[II61TTILqllH'L! II I 17_!111
A ombination antenna
receives normal
broad:usa channels (VHF
2-13 and UHF 14-69).
Your connection is easy
since there is only one
75fi (ohra) antenna plug
on the back of your TV -
and that's where the anten.
na goes.
round cable (75 ohm) on the
rod, then you'reready to con-
anet it to theTV.
If your antenna has flat twin-
lead wire (300 ohm), you first
need to attach the antenna wires
to the screws on a 300 to 75
ohm adapter. \\\ 13 .
\\\ i i t! •
_ VI'IF_JHP Am_m
adapter (or antenna) onto the n
ANTENNA plug on the rearof
the"IV. If the roundend of the I
antennawire is threaded,screw I
Iit d°wn tight" @1
__ • L
_o of you may have
separate antennas.
One antenna is for VHF
channels (2-13 ) and the
other antenna is for UHF
channels (14-69);
For homes with separate
UHFIVHF antenaaJ, you
will need an optional
"combiner" before you can
connccl to the TE See the
"$mara Help" section (to
the right on this page) for
ordering details.
,<_Push the round end of the
combiner onto the ANTENNA ]
plug on the rear of the 'IV.
u/v Comblna
Bmdtof TV
[IEN111!llI &_i
_anr Cable TV sig-
nal is a tingle round cable (75
ohm) then you're ready to con-
aect to the TV.
If you have a Cable TV
Converter Box:
Connect the Cable TV signal to
the Cable Signal IN(put) plug
on the Converter.
Cable'rv _y
"t I°ur Cable TV input into
.)/your home may be a
si-" gnle (75 ohm) cable, or a
Converter Box instaUa-
tion. In either case the
connection to the TV is
very e6_sy.Just put the
threaded .end of the cable
signal to the TV's antenna
plug amt screw it down
cable to the ANTENNA plug
on the 'IV.
If you have a Cable TV
Converter Box:
Connect theOLrl'(put)plug
from the Converter to the
ANTENNA plug on the TV
(connecting cable supplied with
theConverter..____._) "G
be sure to set tha
TV for the type sig-
nal you've connect-
ed (see page 3 of
this Set-Up Guide.)
To set the TV to
select only the
channel numbers in
your area see how
to "Program" or
"Add" channels in
memory on page 3.
To order any
' optional accessory
contact your dealer
or call the toll-free
accessory ordering
number (1-800-292-
• 75-300 Ohm
(SBVI I 13AO1)
• 300-75 Ohm
set the TV for the
type signal you've
just connected (see
page 3 of this Set-
Up Guide.)
Toselect only the
channel numberson
your Cable system
see "Auto Program"
(page3).Ifyou use
box,set the "IV to
the same channel as
theconverter's CH
3/4 switch (on the
rear of the convert-
-qy_.iUl tg Ko=I th.ourTorv
[- Connect your I
Cable TV plug on the VCR to the
-- . It° the IN FROM ANT(enna) ANTENNA plug on the TV
oaxlc Antenna or
"1 _ ,o.... , Iplugon the VCR. (connecting cable supplied
2L Uabte IV, to VUR to -- with the VCR.)
TV connection is shown to
the right. For more infor- _ VH_JH_
marionon otherhookups
(possiblewhen Cable
boxes are included) refer
to your accessory VCR
and Cable Converter
Owner's Manual for
_M: euf;:i_ :hd_dOwWzry:ur
R for otherpossible con- I
nections andTV/VCR operat-
ing details. €
Ba_k o/TV