Magnavox TP2592 Owner's Manual

SAFETYINSTRUCTIONS- Readbeforeoperatingequipment
safetystandards.Thereare, however,someinstallationandoperation precautionswhichyoushouldbeparticularlyawareof.
1. ReadIEIm_iom - Allthesafetyandoperatinginstructionsshould bereadbeforetheapplianceis operated.
2. RetaininstZlZCtioas- Thesafetyandoperatinginslxu_onsshould
& HeedWarnings-Allwarningsontheapplianceandintheoperating
4. FollowIoslxu_ons- All operatingand useinstructionsshouldbe
5. WaterandMoisture- Theapplianceshouldnotbeusednearwater
- for example,neara bathtub,washhowl,kitchensink,laundrytub, inawetbasementornearaswimmingpool,etc.
5. CartsandStands- Theapplianceshouldbeusedonlywithacartor standthatisrecommendedbytbemanufacturer.
6A. A Anapplianceand cartcombinationshouldbemoved
withcare.Quickstops,excessiveforce,anduneven surfacesmaycausetheapplianceandcartcombination
to overturn.
7. Wallor CeilingMoHting- Theapplianceshouldbemountedto a wallorceilingonlyasrecommendedbythemanufacturer.
8. Ve_latian - Theapplianceshouldbesituatedsothatitslocationor positiondoesnotinterferewithitsproperventilation.Forexample,
theapplianceshouldnotbe situatedonabed,sofa,rug,or s!milar surfacethatmayblockthe ventilationopenings;or, placeoin a
built-ininstallation,suchasa bookcaseorcabinetthatmayimpede theflowofairthroughtheventila_onopenings.
9. Heat- Theapplianceshouldbesituatedawayfromhearsources suchas radiators,heatregisters,stoves, or other appliances
10. PowerSources- Theapplianceshouldbe connectedto a power supplyonlyofthetypedescribedintheoperatinginstructionsoras markedontheappliance.
11. Power-CordProtection- Powersupplycordsshould beroutedso thattheyarenotlikelyto bewalkedonorpinchedbyitemsplaced
uponor againstthem,payingparticularattentionto cords and plugs,conveniencereceptacles,andthe pointwheretheyexitfrom theappr_nce.
12. Cleaniq - Theapplianceshouldbecleanedonlyasrecommended
13. PowerLines- Anoutdoorantennashouldbelocatedawayfrom
14. OutdoorAntennaGrounding- Ifanoutsideantennaiscoonectedto the receiver,besuretheantennasystemisGroundedso asto
Section810of theNationalElectricCode,ANSI/NFPANo.70-1984, providesinformationwithrespecttoproperground._gofthemats
and supportingstructuregroundingof the leao-inwire to an antennadischargeunit,sizeof groundingconnectors,locationof
antenna-dischargeunit,connectionto groundingelectrodesand
15. Non-usePeriods- Thepowercordof theapplianceshouldbe
unpluggedfromthe outletwhenleft unusedfora longperiodof
16. ObjectandLiquidEntry- Careshouldbetakenso thatobjectsdo
not fall and liquidsare not spilledintothe enclosurethrough openings.
17. DamageRequiringSe_rice- Theapplianceshouldbeservicedby
qualifiedservicepersonnelwhen: A. Thepowersupplycordortheplughasbeendamaged;or
B. Objectshavefallen, or liquid has been spilledinto the
C. Theappliancehasbeenexposedtorain;or D. Theappliancedoesnotappeartooperatenormallyorexhibits
a markedchangeinperformance;or
E. Theappliancehasbeendropped,ortheenclosuredamaged.
18. Servicing- The usershouldnotattemptto servicethe appliance
beyondthat describedinthe operatinginstructions.Allother servicingshouldbereferredto qualifiedservicepersonnel.
Notetothe CATVsysteminstaller:.This reminderisprovidedto callthe CAWsysteminstaller'sattentionto Article820-40 ofthe NEC that
the cable groundshallbeconnectedto the groundingsystemofthe
building,as closetothepointofcableentryaspractical.
ExampleofAntennaGrounding as per NEC- NationalElectricCode
ANTENNADISCHARGEUk'Ti"cruz;s_ _8.2o)
GROUNDINGcoNDUCTORS(Ec sz'cr_ sle.zl)
Welcome!Registration of Your TV_. 2
Safety/Precautions ....................................... 3
Table of Contents ............................................ 4
On-Screen _ Features
<>Settingthe"IVforCableTV Operation........5
Adding ChannelsinMemory (Automatically)_6
<>Adding Channels in Memory (Manually)........ 7
<>How to Set the TV for Closed Captioning ..... 8
<>Setting the TV for Stereo Programs ............. 9
<>Using the Sound Image Control .................. 10
<>Using Smart Sound ...................................... 10
<>Using the TV Volume Bar Control ............... l I
<>Using Sound Controls (Bass, Treble, Balance) Il
<>Using the Smart Picture Control ................... 12
<>Setting the Alternate Channel Control .......... 12
<>Using the TV Channel Reminder ................... 13
<>Adjusting the TV Color ................................. 13
€>Setting the TV Sleep Timer Control ............... 14
<>Using the On-Screen Language Option ............ 14
<>Using the Audio Out Jacks (with TV Speaker
On/Off Control) ........................................... 15
<>Using the TV's Audio/Video Input Jacks ....16-17
Remote_Control Operation
Using the Remote Locator Feature ...... 18-19
Setting the TV Remote to Work VCRs ............. _20-21
Setting the TV Remote to Work
Cable TV Conveners ...................................... .22-23
Setting the TV Retake to Work VCRs or Cable
Conveners - Search Method ................................... .24
Using _ Remote's VCR Buttons .......................... .25
_ Picture-in-Picture (PIP)
Using the PIP Feature (Connections) _26-27
Using PIP with the TV Remote ........................... .28
Selecting the PIP Picture Source ............................ .29
More PIP Connections (Cable Converter) .............. .30
General Information
Tips if Something Isn't Working ............... .31
Glossary of TV Terms .......................................... .32
hadex ..................................................................... .32
Factory Service Locations ................................. .33-34
Warranty ................................................................. .35
Accessories .......................................................... .36
your TV information packet) for details on:
Antenna Hook-ups
l:rtrstTmae Set.Up
(Automatic Settings)
Basic TV and Remote
Control Operation
On-Screen Menu Use
Feature Demonstration Mode
Infrared Remote Control which worlcs yom-TV set and a variety of wireless remote control VCRs and Cable Converters. A special "Loeator" feature can
also help you find the remote when it has been stuck
out of sight or misplaced.
Standard broadcast (VHF/UHF) or Cable TV
(CATV) channelcapability.
Stereo Ready "IV with built-in audio amplifier and twin speaker system for receiving TV programs
broadcast in stereo sound. Picture-In-Picture fe.aturewhich can show a "IV
program and the direct video output from an accessory (VCR, etc.) on the TV screen at the same
Closed Captioning which allows the viewer to read
TV program dialogue or voice conversations as on-
screen text.
Automatic Programming of channels for quick and easy selection of favorite stations available in your
On-Screen Features (in either English, French, or Spanish) which show helpful messages for setting of
Audio/Video jackpanel for direct connections with VCP,s (or other video accessories) for quality TV
picture and sound playback. Smart Sound for the control of TV volume levels
during pro_ changes or commercial breaks.
Smart Picture automatic TV video control
adjusunents for a variety of viewing conditions and
pro_,arn sources. I
Sleep-Tuner which automatically turns the "IV OFF atpreset times.
Copyright © 1995 Philips Consumer Electronics Company. All fights reserved.
y _ need to make sure that the
is set to pick up either
Cable TV stations or Antenna
signals. In other words, the TV
needs to know whether you have connected a Cable TV signal or a
normal antenna to its ANTENNA
plug. NOTE: lf you went through Setup
('inyour Quick Use Guide), this _'askhas already been completed
for you.
> Press MENU or on the
TV (or on the remote press M button and then M •• buttons.)
Select the word CABLE with the 'IV"s on-screen Arrow.
/_'_ Press the (+) or (-) buttons
(on the TV or the remote) to select
either. YES- If you DO have Cable TV
connected to the TV. Channels 1-125 can be selected.
If you have an Antenna
connected to the TV. Channels 2-69 can be
_> Press STATUS to clear the
Try it out. Press
CHANNEL •• buttons
and scan tl_ channeLs. CH•• on the remote works only after
STATUS button is pressed (or Menu times out.)
Remember, the TV has been set at the factory to select certain
channel numbers. See the following page on how to set the
TV to select the channels in yc_r
VoKr TV can automatically set
J. itself for local area (or Cable TV) channels. This makes it easy
for you to select only the TV
stations in your area when the CH(anneO V"buttons are
NOTE: lf you went through Setup (in your Quick Use Guide), this
task has already been completed
for you.
_1_ Press MENU or on the
"IV (or on the remote press M button and then M A• buttons.)
Select the word PROGRAM with the TV's on-screen Arrow.
Press the (+) button (on
I TV or the remote) to PROGRAM.
Press the (+) buUon again to
start the TV search for area
Flashing channel numbers will
count upward on the screen as the "IVlooks for channels to "ADD".
Press any button (on the TV or remote) to stop the channel search
at any time. When the channel search is completed the TV will
return to the last viewed channel.
_,_ Press STATUS buuon to clear
the screen
_fry it out. Press
CHANNEL AV buttons
and see which channels have been added-
Remember, if you want to drop any unwanted channels from the
TV's memory, see the next page on how to "Manually" add and
delete channels.
Not_e:As the TV searches for channels to "ADD" into memory
the on-screen display may move (or jitter slightly). This is normal operation and does not indicate a
need for service.
UtOProgramming (see
revious page) adds all the channels it canfind (on your Antenna or Cable TV system) into
the TV's memory. AddlDelete Channels makes it easy for you to
add other channels, or drop
unwanted channels, from the list of channels in the TV's memory.
___.][_ Press MENU A or V on the
TV (or on the remote press M button and then M •T buttons.)
Select the word CHAHNEL with
the TV's on-screen Arrow.
buttons (or Channel Number buttons on the remote) to select the channel you want to SAVE (or
_3_ Press (+) button to SAVE
selected channel number into
Press (-) button to DELETE a channel from memory.
,_ Press the STATUS button to
i lear the screen_er adding all
the channels you want.
Try it put. Press the
g CItANNELAY buttons.
The channels you S-AVED should appear. ,The channels you DELETED should not appear.
Remember, youcanalsoaddthe VCR/AUX mode (see page 16) into the TV's channel memory.
Thenby pressing the CH A buttonsyoucanquicklyselectthe Audio/VideoInputjackson the
rearof the "IV.Just "SAVE" the VCR/AUX mode (located between the lowest and highest channel numbers) into the TV's memory.
If you need to SAVE (or DELETE) a channel above I00. use the CHAr
buttons. The remote control number btatora can select only up to channel 99.
S_ C_paoning allows you to
the voice content of
television programs on the TV
screen. Designed to help the
hearing impaired thisfeature uses
on-screen "textboxes" to show dialogue and convemations while
the TV program is inprogress.
_,_ Press MENU A or T on the
TV (oron the remotepressM button andthenM AV buttons.)
Select the word CAPTION with the TV's on-screen Arrow.
Press (+) or (-) buttons to select
the desired Closed Caption (CC) mode - For Example: CAPTION 1.
CAPTION 1, 2, 3, or 4 mode:
diaio=_ae(and descriptions)
for the action on the captioned
TV programshows on-screen.
TEXT 1, 2, 3, or 4 mode:
often used for channel guide,
schedules, or bulletin board
information for CC programs. Note: Usually "CAPTION" 1 is the mostused mode to view captioned
_ Press the STATUS button after
making your Caption mode selection.
The "IV display will clear and Captioning materizl (if available on the currently selected "IVprogram) will appear on the TV screen.
To cancel,*set the CAPTION feature to OFF when finished
Remember, broadcast
stations will often use
spelling abbreviations, symbols, dropouts and other grammatical
shortcuts in order to keep pace
with the on-screen action. These
type factors vary upon the source of the captioned text material and
do not indicate a need for service on the part of the TV.
NOTE: Not all 'IV programs and product ommmerdals are made for broadcast with Closed Caption (CC) information included. Neither are all Closed Caption
modes (CAPTION 1-4, or TEXT 1-4)) necessarily being used by a broadcast
station during the transmission of a closed caption progran. Refer to your area's "IVprogram listin_ for the stations and times of Closed Caption shows.
_r TV can receive
roadcast stereo TV
prograrns. The TV has both an amplifier and twin speakers
through which the smreo sound can be heard.
_._ Press MENU Ak or V on the
"IV (or on the remote press M button and then MAY buttons.)
Select the word STEREO with the
TV's on-screen Arrow.
) Press (+) button to tnrn tbe
3_,_ Press STATUS to clear the
Remember, stereo is
not present on a selected
show and the "rv is placed in
the STEREO mode, the sound coming from the set will remain
monaural (mono.)
SAP is an additional part of the stereo broadcast system. Sent as a
third audio cham_el SAP can be heard apart from the cm_nt TV
program sound. TV stations are free to use SAP for any number of
purposes, but many experts
believe it will be used for foreign langnage Wanslafions of TV
shows (or for weather and news bulletins.)
If a SAP signal is not present
with a selected program, the SAP option cannot be selected. Also, if
SAP is selected on a channel
(with SAP) and you select another channel, when you return to the
ori#nal channel SAP will be OFF (and you will have to reselect the
SAP feature.)
__ L
depthand dimensionto
bothmonaural(MONO )andstereo
7V sound.Withthecontrolturned ON theTV'sspeakerscanaddeven
I_ PressMI_ A or V onthe
ITV (or on the remote press M
buttonand then M AV buttons.)
Select the word SOUND IMAGE with the "IV's on-screen Arrow.
Press (+) or (-) buttons to tm'n
the SOUND IMAGE control ON.
_ Press STATUS button to clear
re you tired of the sound of commercials following you
into the next room or all through the house? Smart Sound allows you to preset a desired volume level that the TV sound will not go above. This makeesfor an even,
more consistent sound by reducing
the leaks and valleys that can
occur dunng program changes or commercial breaks.
1_ Press the Smart Sound button
on the remote. "SMART SOUND" shows on the
TV screen.
<_ Press the Smart Sound
I button repeatedly to tam the
I volume level control ON (or OFF.)
<_ Press theSTATUS button to
clear the screen when completed.
press the(+)or(-}l_tmonsto ttma
ON or
th-ou_ the
inputon therearof
the"IV(RFaudio). Itwillnotcontrol thesoundlevelsfor
the Auxiliary (VCR/AUX IN)
U_ the Volume Bar control to see
e TV's volume level settings on the TV screen. Once set the Volume Bar will be seen each rime the VOLUME buttons (on the TVor
remote) are pressed.
1_ Press MENU A or Y on the TV
(or on the remote press M button and then M AY buttons.)
Select the word VOL.BAR with the TV's on-screen Arrow.
2_ Press (+) or (-) buttons to turn
I the VOL BAR control ON.
_._ Press STATUS button to clear
esides the normal volume level controls, your TV also has
individual sound adjustment controls. The BASS (low frequency),
TREBLE (high frequency), and Speaker BALANCE may all be used to adjust the sound playback of TV
_ Press MENU A or Y on the TV
(or on the remote press M button and then M AY buttons.)
Select the word BASS (TILEBLE or BALANCE) with the TV's on-screen
_._ Press (+) or (-) buttons to adjust
the sound control to levels you
_,_ Press STATUS button to clear
Try it out. !
Press the VOL_ buttons. The
VOLUME BAR should appear at the
bottom of the
Remember, when the bar scale
is centered, Speaker BALANCE is
centeredbetween theTV'sLeftand Ri_t sidespeakers.
+ 25 hidden pages