETUP control
selected, press (+) button (on
the TV or remote) to show the
list of SETUP items.
Press MENU • or • (on the
TV or remote) to pick any of
the SETUP items listed.
GUAGE control ON, press (+)
button to set the language of the
TV's Menu controls. (Either
English, Espanol/Spanish, or
TV set to receive Cable
TV supplied channels.
SELECT control ON, press
(+) button to automatically set
the TV to receive either Cable
TV or Antenna signals (con-
nected at the rear of the TV.)
See page 2 for connection
_,,.,,,,_p- ARE PRESENT
TV se£ _ceive Antenna1
supp ied channels. I
"RED" channel numbers ""
have been added to memory
lcontrolON,press (+) button toI
[automatically add Cable sys- I
Itemor local area channel hum- ]
[bers into the TV's memory, i
lOad the supplied bat-
ries into the remote."
1. Remove the battery
compartment lid on the
back of the remote.
Place the batteries (2-
AAA) in the remote. Be
sure the (+) and (-) ends
of the batteries line up
correctly (inside of case is
3. Reattach the battery lid.
F "xS""Press the POWER
button to turn the TV ON.
the remote con- I
trol toward the remote sensor I
window on the TV when oper-
ating the TV with the remote.
Smart Picture Button
Press to select from a list of factory preset picture control
levels set for a number of different types of viewing
sources and programs. See page 6 for details.
Press the M button to show on-screen controls. Press • or
• buttons to move through the list of controls.
Volume Buttun
Press to adjust the TV sound level
_;tatus/Exlt Button
Press to see the current channel number on the TV screen.
Also press this button to clear the TV screen after control
_s the
remote's STATUS button
(or use "EXIT") to back
out of the SETUP Menu.
_2<_Press the VOLUME UP
(A) or DOWN (•) button to
adjust the sound level.
Alternate Channel Button
Press to select previously viewed channels.
For example: You are watching channel 4 and change to
channel 10(using the channel number buttons). Press
A/CH and your TV will return to channel 4. Press A/CH
again and your TV will return to channel 10. Turn to page
5 to see how the "ALT. CHN." control is used to quickly
select a series of channels.
Remember, SETUP is a first-
use, one-time operation and
will not have to be repeated
(even if the TV is unplugged.)
'<_Press the CHANNEL UP
(A) or DOWN (•) button to
[select TV channels. @
Channel Scan Button
Press to scan up or down through channel numbe's.
Smart Sound Button
Press to control TV sound levels during program changes or commercial
breaks. For more information, see the "Smart Sound" section (on page 6.)
(-_ and (+) Buttons
Press to adjust the selected on-screen (MENU) feature control.
Mute Button
Pressto turn the sound OFF on the TV. Pressagain to
returnthe sound to it.,previous level.
If the SETUP Menu disappears
and you are not finished, just
press the MENU and (+) buttons
to return to the SETUP screen.
You can press any
button on the front
of the TV to turn
the TV ON.
The tuned channel
number will always
briefly appear when
the TV is first
turned ON (and
with channel
changes.) You can
also press the STA-
TUS button (on the
remote) to see what
channel the TV is
Press two number buttons to select TV channels. For
example: to select channel 6..press "0" first;then "6".
_d_, Button
Press to set the TV to automatically turn
itself OFF. (See page 7 fordetails).