Magnavox SV2000 SVD101 Owner's Manual

_eo Disc
Owner's Manual
Once your purchase is registered, you're eligible to receive all the privileges of owning this prod- uct. So complete and return the Warranty Registration Card enclosed with your purchase at once.
Registeringyourproduct within
10daysconfirmsyour right to
terms andconditionsofyour
Owner Confirmation
YourcompletedWarranty RegistrationCard servesas verificationof ownershipinthe eventof producttheftor loss.
Model Registration
ReturningyourWarranty RegistrationCard right away
guaranteesyou'll receiveall the information andspecial
offerswhich youqualifyfor asthe owner of your model.
' 2000
Congratulations on your purchase, and
welcome to the "familyt"
Dear product owner:
Thank you for your confidenceinthis product.You've selected one of the best-built,best-backedproductsavailabletoday.And we'll do
everythinginour power to keep you happy with your purchasefor many yearsto come.
As a member of the SV2000"family:' you're entitledto protection by
one of the most comprehensivewarranties and outstandingservice networks inthe industry.
What's more, your purchaseguaranteesyou'll receive allthe informa-
tion and specialoffersfor which you qualify,pluseasyaccessto accessoriesfrom our convenienthome shoppingnetwork. And most importantly,you cancount on our uncompromisingcom- mitment to your total satisfaction. All of this isour way of sayingwelcome - andthanks for investingin
anSV2000 product.
P.S. Remember, to get the most from your product,
you must return your Warranty Registration
Card within I 0 days. So please mail it to us right
Know these
bO&This "bolt of lightning"indi-
cates uninsulated material
within your unit which maycause
an electrical shock. For the safety of everyone in your household, please do not remove product covering.
_The "exclamation point"
calls attention to features
for which you should read the enclosed literature closely to prevent operating and mainte- nance problems.
CAUTION: Toprevent electric
shock, match wide blade of plug to wide slot, fully insert.
ATTENTION: Pour _viter les
choc (_lectriques, introduire la lame la plus large de la fiche dans
la borne correspondante de la prise et pousser lusqu'au fond.
For Customer Use
Below,enteryour product'smodel number andserial number,whichare locatedon the rear ofthe cabine_ Keepthis informationfor future reference.
Model No. Serial No.
Safety Precautions
Warning: To prevent fireor shockhazard,do not exposethis equipmentto rain or
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Warning: Any unauthorized changesor modificationsto thisequipmentvoid the user'sauthorityto operate it.
Laser Safety Thisunit employsa laser.Only aqualifiedservicepersonshouldremovethe coveror attemptto servicethis device,due to possibleeye injury.
Special Information for Canadian Users This ClassB digitalapparatuscomplies with CanadianICES-O03. Cet appareil num_rique de la classeBest conforme _ lanorme NMB-003 du Canada.
Radfo/TV Interference
Thisequipmenthasbeentestedandfoundto complywith the limitsfor aClassB digi- tal device,pursuantto Part 15of the FCC Rules.Theselimitsare designedto provide
reasonableprotectionagainstharmfulinterferencein a residential installation.This
equipmentgenerates,uses,andcanradiate radio frequencyenergyand,ifnot installed and usedinaccordancewith the instructions,may causeharmfulinterferenceto radio
communications.However,there isnoguaranteethat interferencewillnot occurin a particularinstallation.If thisequipmentdoescauseharmfulinterferenceto radio or
television reception,whichcanbe determined by turningthe equipmentoffandon,the user isencouragedto try to correct theinterferencebyone or moreof the following
I) Reorientor relocatethe receivingantenna.
2) Increasethe separationbetweenthe equipmentandthe receiver.
3) Connect the equipmentintoanoutleton a circuitdifferentfrom that to which
the receiver isconnected.
4) Consult the dealer or anexperienced radio/TV technicianfor help.
Copyright Protection
Unauthorized copying,broadcasting,publicperformance andlendingof Discsare pro- hibited.
This product incorporatescopyright protection technology that is protected by method claims of certain U.S.patentsand other intellectual property rights owned by
Macrovision Corporation andother rightsowners. Use of this copyright protection technology mustbe authorized by Macrovision Corporation and isintended for home and other limited viewing usesonly unlessoth-
erwise authorized by Macrovision Corporation. Reverseengineeringor disassemblyis
.__ As an ENERGYSTAR®Part_er,PhilipsConsumer Electronics hasdetermined that this product
meets the ENERGYSTARe guidelinesfor energy efficiency.ENERGYSTAR®isa U.S.registered
mark.Using productswith the ENERGYSTARelabel can saveenergy.Savingenergy reduces air
pollution and lowers utility bills. Manufactured under licensefrom Dolby Laboratories."Dolby" and the double-D symbolare trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Confidential UnpublishedWorks. 1992-1997 Dolby Laboratories,Inc. All rights
DTS is atrademark of DigitalTheater the United StatesofAmerica.
Copyright 2000 Philips Consumer Electronics.All rights reserved.
4 TableofContents
o*o,Qg leer ioogg oeQt io_g.oeo.tomt IoQo to61g ooett iooll ooeto ittQo,I JJttQt_l itooo_t ootoo tooQ_ ,,,°,to ,oQoo, o,
General Information
Safety Information ...................................................... 3
Table of Contents ...................................................... 4
Introduction ........................................................... S
Playable Discs .......................................................... 6
Getting Started
Remote Control Setup ................................................... 7
Hookups ........................................................... 8-12
DVD Player Display .................................................... 13
Front Panel .......................................................... 14
Rear Panel ........................................................... 15
Remote Control Buttons ............................................. 16-17
Disc Playback and Features
Playing a Disc ......................................................... 18
Disc Menus .......................................................... 19
PaC_singPlayback ....................................................... 20
Step by Step Playback ................................................... 21
Fast Forward/Reverse Search ............................................. 22
Slow Motion .......................................................... 23
Track Playback ........................................................ 24
Title/Chapter Playback .................................................. 25
Specific Time Playback .................................................. 26
Repeat Playback ....................................................... 27
A-B Repeat Playback ................................................... 28
Programmed Playback .................................................. 29
Random Playback ...................................................... 30
Audio Language/SoundMode ............................................. 31
Subtitle Language ...................................................... 32
Camera Angles ........................................................ 33
Parental Lock Password ................................................. 34
Parental Lock Levels .................................................... 35
DVD Player Setup and Features
Status Display ......................................................... 36
Video Settings ........................................................ 37
Audio Settings ...................................................... 38-39
Language Settings ................................................... 40-42
Other Menu Settings ................................................... 43
InformationYou May Need
Helpful Hints ....................................................... 44-45
Care and Maintenance .................................................. 46
Glossary ............................................................. 47
Specifications ......................................................... 48
Limited Warranty ...................................................... 49
Index ............................................................... 50
Supplied Accessories ................................................... 52
This DigitalVideo Disc Playerwill allow youto enjoybetter picture quality,clearer
sound,and endlessplaybackfeaturesavailableon Digital Video Discs(DVDs). Expandingtechnology allows youto addoptionsto your viewing- watcha direc-
tor's cut of a movie,listen to the producer'scomments,or playyour favorite scene
over and over again.Hear a movie in differentlanguages,or listenonlyto the soundtrack.The possibilitiesare limited onlyby your choicesand the materialsavail-
able on the DVD.
Of course,you canlisten to your favorite Audio Compact Discson this DVD Player aswell.Determine the order inwhichyou want to hearthe songs,or playthe Disc
repeatedly - allwhile seeingthe statusof the CD on your television. We hopeyou enjoythis DVD Playerand learnto use all of its features.To get the most out of the DVD Player,read this owner'smanualcarefully.It will describehow you canaccessall the features listedbelow.
Audio Language/SoundMode Choices
Automatic Detection of DiscType (Audio CD or DVD)
Do_oy Digital Sound
DVD Menusin a Desired Language*
On-Screen Displayfor DVD Player
Parental Lock
Program Playback(Audio CD only)
Random Playback(Audio CD only)
Selecting a CameraAngle *
Subtitles in a Desired Language*
* If available on the Disc
When referring to this manual, remember...
[_ Indicatesthat the featuredescribed is availableon some DigitalVideo Discs.
IAUDIO (3D1Indicatesthat the feature described isavailableon someAudio Compact
Disc Menus... Someexplanationsinthismanualare intendedto describethe Disc Menus.These
menusare set by the movie producers or bythe music industry,and the menuswill vary amongDiscs.Furthermore, not all Discs areguaranteed to havemenus.However,
if the Disc hasa menu,you can accessthe Disc Menubypressingthe MENU button on the remote control,
DVD Player Menus...
Someinstructionsexplain how to usethe DVD Player'smenu to set upfeatures of the DVD Playeror the Disc.Youget to the DVD PlayerMenu by pressingthe SETUP buttonon the remote control when playbackisstopped.Evenif a feature isset up in the DVD Player'smenu,it maynot be availableif the current Disc does not include
that feature.
_ Available Disc Features...
Not all of the featuresdescribedinthis manualmaybe availableon every DVD or Audio CD.If the feature isnot availableon the Disc,you cannot
usethe DVD Playerto make these featuresavailable.The"No feature"
symbol will appearon the'IV screen if you try to set up a feature that is
not availableonthe current Discor not availableat the current time.
6 PlayableDiscs
Playable Discs
ThisDVD Playerwill playDigitalVideo Discs (DVDs) andAudio CDs. In order to playa
DVD or Audio CD on this DVD Player,make surethe Disc meetsthe requirements for RegionCodes and Color Systemsasdescribedon this page.Also,the Discsshould be
labelledwith the following Iogosand should meet thesestandards.
Disc Type Logo
Disc Size
8 ¢m
8 cm
Playback Time
Approx. 4 hours
Approx. 8 hours
Approx. 80 minutes
Approx. 160minutes
DVDs are
dividedinto Titles,
whichare divided
Titles andChapters
are numbered.
Audio CDs are divided
into numbered Tracks, i.e.,
a track may be one song.
Region Codes
DVDs alsomust be labelledforALL regionsor for Region I inorder to be playedon
this DVD Player.Youcan not playDiscsthat arelabelledfor other regions.
Lookfor the symbols belowon your DVDs. If these region symbolsdo not appearon
your DVD,you cannot playthe DVD in this DVD Player.
The number insidethe globe refers to a region ofthe world. Region I representsthe
United States,Canada,upper regionsof North America,Bermuda,the U.S.Virgin Islands,and small regionsnearAustralia.
A Disc encoded in a specific region format canonly be playedon DVD Playerswith the
sameregion code.For example,if a Disc islabelledfor Region 2,you can not playthe DVD on this DVD Player.
Color Systems
Different color systemsare availablethroughout the world.The most commoncolor systemsare NTSC,which is usedprimarily in the United Statesand North America,
This DVD Playerusesthe NTSC color system.Therefore, the Discsthat you play must
berecorded inthe NTSC system.Youcannot playDiscs recorded in other formats.The color systemof the DVD maybe listed on the DVD or on the Disc jacke_
Unacceptable Discs
The followingDiscs cannot be playedonthis DVD Player.
Compact Disc-Interactive(CD-I)
Compact Disc-Recordable(CD-R)
DigitaIVideo Disc-VideoRecordable
Photo CD
Video CD
Video Single Disc (VSD)
The following discs may be played,but onlythe audiowill be available.There will be no picture.
Compact Disc-Graphic (CD-G) Compact Disc-Video (CD-V)
Puttingl Batteries in the Remote Control __ I
Remove the battery compartment lid on the bottom of the
remote control by pressingthe tab,then liftingthe lid.
Place two AA batteries inside the battery compartment
with their + and - ends aligned as indicated.
Replace the battery compartment lid.
Using the Remote Control
PoRt the remote control at the DVD Player'sremote sensor (see page 14) when usingthe remote control to operate the
DVD Player.
Do not put objects between the remote control and the DVD
Recycling Guidelines/Battery Safety
Yournew productand itspackagingcontain materialsthat canbe
recycled and reused.Specializedcompaniescanrecycle your product to increasetheamount that needsto be properly disposed. Your product usesbatteries that shouldnot be thrown awaywhen depleted but should be disposedof assmall chemicalwaste.Pleasefind out about the local regulationson disposalof your old product, batter-
ies,and packagingwhenever you replace existing equipment
Theremotecontroland its batteries
are supplied.
Do not mix alkalineand man-
Do not mix old and newbatteries.
8 Hookups
ootl idol, otQ• ,t6• ,,•••oo•, ,,Do ,1•• ••, ,61 °1• •,tt ,°1• ,,oo1, •o••_ ,,o°, ••too• •°1_ ,°•_, •,°1_, •,,,•,••6
You may connectthe DVD Playerseveraldifferent ways,dependingon your existingequipmentandyour prefer-
encesfor soundand picture quality.Todetermine which hookup is best for you, examinethe options on the fol- lowing pages,then seewhich best matchesyour situation. Before you hook up the DVD Player,remember:
Connect the DVD Playerdirectly to aTV Ifyou connect the DVD Playerto aVCR,then connect theVCR to the'r_, the picture may be distorted by the copyright protection system.
Turn off the power of allequipment before makinganyconnections.
Referto the owner's manualsof your other equipment for additional information.
Depending on your connection,you mayneedto purchaseadditionalcables.
If you do not connect the DVD Playerto a Dolby Digital or DTS Decoder,set DOLBY DIGITAL and DTS to OFF on the DVD Player.Detailsareon pagesI I and38-39. If you playa DVD when the settingsare wrong,
the soundwill be distorted or you maydamagethe speakers.
Connecting the DVD Player to a TV only (no stereo or amplifier)
TV has AUDIO (red and white) and VIDEO (yellow) IN jack_
(example only)
Connect the red and white audio cables to the red and white AUDIO OUT
jacks on the DVD Player and to the red and white AUDIO IN jacks on theTV,
matching the cable colors to the jack colors.
Connect the yellow video cable to theVIDEO OUT jack on the DVD Player and to theVIDEO IN jack on theTV.
Connect theTV's power cord to a power outlet.
Turn on the'IV and set it to the Audio/Video In channel, whichalsomay be referred to asAN In or Auxiliary In.Thischannelusuallyislocatedin the vicinity ofchan-
nel 00.Seeyour'iV owner'smanualfor details.
Connect the DVD Player's power cord to a power outlet, Press the POWER button to turn on the DVD Player. "HELLO" will appear briefly on the DVD Player's displaypanel.You should see the DVD logo on the'iV screen. If you
do not, check your connections and make sure the TV is set to the correct Audio/Video In channel.
too ,o,oo ,60 toQo ,,61 o,tl ,ooo ,,,ig ,,,o,, o,ooll oeeo.loeo* Qleeol po,o_oo,,oogg ,,6oeeooto,ee,i, ,,tQol_l ,o,o,tf_Q
Connectine the DVD Player to a "IV on_ (no stereo or amplifier)
TV has audio (red and white) and S-Video In jacks
For better picture quality,useanoptionalS-Videocableto connectthe S-VIDEO OUT jackon the DVD Playerto the S-VIDEO IN jack on yourT_.You will not usetheVIDEO OUT jack on the DVD Player,andyou will not needthe yellow video cable.
Set DOLBY DIGITAL and DTS to OFF on the DVD Player.Detailsareonpages38-39.If youplaya DVD when the settingsare wrong, the sound will be distorted or you maydamagethe speakers.
Back of'IV
(example only)
DVD Player
_T oJr _
Connect the red and white audio cables to the red and whiteAUDIO OUT jacks on the DVD Player and to the red and white AUDIO IN jacks
on theTV, matching the cable colors to the jack colors.
Connect an S-Video cable (not supplied) to the S-VIDEO OUT jack on the DVD Player and to the S-VIDEO IN jack on theTV.
Connect theTV's power cord to a power outlet.
Turn on theTV and set it to the S-VIDEO IN channel.This channel usually is
located near channel 00. See your'IV owner's manual for details.
Connect the DVD Player's power cord to a power outlet.
Press the POWER button to turn on the DVD Player. "HELLO" will appear
briefly on the DVD Player'sdisplaypanel.Youshouldsee the DVD logo on the'IV screen.If you do not, check your connections andmake sure the "IV is on the cor-
rect Audio/Video In channel.
I0 Hookups(cont'd)
°t'II°t°°I°e°°tetite°i°6ii°6°lj_tgq°°Q°e°eQi_°°°_i°6oIIIOOQog_Oee_iii_e_ee_tO6aiIIoot66oQ_'_tmto ° 6.o. °
Connectin_g to a TV and a Stereo
Set DOLBY DIGITAL and DTS to OFF on the DVD PlayerDetailsareon/)ages38-39. Ifyou playa DVD whenthe secrJngsare wrong, the soundwillbe distorted or youmaydamagethe speakers.
Back of TV
Back of Stereo
(example only)
Connect the red and white audio cables to the red and white AUDIO OUT jacks on the DVD Player and to the red and white AUDIO IN jacks on the
Stereo, matching the cable colors to the jack colors,
Connect the supplied video cable (yellow) to theVIDEO OUT jack on the
DVD Player and to theVIDEO IN jack on theTV. (Or,you mayconnect an optionalS-Video cableto the S-VIDEO OUT jack on the
DVD Playerand to the S-VIDEO IN jack on the'i_..)
Plug in the Stereo's power cord.Turn on the Stereo and select the Stereo_
Auxiliary IN station. During Disc playback,you will adjust the volume at your
Stereo. See your Stereo owner's manual for details.
Plug in theTV's power cord,Turn on theTV and set it to theVideo In chan- nel (or S-Video In channel), which usually islocated near channel 00. During
Audio CD playback,youmaycheckthe statusof Audio CDs on yourTV screen.During DVD playback,youwill watchthe programontheT_. Seeyour-IV owner'smanualfor
Connect the DVD Player's power cord to a power outlet.
Press the POWER button to turn on the DVD Player. "HELLO" will appear
briefly on the DVD Player's displaypanel.You should see the DVD logo on theTV screen. If you do not. check your connections and make sure the TV is on the correct
oQoo to,o leo,i _D_Qll O,6a119QQO ,060at IOeO_ tO°J IOeel. OOQOOI OOO0_ _6_0,0 ,,°tOI _06tO0 Or061 ,,Qt _lt_l 6trOD lOrD
Connectin_ to a Dolbv Diuital Decoder or DTS Decoder
SomeDiscsare recorded ina 5.1channelDolby DigitalSurround or DigitalTheater System(DTS) Surround
format.These Discs willsound bestifyou connectthe DVD Playerto a Dolby Digital or DTS Decoder.
Youwill needa coaxialdigitalaudiocable(notsupplied).
If you connectthe DVD Playerto a Dolby Digital Decoder,set DOLBY DIGITAL to ON. Detailsereonpages
If you connectthe DVD Playerto a DTS Decoder,setDTS to ON. Detailsare onpages38-39. Ifthe DVD Playeris not connectedto a Dolby Digital or DTS decoder,set DOLBY DIGITAL and DTS to
OFEIncorrectsettingsmaycausenoisedistortion anddamagethe speakers.
Selectthe 5.1 channelDolby Digital Surround soundinthe Disc menu.
Connect a subwoofer andthe center,front,and surroundspeakersto the Decoder as describedinthe Decoder's owner's manual.
DVD Player
Back of TV 2 I
(example onJy)
© o
Connect a coaxial digital audio cable to the COAXIAL jack on the DVD Player
and to the COAXIAL DIGITALAUDIO IN jack on the Decoder.
Connect the supplied video cable (yellow) to theVIOEO OUT jack on the DVD Player and to theVlDEO IN jack on theTV. (Or, youmay connect anoptional S-
Video cable to the S-VIDEO OUT jack on the DVD Playerandto the S-VIDEO IN jack on the"1_.)
Plug in the Decoder's power cord.Turn on the Decoder and select the Auxiliary IN station. During Disc playback,you will adjustthe volumeatthe Decoder.Seeyour
Decoder owner'smanualfor details.
Plug in thel"V power cord.Turn on theTV and set it to theVideo In channel (or S-Video In channel), which may be located near channel 00. DuringAudio CD
playback,youmaycheckthe Disc statuson yourTV screen.During DVD playback,youwill
watch the program on the'r_. Seeyour'rV owner's manualfor details.
Connect the DVD Player's power cord to a power outlet. Pressthe POWER button to turn on the DVD Player. "HELLO" willappearbrieflyon the DVD Player's
displaypanel.Youshouldseethe DVD logoon theT_ If youdo not, checkyourconnec- tions andmake suretheTV ison the correct channel.
ool to,Q.ooeot *oo61g ioeQ, ot6ool tB_tQ_ _eeo. O_to OeeOt_tO_OQO OteOOl, OOeeO_ O,OQOO OtO6O_ J,,,_ _,6OJ OtOO_ Ot6_OQO*I_
Connecting to a TV and an AmPlifier with Digital In._ut jacks. Mini-Disc Deck or
Digital Audio Ta_e Deck
Use a coaxialdigitalaudiocable(not supplied)for this connection.
If the Disc isrecorded in 5.1 channelDolby Digital Surround,you cannot dub the Disc in digitalsound usinga
Mini-Disc or Digital Audio Tape Deck.
Set DOLBY DIGITAL and DTS to OFF on the DVD Player.Detailsareonpages38-39. If you playa DVD
when the settingsare wrong,the soundwill be distorted or you may damagethe speakers.
Back of TV
(example only)
_9. 0 _'o'o _,1 --
Backof Amplifier
(example only)
Connect a coaxial digital audio cable to the COAXIAL jack on the DVD Player and to the COAXIAL DIGITAL AUDIO IN jack on the Amplifier.
Connect the supplied video cable (yellow) to theVIDEO OUT jack on the
DVD Player and to the VIDEO IN jack on the TV. (Or, you mayconnectan optionalS-Video cable to the S-VIDEO OUT jack on the DVD Playerandto the S- VIDEO IN jackon theT_)
Plug in the Amplifier's power cord.Turn on the Amplifier and select the Auxiliary IN station. During Disc playback,you will adjustthe volumeat the
Amplifier. SeeyourAmplifier owner'smanual for details.
Plug in the TV's power cord.Turn on theTV and set it to theVideo In
channel (or S-Video In channel). Thischannelusually is locatednear channel
00. During Audio CD playback,you maycheck the status of the Disc on your'IV screen.During DVD playback,you will watch the programonthe T_ Seeyour'iV
owner'smanualfor details.
Plug in the DVD Player's power cord. Press the POWER button to turn on the DVD Player. "HELLO" will appear brieflyon the DVD Player'sdisplay
panel.Youshould see the DVD logoon the T_ Ifyou do not, checkyour connec- tions and make surethe'IV ison the correct channel.
Display Messages about current DVD Player operations appear here. See Display Messages below.
o_ooo _ _ ,v,_, ,_3.,. o ® ® ®
Disc loading tray Inserta Disc here.
Lit _hen a DVD is inserted. When the | DVD light ison, the |
discis loaded completely I ' ' and isready for playbacl_. | _1 _mAIJ _ _1 /
I cr_!_y_atitme
Litwhen an Audio CD -'_ number (DVD)
is inserted. When the Displays achapter (DVD)
CD light is on, the disc is or track (Audio CD) number Displays the elapsed time loaded completely and is of the current title (DVD) ready for playback, or track (Audio CD)
Display Messages
! I I_-.I_ l_ U Power is turning on.
I--ii°'l Ti "{I.-- l-- Appears after the disc tray closes if the tray | | 1..1 !| _l _1 1_ fs empty, ifthere isan error reading the disc,
or if an unacceptable disc is installed.
1--1I_1C |--I Tray is opening or isopen.
U| L-|O
l--I l--OC !_ Tray is closing.
I_ I_ U _l|_-
I_-- C .I.'_.IC|I" |_1 Appears when you press the SKIP buttons to
1_! |1_ 1_ I ! search for the next or previous track (Audio CD).
_i l.l|_-- Power isturning off.
| 1"1|_--|"{1 Disc is loading.
m_U *'l _,I
Remote Sensor
Receivesa signalfrom your remote
controt so you canoperate your
DVD Player from adistance.
PAUSE Button
Press to pause Disc playback. Details are on page 2 h
STOP Button
Pressto stop Disc playback. Detailsare on page 18.
Pressto openor closethe Disc tray.
Detailsare on page 18.
°v°|--I II"l_'l I I'--i--1411-- OPE._OSE _ _E
,_,,,_,,_,,.::,.-,:, }
SKIP Buttons
Press to go to subsequentor previous Tracks or Chapters. Detailsare on page24.
SEARCH Buttons
Pressto fastforward or reverse playback. Detailsare on page22.
POWER Button Pressto turn the power on andoff.
Detailsare on page 18.
PLAY Button Pressto start or resume Disc play-
back.Detailsare onpage 18.
S-VIDEO OUT Jack Connect an optionalS-Video
cablehere and to the S-Video In jack of a television. Details
are on pages9-12.
AC Power Cord
Connect to a standardAC outlet to supplypower to the DVD Player.
COAXIAL Jack Connect an optionalaudio
coaxialdigitalcable here andto the coaxialdigital
Audio In jackof a decoder or amplifier.Detailsareon
pagesI 1-12.
VIDEO OUT Jack Connect the yellow
videocable (supplied) here andto the TV's
Video In jack.Detailsare on pages8 and 10-12.
AUDIO OUT Jacks Connect the suppliedaudio
cableshereand to the Audio In jacks of a televisionor
stereo.Detailsare onpages8-
MENU Button
Pressto displaythe menu of the Disc.Detailsare onpages5 and 19.
POWER Button
Pressto turn the power on andoff."HELLO" appears
briefly on the display panel as the DVD Playerturns
on."BYE" appears briefly asthe DVD Playerturns off.
TITLE Button
Press to display theTitle menu of the
Disc, if available. Details are on page 19.
ENTER Button
Pressto select a setting in the Playermenu or
to select a feature in the Disc menu.
ARROW Buttons
Pressto selectan iteminthe DVD Playermenuor in the Disc menu.
REV (reverse) _ Button
Press to view the picture in fast reverse motion (DVD) or to
reverse playback of an Audio CD. Details are on page 22.
Number Buttons
Press to directly select aTrack (Audio CD) or a Chapter or Title
(DVD) for playback. Details are on pages 24-25. For single-digitTracks, press a single number button. For example, to play Track three, press
the Number 3 button. FOr Tracks numbered !O and above, press the
+10 button as often as needed, then press the Number button of the
second digit. For example, to playTrack 12, press the + I0 button,
then press the Number 2 button. For Track 22, press the + I0 button
twice, then press the Number 2 button.
Pressto program Tracks (Audio CD) for playback.
Details are on page 29.
CLEAR Button-
Press to remove Track numbers from a Program. Details are on
page 29.
AUDIO Button_
Pressthe AUDIO button,then press the _/v buttons to choose
one of the audio languagesor sound modes availableon the Disc.
Detailsare on page31.
SKIP Buttons
Pressto skip Chapters orTracks. Details are on page24.
ANGLE Button
Pressto view the picturefrom a different angle(if available).Press
theANGLE button,then pressthe _/v buttonsto chooseone of
the availableangles.Detailsareon page33.
+ 35 hidden pages